![]() ![]() Blindness of the Wayward (Page 1)
Blindness unto the LORD God and His
Isaiah 59:10
Blindness is the beginning of the loss of those natural abilities to truly know God and His Good within Godliness. God's Children that do become blind do inadvertently become less able to truly sight the actuality or make-up of Goodly things created by God to benefit, surround, or even protect their existence.
Blindness begins when God's Children listen to Satan's whispers that seek to seduce understandings of God enough to cause them to become less able to sight or know the Glory of God. In becoming less able to know God, those Children do become more open to falling-prey-to distorted views concerning the things created by God within and surrounding their existence that is responsible for the planetary and universal success, prospering of their existence, and long-term survival. Satan's whispering is of subtle misinformation that seeks to distort the existence and being of God amongst His Children. Satan does spend many years in a consolidated effort to slow down progress upon wayward planetary societies through blinding wayward individuals unto God as much as possible. His greatest success was brought forth through the inter-mixing surrounding truths concerning the reality of God and His Godliness with subtle employed falsehoods concerning the reality of God and His Godliness. Satan does establish undertakings of mimicries, deceptions, and distortions which seek to cause God's Children to take their eyes off the value of knowing of God, just enough to influence and persuade them to question the things that truly make-up His Godliness. Satan does seek to promote his form of blindness amongst God's Children through the usage of a temptation that does not directly challenge God or His Goodness. He does use indirect endeavors that subtly seduce individuals to question the Glory of God without seeking to directly make a challenge against God or His Being. Satan does seek out an individual's weaknesses and does play on those weaknesses. All is undertaken by Satan so when God does establish His Saving Grace (Jesus Christ) upon wayward planetary societies they would be so blinded by those consolidated efforts made by Satan that individuals would also be gravely blinded unto any deep acceptance and accordance of God's Physical display of Himself and His Godliness that Is Jesus Christ. Those individuals do also become blind unto the true progress that Jesus Christ does truly bring when Jesus Christ Is God's Physical display of Himself and His Godliness. Satan does do everything he can to blind wayward individuals from being able to sight the reality of those Godly things that will allow the Soul to be eternal, especially God Personally giving Salvation through Jesus Christ. The more firmly he does establish such blindness the less able they will be able to become Sons of God. Blindness occurs when God's Children do choose to listen to the whisperings of Satan and seek to question the things of God and His Good that holds less faith in God's Spirit. This disregard does lead individuals to ignore God and become more open to listening unto the whispering of Satan's temptations which does also spread to other facets of planetary surroundings within their existence. Wayward individuals do limit themselves from being able to truly know the Existence of the Living Being Who created them because of their blindness unto God. Blindness does cause wayward individuals to exchange their view and beliefs of those things of God's knowledge meant for their success and survival for things and vehicles which seek to ignore naturally given abilities to know God and their surroundings. Wayward individuals that do allow their selves to become blinded do also set themselves on pathways where they do begin ignoring the LORD God enough to also begin disregarding those things used by God to create and secure existence and their own being. Such individuals do also end up becoming weakened by a slow growth of blindness enough to ignore or disregard God's Good to become misled by things which do not serve God, but serve to increase their growth of blindness. As blindness is allowed to grow more by a wayward planet's individuals, they do in equal retrospect lose abilities for distinguishing their understanding of the things they truly need of God and Good from the things that will not afford them the ability to have peace and success. Blindness does cause for wayward individuals to lose their ability to sight the degree of loss to their existence which does become produced to keep them from truly knowing the actuality of the Good that is the LORD God. Within this same inability,
• They do become more acceptable of the blindness that has caused their losses.
