Failing Christians (Page 4) The blind are leading the blind on the wide path to destruction!
Isaiah 59:10
Many Christians are blinded to God's plan for and on planet earth, because many accommodate sin in some manner, whether it is partaking of, tolerating, ignoring or accepting sin.
The sin that Christians do accommodate has served to blind many Christians from truly sighting sin. They become cursed by their sin which does curse the Good set in Christianity, even curse Christians for the Good their sin is not able to follow. Many Christians know so little of God's Spirit, and how it is a Living Spirit that is just as alive as their own physical existence.
• They ignore the fact that their spirit affords them to be living, and actually holds a bond to the Spirit of God.
• They ignore the fact that their spirit is greater than the spirit of the living things around them, and their interaction with those living things does reflect the same bond which they have with God and His Living Spirit. • They ignore the fact that their mind is physical and stores physically the make-up of everything they think and is not openly sighted in a physical form. It is their unseen spirit that was made in God's Image, and the Soul of individuals that is also unseen, that does interact with the physical mind and images stored that make it possible for those things to become given a living reality that can reflect God's Spirit. • When they ignore the Spirit of God enough, they begin to feel that the physical glories and desires of sin can somehow fulfill them equally. • When they ignore the things of God, they begin to feel that the physical glories and desires of sin might somehow not become seen or known by God. • When they ignore the things of God's Good enough, they become less able to become Sons of God. Many Christians that claim to know and follow the Good of God (Jesus Christ) have allow themselves to accept many liberalized attitudes towards evil, iniquity, and sin.
• Which over time will cause for most Christians to gravely lack the same Good that Jesus Christ followed, which He had written with His Holy Finger in Covenant, the Ten Commandments. A lacking that would eventually lead many Christians to fall-prey-to many of the subtleties of evil and sin to the point where they would deeply fall short in keeping, or even caring less about truly following the Glory of God's Good to often call evil good and good evil.
• Which over time will cause for most Christians to gravely lack in using the same Good that Jesus Christ followed, used and taught to overcome the subtleties of evil, iniquity and sin. They do ignore, overlook and dismiss the Good that Jesus Christ followed, used and taught, because they seek to accord and use the growing sin that surrounds distorted good, and they end up often calling evil good and good evil. • Which over time will cause for most Christians to gravely lack in understanding the same scriptural knowledge of Good that Jesus Christ knew, followed and taught. Christians are not being taught by their religious leaders to understand God's Good, which leads them to understand and know even less of the things which Jesus Christ voiced in the scriptures and brought forth through the gospels concerning God's Good, which does eventually lead most Christians to end up often calling evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20). Many members of man that profess to be Christian are more about filling up their Soul with the many pleasures and pleasant things of the world, rather than gaining Eternal Life for their Soul that Jesus Christ has proven exists. The pleasant things of the world only offer temporary reliefs for their Soul to feel content. The pleasant things of the world do not lead individuals to know, nor seek to do and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. The blame for Christians caring less about being able to gain an Eternal Life for their Soul is placed mostly upon Christian religious leaders.
• Because the Christian religious leaders care more for the growth of their churches in the eyes of the world, more than in the eyes of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is looking down from Heaven to sight whether or not the growing number of their gained church members have truly been taught from all the scriptures and gospels, so they can learn the true value of Father God's plan that He fulfilled as Jesus Christ, that does offer Christians the opportunity to gain Eternal Living Life after death, as Jesus Christ manifested.
They do not consider that they are held responsible for the Soul's of that growing number of gain church members to be able to truly gain Eternal Life after death.
• Because the Christian religious leaders care more about how their church members view them, that they seek to over abundantly dress themselves in garments and devices that please the world, believing that the flaunting of their garments and devices can help them to gain Souls for Heaven, while teaching their members more of the things of world, rather than teaching of the many things in the scriptures and the gospels that will peak the desires of their members to truly care more about Eternal Life after death, that the Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled.
