Failing Christians

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Most Christians believe they are going to Heaven,
 but many are not, because they do not take those extra
steps to make sure they are going to Heaven!
2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall
 not come, except there come a falling away first, and
that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 

Many Christians lack understanding of what it truly takes to become a Son of God. They have distorted their understanding in thinking a Son of God doesn't have to do works, doesn't have to do anything, or can't do anything because they are a weak sinner. They are lead to believe Jesus does it for them. These individuals that profess to be Christian lack understanding that being fruitful in Good works comes natural for Sons of God, and they truly desire and live to be Good, and do Good. (Ephesians 2:10, Ephesians 5:11)

Many Christians lack understanding of what it truly takes be a Son of God. They have distorted their understanding in thinking Sons of God can be Fallen Angels. These individuals ignore, and/or cannot explain Godly Angels (morning stars) and Sons of God being spoken of in same verse Job 38:7. They would have to believe that the Fallen Angels are still allowed access into Heaven, which is far from truth. They would also have to believe Godly Angels (morning stars) sing and rejoice with Fallen Angels in Heaven in their thinking sons of God in Job 38:7 are Fallen Angels. (Genesis 6:2, Genesis 6:4, Job 1:6, Job 2:1, Job 38:7).

The abomination of desolation (sin) standing in the holy place spoken of in Daniel. The Holy Place (temple of God) is defiled by sin. The Body of Christ, the Church is suppose to be that holy place. Christians are being lead to believe "abomination of desolation" is a specific person because Christians are not taught what a Son of God is, and how to truly become a Son of God. The cannot sight their own accommodation of sin is an "abomination of desolation", when their temple should be pure and holy for a successful outcome to become a Son of God. (Matthew 24:15, Ephesians 5:27, 1 Timothy 5:22, Titus 1:15, Ephesians 1:4, 1 Peter 1:16, 1 John 3:3)

Different groups of individuals have attached themselves to Christianity, and profess to be Christians, but are lead by a false prophet and/or religious leaders to believe and teach others that the Lord Jesus Christ is someone other than Who He truly Is, and teach not the Truth of Him being Deity, God in the Flesh. These individuals are antichrist! And because they don't truly know Him, He knows them not! (2 John 1:7)

Many Christian religious leaders, members themselves, and so-called scholars have taught and mislead others to believe that the Lord has cast away, or forsaken the Nation of Chosen People (Jews). Many are being taught that Christians have replaced the Chosen People, which is so far from the truth. These individuals ignored, distorted or misunderstood scriptures. If the Lord were to cast away or replace Israel, then what assurance would Christians have that God wouldn't do the same thing to them. (Isaiah 66:22, Jeremiah 51:5, 2 Kings 8:19, Romans 11:1, Romans 11:23-24)
Christians are grafted in amongst the natural branches (Jews), joint heirs. They are adopted into the family of God. (Romans 11:17-18, Romans 8:17, Ephesians 1:5, Romans 8:15)
Christian religious leaders, members themselves, and so-called scholars that seek to teach and believe that the Jews are no longer a Special and Chosen People unto God, and that Christians have replaced them, are literally calling God a liar.

The Lord Promises that no matter what destruction may befall the Chosen People, that Israel would always have a remnant to survive, and to exist on earth, even when He will make the new heavens and earth (planet). (Ezekiel 6:8)
The Lord
states, "indeed that thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before me for ever: but now the Lord saith, Be it far from me; for them that honor me I will honor, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed." Even in their blindness, the Nation of Israel has never truly turned away from the Lord God, and has always aligned themselves to, and shown Honor to the Lord. (1 Samuel 2:30)

The Lord hast confirmed to Himself the People of Israel to be a People unto Himself for ever, that He Is become their God. (2 Samuel 7:24)
The Lord states, that though He plans to Personally ("I Will") make the new heavens and the new earth, so shall Israel's seed and name remain before Him. (Isaiah 66:22)
Though the Lord may in chastisement at times cast Israel off, that it shall not be forever, because He Personally ("I Will") plans to bring Israel's seed from the east, and gather Israel from the west. (Lamentations 3:31, Isaiah 43:5)

Israel's religious leaders did frustrate, or did even anger the Lord after Moses' death. Continual sacrificing for sin did cause the Lord to serve Israel with their continued sin. Their iniquity did weary the Lord, because continued sacrifice only led Israel to continually follow a merry-go-round of never ending sin and sacrifice. Their continual sin, and the sacrificing for the same sin over and over again, could have been avoided in teaching the People to follow the Law of Good and Righteousness, the Ten Commandments that overcomes sin. If they did follow and keep the Ten Commandments, the Lord would have then sought to fulfill His plan that He did Promise Abraham by using Israel to bless all the Gentile families on the earth with the knowledge of God that overcomes sin.

