Taking the "Mark of the Beast"
It will be easier to deceive and handle mankind if they do operate in a bee-hive or insect-like collective manner.

If mankind chooses to leave the Living God and His Righteousness, it will open doors for them to become successfully assimilated into a likened collective mind.

Wayward individuals will be lead to believe that a better future is being offered without God and His Righteousness, or need for God and His Righteousness. If mankind choose to reject and ignore a life with God and His Righteousness, they will be easily swayed to accept the lies and deception that will be brought forth by "the Beast" and his system of slavery.

Mankind will become enslaved by "the Beast", if they take the "Mark of the Beast".
Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

God will Not allow freedom of choice to be taken from any individual. God does always allow man the Freedom to Choose. Sadly, many will willingly give up their God given Freedoms.
It would cost great sacrifice and much hardship for those that refuse to give up their God given Freedoms. It may even cost them their physical life to choose God and His Righteousness and His Heavenly rewards, rather than taking "the Mark of the Beast".
John 12:25 He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.

The make-up of the Beast is composed of Satan's DNA (roughly 75%), human DNA (roughly 25%) genetically, and partially computer.
Revelation 17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
The Beast will have a mind of its own to think and speak.
Revelation 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
The Beast is connected to massive computers devised to hold the entirety of an individual's existence. There will be nothing personal, or otherwise that the Beast and the world will not have access to.

Mark of the Beast

The Mark of the Beast will be implanted in the right hand, or the forehead of men, women, and children upon the planet.
Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

The Mark of the Beast is essentially a Scar from the entry wound of the implanted Micro Nano Computer Chip that does virtually become required to be placed within the physical body of each wayward individual upon the planet.
I will call the NanoChip a living organism. I believe it is the best way to describe it, because it operates like it has a life of its own.

The NanoChip or living organism does grow and spread throughout the body collecting cell data, yet does remain attached at the sight of implantation (hand or forehead).
This Nano organism does initially collect information of every cell in the body in a matter of 1.25 minutes, and as the body is changing, or becomes manipulated.

This Nano organism does continue to live in the body for approximately 60 years, and then dies off, because it can no longer collect and hold any data (being filled). It must be regenerated by an injection into the original sight of the hand or forehead.
The Beast is aware of when the NanoChip is dying and regeneration is needed.

The NanoChip operates off electrical currents that does relay information to the Beast.
In turn,
1. The Beast relays all information to massive computers. Any contact with computers does update all your information.
2. The Beast then has the ability to control an individual with his implanted NanoChip.

Electricity is everywhere, even in the human body. Our cells are specialized to conduct electrical currents. Electricity is required for the nervous system to send signals throughout the body and to the brain, making it possible for us to move, think, and feel.
Scientists have been able to stimulate brain cells using electrical impulses, which is how they transmit information within the cells.

Cells control the flow of specific charged elements across the membrane with proteins that sit on the cell surface and create an opening for certain ions to pass through. These proteins are called ion channels. When a cell is stimulated, it allows positive charges to enter the cell through open ion channels. The inside of the cell then becomes more positively charged, which triggers further electrical currents that can turn into electrical pulses, called action potentials. Our bodies use certain patterns of action potentials to initiate the correct movements, thoughts, and behaviors.

Electrical fields and magnetic fields coupled together form electromagnetic waves.
Electromagnetic waves can travel not only through air and solid materials, but also through the vacuum of space. Electromagnetic waves can be used to control thoughts and influence behavior.

The Beast will be one with all the Chips through a process likened to that which is known today as... Networking.

The Chip will have,
All the general physical history of an individual recorded upon it.
All the general medical features and history of an individual recorded upon it.
All the general activities of the physical body that an individual does will be recorded upon it.
All the general endeavors or undertakings of what an individual does will be recorded upon it.

The Chip will allow,
All or part of the general physical history of an individual to become recorded, revised, or even manipulated.
All or part of the general medical features and history of an individual to become recorded, revised, or even manipulated.
All the general activities of the physical body of an individual to become recorded, revised, or even manipulated.
All the general endeavors or undertakings of an individual to become recorded, revised, or even manipulated.

The Chip will be used to,
If desired or needed to alter and control the general physical history of the individual it will become recorded, revised, or manipulated.
If desired or needed to alter and control the general medical features and history of the individual it will become recorded, revised, or manipulated.
If desired or needed to alter and control the general activities of the physical body of the individual it will become recorded, revised, or manipulated.
If desired, or needed to alter and control the general endeavors, or undertakings of the individual it will become recorded, revised, or manipulated.
An individuals entire being will be controlled to the extent of what they do or should desire and even to some extent what they think.

