Neanderthal Man ![]() God's 6th Day Creation upon Earth
Genesis 1:26-27
Individuals read the words Created and Formed, and look upon them as having the same meaning.
• When God does Create, He does create something from nothing.
• When God does Form something, He does use things already created to make a form, such as attributes and characteristics.
Genesis 1:26-27 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. God does Not use a new day of creation (7th) to clarify the previous day (6th). There were seven (7) distinct days of creation by God, Not six (6). God did rest, but not from what he was going to do, but from what He had already done, because it was Good!
Genesis 2:1-3 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
All living creatures upon the planet before the sixth day creation held simple forms of very basic and designated instinctive behaviors, and behavioral patterns.
• To afford their existence different degrees of short-term dominance upon the planet.
• To afford their existence different degrees of short-term survival upon the planet. • To satisfy short-term needs upon the planet. God does introduce upon the planet one special species with a given mental ability that allows their physical being and existence to be less reliant upon basic instinctive behavior to govern the entirety of their direction and livelihood. God does create a special creature that is greater than any other existence at this appointed time of His Creativity. This special creature was known as the Neanderthal Man. God does create Neanderthal Man to have the special clarity that does distinctly set their existence and mental capabilities totally apart from all other creatures created before them. The Neanderthal are created with a bone structure to have physical attributes, and the capability of dexterity and nimbleness different from any other creature upon the planet. The Neanderthal are able to attach (in minor degrees) their immediate existence to a more enhanced physical usage that can also be used to enhance their instinctive abilities within existence. Just as there is One God that has dominion over the universe and all He does create, so does God create and establish Neanderthal Man to have a likeness of His Image with an ability to have dominion over all the other creatures on their planet.
Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Neanderthal Man did Not have the ability to apply choice correctly, nor do their capabilities allow them to become multi-talented, or flexible enough within important, and necessary physical abilities. They lack any formal understanding, or direction in the usage and application of their intellectual aptitude to alter their instinctive habitat and surroundings. Their existence for the most part was very limited, and deeply lacked the aptitude to use and apply their abilities. They needed to be taught many things for survival. God does create the very first creature (Neanderthal Man) with a brain,
• Which is capable of retaining information that they are able to attach (in minor degrees) their immediate existence to.
Yet at the same time, they lack the intellect needed for any formal understanding or direction in the usage and application of their intellectual aptitude to alter their instinctive habitat.• Which has an intellectual ability where they are able to satisfy (in minor degrees) their immediate needs within existence. • Which has an intellectual usage (in minor degrees) to enhance their instinctive abilities and existence better with. God does create the very first creature (Neanderthal Man) with mental capability,
• That does allow them to gain skills that they can use to better function with the planet's natural environment.
God does create the very first creature (Neanderthal Man) with,• That does allow them to employ skills to minor degrees that they can use to alter their natural habitual behaviors. • That does allow them to more easily satisfy and secure their existence with less reliance upon need. • That does allow them to use their brain in ways which afford them greater awareness of spiritual possibilities.
• An aptitude to learn of, and use their surroundings unlike any other creature living upon the planet before them.
• An intellect that allows them to learn of, and be more inventive in the usage of their physical make-up, like no other creature before them. • An intellect that allows them to learn how to be more diverse in the usage of their physical make-up, like no other creature before them. • An intellect that allows them to learn how to better survive, like no other creature before them. • An intellect that allows them to learn to have greater Dominance upon the planet, like no other creature before them. With the advent of God's creativity of Neanderthal Man,
• There is now existing upon the planet its very first creature that has a Dominion that is much different from all other physical creatures living upon the planet.
• There is now existing upon the planet its very first creature that has physical capabilities and diversity, unlike any of the other creatures living upon the planet. • There is now existing upon the planet its very first creature that has a physical clarity that distinctly sets them apart in their existence from any other physical creature living upon the planet. • There is now existing upon the planet its very first creature that has both physical and spiritual traits. It is within this Day of Rest that God does allow the existence of His newly created Neanderthal beings to physically adapt to their planetary surroundings in preparation of forming the only creature that He would ever make in, or after the completeness of His Personal Image upon the planet. One where He does apply the fullness of His Image of Good within a Soul. God does set upon to use their basic physique and dominion Image as a foundation to create a single man that God would give a Living Soul. Neanderthal Man was Not created with, nor as a Living Soul (the very breath of God). The Soul does give the Spirit the ability to continue to exist upon physical death. Neanderthal Man did cease to exist upon physical death, because the Neanderthal were not afforded a Soul by God. God does create Neanderthal Man for three main (3) purposes. -1- To create a creature upon the planet that does have a likeness of His Image of dominion that exists upon the planet. -2- To create a creature upon the planet that does already have a likeness of His Own Image and Dominion for carrying on the heritage of His planned creation of a Sons of God upon the planet, if need be. -3- To have an avenue for the created Soul to be infused within the offspring of a Son of God and a Neanderthal woman, as seen with Cain and the woman of Nod. The offspring of a Son of God and Neanderthal become known as Cro-Magnon, which carries the entire heritage of a Son of God on the planet.
Genesis 4:16-17 And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.
Cro-Magnon had far greater intellect and abilities than Neanderthal Man, which eventually brought on the extinction of the Neanderthal Man.The Soul of a Son of God does become infused within the Neanderthal for two (2) important reasons. -1- God is not a God of incest. -2- The first Son of God is formed with a great many abilities and powers. When the Soul does become infused within beings that do not have a Soul, those powers and abilities do become very weak/hidden throughout generations upon wayward planets (when sin has entered the world). The infusion does also ensure that those powers and abilities initially afforded Sons of God do NOT become used for evil, because if such did occur, it would cause the planet and its inhabitants to self-destruct before God can put His plan into action to obtain as many as possible Righteous Sons of God from the wayward planetary society. The Neanderthal Man that God does create upon living planets does assist in making it easier to Form His first Son of God upon the planet. He will already have a physical existence which does have the special clarity that does distinctly set their being in spirit and mental capabilities apart, and make it easier to concentrate all His efforts upon giving His First Son of God a Living Soul. The Soul gives a Spiritual clarity to man's physical existence so they could, and would become used by God as the first, and only physical creature ever able to reflect and represent God, His Righteous Good and Spirit as a Son of God upon their planet. |