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No matter what God does do in seeking to teach His Children that have fallen-prey-to sin of Himself in Spirit, they still prefer and choose to remain gravely lacking in the desire to learn the fundamental nature of His Spirit that would have enabled them:
• To know the Spiritual make-up within existence that is God's Personal Existence.
• To know the Spiritual reality of God's Good which surrounds and allows for the universe to exist. • To know the Spiritual things that does afford them the ability to become Sons of God. • To know the Spirit that is the Being that Is God's Personal Living Spirit. • To know the Spirit that is the Being of the Living Spirit that Is God's Personage. • To know the Spirit that is the Being of the Living Power that makes-up God's Personal Spirit. • To know the Spirit that is the Being of God's Spirit that created them. No matter what God does do in seeking to teach His Children of the failures of sin, for the most part they do choose to remain gravely lacking in the ability to sight and overcome their blindness and sin. No matter what God does do in seeking to teach wayward individuals to realize and accord His Fundamental Nature of Good, for the most part they chose to remain gravely lacking in such abilities. Wayward individuals do not know God, His Good and Righteousness. Neither are they able to truly sight the things needed to attain to become Sons of God. Only the Glory of God's Good is truly Good enough and knows of Good enough:
• To give a true understanding of what God's Good Is Personally.
• To truly be able to establish a true understanding of His Good and what it does. • To initiate needed endeavors that can give a true view of God's Good. • To truly be able to initiate needed endeavor by which wayward individuals can truly realize the importance of God's Good to them. • To truly be able to initiate needed endeavors by which wayward individuals can truly understand the rewards of God's Good. • To truly be able to alter the destruction by sin which wayward individuals do fall-prey-to. • To truly be able to alter the demise within sin that wayward individuals do accord. • To truly be able to alter the ability of sin that wayward individuals do follow. • To truly be able to alter the continuance of sin which wayward individuals do spread. • To truly be able to alter the want of sin that wayward individuals do desire. • To truly be able to alter the power within sin that wayward individuals do seek. Only God does have the know-how and expertise:
• To take the steps necessary to reverse the blindness of the wayward enough to Save such individuals through causing for them to truly become capable of knowing their Creator.
• To Save wayward individuals through causing for them to truly become capable of knowing the Power (God's Good) that created existence within His universe. • To Save wayward individuals through causing for them to truly become capable of using the knowledge of God, His Good and Righteousness to truly follow in the foot-steps of their Creator through the usage of His Good. • To Save wayward individuals through causing for them to truly become capable of using the knowledge of God, His Good and Righteousness enough to direct, enhance and secure the survival of their living existence in the universe. Only the Good and Righteousness of God has the Ability or the Power to truly Save from sin. God does go to the great extent of having His Godliness physically given written documentation (Bible) to make known, attest to, to affirm and expound His Good and Righteousness to open the eyes of the wayward unto the exact blindness they hold towards His Good and Righteousness. God does initiate the Bible as the vehicle for allowing individuals upon wayward planets that have chosen to partake of sin:
• To sight and understand the correct view of God, His Good and Righteousness, and His planned workings, to afford the wayward the Way to truly attain long-term survival upon their planet and in the universe.
• To define the necessary Godly guidance by which to reference those things of His Good and Righteousness which do always lead to the successful long-term survival of existence for the individuals and communities upon their wayward planetary society. • To expose those things of sin that have always led to the unsuccessful survival of existence for the individuals and communities upon their wayward planetary society. • To allow them to sight and understand His planned workings in and for the long-term survival from sin upon their planetary society. God created the entirety of existence within the universe through the usage of His Spoken Word for individuals to truly understand the reality of their being, abilities, aptitude, and purpose. They must also know the Power that Is God's Word which is responsible for the creating and establishing the parameters of existence. The Bible is the record given to mankind by God to become put in a written format (Isaiah 30:8) that would allow individuals to best be able to learn of His Word:
• So they can better understand His planned workings as the Written Word.
• So they can become able to understand the reality of their being, abilities, aptitude and purpose. There is no other book upon a wayward planet that:
• Has ever been inspired by God to become written to expound in such detail the Reality of God, His Good and Righteousness and His Word.