God coming down from Heaven to Physically Visit His Chosen Nation in the Human form of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to bless all of the families on earth with the knowledge and truth of Israel's God, does prove the importance of Israel to God and His plan for Good and Righteousness.
He came down from Heaven to Physically Visit, and to Personally speak with Israel of the failures of their religious leaders concerning His Covenant, the Ten Commandments and Salvation, which the Lord being Jesus Christ and His introduced Christianity become known to all the families (nations) of Gentiles on earth, so that they do not accommodate the same failures. (Romans 1:16)

It is Israel that the Lord raised up for His purpose of showing in them His power, so that His name may be declared throughout all the earth. (Exodus 9:16)
It is Israel that the Lord did choose and love enough to establish and fulfill His planned workings.
The Lord did use His establishment of Christianity so that all the families on earth could learn from the successes and failures of Israel to become able to enhance their abilities enough to attain God's Rewards.

Christian religious leaders, members themselves, and so-called scholars choose to claim the blessings they did receive of God as Jesus Christ:

• Yet at the same time seek to teach other Christians to ignore or reject Israel's People for the faults and crimes of Israel's religious leaders, only to prove those Christian religious leaders, members themselves, and so-called scholars are hypocrites in following many of the same faults and crimes of Israel's religious leaders.
• Yet at the same time seek to teach other Christians to follow the same blindness that was taught by Israel's religious leaders unto Israel's People (though in different ways), yet hypocritically deny they are doing so, even though they are producing the same results in blindness unto Christians as Israel's religious leaders did do to their People.
• Yet at the same time seek to teach other Christians to follow many of the lies and distortions made up concerning what was distinctly made known in scriptures that is no different than what Israel's religious did do, yet hypocritically denying they are doing so, even though they are producing with their lies and distortion many of the same results in blindness unto Christians as Israel's religious leaders did do to their People.
• Yet at the same time seek to teach other Christians to follow with their lips God's Written Covenant of Good and Righteousness, the Ten Commandments that are meant to bless Christians with the Peace of Good, yet hypocritically claim they are instilling the Covenant of Good and Righteousness in the hearts of Christians like Israel's religious leaders did do to their People, producing the same results in blindness unto Christians. (Job 13:16, Romans 3:16-18)

Christian religious leaders, members themselves, and so-called scholars, like Israel's religious leaders are leading astray Children of God. Christians are teaching many of the same errors that the religious leaders taught the Chosen People. Individuals continue to put their trust in interpretations of scripture passed down for generations. Rather than searching the scriptures for themselves, or asking God, they choose to remain blind to the scripture's truths. The blind continue to lead the blind to destruction. (Isaiah 32:6, Matthew 15:14, Matthew 11:21, Matthew 23:13, Matthew 23:14, Matthew 23:15, Matthew 23:16, Matthew 23:23, Matthew 23:25, Matthew 23:27, Matthew 23:29, Luke 11:43, Luke 11:44, Luke 11:46, Luke 11:52)

Many Christians are found to have misused the blessings Jesus Christ once had given to them concerning the knowledge of God, His Good and its Peace.
• To the extent that many Christians, religious leaders, and so-called scholars attach Christianity and themselves to many of the old religious beliefs beheld in serving gods that often contain many practices and views in their worships surrounding their once beheld gods that the Good and Peace given to them by Jesus Christ does become distorted.
• To the extent that many Christians, religious leaders, and so-called scholars do allow scriptual blindness that impedes upon the knowledge and blessings of the Good and Peace given to them by Jesus Christ.
• To the extent that many Christians, religious leaders, and so-called scholars do allow scriptual blindness that ignores God's Promise made to Abraham. God being Jesus Christ did fulfill that promise to Abraham, so they can enjoy (the blessing) the knowledge of God, His Good and Peace. And if they do bless Israel, they will also be bless by God, but if they do not bless Israel, they will become cursed by God. (Genesis 12:3)
• To the extent that many Christians, religious leaders, and so-called scholars do something that Israel's religious leaders never did, even in all their failures and shortcomings. They had never ever caused or sought to cause Israel's People to take for granted, disrespect, and not Love God! (Romans 3:16-18)

