Nature of Sin (Page 1)
SIN is having disregard for God, His Good,
Galatians 5:19-21
Mark 7:20-23
Romans 7:20
John 8:34
Sin is a negative energy. The more negative energy the physical body and spirit does embrace and partake of, the more dysfunctional and broken the body and spirit does become of a child of God.
The more negative energy introduced within the surroundings of God's Children the more dysfunctional and broken their surroundings do become. Sin did not initially exist in the universe. Sin did become first introduced within God's universe by the Angel known as... Satan. Sin seeks to restrict its participants from being able to truly know sin for what it truly does. Sin is a living existence that seeks to destroy everything and anything in its path. Intellectual beings do give sin the life to spread and destroy when partaken of. Sin does become an individuals second nature if they continue to partake of it. Sin is made up of ungodly moral and social content. Sin is the disease of ungodly content that does take place when blindness towards God, His Good and Righteousness occurs.
• To either directly or indirectly bring about a demise of the Good which individuals were initially created with to represent God's Good.
Sin does allow its participants to know of the abilities and power of God or His Good, yet discount sins reality enough that they do also become not able to define the Vital Measure of Godly behavior, conduct, or mannerism necessary for long-term survival of their living existence as sons of God.• To either directly or indirectly attack the Spirit of an individual in such a way that they allow the social or moral fibers of their physical nature to reflect lower creature instinct, rather than the greater being of the intellect and abilities which distinguish their created existence from all other creatures upon the planet. • To either directly or indirectly produce a distortion of the Heavenly things of God's Good which does allow them to become sons of God. Sin does limit existence. Individual's infected by sin do not realize that when sin is undertaken in any form, sin does in one fashion or another modify and alter the things which they learn within their natural course of development and direction. Especially concerning those things that were initially given to them by God that allowed them to naturally attain long-term survival in the universe. Why would anyone choose to sin? Sin does offer the flesh temporary ungodly rewards. Individuals that choose to act on the temptations of sin, do choose these ungodly rewards over God and His Good. Sin is very deceitful. Sin promises what it cannot deliver. It promises pleasure, contentment, fulfillment, and life, but its delivery on these things is temporary and ultimately unsatisfying. Its deceitfulness is the very reason why it has addictive qualities. It lures individuals to try to capture what it can never deliver. The pleasure within sin is never quite enough to produce the contentment and fulfillment one desires. People are forced into greater and deeper perversions until it results in death. Sin quietly produces hardness of heart, like a callus that forms over a break in a bone, or stiffens a person's joints. Sin paralyzes correct choice and right actions. Sin produces slavery. When individuals partake of sin, they are not really doing what they like, but what sin likes. Even though they may get temporary pleasures from partaking, they are not in control. Sin has possession and control of an individual's physical and spiritual existence. Sin is the spiritual disease which does infect and spread its nature of corruption and physical demise amongst the existence of individuals when they choose to partake of it. When sin does successfully infect a planet where God creates Sons of God, sin does seek to more deeply infect such individuals with deeper degrees of deception which seeks to more cunningly take away the abilities of individuals to sight God, His Spirit and the Greatness of His Good Godliness. The nature of sin does naturally cause its participants to become unaware of how easily it does truly spread, or of the direction which it does seek to take in its travels to spread its glory of destruction and demise. Sin does have a domino effect. It does not just affect the partaker. Mankind does physically suffer the effects of sin for generations. Iniquity always has its price and end results which always bear negative physical and social fruits for individuals, as well as their immediate and future surroundings. For every ungodly action taken there is a natural recompense of reaction that also must occur. The nature of sin does seek to blind individuals from becoming able to truly realize and know that its acceptance seeks to take away their initially created and given nature of Good, as well as their ability to correctly view who God Is or the make-up of what sin is. The nature of sin does have a natural ability to seek to persuade its participants to also become less able to view those things that actually pertain unto God's Presence and Being that does make-up and surround their livelihood and existence on the planet or in the universe. The partakers of sin become forced by their sin to form avenues upon which to disregard the existence that is or makes up Whom or What the Being of God Is. The nature of sin does have a natural ability to seek to persuade its participants to also become less able to view those things that pertain unto the Good of Godliness, so that they remain more open to become blinded by sin unto deeper distortions of what exactly defines God's Good. The partakers of sin lack the needed Godly direction that will allow them and their communities to accord, undertake, or promote a truly Godly individual or communal interaction to become able to survive long-term to become sons of God. The nature of sin does Not allow for participants to fully or truly know the Spirit that is God. Nor does it allow such individuals to fully know,
• The Being that is God's Personal Living Spirit.
