Satan & Man

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Satan's hatred and jealousy for God's creation of Imaged Children.

God created Satan to be the first of many Angels to inhabit Heaven. He was endowed with abilities and great powers to aid and assist God in His planned workings with many planets like earth which God would create in and throughout His universe.

Satan was created by God for two (2) very distinct reasons.
-1- To initially serve in the leadership role for all other Angels, both in Heaven & in the universe.
-2- To personally aid and assist God within many of His most deepest undertaken planned workings throughout the entire universe.

God initially created Satan with glories and abilities above any other Angel in Heaven.
Satan did serve God as head and leader of all the Angels in Heaven.
God beheld great trust in Satan to lead and guide all the other Angels.

Satan was given leadership duties such as,
• Choosing which Angels would be discharged to each planet that God would create living life and man upon in the universe.
• Overseeing the undertakings and success of the Angels which he had chosen to send to each planet that God would create living life and man upon in the universe.
• Giving help, guidance, and direction if needed by those Angels which he had chosen to send to each planet that God would create living life and man upon in the universe.

Satan is given deep abilities, power, and knowledge.
• To have the glory of watching over Heaven when God was initially forming the universe into a living reality, and creating living planets where He would use His Power to create living life, and man upon.
• To have the glory of being given the leadership of all the Angels in Heaven, and the Angels that are sent to those living planets where He would use His Power to create living life, and man upon.
• To have the glory of accompanying God from time to time in His different creation of things in the universe, or even in His creation and preparing of the heaven of planets to become able to have living life, creatures, and man upon them.

God does Not actually need assistance in His creation of anything, but He did initially create Satan personally help Him in the many intricate and even delicate physical tasks that all the Angels would undertake in God's planned workings upon living planets that He did/would create man upon throughout the universe.
He did initially create Satan with physical and spiritual powers, abilities, and glories beyond any other Angel to help or assist the other Angels to successfully complete their task.

Satan did spend more time with God in Heaven and the universe than any other Angel. Satan did work side by side with God learning many things from God.

Satan was not created bad or evil, nor did he have any desire or thought upon evil.
• Satan was devoted to God.
• Satan was deeply Loved by God.
• Satan's association with God was a close and loving relationship.
• Satan's allegiance to God was one that could not be broken for any reason whatsoever.
• Satan's closeness to God was such that many of the Angels in Heaven would refer to him as a Son of the Morning, or because he sought to shine like God, they would even sometimes refer to him as an Angel of Light.

It was not until God set upon creating His creation of man upon the first living planets in the universe that Satan's thoughts turned to evil, and did soon graduate to sin.

Satan was created and endowed with the extensive degree of intellect concerning the overall and general existence upon the living planets throughout the universe to give Satan an ability in vast intellect to assist God's planned workings on any planet He would create man upon in the universe.

Initially Satan was afforded the freedom of choice in his making decisions for himself and the usage of his given abilities.
Satan did have, above any other Angel, an unlimited trust with God, which also did afford him to hold a limitless freedom to do almost anything he did wish to do in accordance to God's Will.
Satan initially did nothing at all outside of God's planetary plan to establish Good and Righteousness.

Satan did hold the greatest amount of physical and spiritual leeway to act independently from most all other Angels in Heaven or in the heavens.
Satan did have limitations on living planets with man to keep his abilities in check, because God knew Satan would commit grave folly. If Satan used his powers and abilities in accordance to and within God's Will, he would not have had limitations placed on himself.

Satan was trusted by God during the earliest periods of time in the creation of planets in the universe. While God was occupied in creating of planets in the universe, He would leave Satan in charge of many lesser affairs of Heaven. Satan proved himself diligent at handling it most proficiently and did gain for himself great respect, prestige, and notoriety among all the Angels in Heaven.
• Satan eventually allowed himself to become so puffed-up in his given responsibilities, prestige, and notoriety it brought him that he began to believe he was greater than he actually was.
• Satan eventually allowed himself to become blinded with making decisions that seemed to be at first small and seemingly inconsequential, yet went outside the limits of his given freedoms and responsibilities. In sighting the immediate success of his small and seemingly inconsequential undertaking, Satan began to make more blind decisions. He took even greater steps that did deeply go outside the limits of his given freedoms and responsibilities.
When it came to that first planet where God used His Power to create man on,
• Satan began to alter certain of God's important and intended planned workings to deep degrees. Satan then thought instead of immediately seeking to gain God's help he would take even greater steps that did more deeply go outside the limits of his given freedoms and responsibilities in his effort to put right what he had caused to go wrong.
When finally confronted by God concerning the responsibilities and freedoms that he had taken and misused, Satan did not repent, or even seek to truly apologize to God for what he had done, but instead chose to look upon his decisions and taken steps as actions that beheld little consequence, because it was only mere planetary individuals of man that had suffered from his misused responsibilities and freedoms.
Satan did misuse God's trust. God knew He could no longer trust Satan. 