Many Christians do believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and do believe in the many miracles He performed, and in their believing they might have Eternal Life through his name, yet they do ignore that Jesus had distinctly used the word *Might* in John. (John 20:31)
He knew that there would be individuals that would lay claim to having Eternal Life through simply seeking to believe upon His his name, and believe they don't have do anything to prove to the Father that they truly do believe upon that Name of Jesus Christ.
Yet they expect God to believe they do:
• When they had broken their word to others on earth in their lifetime.
• When they are seen to break their word to Jesus Christ in willfully committing some sin after they have said that they believe in the Name of Jesus Christ.
• When they are seen on the one hand to say that they believe in the Name of Jesus Christ, yet cannot see that the Grace which He brought forth was a gift of His Good Works in His willingliness to be sacrificed to death for their sins. Yet many feel and believe that they do not need to do anything themselves in willing works to repay God for giving them the opportunity to use His Holy Name as Jesus Christ so they *might have life* through His Name.
• When they are seen on the one hand to say that they believe in the Name of Jesus Christ being Holy, yet ignore doing any Good works that are Holy in a world that is unholy, and believe they will be a Son of God that has Life Eternal through his Name.

These individuals believe they will be allowed to carry such an attitude to Heaven, which is not truly Holy, because while on earth they viewed Holiness as not pertaining to their Physical works. They also believe they could and will learn to be Holy in Heaven, but lack in understanding that they are suppose to learn to be Holy on the earth to go to Heaven. (Leviticus 20:7, 1 Peter 1:15, 1 Peter 1:16)

The word *Might* became used by Jesus Christ, and not the word *would*, to let Israel and man know that He had established a Way that they *Might* through Jesus Christ be able to have life through His Name, yet would not, if they sought only to say they believed without doing something that did prove Heavenly Good Works showing that they actually did accept the responsibility of doing something worthy on their own that would distinctly make known they truly desired and wanted life through his Name.
Which as the End of Times draws to a close (Time of Gentiles), many Christians have been growing to rely upon the hope of *Might*, rather than doing something to show they are worthy of Life.

Many Christians do claim the desire to become a Son of God that gains Eternal Glories from God.
• Yet allow themselves to become misled by religious leaders or individuals of the different sects within Christianity that are in search of power, rather than scriptural truth, that lead individuals to follow Jesus Christ in ways that simply satisfied an individual's personal desire to become a Son of God, but not follow Jesus Christ in Ways to which He spoke of and did manifest surrounding God's Good. The Good that afforded Him to be Resurrected unto Eternal Life after the Romans murdered Him.
• Yet allow themselves to become misled by various discontented religious leaders or individuals who formed their own churches that devise their own considered simplified interpretations of scripture, and distort many of the Old Testament Truths of God and Sons of God in scriptures, as well as employing simplified interpretations of scripture that did distort many of New Testament truths of God being Jesus Christ, His plan, and His truths that were meant to afford individuals the ability to become Sons of God.
• Yet allow themselves to become misled by various blind religious leaders or individual who formed their own churches and exclusively use the New Testament to understand God's plan for attaining Sons of God. They do cause for many individuals to ignore the Old Testament scriptures which is the foundation for attaining Sons of God. The Old Testament scriptures do record God's building of His plan to gain Sons of God from all the Gentile families throughout earth (which without would be no different than an individual seeking to build a house without a foundation, and when that house fell, that individual would be left with wondering why that house fell).
• Yet allow themselves to become misled by various corrupt religious leaders or individuals who formed their own Christian churches that often use certain scriptural truths out of greed and desire for power, and even often ended up restricting or leading others away from being able to become Sons of God, simply because they often teach scriptures to satisfy their desire to be Sons of God, and little upon the Way of God's Good that will actually help gain the ability to become a Son of God.
• Yet allow themselves to become misled by individuals who profess to be a Christian, but lead others astray through their disregard of the Lord's scriptures, their lies about His scriptures, their distortions of His scriptures, their misuse of scriptures, their desires to mold a view what scriptures do say.
Christians would rather justify and argue about what the scriptures make known, rather than seeking to truly search scriptures and listen to what the Lord did do, or say in scriptures.

Many have blindly distorted and misused scripture out of an unwillingness to hear what the Lord actually said throughout scriptures concerning the things they argue about. They have blindly distorted and misused scripture in their limited desire to truthfully use the scriptures in truth, and their efforts end up restricting many Christians and non-Christians from becoming Sons of God and attaining the Eternal Glories of Heaven.
Many that profess to be Christian and believe that they are, do place themselves into the number of individuals which Jesus Christ did voice, "I know you not.", or "I know you not whence ye are". And there will be gnashing of teeth! (Matthew 25:12, Luke 13:24-25, Matthew 7:14, Matthew 22:11-13, Luke 13:28)