• They do become chained to further blindness that their losses do continue to produce. • They do choose to accord and rely upon blindness to immediately satisfy and prosper their initially given glories with. • They do choose to sight, understand, and employ the usage of blindness to both satisfy and prosper the furtherance of their blindness. • They do choose to remain blinded unto their losses. • They do lack the ability to truly understand the depth of Greatness that is Personally beheld by God. • They do lack the ability to truly sight that it is only because of God's Knowledge that all existence was able to become physically brought forth and survive. • They do lack the ability to truly recognize that it is the existence of God's Godliness that affords them to view the creativity and success of God's Knowledge put into action to create living life. • They do lack the ability to truly know that it is the existence of God's Godliness that was used to create and give their ability to exist. • They do lack the ability to truly accept the reality of their blindness. • They do lack the ability to truly understand the true depth of their blindness to bring forth demise from sin. • They do lack the ability to truly become able to understand or accept that only God knows the true depth of sin. • They do lack the ability to truly become able to understand or accept that only God's Good can Save from sin's destruction. • They do lack the ability to truly comprehend the existence of their blindness beyond their immediate existence, surrounding their views of the weakness, and faults that does involve and surround their blindness. • They do lose the ability to actually know the same God that is responsible for their creation. • They do lose the ability to know the depth of the losses to their existence that blindness produces. • They do seek to replace the losses they have suffered with other endeavors of blindness that they hope will replace what they have lost. • They do seek to follow avenues that do Not allow for them to truly become Sons of God. Blindness does cause for wayward individuals to lose their ability to sight the degree of loss made directly to their knowledge of Godliness. In blindness, wayward individuals do also lose their ability to recognize those objects, points, events, devices, actions, deeds, acts,or undertakings that would normally attribute to and lead them to having their existence be successful in matters of Good and Godliness to gain long-term existence in the universe. It is God Godliness that has the Greatest degree of knowledge available in the understanding of all those positive or negative forces He used to bring forth and secure existence in. For it is these same forces which God applied to His bringing into being and the securing of living life and man's life that is understood by wayward individuals as the Good that is needed to overcome evil. Only the Good of God's Godliness has the ability and power to establish a sure foundation of God's Good to distinguish the application of right over the wrong. In their blindness and lost sight of the Good that is God's Godliness, wayward individuals devise their own views and understanding of Good to enable them from having to face or truly realize their inability to truly know or be as Good as God's Godliness. They then do not have to acknowledge God's Greater Good that their forms of Good can't follow. Wayward individuals that do become blind unto the Good of God's Godliness do not desire to face their actual inability to measure up to the standards of the Good of His Godliness. They will go to deep extents in following views and beliefs that allow them to not have to face their inability to know that the Good of His Godliness can afford the Good that is needed to fully be able to avoid anything that could bring upon grave demise or destruction of their existence.
• Only the Good of Godliness can employ the Good that is needed to give to them the ability or the opportunity to be true Sons of God.
• Only the Good of His Godliness can secure the Good that is needed to fully be able to attain long-term survival and existence on their planet or in the universe. • Only the Good of His Godliness can supply the Good that is needed to fully ensure that true peace and harmony is achieved upon their planet. Blindness does cause for wayward individuals to lose their ability to sight the degree of loss to their existence that their blindness does produce to keep them from knowing God's Spirit. Due to the fact that blindness produces a negative effect that restricts wayward individuals from truly realizing that God is a Living Spirit. A Living Spirit that is also the Living Being of all forces that make up and surround existence with the tools or vehicles needed to secure the prospering of survival for all existence in the universe. In blindness, wayward individuals do also lose their ability to recognize those objects, points, events, devices, actions, deeds, acts, or undertakings which would normally attribute to and lead them to having their existence be successful in spiritual matters of God to obtain long-term existence within the universe. -Blindness does allow for wayward individuals to only sight some small portion of the make-up and Being of God's Existence and His Godliness. -Blindness does allow for the individual to end up misinterpreting what they view as being the make-up and Being of God's Existence and His Godliness. -Blindness does allow for the individual to follow their devised blind views set upon what they believe the make-up and Being of God's Existence is. -Blindness does allow for the individual to follow their devised blind views set upon misguided understandings of the make-up and Being that is God's Existence. -Blindness does allow for the individual to follow their devised blind views set upon what they believe the make-up and Being of God's Godliness is. -Blindness does allow for the individual to follow their devised blind views set upon misguided understandings of the make-up and Being that is God's Godliness. Wayward individuals that do allow themselves to be blind do not realize that blindness does have a nature that does seek to infest, invade, or even direct their physical and spiritual existence to the extent that they do end-up choosing pathways that actually do ignore God, Good, and Godly matters to the degree that they do blindly reflect what was created more than the Creator. