Adam The First Son of God
Genesis 2:7 ![]()
After God does secure His creativity of Neanderthal man upon earth, He does set to use their basic physique, and dominion Image of God as a foundation to Form one single creation of a human with a given Soul. The Soul does give a spiritual clarity to man's physical existence so they can become used by God as the first and only physical creature ever able to reflect and represent God, His Righteous Good, and Spirit as a Son of God.
On the seventh day, God does set to use the design of Neanderthal Man to form a most Special species of creature in which He does "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul" that would be God's first created Son of God on earth. God does form the First Son of God with a Living Soul that would enable him the added capability,
• To enhance the Image of God, and the Dominion earlier established in Neanderthal Man.
• To be able to direct and control their own destiny and prosperity upon the planet. God initiates His creation of one Specially formed heritage of a single Son of God to physically reflect the living existence of His Personage of Righteous Good, as well as reflecting the attributes of His Being of Spirit in a physical living form. Sons of God are created to physically reflect, represent, and follow God's Personage of Righteous Good and Love upon their planet. God does form Adam with the Glory of being the only creature created with a Soul.
• A Soul that gives them the ability to truly know God.
Adam was then the only living creature upon the planet exclusively given the ability to be truly aware of himself, and his surroundings enough to be able to know God, his Creator.• A Soul that gives them the ability to truly know God's Righteous Good. • A Soul that gives them the ability to truly gain God's long-term Glories of Eternal Living Life. The Soul (breath of God) does connect Adam to God spiritually.
• The Soul enables Adam to hear and see God.
• The Soul enables Adam to be able to inter-act personally with God, because the Spirit that he has is likened unto God's Spirit. • The Soul enables Adam to walk with God, because Adam's Spirit shines and walks within a likeness to the same Purity that God walks in. Adam does rely upon his initial purity and innocence to allow him the ability to truly be aware of the existence of the unseen Spirit of God that surrounds him. Adam does also have a natural ability to be aware of his spirit enough to also be able to truly realize the unseen Spirit of God that did create him. The Soul also allows Adam to truly understand what is being said unto him by God in Spirit. Adam does rely upon his initial purity and innocence to allow him the ability to truly be aware of the existence of the unseen Spirit of God's Righteous Good that surrounds him completely. Adam does realize and see the Good within his surroundings. Adam does become aware of himself and the nature of Good that gives power, makes up, and surrounds the success of nature, and himself more than anything else. Adam's initial purity and innocence also allows him to truly realize the unseen Good that actually surrounds all things within existence. God's creativity of a Soul is the very first, and only time on the planet a species of creature (Son of God) does not have to rely upon instinct to govern and direct the actions and outcomes within their existence. The very first, and only time on the planet a species of creature (Son of God) has become given the ability to govern and direct their intellect in ways that can be used to dramatically effect both the actions and outcome of their existence. The other creatures upon the planet did Not resemble Adam, nor were they afforded a God breathe Soul (a part of God) that gives Adam the ability to interact physically and verbally with God. Adam's Soul does allow him,
• To exemplify the Existence of God's Being that is Spirit through his physical being.
• To exemplify the creation of himself by, and through the God Who created him. • To exemplify his existence through the Righteous Good of God that was used to create him. • To exemplify his surrounding using the unseen Glory of God's Righteous Good that created and continues to surround living existence. • To exemplify the value of his existence through the usage of the Eternal Glory that his Soul does offer him. With God's creativity of a Soul, there does exist for the first time a creature (Son of God) with the Glory of God's Image,
• To have the physical and mental ability to emulate God's Being of Spirit upon the planet.
• To have the physical and mental ability to reflect and represent the Righteous Good of God's Being of Spirit upon the planet. • To have the physical and mental ability to gain from God the Glories of His Eternal Living Life. With God's creativity of a Soul, there does exist upon the planet for the first time a creature (Son of God).
• That is truly able to realize they have a Spirit.
• That is truly able to recognize Spiritual matters. • That is truly able to seek to understand the importance of their Spirit, and Spiritual abilities, or possibilities. With God's creativity of a Soul, there does exist upon the planet for the first time a creature (Son of God) with a mental capability that allows them to,
• Fully be able to interact with their natural environment, unlike any other creature living before them upon the planet.
• Fully be able to alter their natural habitual behaviors, unlike any other creature living before them upon the planet. • Fully be able to satisfy and secure their existence with less reliance upon need. • Fully be able to use their physical ability in ways that give greater structure to their basic instinctive behavioral patterns through affording their existence the ability to accord physical possibilities with greater mental awareness, unlike any other creature living before them upon the planet. • Fully be able to use intellect to learn of, and adapt to their surroundings, unlike any other creature living before them upon the planet. • Fully be able to have Dominion over their surroundings, unlike any other creature living before them upon the planet. God afforded Adam a Soul to enhance his Free-Will and Intellect, and to have a likeness to God's Devine and Perfect Good.
