Divine Sons of God
God created the universe to not only be magnificent and intricate, but also be vast.
He created a universe that would have a large enough area, space, and place to be able to sufficiently hold His Glory and Godliness, to effectively establish His Glory and Godliness, and to proficiently expound the creativity of His endless Glory and Godliness. God created the universe with one single purpose... to spread and expand not only living life, but a Holy Spiritual understanding and Physical view of His creative Living Self, His Godliness, and His love. Godliness does secure directly and distinctively within, of, and to God Himself Personally. Godliness does made-up of Peace, Love, Righteousness, Charity, Justice, Mercy, Order, Goodness, Truth, Purity and their Godly likeness. With His creativity of planets as homes (mansions) capable of sustaining living life established and secured, God does set upon His creativity of not only living life, but also physical creatures that can successfully survive and meet with His planned workings upon the planet.
John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
After causing for His creativity of a planet to become inhabited with a variety of physical creatures, God then does begin upon His creation of a single creature which He fashions in His Personal Image of dominion. A single physical Imaged creature to have its own dominion over all the other creatures that He has created upon the planet. This one single physical creature is known as a... Son of God. Just as there is One God that has Dominion over the entirety of the universe, God does create one representing Image of Himself with dominion upon the planet.
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? A Son of God is given the Glory of God's Personal Image. They are the only living creature created on the planet to be able to physically accord, display, and even reflect the same likened Perfection, Purity, Good, and Righteousness that makes up the eternal qualities of God. A Son of God is the only living creature upon the planet with the ability to "till the ground" (spread the knowledge of God, His Good and Righteousness upon the planet), because of their given Soul (the very breath of God).
Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. God does have much success in His planned workings upon planets (mansions) He does create Sons of God upon. Many of the planets that God does create man upon do remain Godly in the universe. They are known as Godly planetary societies throughout the universe. Those Sons of God chose NOT to fall-prey-to Satan's temptation, and sin. Only 1 out of 14 planets become known as a wayward planetary society throughout the universe, because of their choosing to fall-prey-to the temptation of Satan and sin. If God does obtain Sons of God from a wayward planet, He does create a new home (planet) of righteousness for those Righteous Sons of God that have overcome sin upon their wayward planet, and have been rewarded Eternal Living Life.
John 14:2-3 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
The new mansion (planet) is known as a Godly planetary society throughout the universe.Isaiah 65:17 For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. 2 Peter 3:13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. God does create Sons of God initially with a life-span that is eternal in nature. In having a life-span that is eternal,
• Sons of God are initially given the needed vehicle to enable them to be self-reliant more quickly.
• Sons of God are initially given the needed vehicle to enable them to readily flourish and prosper more effectively. • Sons of God are most able to aid and assist God in His planned workings upon their planet. • Sons of God are able to aid and assist God in His planned workings upon other planets within the universe. God does initially create Sons of God with a life-span that is eternal, so that He can use them as Caretakers and Helpers in His spreading of the knowledge of Himself, His Good, and Righteousness throughout the entire universe. God did commission Sons of God to this planet from a Godly planet to aid and help with this wayward planets early development unto Good and Righteousness.
Genesis 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
Because these particular Sons of God did come from a Godly planet that never knew sin, or how to overcome sin, Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
• These Sons of God did fall-prey-to sin by getting personally involved with the inhabitants of sin.
(The Giants and their offspring (the Nephilium) in those days had nothing to do with the Sons of God. It was two totally different events.) Read More...• These Sons of God did Not keep their eyes on God, His planned workings, and their mission upon the planet. In His initial creation of a Son of God (Adam) upon a planet, God does fully ensure,
• That Son of God is initially created Pure and Godly.
Initial created Sons of God are not introduced to, or surrounded by any other reality or existence, but the Wholesomeness and Purity of God's Personal Existence. • That Son of God is initially created in the Personal Image of Good and Righteousness. • That Son of God is initially protected like no other creature upon their planet from harm. • That Son of God is initially protected like no other creature upon their planet from death. • That Son of God is initially able to know, reflect, and represent the Purity of God's Good and Righteousness (till the ground) upon the planet. They know no other reality, or existence, but the Wholesomeness and Purity of God's Personal Existence. They only know how to fully strive personally in, and unto the purity within God's Godliness. God does fully ensure that His created Sons of God are the only living creatures able to reflect His Good and Pure Image. Only Godly Sons of God can be truly capable of knowing God, His Godliness, and be true Heavenly Sons of God. Only Godly Sons of God would ever be fully capable of helping God truly bring success to His planned workings upon a planet, and throughout the universe. Sons of God are initially created with a natural ability to be drawn to that someone, or something which is responsible for the bringing forth of their being into living existence, as well as being drawn to the source of Power which created them in the existence surrounding themselves. Sons of God do honor God with the love and respect that He is due, because they fully know He is the Creator of all living existence, and they do know God's intellect and importance within the success of His creativity. Sons of God do live-up to the Image of God that they were created in. Only Godly Sons of God,
• Can and do represent the LORD their God.