Such individuals become so involved with sin that no matter what God does do to teach them of Himself in Spirit, they still prefer and choose to remain gravely lacking in the desire to learn the fundamental nature of God's Spirit that would have enabled them, • The Being of the Living Spirit that is God's Personage. • The Being of the Living Power that makes up God's Personal Spirit. • The importance of God's Spirit to their living existence. • The Being of God's Spirit that created them.
• To know the Spiritual make-up within existence that is God's Personal Existence.
The nature of sin does blind those it does come in contact with. The nature of sin does blind them from becoming able to truly see or from becoming able to know how easily or how subtly its actuality is in bringing about destruction upon their overall existence.• To know the Spiritual reality of God's Good which surrounds and allows for the universe to exist. • To know the Spiritual things that does afford them the ability to become sons of God. • To know the Spirit that is the Being that is God's Personal Living Spirit. • To know the Spirit that is the Being of the Living Spirit that is God's Personage. • To know the Spirit that is the Being of the Living Power that makes up God's Personal Spirit. • To know the Spirit that is the Being of God's Spirit that created them. The nature of sin does blind those it does come in contact with from becoming able to truly see or from becoming able to know the actuality and infection which its being does truly have upon their overall existence. The nature of sin does blind its participants to become left with only being able to sight and have an understanding of the lesser things, abilities, and power surrounding them that cannot, nor will not truly afford them sufficient enough long-term capabilities. Sin does blind its participants from being able to sight or know that its nature is to naturally influence individuals with subtle efforts that seek to cause them to blindly accept the endeavors that do channel their existence away from being able to truly attain the capability to become sons of God. Sin does blind its participants from being able to realize,
• That they are actually wayward.
• The extent to which their sin has distorted their views upon Godly matters. • Their blindness. • Their ill knowledge of God. • Their inability and lack of God. • Their meagerness that their acceptance of sin has left them with. • Their mistaken pathways in waywardness. • Their demise and destruction because of sin. • Their need for Good. • Their need for God's help through His Good and Righteousness. Sin does cause its participants to end up choosing to disregard,
• The knowledge concerning God that is entwined in the essence of existence.
• The knowledge concerning the Good of Godliness which is entwined in the essence of existence. • The knowledge concerning God's Spirit which is entwined in the essence of existence. Sin does cause its participants to not actually realize that sin has a natural ability to keep them so enwrapped in matters that have no or little ability to give Glory unto God or His Good that they have become blinded unto. Blinded unto the more important things of God's Good that could have served to ensure their long-term survival. Sin does devise and form avenues through which to keep its participants blinded from more fully realizing the actuality of how sin does affect them and their communities. With not knowing, such individuals do,
• Fall-prey-to choosing to sight, understand and employ the usage of sin to satisfy and prosper their blindness.
• Choose to accord and rely upon sin to satisfy and prosper their initially given glories and immediate existence with. • End up following pathways in sin that do not allow for them to truly become sons of God. Sin does blind its participants to become unable to truly sight the exact physical reality of,
• What sin truly is.
• What sin truly does. • What sin does truly exact. • What the pathway of sin leads them to. Sin does cause its participants to ignore their weakness towards sin, as well as the power which sin has to use that weakness against them for the distinct purpose of persuading them to become less able to sight or distinguish the Good that is God from the evil which sin holds. Also making of them less able to define the Vital Measure of Godly behavior, conduct or mannerism necessary for being able to attain long-term survival of their living existence as sons of God. Sin does cause its participants to ignore the negative things which sin does produce as having positive directions that they do equate as Good. Sin does cause its participants to view those negative things which it does produce as having positive direction & results. Sin does cause its participants to become unaware of how easily it does truly spread or of the direction which it does seek to take in its travels to spread its glory of destruction. Sin does cause its participants to replace the existence of God's Good with their temporary undertakings,
• Which does ward off their demise for short periods.
Within this inability,• Which does bandage their failures for short periods. • Which does excuse their inabilities for short periods. • Which does hide their shortcomings for short periods. • Which does ward off their destruction for short periods.
• Those individuals do also end up becoming chained to the blindness which their losses do continue to produce within their existence.