• Devine and Perfect Good within his Soul that does enhance His ability to fully function and interact with his surroundings physically and spiritually through the usage of Good.
• Devine and Perfect Good within his Soul that does enhance His ability to desire to use Good things in his caring for all the creatures that he is responsible for upon earth. • Devine and Perfect Good within his Soul that does enhance His ability and desire to teach the things of Good that he is truly able to recognize. Just as there is,
• One single God in the universe.
God does create only One physically fashioned living creature,• One single God that has Dominion over, and does rule over the entirety of what is in the universe. • One single God that has always existed, even before the creation of the universe.
• To have and hold God's Personal Image of Good upon the earth.
• To have and hold His Dominion upon the earth. • To have and hold a Soul that can afford them an Eternal existence. • That is able to truly know God upon the earth. • That is able to truly know the Good of His Godliness upon the earth. • To truly reflect and represent God and His Being upon the earth. • To truly reflect and represent the Good of His Godliness upon the earth. • To truly exact the Being of God upon the earth. • To truly exact the Good of His Godliness upon the earth. God's creativity of a Soul does permanently record,
• Whether or not Adam does truly know God.
• Whether or not Adam does truly desire to know God. • Whether or not Adam does truly realize the creativity of his living existence by God. • Whether or not Adam is truly aware of God, the Creator of his living existence. • Whether or not Adam seeks to acknowledge that God is the Creator of his living existence. • Whether or not Adam seeks to understand that God is the Creator of his living existence. • Whether or not Adam seeks to follow God's Spirit. • Whether or not Adam does truly know the Good of God's Godliness. • Whether or not Adam does truly desire to know the Good of God's Godliness. • Whether or not Adam does truly know the Power of the Good of God's Godliness. • Whether or not Adam is truly aware of the Power of the Good in Godliness that created his living existence. • Whether or not Adam does truly seek to acknowledge the Power of the Good in Godliness that created his living existence. • Whether or not Adam does truly seek to understand the Power of the Good in Godliness that created his living existence. • Whether or not Adam does truly desire to seek to follow the Good in Godliness upon the planet. • Whether or not Adam does truly seek to follow the Good in Godliness upon the planet. • Whether or not Adam is truly worthy of the Glories given him. • Whether or not Adam can be truly trusted with the Glories given him to be found worthy of Greater Glories. • Whether or not Adam's undertakings of Good are truly worthy of becoming given Greater Glory. • Whether or not Adam does truly follow in God's likened Footsteps of Good to be found worthy to be rewarded with greater universal footsteps. • Whether or not Adam does truly know God to be found Worthy of be given Eternal Glories. God formed Adam to not be ruled by instinct, or habit (like the Neanderthal). Adam's Soul does give him the ability to truly sight the reality and importance of Good, so that he can make choices outside instinct and habit. The Soul does allow Adam to know right from wrong. Adam was formed only knowing Good, so Adam was able to teach the Neanderthal to do Good. Adam did build communities upon the planet established on the Good and Love of God (till the ground). Adam does become the first living creature upon the planet with the ability to make choices. His choices make him responsible and accountable for his made decisions. God formed Adam with a Soul. A Soul that gave him a Natural ability to discern Good. Adam always sought to do, and to follow God's Good.
• In his caring for all of the Animal creatures that God created upon the earth.
Adam's loyalty to God's Good was very strong. This is why Satan chose to tempt Eve with his lies, and Not Adam.• In his caring for all of the Neanderthal Man that God created upon the earth. • In his teaching of the Neanderthal Man that God did spread throughout areas of the earth. The Neanderthal were not created with a Soul to distinguish right from wrong, as Adam was. Adam did teach the Divine and Perfect Good to the Neanderthal creatures that resembled him. Adam taught the Neanderthal the needed techniques to survive (such as fire), personal guidance in social and moral employments that would overtime serve and become used in their small communal organizations. Adam's Soul does allow him to be more than a mere physical shell of a creature that does rely completely on instinct and habitual behavior to give his existence direction and survival. Adam did not have to rely on slow and long periods in time to enhance his existence and survival.
• He did not have to go through continual trial and error, and multitude of failures to attain small degrees of success in existence and survival.
• He did not have to go through continual trial and error to attain small degrees of success in existence and survival, only to gain little individual and personal growth upon the planet. • He did not have to go through continual trial and error, and multitude of failures that have to be revisited over and over to attain small degrees of success in existence and survival. • He did not have to go through continual trial and error to remain attached to instinct and habitual behavior patterns that sought to distort the small degrees of success in existence and survival that they do gain. Adam's Soul does allow for Adam to have very extensive Freedoms to Choose for himself.
