CREATION God's creativity of and upon planet earth.
God's Word spoke existence into being. God does use His Good within His Godliness. There once was a time when nothing whatsoever did exist in the universe. There was not even a universe. A complete abyss of emptiness existed... nothingness. Something cannot come from nothing. Nothing cannot create, make, or form something. When only nothing does exist, then there is nothing, and can only be and exist as nothing. Something must exist to give form to Time and Space, and a universe. In order for Space and Time to exist, there must be Something existing that has the ability and Power of equal proportion to the Space and Time being established, otherwise nothing will exist to form the existence of any Space or Time. God is the Something that has the Ability and Power in proportion equaling the Space and Time being established to give Space and Time the place and ability to exist. God always existed with the same degree of Power that makes-up all the energy that exists in all matter, anti-matter, dark matter, atoms, and sub-atomic particles that exist in the universe. God brought forth from that nothingness which was void of anything His own plan to create physical vehicles that would give light, life, and a beauty which He could use to fill and surround the universe, which became known as stars. Everything that exists in universe does exist only because God does exist and continues to exist. God created the universe to be magnificent in intricacy, and to manifest the Living Glory of His Being! It is the Power of God's Word which does hold the Good of Godliness that He Personally used to establish the things which He would need to bring forth living existence upon the planets that He does create. A mere thought spoken can become a reality with God.
Psalms 33:6 By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.
The existence of living life is a very vast and complex planned endeavor created, initiated, and established by God. God did begin creation of planet earth approximately 7.1 Billion years ago in man's understandings of time upon this planet. God is not subject to time like man upon this planet, because God is the Creator of time and space. He created living life upon this planet in days, but with man's understanding of time upon this planet, it's a much longer period of time. Mankind upon this planet does not truly understand time, because they do not understand God. Man often does not want to understand God, because man wants to look to them selves with high regard. Time itself is a momentary span of endeavors for God and His realm of existence towards His Personal strivings. A billion years is a meager transitory period by which the universe is seen to have begun its existence, even though these beginnings are only relative to man's understandings of his own sphere and not of, or within time and space relevant to God. In fact, within relation to God's Existence as man is able to understand it, His laboring upon just this single planet of earth is an instant passing. As for the originating of God's planned workings with any planet (like earth), His bringing forth of living existence relevant to man's ability to understand time began some many millions, and even billions of years ago. To more vividly relate unto you the reality of this aspect surrounding God's time, and in order to better relate it unto an earthly reality, let us sight man's gained abilities and successful accomplishments produced either socially, technologically, scientifically, or otherwise in the span of the last thousand years upon earth. This same period of time to God is one twenty-four hour day relevant to man's span and concept of hourly time. FOR EXAMPLE Just a mere 500 years ago, it took mankind upon this planet maybe one or more years to travel 3000 miles. 500 years later, because of their developed intellect, that period of time has been hastened to only take a mere 3 hours of time to travel. You could say for mankind today that 3 hours is like a year. God is a great deal older than 500 years and (in simple terms) has the greatest amount of knowledge and intellect of any existence anywhere throughout the universe. FOR EXAMPLE If an individual uses a bicycle to travel 10,000 miles, and another individual uses a jet to travel the same distance, the plane will most assuredly arrive at its destination first, also much faster because of its greater abilities for travel. Individuals upon this planet try to use the bicycle to sight how God did create a living universe, when in fact, He does have a jet plane at His disposal (so to speak). In man's understanding of their time and space, the earth is in fact billions of years old. In neglecting of God's time and space, they cannot sight that God can cause an event to take place, or occur in moments of time. The inabilities of individuals upon this planet only allows them to sight that same event in billions of years. Individuals upon this planet should be able to sight this reality because of their afforded progress relevant to time, but they cannot because they have become so puffed-up with their accomplishments. God does use His Good within His Godliness to begin His creation within the universe by creating His first planet, which we will call the Mother Planet. God then does cause for the Mother Planet in His created universe to explode. It is from the initial explosion of that planet that all known matter, anti-matter, and life within the universe did become derived from. God did then choose a most special fragment from the many particles that had become scattered throughout the universe from the initial explosion of the Mother Planet to begin His creation of planet earth. A fragment that had not become overly heated after the initial explosion occurred and retained within its very fibers and make-up various building blocks of life. A fragment that also could be used to eventually bring forth living physical substance. God did then cause that fragment to begin orbiting about the sun (that was then of a very low magnitude in power and light). God then began molding and preparing that special fragment with even more abilities to sustain living life. With His creativity of the universe established and secured, God does set upon the creativity of special planets which He causes to sustain living existence in a two day period. GENESIS 1:1-2 IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH. AND THE EARTH WAS WITHOUT FORM, AND VOID; AND DARKNESS WAS UPON THE FACE OF THE DEEP. AND THE SPIRIT OF GOD MOVED UPON THE FACE OF THE WATERS. The power of the sun was then of a very low magnitude in power and light. God then did stabilize and sustain it with specialized properties that would allow it to function continually as a life giving source within the solar system. God did cause for the planet to establish an orbit around a sun to allow its power and heat to melt the formations of ice which that fragment still had in its make-up. God did then plan to use the melted ice (the waters) to bring forth many creatures. GENESIS 1:3-4 AND GOD SAID, LET THERE BE LIGHT, AND THERE WAS LIGHT. AND GOD SAW THE LIGHT THAT IT WAS GOOD: AND GOD DIVIDED THE LIGHT FROM THE DARKNESS. God caused the planet to become sustained with a more stable orbit about the sun.
