Failing Christians (Page 3) ![]() ![]()
Many professed Christians have no foundation to
Luke 8:13
Jesus Christ had defeated the evil of temptation completely by never committing sin. It is the Spirit of the Father God and His Saving Good Knowledge in Him that allowed Him to sight and defeat all temptation, and so can individuals if they would likewise follow the Father God's Power, the Lord's Spirit that was within Jesus Christ.
Many Christians have not been taught, nor have they learned to defeat the power of evil temptation.
• The iniquity of Christians has caused for them to turn back (continually), tempt God (with sin), and limit the Holy One of Israel. Even far more than Israel ever did do. (Psalms 78:41, Hebrews 10:38-39, Luke 9:62)
• The iniquity of Christians has caused for them to continually sin, and continual sin does continually sacrifice Jesus Christ upon the cross, which has made God (Jesus Christ) to serve Christians while they continue in their sins. Even far more than Israel ever did do. (Hebrews 10:26, Hebrews 6:6, Isaiah 43:24) • The iniquity of Christians "have turned away these things" (the Lord's Good workings in which He had planned to do), and the sins of Christians "have withholden good things" from them. Even far more than Israel. (Jeremiah 5:25)
• The Old Testament scriptures.
• His Physically teachings He taught upon the planet as Jesus Christ. • His Physical displayed Good Works as Jesus Christ. • His being the Physical Example of a Son of God to follow, and to become a Son of God themselves. Members of man that profess to be Christian, seek to teach others of the things concerning who God Is:
• Yet they neglect to understand God's Grace, as He had recorded within the scriptures. They then cause for many others to not understand, nor seek to know how to follow God's Grace that He had recorded in the scriptures.
• Yet they neglect to understand the reality of God's Grace, as He had recorded within the scriptures. They then cause for many others to not understand the reality of God's Grace that He had recorded in the scriptures. • Yet they neglect to understand the Power of God's Grace, as He had recorded within the scriptures. They then cause for many others to not understand the Power of God's Grace that He had recorded in the scriptures. • Yet they neglect to understand how and why God's Grace can overcome sin, as He had recorded within the scriptures. They then cause for many others to not understand the Power of God's Grace that does overcome sin, as recorded in the scriptures. • Yet they neglect to understand that only in following God's Grace can sin be overcome, as is recorded within the scriptures. They then cause for many others to not understand that only in following God's Grace can sin be overcome, as recorded in the scriptures. • Yet they neglect to understand that only in God's Grace can Truth and Eternal Life be seen or obtained, as is recorded within the scriptures. They then cause for many others to be less able to understand that only in wholeheartedly following God's Grace can Truth and Eternal Life be seen or obtained, as recorded in scripture. (Genesis 33:8, Exodus 33:12, Zechariah 12:10, Luke 2:40, John 1:14, John 1:17, Romans 4:16) God does Personally establish the Glory of His Being and Good through His Physical Visitation of Himself as the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
• To afford another miracle where God does enable Himself to Physically manifest and employ the Living Existence of His Grace in Human Form.
• To afford another miracle where God does enable Himself to Physically manifest and employ the Living Reality of His Grace in Human Form. • To afford another miracle where God does enable Himself to Physically manifest and employ the Living Standard by which His Grace can be Physically seen. • To afford another miracle where God does enable Himself to Physically manifest and employ the Living Glory His Grace (as Jesus Christ) by bringing forth Redemption for sin. • To afford another miracle where God does enable Himself to Physically manifest and employ the Living Fulfillment of Forgiveness from sin through His Grace, that was Physically manifested as Jesus Christ. • To afford another miracle where God does enable Himself to Physically manifest and employ the Living Fulfillment of Salvation from sin through His Grace, Jesus Christ. • To afford another miracle where God does enable Himself to Physically manifest and employ the Living Fulfillment of God's Promised Eternal Living Life fulfilled through His Grace, Jesus Christ. God did Personally (as Jesus Christ) fulfill His Promise that He did make to Israel to bless all families (Gentiles) the earth with the knowledge and opportunity of having Saved their Soul alive, by turning away from all their transgressions they hath committed, so they will surely live, and not die. Jesus Christ did Physically prove Eternal Living Life did exist within His Resurrection. But because many Christians are accommodating sin without any real true remorse or repentance for their sin, it does cause them to care less about their overcoming sin, and the Saving of their Soul, so the Soul can continue to live. This is no different than what the Chosen People of Israel did in their continual sacrificing for the same sin over and over again, they also accommodated sin continually. (Deuteronomy 30:19, Ezekiel 18:27-28) Christians are not being taught to live up to Abraham's Faith, and belief in the Lord God, so that they can have at their disposal the Power of Righteousness that does allow for them to overcome the sin upon the planet.
• Many Christians have become surrounded with cold and lukewarm views and beliefs that have sought to replace the Truth of God with lies that seek to take away having Faith in God's Righteousness enough that it causes Christians to believe they are incapable of being able to have a righteousness like Abraham.