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do align their understandings of existence to views, beliefs, or misplaced concepts that seek to satisfy the temporal and physical desires to understand Who God is and the Good that makes up Godliness. Rather than aligning to know the long-term understandings of God and the Good of His Godliness that always existed. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do view their existence and those things surrounding it with beliefs or concepts which deny the glory of their being and purpose unto God. They choose to instead follow various forms of their own understanding that do neither have or hold any purpose for them. Such individuals become less able to sight why they truly exist. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do devise and form their understanding of themselves and their existence around views or beliefs that seek to directly or indirectly disregard not only God and the Good of His Godliness, but also disregard the Glory and Power of those things that He used to create and secure their existence. Such individuals become less able to sight and apply natural realities of things used by God to create and secure their existence with. They become less able to keep themselves from applying to their existence greater forms of disregard for God, His Good, and the Glory and Power of those things that He used to create and secure their existence upon. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do distort their view of God's creation and also how their existence did actually come into being through views and beliefs which reject Him being the Something which did create their existence. Wayward individuals ignore the fact and impossibility of a Nothing having any possible direction or ability to create Something. Such blindness is what does cause them to devise their views or beliefs that seek to replace the fact,
• Only because of the LORD's given and applied knowledge the universe has been able to come into being.
• Only because of the LORD's given and applied knowledge the universe has become set into motion. • Only because of the LORD's given and applied knowledge the universe has become organized enough. • Only because of the LORD's given and applied knowledge the universe has planets, solar systems, or anything else. • Only because of the LORD's given and applied knowledge the universe has planets capable of sustaining living life. • Only because of the LORD's given and applied knowledge the universe has planets with living life upon them. • Only because of the LORD's given and applied knowledge the universe has planets with intellectual life upon them. • Only because of the LORD's given and applied knowledge the universe has planets with intellectual life that does fully and successfully prosper and survive. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do distort their views or beliefs upon God's Being through ignorance that they have devised to justify their blindness towards their Creator and their inability to know or follow the Good of His Godliness used to create them. Such individuals do become,
• Less able to sight the natural realities of things used by God to create and surround their existence with and for.
• Less able to have access to those things used by God to create and surround their existence with and for. • Less able to know enough of God's Glory to apply the Good of Godliness for long-term survival. • Less able to know the Living Existence of the Holy Spirit that God uses to surround their entirety with. A Living Being that can also understand Spiritual things. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do distort the Being of God's Good that is responsible for enabling all existence to come into being, and also gave them the Image of Himself that does enable them the dominion on the planet. They also end up distorting,
• The actuality of the Living Existence and Power of God's Good that does surround their entirety of their living being.
• The actuality of what is Good and what is not Good for the physical being of their creation. • The actuality of their dominion upon the planet. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do ignore the truth,
• They are able to know of select abilities concerning knowledge which do make-up or even surround their knowledge in general.
• They are able to know of various or general behavior, conduct, or social mannerism that can aid their short-term existence. • They are Not able to know the true make-up of the ability and power of God's Knowledge which created existence. • They are Not able to know that it is God's Knowledge that He did Personally use to create and mold the entirety of their existence with. • They are Not able to know how to define the Vital Measure of Godly Knowledge that truly does give support unto behavior, conduct, or mannerism necessary to become Sons of God. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do alter the actual usage of knowledge from what it originally had been intended to do and benefit their existence. As a result of those alterations,
• Knowledge does become less defined for exacting definitions within knowledge that can truly promote its originally intended Good.
