Love of God

1 John 3:16  
Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his
 life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

1 John 4:9  
In this was manifested the love of God
toward us, because that God sent his
only begotten Son into the world,
that we might live through him.

1 John 5:3  
For this is the love of God, that we
keep his commandments: and his
commandments are not grievous.

We Love GOD for Who He is and All that He is!
He Is our Everything!!!

He gives life!
He creates out of love!
He never lies!
He is a true and faithful friend!
He helps those in need!
He heals the broken!
He loves His enemies!
He is Good!
He is a Genius!
He is Pure, Holy, and Perfect!
He is always Faithful and True!
He is Trustworthy!
He is Righteous and Just!
He is the Great Comforter!
He is All-Knowing!
He keeps His Promises!
He makes no mistakes!
He creates His Children with a Spirit and Soul that has the ability to know Him and love Him!
He creates His Children with emotions!
He creates a beautiful mansion for His Children to live on!
He creates His Children with senses so they can take pleasure in His beautiful creations within their environment!
He cares how His Children feel!
He cares about the minute things, as well as the important things in the life of His Children!
He listens to His Children!
He teaches His Children right from wrong when needed!
He will protect His Children from all evil!
He has given His Children the Freedom to Choose, which is true love!
He created His Children with the ability to live eternally!
He never gives up on His Children!
He provides a Way to save His Children from the destruction and demise of sin!
He provides the tools to overcome sin and its evils!
He gives His Children strength to overcome sin and its evils!
He is always teaching how to be a successful Child of God!
He wants to teach and guide all His Children!
He teaches His Children to love others!
He teaches His Children to have compassion!
He teaches His Children to be merciful!
He teaches His Children to be forgiving!
He teaches His Children to respect others!
He teaches His Children the impotance of Good and Righteousness!
He teaches His Children the importance of truth!
He teaches His Children the importance of social and moral values!
He teaches His Children discernment!
He has patience with His Children!
He teaches His Children the importance of patience!
He answers prayer!
He shares so much of Himself with His Children!
He gives hope where hopelessness dwells!
He blesses His Children daily with life and all the things needed to sustain life!

We love GOD because when He saw we could become broken and die,
He laid down His Life for us, 
Teaching and showing us the Way to become whole again to continue to live!

This is true love,
the Love of GOD!!!

We call Him Father!

We cannot image a day without our Heavenly Father! Nor would we want to!!! 
We love everything about our Heavenly Father!
There will never ever be a greater love and friend than our Father GOD!!!!