![]() ![]() Blindness of the Wayward (Page 2)
Blindness unto the LORD God and His
Luke 6:39
Wayward individuals that become blind unto God do also become led by their blindness to view and place their ability and knowledge upon the same levels as God's, and therefore cannot accept that their ability or their knowledge is a limited reflection of God's which they cannot possibly equal.
• The blinded unto God do Not desire to face the fact that they cannot truly create something from nothing. They must rely upon that which is already created in the universe for their creativity of something.
• The blinded unto God do Not desire to face the fact that they cannot create intellect from nothing. They must rely upon the naming of that intellect that already has been created in the universe for their development or creativity within intellect. • The blinded unto God do Not desire to face the fact that they cannot create a universe. They must rely upon that which is already been created in the universe for their creativity of anything. • The blinded unto God do Not desire to face the fact that they cannot create the things needed to secure their continuance of the universe. They must rely upon that which is already created in the universe to secure the continuance of things in the universe. • The blinded unto God do Not desire to face the fact that they cannot create planets. They must rely upon planets already created in the universe to secure the creativity of even the smallest bits of matter in the universe. • The blinded unto God do Not desire to face the fact that they cannot create living life. They must rely upon that living life that is already created in the universe to secure life for something in the universe. When individuals do become blind, that blindness does become used to form grave losses to their view of the Good beheld by Godliness. Individuals that are infected by sin become unable to sight that Godliness is the Being of those forces that were used by the LORD God to create and surround existence with the tools and vehicles that did become secured to create existence. In their blindness unto the Being that is God, individuals do become unable to truly know or realize that God's Godliness is Spirit. They are also unable to truly know or realize that Its make-up and nature is what does form and establish the parameters that does allow physical existence to be brought into being and to survive. Most of which is simply due to the fact that they become led by blindness into not desiring to truly attach such truth or value to His Godliness. Wayward individuals that become blind unto Godliness lose the ability to know the depth of losses that their existence becomes forced to face because of their blindness. As they grow,
• They do end up becoming chained to the blindness unto Godliness that their losses do continue to produce within their existence.
• They do remain blinded unto their losses of Good. • They do choose to sight, understand, and employ the usage of blindness unto Godliness to satisfy and prosper their existence. • They do choose to accord and rely upon blindness unto Godliness to satisfy and prosper their initially given glories and immediate existence with. • They do end up following pathways in blindness unto Godliness that do not allow for them to become Sons of God. In their blindness, the wayward are able to sight the need for a well defined set standard to already be established for the success and survival of things within their immediate existence that are organized and brought forth. Yet do become unable to apply that same sight to their need for having a well defined set standard of Good and Righteousness established for the success and survival of their existence or living life. Nor are they able to sight that,
• Only the Good within God's Godliness is absolute enough to have a standard that could successfully create an entire universe with existence and living life.
• Only God's Godliness has the power to firmly establish criteria that is decisively implemented to surround the universe and cause it to be successful enough to exist and survive. • Only God's Godliness has the knowledge to initiate the being of everything living or non-living that does or would exist to inhabit the universe. • Only God's Godliness has the ability to surround everything living or non-living that does or would exist to inhabit the universe and cause it to be successful enough to continue to exist. • Only God's Godliness is profound enough to successfully create creatures that could emulate His Image. • Only God's Godliness has the capability to surround those created creatures with what is necessary for them to be successful to continue to exist. • Only God's Godliness is profound enough to be established as the set standard for any long-term existence in the universe. When individuals do become blind, that blindness does become used to form grave losses that causes them to become blind unto the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Power and Existence of God's Being He uses to surround the universe with a Good foundation for securing both the creativity and survival of all existence in the universe. Within this loss,
• The blind do become bonded to blindness to the degree that gravely limits their ability to sight things within or surrounding their existence which does directly or indirectly relate to knowing God's Spirit or their spirit.
