Sons of God and the Nephilim Genesis 6 ![]()
Many individuals choose to view the Sons of God in Genesis 6 as being Fallen Angels, rather than listening to God's Voice in scriptures that states most distinctly that they are Sons of God. Spelled
s-o-n-s o-f G-o-d
; Not spelled
F-a-l-l-e-n A-n-g-e-l-s
Individuals have allowed themselves to distort and ignore the reality that scripture does capitalize the "G" when refering to those Sons of God in Genesis 6. Throughout scriptures the capitalization of "God" refers to the LORD, and any non-capitalized god always refered to false gods, but many want, or choose to ignore this fact.
John 14:2-3
In my Father's house
(universe) are many mansions (planets): if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
In not sighting the truth, individuals are not able to sight, understand, think about, or consider the failures of those sons of God in Genesis 6, because they might have to sight their own failures within their own faith. Genesis 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. These sons of God did come to earth from their Godly planet to aid and assist with man's early development and God's planned workings upon the earth. Their planetary society never did experience or hold any contact to sin. These sons of God were never exposed to sin that Satan uses as a tool to persuade, and cause sons of God to commit folly in sin that does cause them to lose the glory they have as sons of God. They had no experience with sin. Satan knew that these sons of God mentioned in Genesis 6 were from planets which were Godly. Satan did also deeply realize,
• The planet they came from had never experienced sin.
• The planet they came from had not succumb to the temptations of Satan's whispers. • Those sons of God had never been exposed to blindness. • Those sons of God had never been exposed to sin. • Those sons of God had never partaken of sin. • Those sons of God had never had to experience meager levels of intellect that barely hold enough knowledge to access their solar system because of sin. • Those sons of God had never had to experience meager levels of intellect to produce tools with little ability to travel the universe because of sin. • Those sons of God had never experienced the demise and destruction that sin brings forth. • Those sons of God had never experienced thousands of years going through much grave demise and destruction upon their planet. • Those sons of God had never had to have their sin defeated with the Physical Visitation of God as the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Satan knew they had frailties that he can play upon. Satan did use their lack of companionship on earth to have those sons of God believe,
• They would not jeopardize their given task taking the daughters of men and making them their wives.
• They would not jeopardize their ability to aid and assist the planet in taking the daughters of men and making them their wives. • Their personal task of giving aid and assistance to the planet would not become influenced in taking the daughters of men and making them their wives. • They could possibly give greater aid and assistance to the planet in taking the daughters of men and making them their wives. • Their personal lives would not be influenced in taking the daughters of men and making them their wives. • They could possibly, or somehow hide from God their actions of taking the daughters of men and making them their wives. • They could possibly, or somehow hide from God the failures that they did make as a results of taking the daughters of men and making them their wives. Those sons of God (Genesis 6:2) should have known better to not do what they did in their taking of the daughters of men, and making them wives. Instead they chose to become blinded by their passions to take it upon themselves to commit folly in sin against God. It is frowned on and considered very appalling and viewed as evil by God and all other Sons of God in universe to take wives from a wayward planet's population that they are responsible for in the giving of aid and assistance to. Sadly those sons of God referred to in Genesis 6,
• Did become blind to the effects that they could or would have on their task giving aid and assistance to the earth's inhabitants.
• Did become blind to the effects that they could or would have upon the social structuring that would, or could deeply change earth's direction. • Did become blind to the effects that they could or would have upon how the earth's individuals would then look upon them. • Did become blind to the repercussions that the earth's inhabitants could or would face in committing such an action upon the earth. • Did become blind to the repercussions that the earth's inhabitants could or would bring to the aid and assistance they would be giving in the future in committing such an action upon the earth. • Did become blind to the repercussions that could or would alter the direction of the earth in committing such an action. • Did become blind to the repercussions that they would have to face by God for committing an action that did not follow His planned workings upon the planet. Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, When the Sons of God chose to folly upon earth, and have children of their own through the daughters of men, this action was accepted by most of the earth's inhabitants.
