Step Four

God's 7 Step Plan

The LORD God's Heavenly Planned Workings
upon Wayward Planetary Societies

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD,
thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.


God does take the FOURTH Step within His Heavenly planned workings upon each wayward planetary society that exists within the universe by interjecting a vast array of miracles amongst His Chosen People.
God does this to affirm not only a deeper feeling of security within the Chosen People, but also to establish a Heavenly envision and a testament of His planned Visitation for wayward individuals to see and accord themselves to.

Prophets are used by God as His mouthpiece,
• To make known God's important Heavenly messages. They are used by God to continue to give His Personal Heavenly guidance to His Chosen People.
• To herald in God's Heavenly enlightenments within select knowledge given to His Chosen People.
• To foretell of God's Heavenly blessings to occur amongst His Chosen community of individuals.
• To denounce any corruption that might arise amongst His Chosen community of individuals.
• To give God's Heavenly warnings of impending disaster or futuristic fateful developments that could or would occur if such evils were not curtailed.
Satan did influence certain members of God's Chosen People to kill prophets that God does use as His Personal messengers.

Angels are God's most Personal universal Armies and Caretakers of the living life that exist on the planetary societies that God does create within the universe.
Angels do assist Him in bringing prosperity, organization, and advancement to the general existence of all the living life and creatures that He would be creating in the universe.
Angels do what is necessary to both watch over, and if necessary give aid unto the inhabitants of planetary societies in the fulfillment of God's planned workings upon a wayward planetary society.
Some Angels are responsible for the conveying of revelation to certain wayward individuals.
Some Angels are responsible for the making of Heavenly announcements to certain wayward individuals.
Some Angels watch over and protect certain wayward individuals that have some sort of direct or indirect influence within God's Heavenly planned workings.

Even though God does go through great lengths with His Chosen People to protect, mature, and teach them of Himself and His Personal Godliness, He is also very aware of three important facts relevant to their planetary nature.
God does have concerns...
Concern #1- The Physical Nature
• That their physical nature could allow the weakening of their understandings within their given spiritual nature. And within this weakness their views concerning Heavenly matters might become allowed to deviate from their intended pathways to God, His Personal teachings, wants, and desires.
• God also realizes He can travel and understand the physical and spiritual realms of existence that His Chosen People cannot because of their planetary restrictions.
• God knew because His Chosen People are physically restricted planetary creatures, their understanding of Him and His Godliness might become easily interpreted, realized, or contemplated in the light of miraculous physical realities.

Concern #2- The Establishment of Miracles

• God does introduce miracles amongst and surrounding the livelihoods of His Chosen People to more personally guide and mature His Chosen People's confidence and faith as a Personally Chosen Community of individuals to Himself and His Personal Godliness.
• God is aware and concerned that His Chosen People will become influenced by Satan enough to develop within themselves attitudes filled with great prides, superiority feelings, or stiffneckedness, especially within their relationships and feelings towards other surrounding communities upon the planet.
• God is also very aware and concerned that within such possible influence of stiffneckedness and pride that His Chosen People might even cause their personally given views and understanding of Himself, His Godliness, and His Heavenly desires in values, concepts, or wants to become gravely distorted, misconstrued, confounded, misinterpreted, or even mismanaged.
• God knew because of their physical planetary nature that they would have tendencies of striving and looking upon, judging, interpreting, or attempting to realize the physical realities that do surround any of His given miraculous endeavors put forth or initiated within them.
This does allow Satan a vehicle that he can use to more easily influence and redirect their spiritual understanding of God's accurate workings within them, especially for a more physically viewed direction towards Heaven.
• God is concerned that Satan might seek to cause the Chosen People to blindly misunderstand, misinterpret, not view, or even not cared about the spiritual comprehension of His overall workings within them.
• God knew because they are physical planetary creatures that they could become influenced by Satan to view and establish the meaning of any miraculous undertakings that He would initiate amongst them within physical discernments that they could overlook the spiritual discernments of those miraculous endeavors.
This leads to God's next and third concern.