• Can and do represent the Image of the LORD their God. • Can and do exact the Image of the LORD God. Only Godly Sons of God are truly capable,
• Of representing the intellect of the LORD.
• Of representing the intellect of the LORD's Godliness. • Of following the intellect of the LORD. • Of following the intellect of the LORD's Godliness. • Of manifesting the intellect of the LORD. • Of manifesting the intellect of the LORD's Godliness. No other living creature of intellect on the planet, or in the universe can possibly be a Son of God. The LORD does have a specific reason for not creating the other creatures on the planet with the same abilities as man has. The intellect of the LORD is the single, and only specific intellect of its kind, and ability in the universe. The LORD does create a single and specific living creature with a likened intellect to represent His Single and Specific Reality of Intellect in the universe. No other living creature of intellect on the planet, or in the universe can possibly represent and reflect the LORD's Image as those Sons of God that do successfully live up to the Image of God that they were created in. In the LORD God's Oneness,
• Only a single living creature can be created to truly represent the LORD's Personal Intellectual Image most fully.
• Only a single living creature can be created to truly represent the fullness of the LORD's Intellectual Self Personally. • Only a single living creature can be created to truly establish the reality of the LORD's Personal Intellect most fully upon any planetary society in the universe. • Only a single living creature can be created to truly exact the fullness of the LORD's Intellect in Godliness. • Only a single living creature can be created to truly exact the reality and fullness of the LORD's Intellectual Existence individually. • Only a single living creature can be created to truly exact the reality and fullness of the LORD's Intellect within His creativity. • Only a single living creature can be created to truly exact the reality of the LORD's Personal Image within the intellect of His Godliness most fully through the same one distinction of the LORD. • Only a single living creature can be created to truly establish the reality and fullness of the LORD's Intellectual Self Personally in Godliness most fully through the same one distinction of the LORD. • Only a single living creature can be created to truly establish the reality and fullness of the LORD's Intellectual Existence individually in Godliness most fully. • Only a single living creature can be created to truly establish the reality and fullness of the LORD's creativity of intellect most fully. • Only a single living creature can be created specifically with enough knowledge of the LORD and His Godliness to be true Sons of God in the universe. Sons of God are created with the intellect, and the freedom to learn all about themselves, and their surroundings upon the planet. This allows Sons of God the ability,
• To truly sight and learn who the LORD God Is.
• To truly sight and learn of the necessary tools given by the LORD that will allow them to survive upon the planet. • To truly sight and learn of the necessary tools of the LORD's Godliness that will allow them to survive upon the planet. • To truly sight and learn of the necessary tools given by the LORD that will allow them to survive within the universe. • To truly sight and learn of the necessary tools of the LORD's Godliness that will allow them to survive within the universe. The LORD's Image created Sons of God were created with the ability to reason, and with the ability to apply reason to choice. If He created other creatures upon the planet with the same ability to intellectually think and reason as Sons of God,
• Then the importance and reality of the LORD's Image could become viewed and justified in a less specified manner by the created creature. Which would also distort the reality and specialty of a singular representing Image of God upon the planet.
• Then the importance and reality of the LORD's Dominion over the entirety of the universe could become viewed and justified in a less specified manner by the created creature. Which would also distort the reality and specialty of a singular representing Image of the LORD that did have dominion over all the creatures upon the planet. • Then the importance and reality of the LORD's singular ability to give the Breath of Living Life within the entirety of the universe could become viewed and justified in a less specified manner by the created creature. Which would also distort the reality and specialty of a singular representing Image of the LORD upon the planet that could hold that same Breath of Living Life upon the planet. • Then the importance and reality of the LORD's very Living Soul (the Holy Spirit) of, and for the entirety of the universe could become viewed and justified in a less specified manner by the created creature. Which would also distort the reality and specialty of a singular representing Image of the Soul upon the planet. • Then the importance and reality of the LORD's Fathering of the entirety of the universe could become viewed and justified in a less specified manner by the created creature. Which would also distort the reality and specialty of a singular representing Image of that Fatherhood upon the planet. • Then the importance and reality of the LORD's Eternal Existence for, or in the entirety of the universe could become viewed and justified in a less specified manner by the created creature. Which would also distort the reality and specialty of a singular representing Image of, and for that eternal living life upon the planet. • Then the importance and reality of the LORD's planned workings for true and total success for the entirety of the universe could become viewed and justified in a less specified manner by the created creature. Which would also distort the reality and specialty of a singular representing Image for bringing true and total success upon the planet. Freedom of Choice is the vehicle which does allow Sons of God to sight the tools of Godliness within their surrounding enough to afford them the ability to prosper their existence upon planets as true Sons of God to the deepest possible degree. Freedom of Choice does enable Sons of God to freely choose to give direction to the glories that the LORD has given them for the survival of their existence. This does allow them to attain the ability to survive and prosper within their self-reliance and accord enough to choose to flourish as true Sons of God to the deepest possible degree. Freedom of Choice does allow the LORD to fully know when Sons of God are able to reach the desired point where they are self-reliant enough to flourish and prosper as true Sons of God to the deepest possible degree upon their own accord. Sons of God are the only planetary creation with a Spirit that does, or will allow them,
• To be most able to interact with the functionings of their existence in a truly Godly fashion and manner.