• Giving the planet the ablity to rotate upon an access that allowed the planet to experience its first formed separation of light and darkness.
• Giving the planet the ablity to rotate upon an access that allowed the planet to take upon universal debris more uniformly, as well as also giving the planet its egg shape. When the planet was first placed within the confines of the solar system,
• Its size was approximately two-thirds smaller in size from what is seen today.
God does cause for the planet to begin to hold an orbit about the sun that is closer to the one that exist today.• Its orbital pattern was also of a far different propensity from what is seen today (nearer to the same path that Mercury and Venus now follow). AND GOD SAID, LET THERE BE A FIRMAMENT IN THE MIST OF THE WATERS, AND LET IT DIVIDE THE WATERS FROM THE WATERS. Until this period of time, the planet was void of any real distinction of day and night. Neither did it rotate upon any formal axis with half the planet continually being exposed to the Sun and its high temperatures and light, and the other half having little to no exposure whatsoever. It was at this point that the God did place this planet upon a more normal axis-rotation. In establishing this axis-rotation, great disruptive extremities did begin to occur between the hotter and colder sides of the planet to initiate two (2) important endeavors: -1- The development of needed electrical energies. As the rotation of the planet took place and increased with speed combined with the extremities of heat and cold, so were special electrical fields of energy and electrical charges developed to protectively surround the planet. -2- As the rotation of the planet became increased, God does cause these electrical energies to aid in His forming of an atmospheric layer around the planet. AND GOD MADE THE FIRMAMENT, AND DIVIDED THE WATERS WHICH THERE WAS UNDER THE FIRMAMENT FROM THE WATERS WHICH WERE ABOVE THE FIRMAMENT: AND IT WAS SO. God then begins upon refashioning and separating the then very dense atmospheric layer of the firmament that He created, and spreads it out over the entire planet. The results does allow for the growth of cloud formation to take place. Thereby also leading to the occurrence of rain to form and become oceans that do cover the entire planet.
Genesis 1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
The firmament was created for the purpose of establishing an atmosphere outside the oceans,
• Where God could establish a physical structure (the firmament) capable of retaining great amounts of oxygen.
• Where God could establish a physical structure (the firmament) different than the oceans capable of retaining great amounts of oxygen. • Where God could establish a physical structure (the firmament) different than the oceans capable of sustaining the retention of great amounts of oxygen. • Where God could establish the advent of plant life within that physical structure (the firmament) that would assist in the retention of great amounts of oxygen capable of assisting an oxygen breathable format outside of the ocean waters upon the planet. God saw to it that the atmospheric conditions (the firmament) surrounding the planet did contain all the necessary ingredients (methane, hydrogen, ammonia, cyanide, etc.) for the promotion of the living life that He will create and mature upon the planet. GENESIS 1:9-10 AND GOD SAID, LET THE WATERS UNDER THE HEAVEN BE GATHERED TOGETHER UNTO ONE PLACE, AND LET THE DRY LAND APPEAR: AND IT WAS SO. AND GOD CALLED THE DRY LAND EARTH; AND THE GATHERING TOGETHER OF WATERS CALLED HE SEAS: AND GOD SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD. Dry land masses did not initially rise from the ocean floor through immense volcanic activity. The precise process actually took place over multi-hundreds of thousands of years. The forming of the first land mass from the depths of the oceans was due to an unerring metamorphosis of set stages over time that God did put the planet through, so air-breathing creatures would have a place to exist and thrive. God and His Power are not subject to Time and Space, because He is the Creator of Time and Space. The universe and all living existence within His universe created by God are subject to the Time and Space within their existence. (Wayward Man's Understanding of Time) God did see to it that the waters that covered the entirety of the planet were then around a mere 100 feet in depth. God begins His creating and maturing of a deep variety of simple plant life forms to exist within select areas of those depths. God does also see to it that those simple plant life forms are given the physical necessities to allow them to grow, prosper, adapt, and embed themselves within the planets developmental process. Even with close supervision many of these new life forms are not able to adapt to their immediate watery surroundings, and do die. Those that do survive, God does begin implanting many of them throughout many other areas of the