Concern #3- Distinguishing the Spirit of God

God knew He needed a most special Way that could ultimately relate and affirm Himself to His Chosen Community of People upon a Physical level because of the first two problems and because He is generally understood by His Chosen People as being only of a Spiritual Reality.
God chose a Physical Way that did in no way take away from the reality of His Spiritual Existence.
A Physical Way His physical planetary creation of Children can relate to and understand.
• A Way in which God would most aptly display the totality of His Spiritual understanding, nature, and Self most Personally to His Chosen People (also for the benefit of individuals upon the entire wayward planet).
• A Way in which God would more deeply and physically affirm the spiritual realities within and surrounding His miraculous undertakings already established amongst His Chosen People (also for the benefit of individuals upon the entire wayward planet).
• A Way in which God could better relate both the spiritual and physical knowledge of Himself, His Redemption, and His Salvation to His Chosen People, so they could more accurately discern Godly and Heavenly matters (also for the benefit of individuals upon the entire wayward planet).
• A Way that would equate God's totality within both the Spiritual and Physical realm to His Chosen People (also for the benefit of individuals upon the entire wayward planet).
• A Way that would heartily expound the totality of God Physically to His Chosen People without jeopardizing any views upon His Spiritual Reality (also for the benefit of individuals upon the entire wayward planet).
• A Way in which God would heartily expound the totality of Himself Physically and Spiritually to both His Chosen People, and the entirety of the wayward planet too.

God knew if He did simply materialize Himself before His Chosen People and produced many powerful earth shaking miracles it would not allow them to firmly learn or adhere to Heavenly spiritual matters. God knew that such endeavors would have them become a people desensitized to great miraculous given miracles. So much so, that they would even begin to look upon any given miraculous occurrences of God as being an occurrence that would have to meet up to their physical standards, especially ones that would have to surpass those miracles already produced by God within their earliest beginning years.

God knew that the extent of Heavenly knowledge that the people would then truly desire, be able to see, or seek to learn from would have to become displayed within further initiation of more or even greater miraculous occurrences.
God knew the display of miraculous occurrences could not exhibit the accurate spiritual Heavenly totality qualities of character concerning Himself and His Personal Godliness. The qualities of character such as His Love, Compassion, Goodness, Righteousness, Justice, Holiness, Purity, Mercy, Honor, Glory, Truth, Charity, Sinlessness, and Majesty.
Miraculous occurrences could not exhibit the accurate Heavenly knowledge of eternal destruction, God's Personal wants and desires, and His universal planned workings. Most importantly God's Heavenly Glories of His Personal forgiveness from sin, Redemption, and Salvation for Eternal Living life.
All of which Satan does seek to destroy God's Heavenly knowledge and Glories from the minds and hearts of His planetary Children.

Within God's desire to have the knowledge of His planned workings known and attested to both the immediate and future generations of His Personal Chosen People, God does cause to become written down by special Chosen Prophets the history and Heavenly undertakings of everything God has done, affirmed, and that He would establish amongst His Chosen Community of People.
These historical recordings are documented in the The BIBLE.
Written recordings of God's,
• Major historical endeavors that God does take amongst His Chosen People upon the wayward planet.
• The entirety of God's Personal physical and spiritual wants, desires, and values surrounding planetary mannerisms and attitudes. In addition to many other Heavenly understandings that do allow for His Children upon the wayward planet to gain His Redemption from sin, His Eternal Salvation, Graces, or Judgments.
• Future prophetic planned occurrences that are established in array of Heavenly envisions, especially ones in which God does distinctly show forth an extensive prophetic view (portraying distinct and picturesque views) of His Personal Visitation upon the wayward planet. A Visitation in which God does establish a spiritual exhibition of Himself Physically to His Chosen People.

Satan is aware that it is within and through God's Chosen Community of People that He does firmly establish Himself Personally, His Personal Good, His Personal Visitation, and important knowledge directly pertaining to His Heavenly Kingdom for the eternal benefit of all the inhabitants upon the wayward planet. Therefore, Satan is seen to attack the Chosen Community of People more than any other community of people upon the planet with a continual and ultimate deepened hate. Satan does seek with all his might to infect this hate with sin, blinding endeavors, and even destroy the Jews if possible.