Many Christians do have the Faith to realize that God and the Physical Being of Jesus Christ are One, and do believe all of the wondrous things Jesus did do were of God, yet not believe Jesus is God.
Yet there are so many Christians who lack the Faith to realize the make-up of Spirit is not Physical, that it has no physical substance or matter to take up space, weight, or time, but it takes a specially made Son of God body to house the most Powerful Spirit of God, and the spirit of Jesus Christ (man) at the same time. (Mark 10:27, John 10:30)

Many look to Exodus 33:20 and John 1:18 "there shall no man see me, and live" and "No man hath seen God at any time", which is true if they have not the protection of God, but God created a body for Himself that was able to house His most Powerful Spirit of God, and the spirit of Jesus Christ (man) at the same time, so ALL can see their God. (Exodus 33:20, John 1:18, Amos 4:12, Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23, Isaiah 9:6, Luke 2:32)

Many individuals that profess to be Christian do reject Jesus Christ being God, even more than Israel ever did.
Christianity is established upon God Physically being Jesus Christ. Israel only became blind to the fact that God Physical came to Israel to fulfill His Promises being Jesus Christ to bless all the families of earth. The foundation that Christianity was blessed with. (Luke 21:24, Genesis 28:14)

Many members of man that profess to be Christian are allowing themselves to accommodate an ever growing regard for sin. (Luke 21:24)
Many are beginning to care less of God's Written Word voiced in scriptures.

The liberalities towards sin that professed Christians accommodate does cause for many to become a people who draweth nigh unto the Lord Jesus with their mouth, and honoureth Him with their lips; but have removed their hearts far from Him, and their fear towards God being Jesus the Christ is taught by the precept of men. (Isaiah 29:13, Mark 7:6)

Individuals that profess to be Christian are neglecting to teach the depth of Power of the Word of Good. His Good Word is so Great that it is attached to the Lord's Commandments (Ten). God's Angels do excel in strength (and so can man), that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of His Word. Many Christians only look upon the Word as Personally being Physically manifested by God being Jesus Christ, yet not understand much about the depth of Power of the Word of God that was taught and used by Jesus Christ (neither was Israel taught). (Psalms 103:20, Genesis 26:5, Mark 12:24, Hebrews 4:12)

But many Christians, like the Jews:
• Are being taught there are 613 commandments, when God Himself only wrote Ten (10) with His Holy Finger. They do not seek to understand the 603 that Moses wrote were judgments for the things the People were already doing to break the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 21:1)
• Are being taught there is only one law, when there are two. The law of sin (found in sacrificing), and the law of life (found in the Ten Commandments). (Romans 8:2)
• Are being taught the Ten Commandments are impossible to fully keep. God would not take the time to come to earth, write Ten Commandments with His Holy Finger, if they were not important or couldn't be kept or lived by. Yet he keeps telling His Chosen People and Christians to keep His Commandments, if they love Him. (Romans 7:12)
• Are not being taught the Ten Commandments, nor the importance of them. (Proverbs 4:4, Proverbs 7:2)
• Are being taught that the Messiah-Jesus will bring peace upon the planet. When there can never be true peace with sin alive upon the planet. Jesus Himself voiced, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth:". (Jeremiah 6:14, Ezekiel 7:25, Matthew 10:34, 1 Thessalonians 5:3)

The Jews of Israel were not taught by their religious leaders the single set standard which distinctly centered on Good that they all could use for eliminating sin and sacrifice.
Christians are not being taught that God did lift up His Hand (Jesus Christ) unto the Gentiles, and set up His standard for Good to the people, so that they could bring their sons in their arms, and daughters can be carried upon their shoulders unto the Light of Good, the Ten Commandments, and its set standard of and for Good which is distinctly centered on Good to truly eliminate sin from the Gentile nations. (Isaiah 49:22)

A Gentile people that the foundation of Christianity in Jesus Christ does for a time build up Israel's walls of God's Covenant of Good, the Ten Commandments, yet the many choose to return to the mire of blindness and sin, and do reject God's Covenant of Good, the Ten Commandments. (Isaiah 60:10, 2 Peter 2:21-22)

Members of man that profess to be Christian and accommodate sin begin to have less regard if Jesus Christ Saves or is a Saviour.

• Many Christians, like Jews, have allowed their religious leaders to blind them towards many things that the Old Testament scriptures actually says, "The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite (remorseful) spirit".
• Many Christians after they have been Saved from their sins feel that they no longer need to bring forth their sin (confess, acknowledge) when they fall-prey-to some sin or evil again. They no longer have a contrite spirit to repent for forgiveness. (Psalms 34:18, Hebrews 6:5-10)

These Christians draweth nigh unto Jesus with their mouth, and honoureth Him with their lips; but their heart is far from Him. (Isaiah 29:13, Matthew 15:8)
