Failing Christians (Page 5)
Christians, like the Chosen People, will not That this is a rebellious people, lying children, ![]() ![]()
Christian religious leaders ignore scriptures, and do not teach or do much to have their members truly learn the depths of scripture. Curses grow among Christians who ignore keeping the Ten Commandments that their religious leaders had rejected as being important to their members for Holiness and Sinlessness, to which those first disciples and apostles had initially taught of what Jesus Christ Voiced, and did in keeping the Ten Commandments to overcome the world's sin, and so could any individual that truly walks in His Footsteps follow Him to heaven. (Deuteronomy 11:26-27)
Which in continuing to ignore, most Christians will be in denial because of their blindness and liberality towards the sin that would surround them. Because most individuals that consider their selves to be Christian reject and do not keep the Ten Commandments for reasons of their own choosing. Which will eventually lead to a lack of Spirit amongst generations of Christians, and even bring to pass "until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled". Most all that had been once blessed would return to the mire of their ancestors gentile heritage that didn't know, and didn't keep the Ten Commandments for their own good to overcome sin. God's Physical Being, Jesus Christ, did allot time for the success in the growth of Christianity, and failures in the loss of growth of Christianity itself. An allotted time known as the Times of the Gentiles. Many members of man that profess to be Christian, allow themselves to be caught up and led by non-believers or faithless individuals to waste their time and heart upon arguing about the things which do concern creation of the universe, planet, or man, rather than focusing attention upon God's plan for man that is far more important for the individuals of man to learn of. God's plan for man can and has been proven to exist through written records on earth.
• To bless their heritage with the knowledge that there is a purpose for their existence in the universe and on earth.
Christians listen to the many lies, or distortions put forth by many individuals who are referred to as being knowledgeable.
• To bless them with the only successful plan undertaken that successfully has been fulfilled upon the earth, that can and does truly benefit man with a proven Good, and proof of living life beyond death. • To bless them with the knowledge of a Living Lord and God that does Love mankind enough to prove that He does exist, and prove He created them to live eternally, and not die. • To bless them with the Physical manifestation of Himself as Jesus Christ to teach and physically show how to overcome sin and obtain eternal existence.
• These individuals that profess to have knowledge claim they have truly studied and know scriptures, yet in all their studies and knowledge, they have never figured out, nor truly searched scriptures enough, to truly teach Christians to value the importance and Holiness of scriptures that is the very voice of God and His Power that allowed Israel and Christians to have beheld the Glory of Jesus Christ as the only begotten of the Father who is full of Grace and Truth. Many Christians do not value the importance and Holiness of scriptures, and rely upon the gospels to value the importance and Holiness of God and His Power. Many Christians have ended up completely rejecting God's voice in scriptures as having little, or no place in their lives. (John 1:14, Revelation 19:13)
• These individuals that profess to have knowledge claim they have truly studied and know scriptures, yet in all their studies and knowledge, they have never figured out that scriptures are the record of God's plan to voice and exact the Good creation of living life and man on earth (Genesis chapter one). God then makes known His Righteousness, and Faith to have (like Abraham had) in God that would give Israel access to His Good to become blessed. Israel would then be used to bless all the families on earth who did not know the Knowledge of God's Good and Righteousness. Which is why He chose Abraham as the foundation for Israel and all of man to be able to know the knowledge of God's Good and Righteousness, because of Abraham's strength in Faith and Righteousness. The foundation Christianity was built upon. In not teaching Christians correctly, many have ended up not understanding the Lord God Personally fulfilled His Promised to Abraham by creating a body for Himself (Jesus Christ) to Physically bring forth and teach the knowledge of God, His Good and Righteousness (Ten Commandments) to all the families of earth. (Genesis 28:14)
• These individuals that profess to have knowledge claim they have truly studied and know scriptures, yet in all their studies and knowledge, they have never figured out that scriptures do voice God's plan to have Israel and then all the Gentile families on earth to be taught through His Power and written form of His Good and Righteousness, the Covenant, the Ten Commandments. If Israel and man do truly follow, they will become free from sin, so that they will have no more desire, or felt need for sin to run and bind their lives to destruction and demise. In not teaching Christians correctly, many have ended up completely rejecting God's written Covenant, the Ten Commandments as having little, or no place in their lives. (Exodus 34:28, Luke 2:32, Romans 1:16)