• To be most able to produce the greatest effectiveness to, and for their surroundings. • To be most able to coincide with the interactions, and functionings of their surroundings for long-term effectiveness. • To be most able to have the only vessel that can coincide with the interactions, and functionings of their surroundings, and with other interactions, and functionings of Sons of God elsewhere within the Heavenly universe. The Spirit given to Sons of God does allow the LORD God,
• To help assist them with the producing of the necessities or additives that will allow them to survive within their surroundings.
• To help assist them with the interactions and inter-functionings of their existence. • To help assist them with the interactions, and inter-functionings of their surroundings. • To help assist them with the attaining of greater versatility within their surroundings. • To help assist them with the attaining of the necessary resources that will allow them to most effectively control their surroundings. • To help assist them with attaining dominion over their surroundings. • To help assist them with becoming true Sons of God. The Spirit given to Sons of God does allow them,
• To produce the necessities or additives that will allow them to survive within their surroundings.
And have the ability to become True Sons of God.• To successfully interact with the inter-functionings of their existence. • To successfully interact with the inter-functionings of their surroundings. • To successfully attain greater versatility within their surroundings. • To successfully attain the necessary resources that will allow them to most effectively have control of their surroundings. • To successfully attain dominion over their surroundings. The Spirit of Sons of God is formed upon, and within a far different existence and livelihood in, and for living life than any other creature. One that is centered and reliant upon a higher form of intellectual and physical living life than any other creature. Even its initiation and make-up is one that is far more complex in creation and existence than any other creature. The initiation and make-up of the Spirit given Sons of God does hold the ability to measure and retain intellect and Godliness. The Spirit which Sons of God are created with allows and affords them to NOT only be part of living life, but to take part and even develop, change, or mold the existence and living life that surrounds them to deep degrees. Even to the point of altering the natural direction of that living life. The Spirit initially given Sons of God is given as a vehicle to cause them to establish a fully positive foundation and flow within the mind, soul, and spirit. One which does also protect the mind, soul, and spirit of those Sons of God to Not allow negative influence to affect the functions and abilities of those individuals. Sons of God can gain from the LORD,
• The complete understanding of why they were created as creatures made in His Image.
• The full realization of their purpose in existence. • The knowledge and ability to know all the intricacies and inter-functioning of planetary existence within the universe. • His given promise of eternal life. The degree of survival to successfully enhance existence beyond immediate surroundings is governed and fully dependant upon the degree of accord that is held concerning and towards God. The degree of progress to successfully enhance existence beyond immediate surroundings is governed and fully dependant upon the degree of accord that is held concerning and towards God. Sons of God are given by God the ability to attain progress enough to successfully enhance that existence beyond their immediate surroundings. Sons of God are given by God the ability to use the developments beheld in what has already been created to surround their planetary existence to promote far greater avenues by which progress can be used to aid, or assist their immediate existence. Sons of God do NOT have to rely,
• Upon developments in progress to enhance their planetary needs in existence.
• Upon developments in progress to make their planetary society capable of being able to satisfy their needs in existence. • Upon developments in progress to secure living life upon their planetary society so that their need in existence becomes satisfied. Sons of God are given by God the needed progress sufficient enough to go beyond the surroundings of the planetary societies that they have already been given. Sons of God are given by God the needed progress sufficient enough to exist within the surroundings of the universe that does surround their planetary surroundings. Sons of God are Not limited by planetary progress to exist within the surroundings of their planetary surroundings. Sons of God are very dependant upon the Knowledge, Ability, and Power that God uses to enable great strides in progress to take place within universal environments and surroundings that become promoted eternally. Sons of God do have Godly physical and spiritual power, abilities, and glories that they do use concerning the inter-functionings encompassing God's planned workings within planetary existence and throughout the universe. Sons of God do have Godly physical and spiritual powers and abilities to travel and assist God with His planned workings upon planetary societies within, or throughout the universe. Sons of God do fully honor God's Image. Sons of God do glorify the Living Soul that they were created with. Sons of God sight the depth of God's Knowledge that is so important to existence and the continuance of existence in the universe. Only Sons of God that are truly Godly,
• Have the ability and know-how to extensively aid and assist the LORD in His Heavenly planned workings on those planets that have fallen-prey-to sin, and are known as wayward plantary societies within the universe.