• Has ever been inspired by God to become written to expound in such detail the Personage of God, His Good and Righteousness and His Word. • Has ever been inspired by God to become written to expound in such detail the Existence of God, His Good and Righteousness and His Word. • Has ever been inspired by God to become written to expound in such detail the Fulfillment of God, His Good and Righteousness as His Word. God does use the Bible as His Personal vehicle to testify of His Promise and Plan to secure for such individuals seeking to become Sons of God long-term survival known as Eternal Living Life. God does use the Bible to afford individuals upon wayward planets prophetic tools they need to sight His plan to Visit them Personally. God does use the Bible as His Personal vehicle through which to afford wayward individuals a record of His Establishment and Fulfillment of His Plan and made Promise to allow for the wayward to truly know and sight Eternal Life. Eternal Life can only become attained by an existence that is able to reflect Eternal Qualities. Eternal Life can only become attained from an Existence that is Eternal. When it does become very evident to God that His Children that have fallen-prey-to sin do choose to embrace their blindness towards God, His Good and sin, and growing to the degree that it will also restrict them from being able to become Sons of God, God does more Personally involve Himself in His Specially lain plan specifically fashioned to make Himself Personally known to those individuals to help attain Sons of God. Individuals upon wayward planets become unable to truly sight how to truly turn from their sin to avert the demise and destruction that sin has brought unto them physically and spiritually. Because of this inability, God does undertake His Visitation Physically to make known the exact Physical Pathway to Spiritually follow to truly turn from and avert sin. Individuals upon wayward planets become unable to truly realize the extent to which they use sin to physically and spiritually bring upon them demise and destruction. Because of this inability, God does undertake His Visitation Physically to make known the full degree of this demise and destruction (The Cross). God does use the Bible as His Personal vehicle to document His efforts to introduce His Visitation in Physical Form. Only in God's establishing of Himself in a Physical Living Testimony are individuals upon wayward planets given the ability and tool by which they can truly become able to sight and correctly know what the actuality and existence of a Son of God is. God does take upon Himself to undertake a Physical Visitation upon the wayward planets. Only God does Personally have the Good that is Great enough in ability and Power to be truly able to accomplish success. God sets into place the only Way that individuals upon wayward planets can physically know Him. He does display His Existence and Good Physically, and does also manifest His Spirit Physically as... The Word of God. God Is a Living Spirit. His Being Is and did create the entirety of what does exist as the universe through His Spoken Word. Because sin does grow great enough to blind participants of its gravity from being able to sight the Power of God's Word to the degree that it will prove to hamper God from the attaining of very many Sons of God upon the planet, God does set to involve Himself most Personally through the very introducing of His Existence upon their planet as The Word... Physically. (John 1:1-3, John 1:14, Jeremiah 32:17, Matthew 19:26) God's Word is God whether Spoken, Written or Physically displayed... His very thoughts. No different than your word is you...your very thoughts. The Word Is the Glory of God's Living Being which He did use to create everything which does make-up the entirety of all that exists. God does employ His Word to be the only vehicle used by Himself which He does Physically establish the Way for those individuals on wayward planets that desire to truly know Him more Personally to be able to do so. God does use the Glory and Power of His Word (Word of God) to Personally manifest His Physical Visitation in Physical Form upon wayward planets. The Word whether Spoken, Written, or Physical Is God (Genesis 26:5, Psalms 33:6, Ezekiel 12:25, John 1:1-3). It is not:
• Different from God.
It Cannot: • Separate from God.
• Be different from God.
Nor can it: • Be separate from God.
• Become separated from God.
The Bible is used by God to give individuals upon wayward planets information concerning Himself and His Personal participation in the bringing forth of His Glory, Grace, Redemption, Forgiveness, and His Salvation through which He does fulfill His Personal Promise of Eternal Living Life through the usage of His Word which He Personally displays in Physical Form and Being... Jesus Christ. Wayward individuals do choose to deeply ignore their Spirit, to instead rely upon their physical abilities to reference and sight things pertaining to their Spirit, and not sight God's Spirit. God does manifest His Spirit as The Word to allow the wayward to be able to Spiritually sight:
• The Reality, Existence and Totality that Is Himself Personally.
• The Know-how and Ability that Is Himself Personally. • The Power of the Good that He used to create existence within His universe. • The Reality, Existence and Totality that Is His Good. • The Know-how, Ability and Power of His Good which was used to fashion existence within His universe. The wayward do choose to view their Spirit with less regard than their physical attributes and abilities which cause for them to allow their sight and reference to the Power and Knowledge of The Word which was used by God to create them with, to become lost to their lesser physical abilities. Which God does manifest His Spirit as The Word to allow the wayward to be able to Spiritually know:
• The Holy Spirit which is also the reality that Is Himself Personally.