The LORD is a Spirit. Becoming blind unto His Spirit does allow individuals to become persuaded to serve things having distorted views of the Living Spirit that is God, and inevitably become blind unto the Living Existence of the Holy Spirit that does surround their entirety with a living existence able to be holy.• The blind do become led by their blindness to lack the ability to truly realize or use the knowledge of the Good surrounding and securing their existence and survival in the universe. The wayward do choose to view the things that make-up and surround their physical existence with greater regard than their spiritual attributes and abilities. They then allow their physical reference to the things surrounding them to ignore their spiritual senses and abilities, to the degree that they lose the ability to even use the spiritual senses they were created with. Understanding of spiritual matters does then become restricted by limits of their physical thought that has already become limited by the sin that they do partake of. The wayward do choose to view their spirit with less regard than their physical attributes and abilities. They allow their sight and reference unto the Power or Knowledge of the Word that was used to create them to become lost. Wayward individuals become unable to know the Living Reality of Totality in Glory, Power, and Judgment that is and does make-up the Holy Totality of God's Existence in Spirit, because of blindness unto His Spirit. The LORD establishes the initiation of His Special plan to display His actual Being and Glory of His Word in the Personal Visitation of Himself Physically as a Son of God Himself to allow the wayward to truly recognize the Spirit needed for them to become a Son of God. In not knowing His Spirit, such individuals do surround their selves with an assortment of misplaced concepts implanted by Satan,
• To distort their view of spiritual matters enough to direct and limit their ability to sight those things that directly relate to the Spirit that is His Godliness.
They become only able to recognize various particular features within their spirit that have very little to do with becoming a Son of God. • To cause for them to focus and surround their sub-conscious and conscious mind with physically distorted views of spiritual matters that employ abstract understanding of their spirit. • To influence them to view the spiritual nature of things that relate unto His Godliness with a lesser importance. In their blindness, the wayward do seek to ignore or even will go to the extremes of discounting or disregarding God's absolute Being in their hearts or minds. Even to the point of ignoring or excusing three (3) most important physical facts that actually justify the reality of their physical being and surrounding existence. First
• Nothing is nothing.
Second • Nothing alters nothing. • Nothing can move nothing. • Nothing can only create nothing. • Nothing can only be nothing. • Nothing can have existed without something being there first to give nothing the ability to exist.
• To be something, something must absolutely already exist.
Third • To become something, something must absolutely already exist. • To alter something, something must absolutely already exist. • To move something, something must absolutely already exist. • To create something, something must absolutely already exist. • To be more than nothing, something must absolutely already exist. • For something to exist (living or non-living), something must absolutely already exist. The ungodly do also seek to disregard the fact that whether complex or simple, anything that exists has to have and does rely upon some foundation of/in something that already exists that it can surround and does become initiated and formed upon, with, or through.
• A foundation that must already exist enough to allow for another living or non-living existence to initiate some other form of existence.
In bringing forth of another living or non-living existence,• A foundation that must be already valid enough in its own definition to exact a validity that can be used to initiate and establish or form other living or non-living existence. • A foundation that must be already definite enough in its own existence to exact a validity that can be used to cause for another living or non-living existence to come into being. • A foundation that must already have an absolute defined make-up to its own existence to allow for another living or non-living existence to come into being. • A foundation that already has the potential to be powerful and successful enough to bring another living or non-living existence into being.
• This foundation must also be far more resilient than the existence which its own validity has been used to bring into being another living or non-living existence.
• This foundation must also have been successful in its own validating of existence in order to successfully allow another living or non-living existence to become able to continue. • This foundation must also have an already established validity and successful enough direction that can be used to form a direction for any other living or non-living existence. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do compromise their longevity by distorting and binding the reality of their existence to short-term views and beliefs not of God and His Godliness to become unable to sight or even realize,
• That it is in God's Personal Knowledge concerning what is Good that does secure any long-term survival upon any planetary society in the universe.