Many Christians do accept what these individuals write and teach, because they fair well with their ever growing accommodation for sin.• These individuals that profess to have knowledge claim they have truly studied and know scriptures, yet in all their studies and knowledge, they have never figured out that the gospels are the fulfillment of God's plan, where He does Personally and Physically voice and demonstrate the ability of His Knowledge of Good and Righteousness made known in and through the Good of His Covenant, the Ten Commandments which is His law, and the apple of thine eye for Israel and man to live by. In not teaching Christians correctly, many have ended up completely rejecting God's written Covenant, the Ten Commandments as having little, or no place in their lives. (Proverbs 7:2, Proverbs 6:23) • Christian and non-Christian scholars that have little, or no faith or belief in the Only God of Good have written, taught, and persuaded many Christians to accept their views of what has been recorded within scriptures and the gospels that come from human perspectives which accepts evil and sin as being the norm. They draw their own conclusions and views concerning the scriptures and gospels through human eyes that reflect the accomplishments of man in their use of evil and sin. Christians listen to the many lies, or distortions put forth by many individuals who are referred to as being knowledgeable, yet lack Faith and understanding of God's plan for His universe, causing many Christians to reject the knowledge of God's creativity of Sons of God throughout His universe. His plan to have Sons of God enjoy the company of other Sons of God He has created upon other planets throughout His vast and limitless universe. Christians listen to the many lies put forth by many Christian religious leaders, teachers, or other Christians of little faith:
• That have sought to relieve themselves from truly being responsible to Father God in Heaven for the failures that resemble the sins of Old Testament religious leaders that have caused for Christians to lack in their walk with the Lord Jesus Christ, and their desire to obtain Eternal Blessings in Heaven with God, because they have misused a single verse that the Lord Jesus Christ voiced to teach Christians that all they have to do is receive Him and they are given the power to become Sons of God, even to them that believe on His name go to Heaven. (John 1:12)
They have overlooked that the Lord Jesus Christ also voiced in Matthew 7:14, "strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it", and that the Lord Jesus Christ also voiced in Luke 18:25 "it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God", and ignore to teach that the needle's eye remains the same for a poor man, but is not allowed by most rich men to go through because they often seek the pleasures of the world, because they can afford them. (Matthew 7:14, Luke 18:25)
• That have correctly taught Christians that only God can Save them from sin, and have correctly taught that it is Father God's Power (being Jesus Christ) that Saves us, and "called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began". Yet many Christian leaders and teachers have incorrectly taught and led Christians to believe that after being Saved by the Grace and Truth which Christ Jesus brought forth is not according to our works, but in committing sin after their being Saved by His Grace. These Christians are certainly not letting their "light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven". They even teach that in committing sin repentance is no longer required, because they are Saved and have Grace, which is Father God's Salvation and Grace, not theirs. There-by choosing to disregard and ignore that the Lord Jesus Christ distinctly voiced in Matthew 3:8, "Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance:". They also must choose to disregard and ignore that the Lord Jesus Christ distinctly voiced in Matthew 7:20-23 concerning Fruits which are the Works that man is required to do on earth to be found worthy enough to go to Heaven to exist with God where only Good surrounds God, and where no sin whatsoever exists. (Matthew 19:25-26, 2 Timothy 1:9, Matthew 5:16, Matthew 3:8, Matthew 4:17, Luke 13:3, Matthew 7:16, Matthew 7:19-23)
Many Christian religious leaders, members, or so-called scholars have allowed their views and beliefs to become swayed by faithless religious leaders and individuals, which does cause them to distort evidence in scriptures and the gospel. In doing this, it lessens their ability to be able to know the truth of Father God being Jesus Christ, which also lessens Christians ability to have and know what Faith truly is. (Mark 10:27) Many Christians are being taught to deny and reject Jesus Christ being Father God, causing many to believe Jesus is a different God, or a God unto Himself, when there is only One God, God the Father. These same Christians know God is Omnipresent, yet lack sighting and understanding that Father God can come down from Heaven (not totally) to inhabit a Physical Body that He did create for Himself, that also had the ability to house Him and His Power (the Holy