Which donates to why so many members of the churches do end up choosing:• Because the Christian religious leaders do not understand, study, nor teach from the King James Bible which is closer to the written Jewish Torah and Tanakh than any other written book that records God's Word concerning Life after death. They choose to teach their members from written books (different versions) that wrongfully interpret, and even eliminate the Word in the scriptures and the gospels. • Because the Christian religious leaders lack Faith in truly believing in the Eternal Living Life after death that the Lord Jesus Christ did fulfill and prove did exist. They have chosen to teach their members from misinterpretations of scripture and gospels made by individuals that do not believe in God, or the Eternal Life He Personally manifested as proof that Life after death exists and can be obtained by man. • Because the Christian religious leaders fear to teach their members to acknowledge with their lips that the Lord as Jesus Christ did Physically manifest that Eternal Living Life does exist. They choose to only teach their members of the things that they will accept written in the scripture and gospels which are not to hard to bear, thus leaving their members lacking in their hearts of the things which they must truly do and follow to know and obtain Eternal Living Life from death.
• To view Eternal Living Life as non-existent.
• To consider individuals filled with delusions to believe in Eternal Life. • To reject that Eternal Life is real and possible, because the continuance of physical death is proof that it does not exist. • To disbelieve that striving unto the things of Good, or even of God's Good affords Eternal Life, because individuals they knew to be good still faced death to be their proof it does not exist. Many Christians who once believed that:
• There is a Living God that does exist...
They have allowed themselves to become persuaded by the worlds many lies put forth: • Truth exists... • Good exists... • Evil and sin exists... • The Ten Commandments are God's set standard for Good (Isaiah 49:22, Isaiah 62:10, Jeremiah 4:6, Ecclesiastes 12:13)... • The Bible is the Word of God which Jesus Christ fulfilled... • And Eternal Life from death exist as shown forth by God being Jesus Christ...
• By non-believers concerning these truths.
So much so, they have put their trust and Eternal Existence in the hands of many falsehoods, rather than putting their trust and Eternal Existence in the hands of God and what He voiced throughout scriptures and the gospels.• By supposed Christians and professed scholars, who claim to know the scriptures and the gospels. Many Christian religious leaders, members themselves, and so-called scholars have devised and taught their own different views concerning what the scriptures and gospels truly say about Eternal Living Life from God. Many Christians who partake of sin, seek to find ways that will allow them to believe that they can obtain from God an Eternal Living Life as was displayed by the Lord Jesus Christ, while ignoring that He neither said nor did partake of any sin whatsoever in teaching by Example of what it takes to become a Son of God, being a Son of God Himself! Many Christians do not desire to do what is necessary in their lives to obtain the Reward of Eternal Living Life. Instead they continue to partake of sin until their desire becomes the only reward they ever obtain. It is not hard to overcome sin, especially sin unto death, if truly sought. Jesus Christ Himself did Physically show and voice this truth in saying "be of good cheer; I have overcome the world". And so can anyone, if they truly seeks to clothe themselves in His Good and Righteousness now and forevermore. (John 16:33, 1 John 5:4, 1 John 5:5, Revelation 2:7, Revelation 2:11, Revelation 2:17, Revelation 2:26, Revelation 3:5, Revelation 3:12, Revelation 3:21, Revelation 21:7) Many Christian religious leaders teach their members that Eternal Living Life can be obtained by simply believing upon the Name of Jesus Christ, without doing any Work, or do little to prove that they Truly believe. (Colossians 1:10, Luke 8:13-14, Philippians 1:29, 1 Timothy 4:10) Abraham didn't just believe upon the name of the Lord God. He believed following God's statutes, (ten) commandments and laws does overcome sin for Eternal Living Life (Genesis 26:5), which was Voiced by God to Abraham before they were written upon tables of stone with His Holy Finger (Exodus 24:12, Exodus 31:18). Many Christian religious leaders teach their members that Eternal Life is something that can become obtained by individuals who do very little to take up their Cross (which means something must be done) to obtain Eternal Living Life from God. Christians are not being taught how to take up their cross daily. The Christian religious leaders teach the verse only means "dying of self in Christ daily". They teach nothing about confessing, repenting, and overcoming sin daily, neither do they teach how to truly follow and walk in the footsteps of Christ to become a Son of God. (Luke 9:23, John 10:27, John 15:10) Many Christians do profess:
• To deeply believe and care that the Glory of God's Good does not fail, yet at the same time many do limit their Faith in God's Good, through seeking to use their own view of good to benefit them with lesser things that fail, because they lack God's Good.
