![]() ![]() Step Seven God's 7 Step Plan
God's Heavenly Planned Workings
Jeremiah 29:11 PLANETARY JUDGMENT IS MADE UPON EACH WAYWARD PLANETARY SOCIETY This SEVENTH and Final Heavenly Step is the end of God's Heavenly planned workings upon the wayward planet known as... THE SECOND COMING of Jesus Christ and FINAL PLANETARY JUDGMENT for the wayward planet. This SEVENTH Heavenly Step does mark the fulfillment and end of God's Heavenly planned workings upon the wayward planet.
• It is the Final Step that brings a conclusion to God's overall manifestative Personal workings upon the wayward and sinfully blinded planet.
• It is the ending of God's given allotted time that finalizes His overall manifestative Personal workings upon the wayward and sinfully blinded planet. • It is a Period that is sanctioned and apportioned by God Physically being Jesus the Christ upon the planet within the SIXTH Heavenly Step to make way for this Final SEVENTH Step of God's Heavenly planned workings for the blinded and wayward individuals and communities upon the planet. • It is the Final Step that God does use as His decisive weapon of reward and retribution for all sinful individuals and communities upon the wayward planet. A weapon of retribution for their personal sinful endeavors, blinding disregard of God Personally, and their blind disregard of God's Righteous Good. A reward for those individuals or communities that truly come to accept, act on, apply, and accord to God and His Righteous Good within their overall livelihood or existence.
• It is a Final Step within God's Heavenly planned workings where a wayward planet becomes gravely bathed in God's Heavenly and Personal Judgment.
It also ends all possible satanic livelihoods forever upon the planet.• It is a Final Period where God's Judgment against sinners takes on paths of vast planetary destruction to the overall population. God Physically Being Jesus the Christ upon the planet has already initiated a forewarning of this SEVENTH Heavenly task years earlier. God's Personal Visitation as a Son of God Himself does physically preach, display, show, teach, depict and totally display the absoluteness of God spiritually, His Righteous Good, and Heavenly desires. God Physically Being a Son of God Himself (Jesus the Christ) has already established and unfolded a Physical view of the only accurate Way to follow and adhere to for long-term (eternal) survival. God's promised Redemption and Salvation for Eternal Living Life which He will bestow upon or give to any individual that does establish within their mind, heart, and soul a full and complete dedication to Him and His Righteous Good. Wayward individuals should know if God did not Physically establish Himself upon the wayward planet within His Personal Mercies, then those wayward individuals would have experienced self-destruction and destruction of their entire planet long ago.
• If God did not Physically (being Jesus the Christ) make the Personal sacrifice that He had made to show forth the Heavenly totality of not only His love but His Righteous Good, then those wayward individuals would have long ago experienced a total destruction of their entire planet.
• If God did not Physically (being Jesus the Christ) institute His Redemption and Salvation to the wayward planet's inhabitants Physically, then those wayward individuals would have experienced self-destruction and destruction of their entire planet long ago. • If God were not truly compassionate and did not worry or was not truly protective of the entirety of His created universe and its inhabitants as a whole, then His Heavenly planned workings would have ended with and upon the physical Resurrection of Himself (being Jesus the Christ). • If God did not want to afford as many individuals as possible His offering of Redemption and Salvation for Eternal Living Life, then His Heavenly planned workings would have ended with and upon the Physical Resurrection of Himself (being Jesus the Christ). When the last 1000 years (Millennium) has ended upon a particular wayward planet, God does Personally return to that planet in the same Physical Body Image of Himself (being Jesus the Christ) where He resurrected from physical death to make His final Heavenly judgment upon the planet for ALL its inhabitants. (Zechariah 14:1-4) All of which is noted biblically upon the planet as... The Second Coming of the Begotten Son of God, Jesus the Christ. Final Judgment for a wayward planet is when God totally settles up with all evil, evil doers, and the ungodly individuals that have ever existed upon the wayward planet. With an ending of all sin and possible sin, God does afford His given rewards of a New Physical Glorified body to ALL the Godly that have ever existed upon the wayward planet (Second Resurrection). The SEVENTH Heavenly Step becomes the Final Step when God does see that the wayward planet and its inhabitants no longer have the ability to envision and apply itself to any real understanding of God and His Righteous Good. God's Physical Being, Jesus the Christ, does Physically return to gather together for Himself all those individuals and Souls that are truly striving to adapt to God Personally and His Heavenly Righteous Good. After the completion of this Final Heavenly endeavor upon the wayward planet, God's Physical Being, Jesus the Christ, does begin to bring upon the ungodly planet an ultimate Judgment of Destruction (2 Peter 3:10). An ultimate Judgment of Destruction where He simply washes His hands of that wayward planet to allow it to virtually self-destruct under the weight of its sinful undertakings. Any individual that is Not capable of adapting to God's Heavenly established standard of concepts or values for planetary mannerism and Heavenly attitudes is considered worthless and of no use,
• To God.
• To His Heavenly planned workings of spreading Good and Godliness throughout the universe. • To Aiding and helping others in God's vast and limitless universe. The measuring of God's Personal Heavenly planned workings for all individuals upon the wayward planet, as well as upon all wayward planets throughout the universe is now displayed.
• A Heavenly Plan of SEVEN Universal taken Steps that are extensive, but very simple.
• A Heavenly Plan of SEVEN Universal taken Steps that were set forth by God within the early stages of a wayward planet to gain from the planet individuals that are truly Godly. • A Heavenly Plan of SEVEN Universal taken Steps that will hopefully gain a complete planet of individuals that will meet with God's Personal Heavenly expectations. • A Heavenly Plan of SEVEN Universal taken Steps in which God will gain true Godly individuals to help and aid Him in the promotion of His Personal Godliness throughout the universe. • A Heavenly Plan of SEVEN Universal taken Steps where God Personal bestows and displays Himself and His personal Godliness both Spiritually and Physically being Jesus the Christ upon the wayward planet. • A Heavenly Plan of SEVEN Universal taken Steps where God (Physically being Jesus the Christ) does set forth and establish a Heavenly foundation for wayward individuals upon the planet. Enabling them to truly sight and know the accurate and only true realization of God Personally and His Personal Godliness. • A Heavenly Plan of SEVEN Universal taken Steps where God (Physically being Jesus the Christ) enables them to truly sight and know the accurate and only true Heavenly expectations to truly overcome all sinfulness that God does desire for any wayward individual, community, or planet. • A Heavenly Plan of SEVEN Universal taken Steps that allows and affords individuals upon the wayward planet to gain from God an existence where they can truly avoid death, or even total destruction. • A Heavenly Plan of SEVEN Universal taken Steps that allows and affords individuals upon the wayward planet to gain from God an Eternal Living Existence within Heaven. An Existence that He does require wholeheartedly within the simple accepting and following of His Good and Righteousness Physically being Jesus the Christ. HEAVENS FOR AN INDIVIDUAL DOES REST UPON THE FINAL OUTCOME OF ONE'S DEDICATION TO GOD AND HIS PERSONAL GOOD AND RIGHTEOUSNESS THAT IS JESUS THE CHRIST! |