Spirit), and still have all His Glory remain in Heaven. (John 14:10-11, John 10:30, 1 John 2:1) These same individuals cannot teach the Trinity, if they reject Jesus Christ being the Father, because the Trinity is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. There are three Spirits within the Son of God known as Jesus Christ. God's Spirit, the Holy Ghost, and the spirit of man (Son). Many Christians listen to the many lies put forth by the Christian religious leaders, and so-called scholars who are seeking to gain power and glory for themselves by distorting and/or ignoring the things Jesus Christ actually voiced within the gospels. Christians are swayed by their desire and do not want know that their religious leaders and so-called scholars are seeking to enhance their own power and control of Christians by referring to them as sinners from the day of conception, and they will continue to be a sinner unless they do choose to believe in Jesus Christ, which was never voiced in the gospels or the scriptures. Their proof is when the Lord Jesus voiced that He had come to call the sinner, not the Righteous. Something that Christian religious leaders and so-called scholars should have realized there already existed Righteous individuals. Like Abraham, they followed God's Good Covenant, the Ten Commandments, which Moses attested to. Many Christian religious leaders ignore that the Good and Righteous Covenant, the Ten Commandments, was what the Lord Jesus Christ manifested, exemplified, and followed in His Purity. The same Power of Righteousness that He did use to give individuals the ability to be found worthy enough to be Sons of God that could live Eternally in Heaven with Father God. (Mark 2:17, John 1:9, John 1:12) Christians are not taught by their religious leaders that the breaking of the Ten Commandments is the sin unto death, instead Christians are being taught it is impossible for them to keep God's Law of Good and Righteousness, the Ten Commandments that does overcome sin. The Jews were also taught the same lie by their religious leaders. (Romans 6:16, 1 John 5:16, Matthew 5:19, James 2:10-11, Matthew 19:16, Matthew 19:17, Matthew 19:18, Matthew 19:19) Many Christian religious leaders teach the same old lies to hide their folly by indirectly teaching Christians to have less of a need or interest in Old Testament scriptures, which leads many Christians to feel they don't need to study or seek to learn from Old Testament scriptures.
• Causing many Christians to almost completely end most desire to want to truly study the Bible at all.
The Old Testament is the foundation that Christianity was built upon, and Christians should feel the need to study, or seek to learn from it. • Causing many of the Christians to not use or spend much time studying scriptures (both Old and New Testament), to truly see and realize the actual things of God and His Power (the Lord) that have been done and spoken of in scriptures, that they can quite easily learn to do and follow to become Sons of God, so they can obtain from God Eternal Living Life from death as was Physically manifested by God as Jesus Christ. Many individuals today that profess to be a Christian:
• Do not spend time praying/talking with the Lord, unless they need something. Yet these same individuals wouldn't like it if that was the only time someone knew them.
Which means most:• Do not study the Word of God for themselves. • Do not hear the Word of God, but once a week in Church. • Do not personally own a Bible. • Do not attend a Community Church, which they are instructed to do for the Good of the Community and its individuals unto Salvation for Eternal Life.
• Do not carry their own Personal Bible to Church.
Everyone wants to go to Heaven, believes they are going to Heaven, believes they are Good enough to go to Heaven, yet lack understanding what is required to obtain Heaven, nor do they seek to prove themselves worthy to God of obtaining Heaven. (Matthew 10:38, Luke 21:36, Ephesians 4:1, 2 Peter 1:10, 2 Thessalonians 1:11, Colossians 1:10, 1 Thessalonians 2:12, 2 Thessalonians 1:5, Revelation 3:4, Revelation 16:6)• Do not help other individuals to know God and His Good, because they don't truly know God and His Good themselves. Many Christians are lead to believe they are guaranteed the Crown of Life, Eternal Life, yet aren't taught to keep His sayings and truly follow Him by walking in His Footsteps of Good to Heaven, nor are they taught if they continue in sin and not overcome, the Crown of Life (Eternal Life) that will be lost. It is Heaven or Hell upon physical death, no second chances. (Luke 6:47-49, John 14:24, 2 John 1:9) Many that profess to be Christian are not keeping themselves in the race long enough, to even make sure they qualify. Or they do not endureth to the end of the race. They choose of their own accord to leave the race, because they no longer want to be part of the race, or follow its rules. (1 Corinthians 9:24, Hebrews 12:1, Matthew 10:22, James 5:11, Romans 8:17) These Christians are weak in Faith, and they become easily lead astray, because they seek easy for themselves. (2 Timothy 4:3) Many Christians are taught or lead to believe it is okay to be part-time Christians. Many then end up not abiding (continue) in Christ, or playing Christianity when it suits their fancy, while still