• That no living existence is able to survive long-term upon any planetary society without the knowledge, acceptance, and assimilation of the positive nature of God's Knowledge of what is Good established within their very being. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do distort the importance of God and His Goodness to their Social inter-action, as opposed to the things not of God that seek to excuse, restrict, and bring forth destruction to such. They become less able to truly realize,
• That they have been created as Social creatures meant to reflect Good within their given intelligence.
• That the reality of Good does directly center upon the very things that do Socially relate to God, His Godliness, and the bringing forth of success to His vast creative task. Blindness does cause its partakers to be led by things that do not serve the LORD God, but end up serving even greater blindness. Such individuals often choose to ignore their natural given ability for correctly sighting the things surrounding them that will bring them success instead of choosing to exchange their abilities and given glories to serve lesser freedoms. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do follow views within their daily existence that inter-mix truth with lies concerning the LORD God or His Good in Godliness that persuade them to excuse or even justify their inability to follow what the true make-up of things concerning God and His Good is. Yet still provide them with some felt sense of security that they believe is sufficient enough to supply them with success for their overall existence upon their planet. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do follow avenues to understand their being on a temporal level of short-term existence. Those same avenues do also inadvertently cause them to become less able to ensure their existence has long-term rewards. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do form views on Whom the LORD God Is and what the reality of His Godliness Is. Those views do little or nothing to reflect His Image of Good that does inadvertently lead them to form greater avenues that continue blindness. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do hide the growth of blind undertakings within the subtle producing of just enough positive nature of mimicking Godly Good to become able to hide its actual intent towards God and Godliness. Blindness does hide how successfully it grows and prospers to subtly keep individuals,
• From truly knowing the LORD God.
• From truly realizing what Godliness Is. • From truly understanding its sought after demise. • From truly sighting its subtly persuasions. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do devise their set of standards for good by which they can use to validate a form of good as beliefs in good.
• Through which they can ignore having to live-up to the natural being and any reality of personal responsibility towards Good for themselves.
They do ignore the LORD God's Personal standard of Good which they do find to exact to follow.• Through the usage of beliefs and physical endeavors which they can use to not have to directly face Good, but feel they are good. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do devise their views upon evil by which they can use to validate for themselves what Evil is.
• Through ignoring their personal responsibility and neglect of evil.
They do ignore the LORD God's Personal standard of Good that they do find too exact to follow, and causes them to face their own evil.• Through the usage of beliefs or endeavors that they can use to not have to directly face their own evil and be more able to feel that they are not evil. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do employ their own views and beliefs for the justifying of their blindness through the usage of various distortions or even lies that do seek to deny, replace, or hide their inabilities in knowing the LORD God, His Good in Godliness, and their blindness. Such individuals do also seek to justify other inabilities, lacking, weaknesses, and faults that they have created within their immediate livelihood. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do become less able to sight or apply the natural reality of the Good of God's Godliness that He used in Power to create their very being and existence with. Such individuals do lack the needed direction that would allow them to be successful,
• In being able to expand upon individual or communal interaction and survival.
• In being able to promote long-term individual or communal interaction and survival. • In being able to accord long-term individual or communal interaction and survival. • In being able to allow long-term individual or communal interaction and survival. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do become open to listening to the seduction of Satan's whispers that do seek to prevent the Being of God's Good from naturally continuing to grow and prosper their existence. Blindness does cause for wayward individuals to not know the natural reality and value of the Good things of God that exists for the purpose of giving individuals the ability to successfully deal with the factors involving understanding of the most personal sides of their existence and even their surrounding. Due to the fact that they become so enwrapped with views and matters that ignore the importance of those things that are Good that concern them. They become less aware of the Good. Knowledge exists to give an understanding of the vehicles used that make up and can even be sighted of God's Personal creativity of the universe. Wayward individuals that do fall-prey-to evil or sin do seek to view the knowledge that they have or been given as something that simply does exist and can become altered or distorted without consequences. Wayward individuals that are infected by sin do realize, but not know that there is no occurrence that can take place within the universe without God's Knowledge of it and immediately knows of its occurence.