Satan would have the task upon planets to watch over the early stages of man's protection, and their guidance of Good and Righteousness. It was important to God to have a being such as Satan who had a deep understanding of the power of Good and Righteousness that Angels kept, but sadly Satan proved he was not able to truly follow Good and Righteousness. This lead God to restrict Satan from helping Him in the universe, and no longer be head and leader of the Angels in Heaven.

Satan did initially live-up to his given trust by God, and all the Angels of Heaven he led. He often received much praise from God and all of the Angels of Heaven.
Satan did feel very content in having every Glory possible in Heaven, or in the universe satisfied. Yet this content in his own glory did prove to sway as he brought forth ideas to God of how to do things in the universe, which God already knew would end in failure to His planned workings. God did make it known to Satan his ideas would end in failure. Eventually in his having more ideas rejected by God, Satan’s pride began to sway enough that he sought to prove to God that those ideas would actually work. Instead of having an unending trust in God's Knowledge, Power, or His planned workings, Satan sought to believe himself equal to God. Enough to initiate endeavors that he knew would change man's abilities and existence to not enhance their success on their planet.

Satan was God's greatest and most powerful Angel that He created within Heaven. He was the only Angel who was given the opportunity to accompany God when He undertook to create and to prepare planets to be living. Satan was sometimes allowed to help God in minor ways. Instead of being thankful, Satan did begin to become overconfident and prideful in his given opportunity.
• He did begin to view his glories and powers as being equal with God's Greatness.
• He did begin to view himself able to do many of the same things as God did do, maybe not as well, but at least to some equal ability in bringing success unto what God had done in His creativities.
• Even when he was shown by God how He did use His Power to create living life and man, Satan began to think of ways that could have been done better within God's creation of man, and maybe should have been done differently by God.
• Even when he was shown by God how He would be creating man with a Soul, Satan did begin to formulate his own ideas of how and why God could and should create man without a Soul.
This did begin Satan's fall from God's Grace within the folly of sin against God and man.

The beginning of the folly of evil did come about when Satan did begin to introduce his folly of evil shortly after God used His Power to create the first existence of man on a planet with a Soul which gave to man the Image of God. Something that Satan did not have.

Satan did subtly lie to the first two of God's created members of man upon a planet, which caused both of them to do evil.
• Satan knew in doing so, that he would be introducing the existence of evil and sin into God's plans of establishing and surrounding man with Good and Righteousness.
• Satan knew in doing so, he had directly committed evil and sin against God.
• Satan knew in doing so against a weaker created creature (man), that it was something that God deeply frowned upon any Angel to commit, because such does tread upon God's Power and plans for His creations in the universe.
• Satan knew both Angels and man were allowed freedom of choice, and Satan's introduction of evil and sin would also offer man an added choice not based upon Good and Righteousness, which if made, would cause for man to face many unnecessary pains and failures that were not based upon Good and Righteousness.
• Satan also knew there would indeed be a price that he would have to pay.

Satan successfully lied to Eve, and then used her to persuade her husband Adam to take part in the lie to partake of the Tree of Knowledge. Satan knew it would be much harder to persuade Adam to be disobedient in partaking, because Adam walked with God much longer, long before Eve's creation. So Satan used Adam's wife to persuade him to partake.
A persuasion that caused for them to see for the first time their physical nakedness. Satan did offer to them physical passions which both of them have never experienced in the Garden.
In their partaking, it made them aware there was something else that they were able to physically share between them that did physically feel good, and was different from the Good that God did show or teach them.
In feeling guilty for their feeling a good between themselves that is enjoyed differently than God's Good,
• Not knowing of what God would say in their doing so.
• Knowing that they had been disobedience to Him in partaking of the Tree of Knowledge that they had been told not to do.
• Knowing that God would indeed address their disobedience, as well as their undertaken passions that had made them both aware of a different form of good.
They did sew fig leaves into aprons to cover themselves in an effort,
• They hoped would tell God they were truly sorry in undertaking those physical feelings of good that they shared between each other.
• They hoped that God would not be too angry at their disobedience in partaking of the Tree of Knowledge.

Adam and Eve could no longer live in the Garden with the Tree of Life, and became exiled. Adam and Eve would begin to have children and spend more time being a family and protecting them, rather than doing the workings of God's Good (tilling the ground of Good) from becoming spread upon the planet.
God knew if Adam and Eve had children in the Garden where the Tree Life was that sin could become eternal.

Sin had entered the world through disobedience. Once sin has a foothold on any world, it does begin to have a life of its own. Sin does then bind, kill, and destroy anything in its path, if not overcome with Good,... God's Good and Righteousness!
Satan does know this. Satan knows he just has to introduce evil and sin to the first members of man, and man will keep sin alive for generations.

God chose not to subject Satan to some immediate death for his introducing man to evil and sin.
• Instead Satan would become subject to a fate of no longer being an eternal creature.
• Instead Satan would become subject to a fate of experiencing death. Death is something a Fallen Angel cannot comprehend, and fears deeply.

Satan and his Fallen Angels were initially created to have an eternal existence, because of their undertaken folly against God's creation of man, they no longer possess this ability. They must face death one day.