• To deeply believe and care that the Glory of God's Good is able to undertake and perform Great Physical things and wonders, yet at the same time many do limit their own Faith in God's Power of Good by ignoring Good's Spiritual existence that they can Physically reflect, and because it is Spirit, like God, He does have the Power and Ability to manifest His Good Physically (Jesus Christ) as He does desire. • That the Glory of God's Good is undertaken for the benefit of All man, yet at the same time many do limit their Faith in God's Glory of Good by ignoring that they hold the same inability to follow God's Good as any sinner whom has not heard the Word of God and His Good. When an individual does say they cannot overcome sin, nor live by the Ten Commandments, they are actually saying their Faith is not strong enough, they are not a new creature in Christ, they do not walk after the Spirit, nor do they have the power to become sons of God. (Proverbs 24:5, Romans 4:20, 1 Corinthians 16:13, Psalms 103:20, Romans 8:4, 2 Corinthians 5:17, John 1:12) Many Christians accommodate and accept the knowledge of the worlds lies concerning Purity. More so than the knowledge of Purity taught by the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. They become again entangled therein, and overcome by the world's lies. The latter end is worse with them than the beginning (2 Peter 2:20). Many Christians accommodate and accept the knowledge of the worlds lies concerning the Laws for Good (the Ten Commandments). The laws for sin (sacrifice) Jesus Christ has negated and ended (Daniel 9:26-27, Ezekiel 39:17), so it would had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them after they have known it (2 Peter 2:21). Many Christians accommodate and accept the knowledge of the worlds lies concerning the Truth of Jesus Christ in the gospels, or in the scriptures to devise their own truth to become like a dog that is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire (2 Peter 2:22). Many Christians do allow themselves to accommodate an ever growing regards for sin. They believe it's okay to continually Nail Christ to the Cross, and expect Jesus Christ to continually do without any true repentance for sin, as the End of Times draw to a close (Time of the Gentiles). They also believe its okay to continually fall short of God's Grace, its Truth, Good and Righteousness. (Ezra 9:8, Luke 21:24, 2 Peter 2:20-22) Many Christians are not able to comprehend just how much their accommodating sin has done to hamper God from giving them the Good things that He desired to bless them with, even more than the Jews. (Jeremiah 5:25)
• Because the Christian religious leaders have taught them more about the written scriptures than Israel's religious leaders had taught the Jews. The Chosen People have had much of the scriptures, and the fulfillment of scriptures altered, changed, distorted or hidden to the extent that though many of the Jews reject the fulfillment of scriptures by the Lord God and His being Jesus Christ in the gospels, but their religious leaders have for the most part, kept them united as a Nation of People that has truly loved and sought to give honor to God, even in all their failures. Where most of the religious leaders of the Gentile families of nations have allowed their people's love and honor for God to eventually wane to degrees that has allowed their overall Church members and their people to have and show more love and honor for themselves and Satan's promises, and have and shown less love and honor for the Lord Jesus Christ. (Jeremiah 5:25)
As sin does grow, it does hamper God in His plans to bless with His Good that is free from sin, that God fulfilled being Jesus Christ, the King and counsellor of God's Good on earth. (Jeremiah 5:25, Micah 4:9)• Because they do profess to be Christians who love the Purity of the Lord Jesus Christ, yet have blindly courted the impure impassions of the world which has little or nothing to do with the love of God He taught and displayed being the Lord Jesus Christ. In making such a choice, it does hamper God to provide them with the Good Blessings concerning the Love and Purity of the Lord Jesus Christ, because they have already chosen to be a god unto themselves in choosing impure impassions of the world that end up hampering God through their further acceptance of other things and choices they make concerning their love for the world. (Jeremiah 5:25) • Because they do profess to be Christians who know God, His Good and Righteousness, but still partake of evil and sin. They seek to justify their partaking of evil and sin by blaming other individuals, things, or even God. In doing so, they also do hamper God's Truth and Good, because of their impenitent heart that keeps them from overcoming sin, and not placing much of a value on Truth or Good each time they blame other individuals, things, or even God. (Jeremiah 5:25) • Because they do profess to be Christians who know what is Good, what is evil, and what is sin, yet continue to partake of evil thoughts and sin, and ignore how much that evil or sin does and will affect them, does and will affect other individuals, and does and will affect their communities, and even their nation. Many Christians are not able to comprehend the reality of the growth of sin when its partaken of, or why it does grow when partaken of, or bring about destruction and demise of the physical life of man when partaken of.