• Many Christians have become surrounded with cold and lukewarm views and beliefs that have sought to replace the Truth of God being Jesus Christ with lies that seek to take away having Faith in God's Righteousness enough that Christians believe they are incapable of being able to have a righteousness like Abraham. • Many Christians have become surrounded with cold and lukewarm views and beliefs that have sought to replace Righteousness with lies that seek to take away Faith enough that Christians believe they are incapable of being able to have a righteousness like Abraham. • Many Christians have become surrounded with cold and lukewarm views and beliefs that have sought to replace the Power of Good and Righteousness with the lesser of evil and sin that allows them to be drawn to pleasures, powers and successes brought forth within sin, without caring to view or truly sight the great many failures, demises and destructions that sin keeps hidden from open scrutiny to make it only harder for Christians to have a righteousness like Abraham. • Many Christians have become surrounded with cold and lukewarm views and beliefs that have sought to replace the Power of Faith and Righteousness in scriptures with views and beliefs that do nothing to show nor grow in the knowledge of the Power of Faith and Righteousness, which makes it harder for Christians to have a righteousness like Abraham. These same Christians do end up forgetting, or not realizing what Faith is.
• Because they have only been taught to have Faith, and not much about living out and following the same Righteousness that Abraham had.
Christians could have that same Power that had become passed onto His disciples, but many do not have the Faith that counts for Righteousness like Abraham had, nor do they have the Faith of Jesus Christ, because they do not truly follow in their footsteps. (Genesis 15:6, John 8:39, Romans 3:21, Romans 4:13, 1 John 2:1, 1 John 2:29)• Because they have only been taught to have Faith, because their many religious leaders do not follow the same Righteousness that Abraham had. • Because they have only been taught about Faith, and lack being taught much about its identical twin Righteousness. • Because they have only been taught about the Faith of Jesus Christ, and lack being taught much about God's Spirit of Righteousness that His Spirit upheld. Human beings are created in the Image of God! Most all individuals have lost sight of the meaning to be created in God's Image, because of the sin in their lives. Accommodating sin has led many professed Christians to become less able to care, regard, or truly use the Image of God to know God, His Good and Righteousness. Instead of these professed Christians truly being Born Again to enhance His Good and Righteousness on earth, they become less able to care about their given Image of God that reflects the Good and Righteousness that does overcomes sin.
• Which causes for many Christians to overlook their created Image that affords them greater understandings of God's Image by which to teach others of.
• Which causes for many Christians to overlook their responsibility unto God to truly seek to understand the Image of God which man was created in. • Which causes for many Christians to overlook their responsibility unto themselves as teachers to understand the Image of God which man was created in. • Which causes for many Christians to overlook their responsibility to individuals that they are teaching of God and His creation of man to understand the Image of God which man was created in. • Which causes for many Christians to overlook affording individuals the ability to truly sight God's Spiritual Image which their Physical existence was created to Physically represent. • Which causes for many Christians to overlook affording individuals the ability to truly sight God's Spiritual Personage of Good which their Physical existence was created to Physically reflect. • Which causes for many Christians to overlook affording individuals the ability to Physically relate to God's Image and His Personage of Good to live better lives, and teach others likewise. • Which causes for many Christians to overlook affording themselves and the individuals they teach the ability to better understand the importance and regard for the Physical and Spiritual Image of God given them, which they should truly have. (1 Corinthians 15:49, 2 Corinthians 3:18, 2 Corinthians 4:4, Colossians 3:10) God does Personally establish the Glory of His Being and Good through His Physical Visitation of Himself as the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
• To afford another miracle where God does enable individuals a visual Image of His Spirit in Physical Form.
• To afford another miracle where God does enable individuals a visual Image of His Spirit in Physical Form, so they could become able to Physically see His Fundamental Nature and Glory of Good and Righteousness in Physical Human Form. • To afford another miracle where God does enable individuals a visual Image of His Spirit in Physical Form, so they could become more able to understand and relate to His Fundamental Nature and Glory of Good and Righteousness. • To afford another miracle where God does enable individuals a visual Image of His Spirit in Physical Form, so they could become able to Physically see in Human Form the Glory of His Good and Righteousness Redeeming them from sin. • To afford another miracle where God does enable individuals a visual Image of His Spirit in Physical Form, so they could become able to Physically see in Human Form the Glory of His Salvation unto Eternal Living Life manifested. Many Christians do view and teach scriptures from a human eye perspective of what the Lord God did say in scriptures, rather than through the usage of the Lord's eyes. Many Christians do desire to view many of those things made known in gospels from a human eyes view of what had been said within the gospels, rather than the Lord's eyes as Jesus Christ, or even His disciples and Apostles concerning what Grace and Works are. Such as the distortion of the words said and recorded by Paul in Romans. (Romans 11:6, Ephesians 2:10, Titus 2:14, Titus 3:14, Matthew 7:20, Luke 3:8, John 15:8, 2 Corinthians 9:10, Colossians 1:10, Hebrews 10:24, 1 Peter 2:12)
• Many Christians do blindly teach others that Works do not matter when it comes to gaining the Eternal Grace of God brought forth through Jesus Christ, while ignoring to teach others what Jesus Christ distinctly said, "Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life." Which does make it quite clear that works do matter, when it comes to gaining the Eternal Grace of God brought forth through Jesus Christ. (John 6:27)
• Many Christians do blindly teach others that Paul taught that Works do not matter, when it comes to gaining the Eternal Grace of God brought forth through Jesus Christ, while ignoring to teach others that Paul also said "Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith." (Romans 11:6, Romans 3:27) These same Christians do not teach or help others to understand that it is Faith which gives access to Grace, nor to have much Faith, when Christian religious leaders do continually concentrate upon telling others that they cannot overcome sin, even though Jesus Christ said in seeking to give individuals Peace of mind and heart that He was proof that sin can be overcome (Romans 2:23, Romans 3:27, Romans 5:2, Romans 11:6, John 16:33).