Satan is a real physical being with the ability to be spiritual at will (hide himself). All Angels were created with the ability to be either physical or spiritual at will.
Satan does go to great lengths to hide the truth of his existence from mankind upon wayward planets.
Satan doesn't want man to know he and his Fallen Angels can now die, like wayward man.

Satan's love of and for God was indeed great, and remained strong until God took action against Satan in casting him down from Heaven, because of his undertaken folly against God's creation of man.

Satan did see his actions affected God's planned workings within man. He did see it caused man to falter and begin to deeply affect them with needless harm, chaos, and even destruction. But, Satan was unrepentant of his actions.
He forced God to use His Knowledge and Power to take very deep steps to correct that which Satan had so gravely faulted through his blind and prideful applications of his glories and power. Satan then realized how little he truly knew of God's Knowledge and Power, or the Mind of God. Satan was still unrepentant of the things he had done.

Satan did allow himself to become weakened by pride and ego, and with overconfidence in and through his usage of power.
• His pride, ego and overconfidence led him to believe that his own power was great and successful enough to make choices 
that could equal the Power of God.
• His pride, ego and overconfidence led him to believe that his own knowledge and its successful usage was great enough to make choices that could equal the Knowledge of God.
• His pride, ego and overconfidence led him to believe that he knew the Mind of God to the degree that he also knew the reasons why God did create the things He did, or even God's deep intent behind the things He did do and create.
• His pride, ego and overconfidence led him to believe that whatever he decided to do, that he would be successful, and therefore could do just about anything and it would be successful.
• His pride, ego and overconfidence led him to believe if there became any repercussion that he could correct any repercussion before it became too great.
• His pride, ego and overconfidence led him to believe that he could seek to introduce into the existence of God's beloved creation of man the evil of disobedience, and could quickly correct the situation of evil before God had found out.

Satan believed that since God had created existence with the tools that had formed living life and man that he could also carve out his own kingdom that could be equal to God's Kingdom of Heavens which He did create on planets like earth.
God did cast Satan down from His Heaven, rather than end Satan's existence, because God doesn't waste anything.
• God didn't want to waste the chance to show unto man from where their sin actually came from.
• God didn't want to waste the chance to make known to man how evil and sin can influence and even affect the most powerful of man upon the planet. And how sin can cause them to lose the Glory of Heaven.
• God didn't want to waste the chance to make known to man how placing one's trust in individuals or leaders that had attached themselves to evil and sin will cause man to suffer needless harm, chaos, and even destruction of others to take place.
• God didn't want to waste the chance to make known to man that only God has the Knowledge and Power to truly correct the influence of evil and sin that does cause for man to suffer needless harm, chaos, and even destruction.
• God didn't want to waste the chance to make known to man that only in having a true deep Faith and belief in what He does say and do, or plan to do will help man not fall-prey-to evil and sin.
• God didn't want to waste the chance to make known to ma, that only God has the Mercy to Save them from their destruction for partaking in evil and sin.
• God didn't want to waste the chance to show man what pride, ego, and overconfidence can do to even the most powerful.
• God didn't want to waste the chance to make known to man of how evil and sin came about because of the pride, ego, and overconfidence of one being and powerful leader, which affected the most powerful of man (Adam) upon their own planet.
• God didn't want to waste the chance to make known to man that pride, ego, and overconfidence in oneself, rather than fully placing trust in God will cause them and others to suffer having lesser glories on their planet. And can cause them to lose the Glory of Heaven as well.

Satan was the first and the only Angel to actually be cast down from Heaven, because of his great folly employed against man that God created and loved. The other Fallen Angels followed him into perdition, because they felt he didn't deserve his punishment.
• Satan's punishment entailed becoming immediately cast down from Heaven, which for Satan did also mean that he would never again be allowed to associate with the Angels of Heaven that he had known and helped for many, many years. He would never again be allowed to help any of the Angels of Heaven in bringing about success to God's planned workings in the universe or upon any of His created living planets. This was completely opposite to Satan's original desired goals and plans.
• Satan can no longer be close or enjoy the company of God in Heaven, within the universe, or on living planets. He can never again help God bring about successful achievements anywhere in the universe or upon any living planet. He will never again have the opportunity to personally help God in any way. He will never again have the opportunity to personally accompany and watch God in His creative task endeavored upon planets throughout the universe. This was completely opposite to Satan's original desired goals and plans for making himself equal to God.
• Satan now has to hold very deep constrained liberty to go to or be in Heaven. He can only go to Heaven to present himself before God, when the leaders of the Sons of God do (Job 1:6, Job 2:1). He has to hold very deep constrained liberty to freely travel the universe. He now has very limited freedom to do as he desires within the universe.
• Satan now has to face eventual death as wayward man does face for sin. What he did/does do to man does now equal him to wayward man. This was completely opposite to Satan's original desired goals and plans.
• Satan now holds a promise for Hell for his sin, like wayward man is faced with. This was completely opposite to Satan's original desired goals and plans.
 Satan threw away all his God given Glories for sin, and does seek for All mankind to do the same!

1 Peter 5:8 
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a
roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