• This action did completely alter how all of the earth's inhabitants that they had been working with did view them.
• This action did completely alter how their aid and assistance was looked upon by the earth's inhabitants. • This action did completely alter how their aid and assistance became used by the earth's inhabitants. • This action did completely alter how the earth's inhabitants caused the desire for greater aid and assistance. • This action did completely alter how the earth's inhabitants felt in deserving greater aid and assistance. • This action did completely alter how the earth's inhabitants used the aid and assistance they were given to become misused. Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. The Sons of God in the universe hold great amounts of knowledge. These sons of God were from a Godly and more advanced planetary society. The great knowledge held by those sons of God did become passed onto their offspring. The knowledge did become used for a long enough period of time on earth. "They became mighty men which were of old, men of renown". Sons of God are sent, and used by God to assist the Angels in their charge within God's planned workings upon wayward planets in giving aid and assistance to the wayward planet's inhabitants. Sons of God sent and used,
• Have the ability and know-how to best aid and assist God in His Heavenly planned workings amongst wayward planetary individuals that live on a wayward planet.
• Have the competence and expertise to best aid and assist God in His Heavenly planned workings amongst wayward planetary individuals that live on a wayward planet. • Are exclusively used by God in His Heavenly planned workings amongst wayward planetary individuals that live on a wayward planet. Sons of God sent to any wayward planet to give any sort of aid or assistance to God's planned workings,
• Are never given the freedoms to make changes that would or do alter undertakings within God's planned workings.
• Are never given the freedoms to use their abilities for or to personally benefit from any undertaken endeavor that they may take upon that planet. • Are never given the freedoms to ignore for any reason the Free-Will afforded by God amongst any of the planet's individuals or communities that they may be working with. • Are never given the freedoms to misuse any individual, for any reason whatsoever, in any endeavor that they may seek to be employing aid or assistance to. • Are never given the freedoms to personally allow to become involved in the day to day existence of the individuals or communities of or upon any planetary societies they go to. There is only one exception, or acceptability for any disregard or altering of God's planned workings upon any wayward planet. If the Son of God becomes involved in any life threatening situation while he or she is performing tasks in their giving aid to God's planned workings upon any wayward planet, this exception is found acceptable as long as no disregard of God's planned workings is intentional. Sons of God sent to any wayward planet to give any sort of aid or assistance unto God's planned workings:
• Have no restrictions employed by God when it comes to the giving of assistance to individuals from that planet that truly have the desire for knowing Him.
• Have no restrictions employed by God when it comes to the giving of assistance to individuals from that planet that truly seek to follow His Good. • Have no restrictions employed by God when it comes to the giving of assistance to individuals from that planet that truly seek to undertake His Good. • Have no restrictions employed by God when it comes to the giving of assistance to individuals from that planet that have an immediate use in His planned workings. • Have no restrictions employed by God when it comes to the giving of assistance to individuals from that planet that have a heritage that will be used in His planned workings. Sons of God that had at one time experienced sin upon their own wayward planet never fall-prey-to sin when sent to aid and assist upon other wayward planetary societies. Sons of God from wayward planets that have been rewarded Eternal Living Life know first hand how destructive sin is, and know how to overcome all sin. (You can learn more about Heavenly/Divine Sons of God and their heavenly purpose on this website.) Nephilim There were Giants in the earth prior to those sons of God committing folly upon this wayward planetary society. Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. The Fallen Angels sought to create a new race of beings upon this planet.
The Fallen Angels took eggs from human females upon the planet. The Fallen Angels manipulated the eggs of the females, and placed them in the womb of females. Cloned Giants were born. Those clones that did become develop and born upon the planet were both male and female without a soul.
The Giants did gravitate towards their own kind to form their own community. Their offspring became known as the Nephilim. The Fallen Angels enabled and caused the community of Nephilim to spread blindness of and towards sin throughout the earth. The Nephilim were the most wicked beings upon the planet at the time. |