• The Holy Spirit which is also the reality that Is His Being and Existence. • The Holy Spirit which is also the Holiness that Is Himself Personally. • The Holy Spirit which is also the Holiness that Is His Good and Righteousness. • The Holy Spirit which is the direct and complete Power that is Himself Personally. • The Holy Spirit which is the direct and complete Power that is His Good and Righteousness. • The Holy Spirit surrounding the Reality, Existence and Totality that Is Himself Personally. • The Holy Spirit surrounding the Reality, Existence and Totality that Is His Good and Righteousness. The Physical Word is used by God to afford those individuals that have lost their initial given ability to physically know or relate to God's Living Existence. The Physical Word is used to give them the opportunity to be introduced unto the Glory that Is God's Living Existence in a manner that will allow them to be able to Personally sight and relate to God, His Good and Righteousness, and the Power of His Spirit. The usage of the Physical Word of God is the only Way which God affords individuals upon wayward planets the opportunity to sight the Heavenly actuality of His Glory in a Physical manner which they can relate to. The usage of the Physical Word of God is the only Way which God affords individuals upon wayward planets the actual opportunity to Personally Sight:
• The Spiritual reality of His Being and Existence, as a Son of God Himself.
The Physical Word of God is the only Way which God uses to afford individuals upon wayward planets the actual opportunity to Physically become told by God:• The Spiritual know-how and ability that Is God Personally, as a Son of God Himself. • The Spirit of His Good and Righteousness which He used to create existence within His universe, as a Son of God Himself. • The Holiness and Purity of Spirit, as a Son of God Himself. • The Spiritual know-how and ability of Himself Personally, as a Son of God. • The Eternal reality of His Spirit Personally, as a Son of God. • The Existence and Power of His Spirit which He does introduce in the Bible, being the Word of God, as a Son of God.
• Of their inability to accord His Existence.
The usage of the Physical Word of God does allow individuals upon wayward planets with a Way to Physically become able to:• Of their inability to know the Reality, Existence and Totality which Is God. • Of their inability to sight the know-how and ability that Is Himself Personally. • Of their inability to accord His Good and Righteousness which He used to create existence within His universe. • Of their inability to represent His Holiness, Good, and Righteousness. • Of their inability to realize the Reality, Existence and Totality which Is His Holy Spirit. • Of their inability to follow the know-how, ability and Power of His Good and Righteousness which was used to create existence within His universe. • Of their inability to understand themselves, or waywardness.
• Know and sight the Holy reality that Is His Being.
God does use His Physical Visitation as last resort to:• Know and sight the Spiritual reality that Is His Existence. • Know and sight the Spiritual Totality that Is God Himself. • Know and sight the Spiritual abilities that He Personally has. • Know and sight the Spiritual know-how that Is Himself Personally. • Know and sight the Spiritual Power that God used to create existence within His universe. • Know and sight the Holy reality that Is His Good and Righteousness. • Know and sight the Spiritual reality that Is His Good and Righteousness. • Know and sight the Spiritual Totality that Is His Good and Righteousness. • Know and sight the Spiritual abilities that His Good and Righteousness Personally has. • Know and sight the Spiritual know-how that Is His Good and Righteousness Personally. • Know and sight the Spiritual Power that His Good and Righteousness used to create existence within His universe. • Know and sight the Spiritual Reality, Existence and Totality that Is His Good and Righteousness.
• Personally display His Glory in a Physical Visitation of Himself through which they can truly become able to see the extent that He will go to Save them from the sin that they have surrounded themselves with.
• Personally display His Glory in a Physical Visitation of Himself through which they can truly become able to truly know the Fullness and Glory that Is Himself, His Good and Righteousness, and His Holy Spirit. God does Love His creation of Children great enough to be willing to go to the great extent of establishing a Personal Plan to Save them from destruction from sin, and even ensure that His Plan does become manifested in full through Personally introducing Himself to them in the Guise of a Son of God Himself. Individuals upon wayward planets are given the opportunity to physically sight and know the actuality of God, and His Power of Good within His Godliness which He used to create them as physical creatures. God uses The Word to Personally put forth Himself in Physical Guise as a Son of God for the purpose of Saving wayward man from their sin, and Physically displaying His Resurrection unto Eternal Living Life. He does it to be able to attain Children that would truly represent His Good and Righteousness as a true Son of God. God does initiate His planned workings to Personally introduce Himself in a Physical Visitation made Personally unto individuals upon wayward planets to physically ensure:
• That His Existence is manifested correctly.
• That His Good and Righteousness is displayed correctly. • That His Spirit is displayed correctly. • That His Glory is displayed correctly. • That His Salvation is displayed in full. God does use His Visitation for the first time since they did become wayward beings to become given an exacted Way to become true Sons of God, and see His Salvation. God does use His Salvation as a Way to fulfill His Plan and Promise for allowing individuals upon wayward planets to attain Eternal Life. God does initiate and undertake to Personally bring forth His plan of Visitation in such a Physical manner for the purpose of allowing for individuals upon wayward planets to be able to truly:
• Know the Living Existence that Is God upon their physical levels.