• The "Mark" will aid man's future to eliminate over-population.
Individuals that take the "Mark" will Not be told that they will eventually have no choice when, where, how, or even if they can possibly have the chance to populate the world.
Physical pregnancy will become disallowed.
-Individuals will have no choice, nor be given the choice of having a pregnancy.
-Eventually it will cause individuals to question why anyone would want to think or even worry about having or being given the choice of having a pregnancy within their lives at all.

• The "Mark" will aid man's future to eliminate imperfection within an individual physical make-up.
Individuals that take the "Mark" will Not be told that they will also eventually be unable to have the choice when, where, how, or even if they can possibly have the chance to be imperfect.
All individuals with even the slightest imperfection would become outcast or destroyed and eventually never allowed to become born.
-Individuals will have no choice, nor be given the choice of having any imperfection.
-Eventually it will cause individuals to question why anyone would want to think or even worry about having or being given the choice of having any sort of imperfection within their lives at all.

• The "Mark" will aid man's future to even eliminate crime.
Individuals that take the "Mark" will Not be told that anyone committing a crime of any sort will either have their personage immediately altered and destroyed.
-Individuals will have no choice, nor be given the choice of good or evil.
-Eventually it will cause individuals to question why anyone would want to think or even worry about having or being given the choice of good or evil within their lives at all.

• The "Mark" will aid man's future to eliminate almost altogether personal income worry for the world.
Individuals that take the "Mark" will Not be told that they will eventually have no income or even the chance to gain a better income to better themselves.
-Individuals will have no choice, nor be given the choice of having any income.
-Eventually it will cause individuals to question why anyone would want to think or even worry about having or being given the choice of having a chance to better their lives with a better income at all.

• The "Mark" will aid man's future and communities so individuals upon this planet will never have to worry about a job.
Individuals that take the "Mark" will Not be told that once they have been given a job or position in life that options for change will also almost not exist.
-Individuals will have no choice, nor be given the choice of having any job.
-Eventually it will cause individuals to question why anyone would want to think or even worry about having or being given the choice of having a job, or the bettering of their position and profession within their lives at all.

• The "Mark" will aid man's future so individuals upon this planet will never again have to worry about feeding their family.
Individuals that take the "Mark" will Not be told that when and what they eat will be controlled.
They also will not tell individuals that they will eventually never have or be allowed the opportunity to have a family of their own flesh and blood to feed.
-Individuals will have no choice, nor be given the choice of having a family.
-Eventually it will cause individuals to question why anyone would want to think or even worry about having or being given the choice of having a family within their lives at all.

• The "Mark" will aid man's future so individuals upon this planet will never have to worry about love within their lives.
Individuals that take the "Mark" will Not be told that eventually their ability and direction to love would eventually become physically and mentally altered genetically before their existence even began.
-Individuals will have no choice, nor be given the choice of having any love.
-Eventually it will cause individuals to question why anyone would want to think or even worry about or even given the choice of physical love within their lives at all.

• The "Mark" will aid man's future so individuals upon this planet would never have to worry about their abilities or inabilities in life.
Individuals that take the "Mark" will Not be told that their abilities would eventually become physically and mentally altered genetically before their existence even began.
-Individuals will have no choice, nor be given the choice of having any specific ability.
-Eventually it will cause individuals to question why anyone would want to think of or be given the choice of even having any specific ability within their lives at all.

• The "Mark" will aid man's future so individuals upon this planet would never have to worry about what is important or what is not important in their lives.
Individuals that take the "Mark" will Not be told that their ability and direction for needing or deciding upon what is or what is not important within their lives would become eventually physically and mentally altered genetically so that an individual would not desire or need to feel for importance before their existence even began.
-Individuals will have no choice, nor be given the choice of having a need for importance.
-Eventually it will cause individuals to question why anyone would want to even worry about what is or what is not important or even be given the choice having such worries within their lives at all.

• The "Mark" will aid man's future so individuals upon this planet would never have to worry about physical sex in their lives.
Individuals that take the "Mark" will Not be told that their ability and direction for desiring, needing, or even deciding upon sex within their lives would become physically and mentally altered genetically before their existence even began.
-Individuals will have no choice, nor be given the choice of having any physical sex.
-Eventually it will cause individuals to question why anyone would want to actually have physical sex or be given the choice of having physical sex at all.

• The "Mark" will aid man's future so individuals upon this planet would never have to worry about what to do in their spare-time, hobbies and the likes within their lives.
Individuals that take the "Mark" will Not be told that there would no more be such a commodity or thing as spare-time.
-Individuals will have no choice, nor be given the choice of having any spare-time.
-Eventually it will cause individuals to question why anyone would want to even have spare-time for their selves or within their lives.