• Because the Christian religious leaders have become so caught up in teaching simply comprehension to their members. They simply teach their members if they continue in sin they do and will go to Hell, rather than teaching individuals that the scriptures and the Covenant, the Ten Commandments comprehends sin, or teach them the Good they need to know to comprehend sin to overcome the sin of the world like Jesus Christ did do. (Proverbs 4:4, Proverbs 7:2, Matthew 19:17)
Ignoring to teach the Christian members that Jesus Christ distinctly voiced, that an individual is known by their fruits, and that there will be many who call Him Lord which will not enter into the kingdom of heaven, because they have not produced on earth Good Fruits, and He will say "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity". (Matthew 7:20-23) Those that teach Christians that the Covenant, the Ten Commandments is no longer needed to Truly comprehend sin, to overcome the sin of the world, then they do in essence place themselves above the Lord Jesus Christ, Who taught the importance and value of scriptures, and the Covenant, the Ten Commandments that allows man to show forth Good Fruits. (Matthew 7:16, Colossians 1:10, John 15:10, Jude 1:21)
• Because the Christian religious leaders seek to spend more time in searching scriptures to teach Christians the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean, while at the same time teaching Christians that the scriptures and the Covenant, the Ten Commandments, are no longer needed to Truly comprehend the reality of the growth of sin when its partaken of. When the growth of sin is manifested throughout scripture records of Israel's disobedience to the Covenant, the Ten Commandments. This cannot be understood by Christians that are only being taught the New Testament (and Gospels) and their being most important, and Christians not being taught the importance of the Covenant, the Ten Commandments. Instead many Christians are being taught the Ten Commandments are no longer important, because they are not under the law, but under grace, or they are not for Christians, but for the Jews-Israel. The Christian religious leaders do not teach which law is in reference, because they do not know, nor do they search and study the scriptures to teach their members its the law of sacrifice for sin that did cause sin to have dominion over the Chosen People, and not God's law of Good, the Ten Commandments, that does set one free from sin! (Ezekiel 44:23, Romans 6:14, Romans 8:2)
• Because the Christian religious leaders seek to spend more time in searching scriptures to teach Christians of the Righteousness that Jesus Christ Physically fulfilled in the gospels, and do pick and choose a few scriptures to justify their very simplified views of sin, and ignore many other things in scriptures that makes known why sin does grow when partaken of, to bring about destruction and demise of the physical life of man. (Genesis 4:7, James 1:14-15)
Many Christians are being taught all they need to do is to believe upon the Name of Jesus Christ to become Saved. They are lead to ignore the word *Might* within the scripture, or have accepted having it replaced with the word *May*.
John 20:31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.
Yet, Christians do not even question these changes, nor wonder or question what else is being changed that can restrict them from the Truth to become a Son of God! |