The acceptance of sin is the acceptance of blindness unto God and His Good.• Such individuals do also remain blinded unto these losses. • Such individuals do also choose to sight, understand and employ the usage of sin to satisfy and prosper their blindness. • Such individuals do also choose to accord and rely upon sin to satisfy and prosper their initially given glories and immediate existence with. • Such individuals do also end up following pathways that do Not allow for them to truly become sons of God. The beginning of falling-prey-to sin is initiated as the degree of spiritual blindness towards God becomes overly accepted & enhanced to the degree that the individual does begin to virtually lose their natural given ability to know God and accord God's Good. Sin is simply brought forth by individuals that do allow their view of God to become distorted through listening to temptations whispered by Satan.
• Which cause for them to disregard the glories given to them by God.
Between their disregard of God and continued whisperings by Satan, those individuals do set themselves upon pathways to where they become less able to know God, and do become blinded by sin unto sin. • Which does cause them to settle for lesser abilities in sin. In their becoming blinded by sin unto sin, they also end up following avenues that do use the weaker things of existence that are not of God and His Good to accord and surround their existence with and allow themselves to become blinded unto the basic things and designs of God that would truly allow them to know their make-up and surroundings for greater success. Instead they,
• Choose to become blinded unto the glories which they have been created in.
In choosing these lesser glories, such individuals do also attach sin in different degrees to other aspects of their existence and surroundings. • Choose the lesser glories within their existence that do cause them to only be able to follow pathways that slowly bring upon them demise and destruction. • Choose to condemn themselves unto following distorted and misplaced views until even the very success of their sin does become governed by demise and destruction. Lesser glories that do allow their know-how, ability or power to attain,
• Short-term existence and survival.
• Short-term avoidance of the pitfalls of ruin, destruction and eventual obliteration which sin does bring upon the very being and existence of participants in sin. Sin does Not have its participants become able to sight God enough to,
• Know God.
Sin does seek to cause its participants to:• Understand that only God has the Knowledge, Capability and Power to have created existence, the universe, and their very being. • Realize the depth of their sin.
• Ignore God.
• Ignore the reality of His Good and Righteousness. • Ignore understanding God's Knowledge, Capability and Power. • Ignore the depth of their sin. Sin does Not enhance the sight of its participants to any degree that might help them to become truly able to,
• Know the Good of God.
Sin does seek to cause its participants to,• Know the display of God's Good in His Godliness. • Realize the depth of the demise to their Good due to their sin.
• Ignore the Good of God.
• Ignore the Good that God's Godliness holds. • Ignore understanding of the Greatness of God's Good Knowledge, Capability and Power. • Ignore the depth of their demise and problems due to the lack of Good produced by their sin. Sin does subtly blind wayward individuals to follow avenues where they end up inadvertently relying on,
• Their physical make-up differently than their spiritual make-up.
• Their physical abilities differently than their spiritual abilities. • Their physical make-up more than their spiritual make-up. • Their physical make-up as being separate from God's Spiritual make-up. • Their physical abilities as being separate from God's Spiritual abilities. Sin does cause for its participants to partake of it, to the degree that it does become a vehicle which they become reliant on to accommodate views on how they do interpret and display their beliefs and understandings of God and His Good. So does their understanding of the things which surround them become defined and redirected by their physical attachment unto sin which does seek to disregard as many understandings of Godly matters to better accommodate their sin. Sin does cause for its participants to partake of it, to the degree that they do virtually become so tolerant and reliant upon sin that it soon does begin to overshadow any consequences to standards for Good that are used to distinguish their views and beliefs of what sin is. Within this reliance, sin does cause them to become,
• Unable to attain the necessary tools needed by which they can Save themselves from the impending demise that reliance upon sin does bring forth.
• Unable to sight the actuality or reality of how the continued reliance upon sin will inevitably cause for them to become destroyed by the very sin that they do fall-prey-to. Sin does cause for its participants to partake of it, to the degree that they soon do allow their usage of sin to persuade them to alter their views on how they sight what degree of Good they should or do apply unto their physical existence to justify their sin. Sin does cause for its participants to surround their existence with so many subtly imputed views surrounding sin that seek to directly affect their thoughts in and through symbols which cunningly do seek to distort standards of Good, to degrees where they soon do allow their usage of sin to persuade them to alter their spiritual views and understandings of God or His Good that they should or should not apply to their physical existence to be able to justify their sin spiritually. ![]() |