ocean floors. (Wayward Man's Understanding of Time) God begins to alter the depths of those select areas of the ocean floor where He was mainly working to around 60 feet. He does also begin to work more closely with certain species of the existing plant life forms within those select areas by altering their physical make-ups to aid them in adapting and surviving to even greater environmental exposures being brought upon them immediately, and will be brought upon them in the future. (Wayward Man's Understanding of Time) God begins to alter the depths of those select areas of the ocean floor where He was mainly working to around 30 feet. It is also a period in which He does create a most important creature, the phylum protozoa (first unicellular animal). God does begin to prepare the oceans of the planet for its eventual creative populating of a new, but very important and more complex living creature with skeletal and vertebrae growths. (Wayward Man's Understanding of Time) Three (3) major things are now caused to occur by God. -1- Those shallow areas where He has been working with do become lowered to approximately 15 feet. -2- God does cause certain unicellular species to drastically change their developmental direction to have their growths enhanced enough that they do flower more complex physical bodies and systems of functional anatomies. -3- Also, various forms of plants, vegetation, and unicellular life begin to become established. Yet, it is also important to note that within these newly introduced intricacies, all forms of considered animal life are still soft-bodied sea-dwelling creatures. (Wayward Man's Understanding of Time) This period is one in which God does prepare the planet for its first real emergence of dry land. Also preparing the planet for His maturing of even more complex living creatures within the waters. God does alter the physical existence of certain creatures within the ocean-waters, preparing them to exist and dwell on land. This allows God to set the planetary stage for His creation of creatures with much higher orders of physical complexities. (Wayward Man's Understanding of Time) GENESIS 1:11-12 AND GOD SAID, LET THE EARTH BRING FORTH GRASS, THE HERB YIELDING SEED, AND THE FRUIT TREE YIELDING FRUIT AFTER HIS KIND, WHOSE SEED IS IN ITSELF, UPON THE EARTH: AND IT WAS SO. AND THE EARTH BROUGHT FORTH GRASS, AND HERB YIELDING SEED AFTER HIS KIND, AND THE TREE YIELDING FRUIT, WHOSE SEED WAS IN ITSELF, AFTER HIS KIND: AND GOD SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD. During this period upon the planet, God does next prepare the planet for a major change. One where certain areas of the ocean floor for the first time did become exposed to the drying air and sunlight. One where over the next few million years, God does begin His transformation of certain sea dwelling creatures giving them the physical ability to attain land and air dwelling capabilities. A transformation that is also timed with the promotion of more land areas. Their continued slow rise above the waters and promoted evaporation and drying out of newly arisen land areas. A cleaning of the land areas from the salt deposits, and contents that are trapped in, or as pools, pockets, or lakes. One in which God causes for most plants, vegetations and unicellular, or even more complex forms of cellular existence (soft-bodied) to slowly become extinct within those newly risen areas. God does establish on those newly risen areas of dry land plants, such as grass and herb yielding seed having a simple cellular make-up could reproduce themselves, and trees having a little more than large complex vascular systems of mere soft-body, or tissue that could produce fruit, and reproduce themselves. GENESIS 1:14-18 AND GOD SAID, LET THERE BE LIGHTS IN THE FIRMAMENT OF THE HEAVEN TO DIVIDE THE DAY FROM THE NIGHT, AND LET THEM BE FOR SIGNS, AND FOR SEASONS, AND FOR DAYS, AND FOR YEARS: AND LET THEM BE FOR LIGHTS IN THE FIRMAMENT OF THE HEAVEN TO GIVE LIGHT UPON THE EARTH; AND IT WAS SO. AND GOD MADE TWO GREAT LIGHTS; THE GREATER LIGHT TO RULE THE DAY, AND THE LESSER LIGHT TO RULE THE NIGHT: HE MADE THE STARS ALSO. AND GOD SET THEM IN THE FIRMAMENT OF THE HEAVEN TO GIVE LIGHT UPON THE EARTH. AND TO RULE OVER THE DAY AND OVER THE NIGHT, AND TO DIVIDE THE LIGHT FROM THE DARKNESS: AND GOD SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD. Theses verses display four (4) important occurrences within God's creativity and planned workings upon this planet. -1- Up and until this period, those cycles of continuation that is now used today to measure time (60 seconds, 60 minutes, or 24 hour intervals) had no distinct parameters. Affording the planet no real, or permanent cycles of time to become stabilized within, or to be organize around. Therefore He does within this period of time establish this planet within the bounds of its first real permanent and stable solar-cycle to,
• Give it a more permanent dwelling place in orbit around the sun, and within the solar system.