• To make his choices in how to direct much of his possibilities in his existence upon the planet.
• To make his choices in what to do with the Glories that he does become given upon the planet. • To make his choices in how to use the Glories that he does become given upon the planet. • To make his choices in how to direct the Glories that he does become given upon the planet. • To make his choices in how to direct his Dominion upon the planet. • To make his choices in how to direct his destiny upon the planet. • To make his choices in what things he will, or will not partake of upon the planet. The addition of a Soul to Adam's physical being does enhance his basic intellectual capability.
• To the degree that he is more able to apply intellect in ways that does enhance his realization of God's Existence surrounding him.
Which in-turn• To the degree that he is more able to apply intellect in ways that does enhance his realization of the Good that God surrounds his existence with.
• He is more able to apply intellect in ways that does use Reason and Choice to enhance his physical existence and
needs. • He is more able to apply intellect in ways that does use Reason and Choice to assist his physical existence and needs. • He is more able to apply intellect in ways that does use Reason and Choice to enhance his spiritual understanding of the unseen things of God surrounding him. • He is more able to apply that Reason to a correct Choice within intellect for enhancing his survival upon the planet. Adam's Soul does allow Adam the ability to use Reason in his application of thought, so as to apply the Good of God's creation unto his being in ways for enhancing survival.
• If Reason is applied in a Godly manner, survival becomes secured.
Adam's Soul does allow Adam to have few limitations to sight the depth of Good used by God to enhance his being. Adam's ability to Reason was more prone to sight Choices without any negativity to distract or hinder his view of truth.• If Reason is Not applied in a Godly manner, then survival doesn't become secured. God loves Adam to make him in the Completeness of His Image with a Soul. God loves him to allow him to have the Freedom of Choice, even if that choice is to commit or partake of the destructive folly of sin to destroy himself. True love does always offer choice! God does love Adam to give him the Freedom to choose sin over Good. God wants Sons of God to willingly return that love by not choosing sin over His Righteous Good. Adam's Soul does allow Adam to become given the ability to know the Good of God's Godliness that holds the only Power to enhance existence beyond short-term existence. Adam was the only living creature upon the planet with a Soul at that time that gives him the ability to exist eternally. Adam's physical being allows Adam to pass on the creativity of the Soul that does give the ability to attain Eternal Living Life.
• Unto the existence of any offspring that he may produce (through procreation).
• Unto the existence of any planetary individual that comes from the heritage of Adam (through procreation). And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. God does create the First Son of God with a Living Soul upon the planet because there did not exist a man that was able to sustain their existence sufficiently enough with the Good of God (rain). There did not exist a man with intellect enough to enhance man's existence on earth with the Good of God, nor to secure their survival upon the planet by tilling the ground with the Good of God upon the planet. Prior to the existence of the First Son of God (Adam) with a Living Soul, there existed no other living creature on earth that was able to Till the Ground with the needed knowledge to enhance man's existence with the Good of God to secure their survival. God does fashion His one Living Son of God creature with a Living Soul,
• To Till the Ground of earth through enhancing his given Image of God upon the planet.
• To Till the Ground of earth through enhancing his given Dominion upon the planet. • To Till the Ground of earth through enhancing his initially given Eternal Existence upon the planet. • To Till the Ground of earth through enhancing his knowledge of God upon the planet. • To Till the Ground of earth through enhancing his knowledge of God's Good upon the planet. • To Till the Ground of earth through enhancing his representing of God and His Good upon the planet. • To Till the Ground of earth through enhancing his reflecting God and His Good upon the planet. • To Till the Ground of earth through exacting God and His Good upon the planet. God did give Adam the tools that will accord His Image of God with the physical ability to Till the Ground of earth, so Earth's growing number of people will have the knowledge of God and His Good, so not to rely upon vast amounts of time, effort, and the death of numbers of people just to attain far less knowledge of themselves to survive on earth. Adam taught the Neanderthal righteousness, but they were deeply limited in comprehension and application, because they did not have a given Soul.
• Their own physical being and spirit lacked having the ability to truly comprehend the knowledge and value of purity, even when it was taught and shown to them by Adam.
The Neanderthal remained blinded to the Righteousness of God with their very habitual and instinctual behaviors that had limited their existence on earth.• Their own physical being and spirit lacked having the ability to truly understand the Power of Righteousness that was behind their own creation, even when Righteousness was taught and shown to them by Adam. • Their own physical being and spirit lacked having the ability to truly sight the importance of Righteousness, even when Righteousness was taught and shown to them that Righteousness did exist outside their immediate physical being and spirit. Divine Sons of God would become used by God as the first and only physical creature ever to reflect and represent God, His Righteous Good, and Spirit upon the planet and throughout the universe. |