• Within this blindness, such individuals do not realize that they do not have the freedom to do as they desire to do because of God's Knowledge immediately knows.
• Within the inability of individuals not knowing God's Spirit, the wayward also lose their ability to know the depth of the losses unto their Spirit that their sin does always seek to produce. • Within this inability, such individuals do seek wayward pathways through which they hope to replace the losses to their existence that sin has produced. • Within this inability, such individuals do end up becoming chained to the blindness that their losses do continue to produce within their existence. • Within this inability, such individuals do remain blinded unto these losses. • Within this inability, such individuals do choose to sight, understand, and employ the usage of sin to satisfy and prosper their blindness. • Within this inability, such individuals do choose to accord and rely upon sin to satisfy and prosper their initially given glories and immediate existence with. • Within this inability, such individuals do end-up following pathways that do not allow for them to become Sons of God. Wayward individuals that fall-prey-to sin do not desire to face the fact that they are only able to obtain degrees of knowledge,
• To satisfy short-term insight upon the existence of knowledge within the universe.
If the accord of knowledge they do obtain is not fully attached to and entwined within the very fabric of God's Good, then the understanding of knowledge that they do obtain will also lose the ability to obtain, • To satisfy short-term insight of their knowledge upon their planet. • To satisfy short-term insight into the knowledge surrounding their creativity in existence.
• Long-term realizations upon the existence of knowledge within the universe.
• Long-term realizations of their knowledge upon their planet. • Long-term realizations into the purpose of their creativity within existence. Wayward individuals that do not actually believe in God's Existence simply do not want to believe in His existence,
• Because then they do not have to accept the truth of God's Existence that they lack.
• Because then they do not have to accord the truth concerning God's Good that they lack. • Because then they do not have to accept in full the substantiality of God's Supremacy. • Because then they can substantiate their creation in existence without the need to use the foundations upon which existence is actually made-up of rather than the very foundations that they already sight were created by God as foundations. • Because then they can accept in full the substantiality of their blindness, weakness, or inabilities supplied by their sin. Wayward individuals do seek to form their own views of existence where they do not have to face their own awe of such things through seeking to make gods of themselves. Wayward individuals that do not actually believe in God's Existence do validate their disbelief in believing God has not established enough physical proof of His Existence for them to become more willing to place their faith or trust in His Existence. They rather hold to magical forms of Chance to justify their proof for how existence became formed. They prefer to devise many avenues to disprove God's Existence and disregard their inabilities and shortcomings in accounting for their existence. Wayward individuals that do not actually believe in God's Existence do seek to disprove His Existence through choosing to measure His Existence of Good by their shortcomings and failures. They form and employ their own views of good that do use partial displays of good that do mimic and impart views of good that resemble Good. Wayward individuals that do not actually believe in God's Existence do seek to disprove His Existence because of the pride they hold in their wayward undertakings that they have used to bring forth some degree of short-term success. They fear losing their short-term success over the gain of greater long-term glories that they do lack and God's Existence does have. Blindness does cause for wayward individuals to lack the ability to recognize the reality and make-up of important aspects of their existence that,
• God created within the universe.
As a result,• God created their existence with in the universe. • God's Good Godliness does surround the universe. • God's Good Godliness does exist within the universe. • God's Good Godliness does exist within their make-up. • God's Spirit does surround all existence. • God's Spirit is the portion that gives all living existence its ability to live. • God's Spirit is used to guide and direct all existence. • God's Spirit does exist within their make-up.
• Their views of existence becomes centered upon the weakness and faults that they have devised for their immediate livelihood in the universe with.
• Their direction for existence becomes governed by the weakness and faults that they have devised for their immediate livelihood in the universe with. • Their undertakings within existence become surrounded by the weakness and faults that they have devised for their immediate livelihood in the universe with. |