-2- With the establishment of a more permanent orbit and a more constant movement of axis-rotation around the sun, He does more permanently exact conditions for even more successful developmental stages for living life upon the planet. Especially within His creativity of higher forms of living creatures that will swim the seas, fly in the airways and even walk upon the land masses. • Give it a more constant movement upon its axis-rotation around the sun, and within the Solar System. -3- God does within this period of time give a more permanent definition, permanence and clarity to the entire solar system (within their planetary orbits) and the immediate areas surrounding it. -4- God does also within this period of time establish a greater stability of environmental and atmospheric conditions upon the planet so living existence would successfully develop and mature more, to secure a more applicable place for the existence and development of air-breathing creatures. GENESIS 1:20 AND GOD SAID, LET THE WATERS BRING FORTH ABUNDANTLY THE MOVING CREATURES THAT HATH LIFE, AND FOWL THAT MAY FLY ABOVE THE EARTH IN THE OPEN FIRMAMENT OF HEAVEN. God does during this period of time (around 600-400 million years ago) make the first real characteristic refinements to His earlier introduced and simple matured soft-bodied creatures upon this planet. He does begin making the necessary changes to various species physically. Many will literally become transformed to more mature complex hard-shelled bodily existences and (solid-boned) vertebrates. The results are various fishes, crustaceans, sharks, gonads and lungfish, to not only dwell within the sea, but make changes among certain of the sea-dwelling creatures which will give them the physical ability to attain land and air-dwelling capabilities. Transforming certain creatures physically enough (like stegoce-phalia) to eventually fly above the planet surfaces (birds). AND GOD CREATED GREAT WHALES, AND EVERY LIVING CREATURE THAT MOVETH, WHICH THE WATERS BROUGHT FORTH ABUNDANTLY, AFTER THEIR KIND, AND EVERY WINGED FOWL AFTER HIS KIND: AND GOD SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD. AND GOD BLESSED THEM, SAYING, BE FRUITFUL, AND MULTIPLY, AND FILL THE WATERS IN THE SEAS, AND LET FOWL MULTIPLY IN THE EARTH. God does during this period of time (around 480-80 million years ago) introduce upon this planet many other forms of plants, insects, and animal life forms.
• A variety of large plant life that can be used either by animal life forms as food sources, replenish the planet's surface (fertilizing), or in their decomposing at death would help form a crude oil.
His very important creativity of trees (like the beech, holly, laurel, maple, oak, walnut, and palm). Though they beheld much more complex vascular systems, they were soft-bodied, or tissue plants used for feeding the growing animal life, and replenishing the earth's surface (fertilizing).• A vast variety of insect life forms that He would use to aid in the degradement of dead plants and animal life, as well as even assisting in the reproducing of some forms of plant life. • Temporary creation of large animals (like dinosaurs) that would become used by animal life forms as food sources, replenish the planet's surface (fertilizing), or in their decomposing at death would help form a crude oil. God does cause to be introduced on the planet, two (2) special creatures. -1- Creatures like the winged fowl Archeopteryx to the Confuciusornithidae. -2- Creatures like the great Whales that were initially created a land walking mammal, but eventually became looked upon by certain of the dinosaurs as a source of food when their natural food source was being depleted. God then altered the Whale's physical being so they could take refuge in the ocean depths. AND GOD SAID, LET THE EARTH BRING FORTH THE LIVING CREATURE AFTER HIS KIND, CATTLE, AND CREEPING THING, AND BEAST OF THE EARTH AFTER HIS KIND: AND IT WAS SO. AND GOD MADE THE BEAST OF THE EARTH AFTER HIS KIND, AND CATTLE AFTER THEIR KIND, AND EVERY THING THAT CREEPETH UPON THE EARTH AFTER HIS KIND: AND GOD SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD. During this period of time (around 80-4.3 million years ago), God did introduce His creativity of many creatures that are even recognizable today. Especially within the mammal community, such as cattle, pigs, goats, camels, giraffes, deer, antelope, and other related animals. Creatures which have physical attibutes and qualities that God does use in His next introduction of physical creatures that will become fashioned on the planet in preparation for that special making of a Son of God. All living creatures are created with intellect to a degree. This allows their physical existence to be able to co-ordinate itself with one or more physical actions that are related to multitudes of inter-actions with their surroundings. If they did not hold any degree of intellect, then neither would they be a living existence. ![]() |