• Have the competence and expertise to extensively aid and assist the LORD in His Heavenly planned workings on those planets that have fallen-prey-to sin and are known as wayward plantary societies within the universe. • Are exclusively used by the LORD in His Heavenly planned workings on those planets that have fallen-prey-to sin and are known as wayward plantary societies within the universe. The successful pathway to becoming a Son of God begins and ends with being able to know and follow the LORD God, and love Him enough to be willing to exact His Good and Righteousness in Godliness to the degree that they hold no need for the following of anything that does not exact those things that reflect God's Godliness. The only way through which any planetary individual does become a Sons of God is through following the exact reality of the LORD's Personal Glory, and the Power of His Good and Righteousness in Godliness. Only Sons of God have the needed expertise that they can use to truly exact the things of God needed to truly advance His Good and Righteousness upon wayward planets within the universe. Sons of God do have the planetary expertise that does make them very qualified to give aid and assistance to the Angels within their given jobs and tasks upon wayward planets. Sons of God are used by God to give aid and assistance to Angels in watching over His planned workings upon planets. Sons of God afford Angels the personal physical understanding of mankind on the planets they do go to in the universe. Sons of God help the LORD God deeply on wayward planets.
• They help the inhabitants to gain a realization and understanding of the LORD God's Self Personally.
Sons of God do at times take regular jobs on wayward planets where they go to help, but for the most part they do not.• They help the inhabitants to gain a realization and understanding of the LORD's Personal Holy Spirit. • They help the inhabitants to gain a realization and understanding of the LORD's Creativity of themselves upon the planet. • They help the inhabitants to gain a realization and understanding of the LORD's Personal Image that they were created in. • They help the inhabitants to gain a realization and understanding of the LORD's Personal Good of Godliness. • They observe the general goings-on of the inhabitants and communities. • They observe the spreading of sin upon the planet. • They help the Angels to restrict sin from deeply spreading too quickly amongst individuals and their communities. • They help the Angels to restrict sin from overpowering the LORD's planned workings upon the planet. • They help to assist the LORD's planned workings upon the planet. • They help to protect the LORD's planned workings upon the planet. • They help to protect those inhabitants that are in some way directly or indirectly a part of the LORD God's planned workings upon the planet. • They help to protect those individuals most likely to become Sons of God upon the planet. Sons of God are Restricted by God from having,
• Personal intimate levels of contacts with the inhabitants of those planets they go to.
• Direct involvement in the general existence of the communities upon any planet they go to. • Direct involvement with the day to day lives and existence of the individuals upon any planet they go to. • Caused any loss, or altering of freedom of choice amongst the inhabitants of any planet they go to. • Taking away of any ability to be self-reliant inhabitants upon any planet they go to. • Any involvement in assisting the inhabitants upon any planet they go to with scientific or technological wonderments that can alter, or donate in any possible way to bring destruction, or demise of any degree. Such is not allowed by the LORD God, even though their importance to the LORD's planned workings does prove to be invaluable upon wayward planets they do go to. Sons of God (such as in Genesis 6) that choose to alter the LORD's planned workings to any degree does immediately condemn them to the same unforgiving fate of death as wayward individuals and Fallen Angels are condemned to. Sons of God that do go to wayward planets to aid, assist or help God's planned workings do all go voluntarily. Only planetary individuals created by the LORD God have been created with a Soul to house His Image of Godly Good. Only planetary individuals created with a Soul can be truly Godly. The Soul of an individual does allow God to know who is truly Good and Godly from those that are not truly Godly. Only truly Godly planetary individuals can become Sons of God. Only Divine Sons of God are given Eternal Living Life. Divine Sons of God do personally know God, His Good, and Righteousness to successfully reflect and represent Good and Righteousness within their existence to truly be Godly. Divine Sons of God do live-up to the Godly Image they were created in, if they do NOT, then they are of no use to the LORD God, His planned workings throughout the universe, themselves, or any other wayward individual. Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
Image created Children that walk in God's Footsteps of
Job 1:6
Job 38:7 ![]()
2 Peter 1:4 |