• Knowledge does become less and less able to sight understanding of the creativity of the things surrounding them that were originally intended to benefit their existence. • Knowledge does become less able to sight their blindness towards its originally intended benefits. • Knowledge does become more infused with greater forms of blindness that further distorts their sighting or gaining of the originally intended benefits. • Knowledge does become more and more disassociated from its originally intended benefits. • Knowledge does become more able to form pathways that misuse and misrepresent its originally intended benefits. • Knowledge does end up having little relevance unto its originally intended benefits. • Knowledge does end up not resembling the knowledge originally intended for their successful long-term survival. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do seek to view the Being of Knowledge as having no origination point, which had to have already existed prior to the creation of existence to have also existed after the creation of existence. Otherwise there would have been nothing but nothing to give direction for knowledge to be.
• They end up viewing knowledge as being some simple concept that has no beginning or end, but does simply exist.
• They end up ignoring the fact that nothing does comes from nothing, and that everything has to have an origination point to begin existence for it to come into being. • They end up continually finding their selves in a flux of knowledge that continually changes to accommodate trial and error that never allows them to truly know what is successful and what is not. • They end up continually striving towards temporary success within their knowledge that never produces actual long-term success. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do become unable to realize or desire to accept that any knowledge that they have or do attain is most insignificant,
• When it comes to the reality and actuality of how much knowledge there is left upon their planet that actually exists undiscovered by them.
• When it comes to the reality and actuality of how much knowledge there is left in the universe that actually exists undiscovered by them. • When it comes to the reality and actuality of how much knowledge could become obtained upon their planet or within the universe that is yet to be discovered by them. Knowledge does become misused when the original Good that it was created with to represent God's Good does become distorted and ignored enough to also overlook the benefits that it was intended to produce. Misused knowledge then will always produce evil which benefits the demise or destruction of Good. Individuals that do fall-prey-to blindness do become less able to sight the simplified avenues of God's Knowledge that allows understanding and usage of knowledge to not become corrupted by things not of God that limit their ability to further benefit knowledge. Wayward individuals that become blind unto God do Not truly realize that when Progress becomes initiated, built, established or promoted through avenues that are set upon or within blindness, then progress does inadvertently become established upon knowledge that is built, established, and promoted upon distortion and misdirection. And though progress does become seemingly obtained, it becomes a meager reflection in design and content that is less relevant to the actual depth of progress originally meant for their continued Good benefit. Wayward individuals that become blind unto God,
• Do always over exaggerate their intelligence.
• Do often embellish a view of their existences as being of a thoughtful mind when there is little truth to such. • Do honestly look to the openings of many new scientific or technological doors of progress, yet do also feel it important to overly question or simply dismiss the existence of God from their mind. • Do allow immediate pleasures from ungodly attitudes to fulfill the needs of those who seek after the advancements of themselves, rather than God. • Do not endeavor upon understandings of any single existence such as God as having absolute and awesome magnitudes of Heavenly and universal powers. • Do seek to establish views, ideas, or thoughts that do not accept the reality that God can creatively do anything. • Do not desire to accept the fact or reality that only God can truly establish or bring forth Salvation unto eternal life. • Do not desire to believe or realize that God holds the ultimate key to the vastest awesomeness of powers. • Do not desire to believe or accept the idea that with a child's total innocence and purity of heart God Personally showed enough Love of gentleness to create total worlds of vast and exquisite beauty. • Do not desire to accept or realize that they can pursue and gain the control of their whole world within ungodly endeavors, but to do so elsewhere within the universe is impossible. • Do not desire to accept or realize that God does Not allow any ungodly endeavors from planetary societies that have obtained some degree of progress to become spread to affect other planetary societies elsewhere within the universe. |