• The "Mark" will aid man's future so individuals upon this planet never have to worry about wanting for anything within their lives or livelihood.
Individuals that take the "Mark" will Not be told that their own ability and direction for desiring, needing, or even the wanting of anything within their lives would be altered genetically before their existence even began.
-Individuals will have no choice, nor be given the choice of having any desire for need or want.
-Eventually it will cause individuals to question why anyone would want their own ability and direction for desiring, needing, or even the wanting of anything within their lives.

• The "Mark" will aid man's future so individuals upon this planet will never have to wonder or worry about their own or having a spouse.
Individuals that take the "Mark" will Not be told that eventually their ability and direction for desiring, needing, or even deciding upon a spouse would become physically and mentally altered genetically before their existence even began.
-Individuals will have no choice, nor be given the choice of having any spouse.
-Eventually it will cause individuals to question why anyone would want to even have a spouse within their lives at all.

• The "Mark" will aid man's future so individuals upon this planet will never have to wonder or worry about their own or having children.
Individuals that take the "Mark" will Not be told that eventually their ability and direction for desiring, needing, or even deciding upon children or even having children would be physically and mentally altered genetically before their existence even began.
-Individuals will have no choice, nor be given the choice of having any children.
-Eventually it will cause individuals to question why anyone would want to even have children of their own within their lives.

• The "Mark" will aid man's future so individuals upon this planet will never have to worry about their physical looks, being fat or skinny in their lives.
Individuals that take the "Mark" will Not be told that eventually their ability and direction for desiring, needing, or even deciding their physical appearance would be physically and mentally altered genetically before their existence even began. Everyone will have almost exact physical bodies.
-Individuals will have no choice, nor be given the choice of having their own physical look.
-Eventually it will cause individuals to question why anyone would want to even worry about their own or any physical look at all.

• The "Mark" will aid man's future so individuals upon this planet will never have to worry about food in their lives.
Individuals that take the "Mark" will Not be told that eventually their ability and direction for desiring, needing, or even deciding upon foods would become deeply limited because of the physique that they will be given genetically before their existence even began.
-Individuals will have no choice, nor be given the choice of having different foods.
-Eventually it will cause individuals to question why anyone would want to even worry about eating within their lives, especially different types of prepared foods.

• The "Mark" will aid man's future so individuals upon this planet will never have to worry about their future or even what to do with their future.
Individuals that take the "Mark" will Not be told that eventually their ability and direction for desiring, needing, or even deciding upon having any future of their own that they could direct themselves would become virtually eliminated.
-Individuals will have no choice, nor be given the choice of having a future of their own.
-Eventually it will cause individuals to question why anyone would think, want, or even worry about having any future of their own.

This is just a small given view of some of the cunning lies that will be subtly use to befool the existence of mankind.

The submission of mankind to the "Mark of the Beast" will cause mankind to lose all Freedom of Choice and Individuality!

First... Confusion worldwide does become established, which does cause mankind to regress in what reality is, right from wrong, truth, and morality.
Secondly... Sin and its evil's will be used to prosper their agenda. This will give more power to higher planetary evils, and will make mankind more controllable. Governments believe a One World Government will deliver them from all the evil on earth (uniting mankind).
Thirdly... Mankind will then be seduced into assimilation likened to what is seen today in networking computers. This is done through what Christians know as... "the Mark of the Beast"!

All becomes subtly introduced and accepted under
the guise... "For one's own good"!
 (such as Climate Control- Climate Control is literally 
Green Communism  Satan is trying to establish 
throughout the planet.
Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and
his deadly wound was healed : and all the world wondered after the beast.)
God is always in control of His Creativity, the climate and everything else.
(Jeremiah 32:27, Genesis 1:1, Psalms 115:2-3, Job 12:10, Matthew 19:26)
Always make sure it's God's truth
you follow, or it will eventually destroy you! 
Mankind of earth can become acclimated without giving thought
or question of freedoms they will be giving up if they continue
to reject God and His Righteousness!!!

Choose Whom you will serve today before it is too late!!!
Will you serve God and His Righteous Good,
or sin and the death and destruction it does offer?

John 8:34
Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you,
Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The wages of sin is death because that is what it does pay!!

Joshua 24:15
, Revelation 13:12, Revelation 13:13, Revelation 13:14, Revelation 13:15,
Revelation 13:16, Revelation 13:17, Revelation 13:18, Revelation 14:9, Revelation 14:10,
Revelation 14:11, Revelation 14:12, Revelation 14:13, Revelation 14:14, Revelation 14:15,
Revelation 14:16, Revelation 14:17, Revelation 14:18, Revelation 14:19, Revelation 14:20,
Revelation 15:2, Revelation 16:2, Revelation 19:20,
Revelation 20:4