• Many Christians in their blindness do cause others to believe they are members of the election of Grace who have been Saved by Jesus Christ through the Grace of the righteousness of God without the law, which ironically is what Israel's religious leaders did teach the Chosen People also (that the Law of Good and Righteousness, the Ten Commandments, do not need to be followed nor observed). (Romans 3:31, Romans 3:21, Hebrews 13:16)
• Many Christians in their blindness do cause others to believe they are members of the election of Grace who have been Saved by Jesus Christ, and even if they continue to sin, no matter how few, or how many sins they commit, that their Salvation is nevertheless eternally Saved. Yet these Christian ignore to teach that Israel fell in the same exact trap of believing that they could continue to sin, and can become excused by God through a Pure Sacrifice. (Hebrews 6:6, Hebrews 10:26) No where in scriptures does God ever says that He will give His Grace to anyone (Jews nor Christians) who do the works of sacrifice continually for their continual same sins. (John 5:39) The bible speaks of anti-christ(s). It tells what they are, and warns there are many. (1 John 2:18, 1 John 2:22, 1 John 4:3, 2 John 1:7) Yet Christian religious leaders, members themselves, and so-called scholars have Christians looking for a specific person to be "The Anti-christ". Christians are mislead to believe the son of perdition spoken of in 2 Thessalonians is "The Antichrist", because they lack understanding what makes a true Son of God is, and how to become one. They cannot sight that an anti-christ is one that professes to be Christian, but doesn't really know Father God's Visitation, His Holy Spirit, nor Jesus Christ beheld within the Trinity, and they do accommodate sin in some manner. A falling away, depart from faith, and abomination of desolation can be seen today within Christianity.
• Many that profess to be Christian are leaving God's churches that were established in His name, Jesus Christ, and creating their own truth of scriptures.
• Many that profess to be Christian are at the pulpit (such as active homosexuals, liars, fornicator, thieves, and adulterers) preaching lies, deception, and acceptance of sin. • Many that profess to be Christian are saying they have no need for the Bible, because they have the Holy Spirit (do they?). • Many that profess to be Christian are rejecting God's tools of Good and Righteousness, the Ten Commandments that helps individuals to overcome sin. • Many that profess to be Christian are seeking a easier and different way into Heaven, and their teaching others of these false securities (example: "once saved always saved"). • Many that profess to be Christian are believing and teaching others that God predestined some individuals to Heaven, and some to hell, and God never afforded His Children freedom of choice, which is a lie from the pits of hell. • Many that profess to be Christian are believing and teaching others they don't have to, or can't do anything themselves after attaining salvation,... no works, yet say they are following the Lord Jesus Christ and His Good and Righteousness. • Many that profess to be Christian are accommodating sin. • Many that profess to be Christian are taking God's Grace, Salvation, and Forgiveness as Jesus Christ for granted. • Many that profess to be Christian are believing and teaching others that repentance is a one time action, and they don't have to acknowledge their sin after attaining salvation. • Many that profess to be Christian are cursing and reject the Jews, which is the foundation of their Faith. These individuals have the audacity to say, or make claims that they are following the Lord Jesus Christ and a Christian. God does voice in Spirit, and Physically as Jesus Christ that this is not the Way to Him, His Good and Righteousness for Eternal Living Life, yet individuals choose to ignore God, and Jesus Christ with their misuse and distortion of the scriptures. A Christian is an individual who exhibits a spirit proper to the following of Jesus Christ. An individual that truly follows Jesus Christ does follow suit by conforming to, comply with, act in accordance with, and obeying all He voiced and did do. (Romans 8:14, Philippians 2:15, Romans 8:4)
The most popular scripture that most Christians hold their Faith to is John 3:16, yet ignore the words *Should Not*!
John 3:15-16 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Many Christians grow to believe, that they can lay claim to Jesus Christ:
• Without following Israel's God.
• Without much need to follow the Covenant, the Ten Commandments, as Jesus Christ did. • Without much need to believe that Physically Jesus Christ is God, when He did everything Physically possible to prove He Is. • Without much need to seek pureness through seeking to overcome sin, as Jesus Christ did. • Without much need to believe they need a Saviour (Jesus Christ), Who openly made known that He Saved members of Israel from death, and then He rose from death unto Eternal life in Heaven Himself. (Psalms 68:20, Hosea 13:14) God being Jesus Christ did Physically teach and display what it does take to become a son of God, being a Son of God Himself. (John 15:10, 1 Peter 2:21) |