God's Physical Visitation does afford individuals upon wayward planets the chance to become able to Physically see:• Know the Living Good that Is God's Good upon their physical levels. • Know the Living reality of God's Spirit upon their physical levels. • Sight the Living Glory of God's Word upon their physical levels. • Sight the Living Power of God to overcome sin upon their physical levels. • Sight the Promise for Eternal Life upon their physical levels. • Sight the reality and existence of a Son of God upon their physical levels.
• The Reality of God.
In a Physical Form that does also allow for individuals upon wayward planets to be able to know the Heavenly things needed to become Saved from the demise and destruction of sin.• The Glory of God's Good and Righteousness. • The Spirit of God. God's Visitation does provide the only exacted Way for individuals upon wayward planets that continue in blindness and sin:
• To become able to physically see and know God.
The only Way for the wayward to truly become Sons of God.• To become able to physically see and know God's Good and Righteousness. • To become able to physically see and know God's Spirit. • To become able to physically see and know God's Word. God does establish Himself Personally as the Set Standard of Good and Righteousness through the very undertaking of His Personal Visitation to fulfill and put forth upon wayward planets:
• To sufficiently, aptly and effectively deal with sin.
The very Foundation for success of that which God has created within the universe is measured by the Standard that is the Greatness that Is God.• To extinguish sin and the damage and destruction that sin does produce. • To sufficiently, aptly and effectively Save wayward individuals from the damage and destruction that sin does produce. • To bring forth, secure and ensure true survival. Only God has the Personal strength, ability and tools to sufficiently, aptly or effectively put forth a plan for a Visitation to any wayward planet where its individuals do desire short-term rewards of sin, rather than desire for the long-term rewards of God which they are not able to immediately have or physically see. The Physical Visitation is the only Way:
• God is truly able to Spiritually expound the Holy reality of His Existence unto individuals which are already gravely blinded unto His Holy Existence.
Only God does have the expertise to take the correct steps necessary to reverse the evil, and damage that sin does bring upon the existence of such individuals that partake of it:• God is able to fully manifest the Spiritual know-how and ability of Himself Personally. • God is able to make known to wayward individuals the extent of His Good which He used to create existence within His universe. • God is able to display a Holy Way through which individuals already gravely blinded unto God's Existence can truly sight and know His Good and sin. • God is able to display to individuals already gravely blinded by the destruction of sin a vehicle that will bring them Salvation from sin. • God is able to display to individuals already gravely blinded by the destruction of sin a vehicle that is worthy of His given Salvation from sin. • God is able to display to individuals already gravely blinded by the destruction of sin a vehicle that they can Spiritually and Physically understand that will bring them Salvation from sin. • God is able to display to individuals already blind unto Himself and His Godliness a vehicle that does fully exhibit His Oneness (The Word being one and the same as God and His Good). • God is able to cause for wayward individuals already blinded unto their given glories a vehicle by which to understand the Glories of God's Saving Grace. • God is able to allow for wayward individuals to attain a long-term existence and survival in the universe.
• And truly Save them from their loss of knowing God.
• And truly Save them from their loss of knowing the Good of God's Good. • And truly Save them from their loss of knowing God's Spirit. • And truly Save them from their loss of knowing themselves. • And truly Save them from the demise which sin will bring upon them and their existence. • And truly Save them from the destruction that sin does bring upon them and their existence. • And truly Save them from their loss of attaining greater intellect. • And truly Save them from their loss of attaining greater success. • And truly Save them from their loss of being able to exist long-term. God does Personally accomplish this task through His causing for the wayward to Physically see:
• The Spiritual reality of Himself and Existence Personally... as a Son of God.
• The Spiritual Existence of His Good Personally... as a Son of God Himself. • The Personal Power of His Good which created them... as a Son of God Himself. • The Personal Power of His Good which He does & has used... as a Son of God Himself. • The Way to direct, enhance, and secure the survival of their living existence... as a Son of God Himself. • The Grace of His Personal Salvation... as a Son of God Himself. • The Personal display of His Spiritual Reality and Existence... as a Son of God Himself. • His Power of Good which created them Physically... as a Son of God Himself. • His Knowledge and Good that does direct, enhance, and secure the survival of their existence in... as a Son of God Himself. God does take specific steps to reverse the wayward blindness to Himself and His Good, to introduce Himself to the wayward, to initiate His Physical visit to the planet, and to finalize His planned workings upon each wayward planet, which is explained on this website... God's 7 Step Plan. God's Help
Ezekiel 18:23 |