believing they know and follow God, His Good and Righteousness that is Jesus Christ. (John 15:6-7) Christians are becoming misled by things which do not serve God, His Good and Righteousness as the End of Times draws to a close (Time of Gentiles). Instead they choose to serve things that increase their own growth of blindness towards God, His Good and Righteousness, because God's Law of Good and Righteousness, the Ten Commandments, is disregarded or ignored. The Ten Commandments are the Knowledge of Good which the Lord did Personally write with His Finger on two tables of stone, which is God's Standard of Good upon the planet for All the families of earth to follow and live by. The tool given by God for the overcoming of sin. Many Christians (and Jews) are taught or lead to believe there were 613 laws written by the Finger of God on the tables of stone. They lack understanding or just plain ignore the fact that 603 judgments were given first for the things the Chosen People were already doing in their breaking the Ten Commandments. God's Good Covenant, the Ten Commandments, were given after His judgments were established. (Exodus 21:1) Most Christians lack understanding that the whole world (Gentiles) would not have known the Ten Commandments that played a significant role in the foundation of systems of law and government, and were written on the hearts of many people, if it wasn't for the Chosen People. (Genesis 28:14) The same Lord God that wrote the Ten Commandments with His Finger is the same Lord that said, "If ye love me, keep my commandments". (John 14:15, John 14:21, John 15:10, 1 John 5:2, 1 John 5:3, Jude 1:21) Christians that choose to Not keep, follow, or live by the Ten Commandments for their own Good, the fire of iniquity, evil, and sin will grow in their hearts, and cause for many to become like the grave; and the barren womb; the earth that is not filled with water; and the fire that saith not, It is enough. (Deuteronomy 10:13, Romans 7:12, Proverbs 30:16, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) Many Christians are taught or lead to believe its okay if they willfully sin (knowing its wrong and doing it anyway), or partake of the same sin over and over again. Like the Jews were taught, so are Christians taught that they can just continue to sacrifice (Christ) and obtain forgiveness, rather than learning from their own mistakes, or the mistakes of other (Jews). Christians choose to misuse what Jesus Christ voiced concerning the flesh being weak as an excuse for their chosen weakness towards sin. Yet ignore what Paul taught concerning the new creature in Christ is to walk in the Spirit of Good and Righteousness, not in the flesh, so that "the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit", "seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds". "He that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us." (Matthew 26:41, Hebrews 6:6, Hebrews 10:26, Romans 8:4, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 6:6, Colossians 3:9, 1 John 3:24) Many Christians don't give up the Old Creature. They believe the Old and New can exist in the same vessel, and they will inherit Eternal Life.
• Many Christians believe they can freely partake of sin, and still believe what they seek and follow is God, His Good and Righteousness!
Christians cannot serve the master of sin, and the master of Good at the same time, and say that they Love God and follow His written Good and Righteousness, and Physically manifested and displayed being Jesus Christ! (Matthew 6:24)• Many Christians believe they can freely partake of sin just a little, and still believe they are seeking and following God, His Good and Righteousness! • Many Christians believe believe they can freely partake of sin, yet feel that they do not need to ask God for Forgiveness from that sin, and still believe they are following God, His Good and Righteousness! • Many Christians believe they can freely partake of sin that destroys Good, and still believe they are seeking and following God, His Good and Righteousness! • Many Christians believe they can freely partake of sin, yet not feel that they are responsible for the destruction of the Good which is caused in their partaking of sin! • Many Christians believe they can freely partake in sin that destroys individuals and communities, and still believe they are seeking and following God, His Good and Righteousness! • Many Christians believe they can freely promote things of sin, and still believe they are seeking and following God, His Good and Righteousness! • Many Christians devise their own ideas of what is and what isn't sin, and still believe they are seeking and following God, His Good and Righteousness! Christians cannot justify their sin by simply ignoring that they partake of sin. Christians that partake of sin and in the same breath say they are in Christ are calling their sin Good and Righteous. They will eventually become destroyed by the same sin they are calling Good and Righteous! (Luke 11:34-35, John 8:12) Light and darkness cannot dwell in the same vessel. Only Pure Good and Righteousness that is Jesus Christ can dwell in Children of God that seek to become Sons of God! (2 Corinthians 6:14, 1 John 1:6, John 8:12, 1 Thessalonians 5:5, Matthew 9:16)
1 John 2:29If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him.