GOD'S ANGELS (Page 1) Angels are God's Heavenly Armies.
Revelation 5:11
God created Helpers for His ongoing development of His vast and limitless universe called... Angels.
Angels can be looked upon as the generals of God's Heavenly Armies that have been endowed with vast amounts of spiritual and physical abilities. Angels were created to be Caretakers and Overseers of the maturing of God's planned workings throughout the different areas of the universe while He was busy elsewhere within His universe. Angels were created to do God's bidding within a variety of activities within His Heavenly universe. Angels were created with much knowledge concerning the universe, and abilities to handle tasks within the universe. All Angels were created with vast amounts of power, intelligence and abilities to best assist God within and throughout the universe. They assist God in meeting with His long-term planned workings throughout the universe. The abilities and power of the Heavenly glories that Angels behold is indeed vast and specifically given to ultimately assist and ensure the successful outcome of the universe and Sons of God that God would create. God did create and institute Heavenly given guidelines for all Angels to follow:
• To best ensure that the Heavenly glories given them did not become abused in general.
• To best ensure that the Heavenly glories given them would be specifically used in and for God and His Good. • To best ensure that the Heavenly glories given them would be specifically used in and for God and His Good when working anywhere in the universe. • To best ensure that the Heavenly glories given them would be specifically used by any Angel in and for God and His Good when working with Sons of God anywhere in the universe. • To best ensure that the Heavenly Glories given them would be best used to assist and ensure the successful outcome of the universe and Sons of God. Most all Angels were created with equal degrees of power, intelligence, and abilities to best aid and assist God in His planned workings throughout the Heavenly universe. The Angels were all initially created and endowed with very extensive amounts of knowledge, intelligence, power, and abilities relevant to the overall and general existence of the entire universe. Giving Angels the ability to assist God in bringing prosperity to the general existence of all the living life and creatures that He would be creating anywhere in the universe. Angels are more powerful than most individuals know or do want to understand. Freedom-of-choice has always been afforded all Angels. The powers and abilities that Angels do have also do not have any limits as long as they are used in accordance unto and within God's Will. Outside of God's Will, limitations do take place. God allowed all Angels freedom-of-choice, even though He knew that certain of them would commit folly. God knew the possibility and reality that certain Angels would indeed take such an action, but He also knew that nothing He created could actually challenge Him with any degree of effective success. To ensure if such did take place, Angels did Not have a vehicle (Soul) to eternally continue that folly with. The Angels were not created with a Soul. Angels were not and never have been created in God's Image. Angels were Not created to be Children of God, but to specifically aid and assist Him in His planned workings throughout the universe. For most of the Angels, it did not matter that they had not been created in God's Image. Most all the Angels have been very content not being created in God's Image. Most all the Angels have been very content with,
• Their creation within the universe.
It did not matter to them that they had not been created in God's Image. • Their given glories, powers, and abilities within the universe. • Who they were within the universe. • Their positions within the universe. • Their tasks in the aiding and assisting God in His planned workings throughout the universe. There was no reason whatsoever for them to not be content.
• They had no needs, all their needs were completely satisfied.
Angels were not created with or to have a Soul.• They had no wants, all their wants were completely satisfied. • They had no desires to be fulfilled, all their desires were completely satisfied. • They had the complete run of the universe. • They did not die, but were able to live eternally. • They were completely loved by God. God created the Angels,
• Unlike any other living existence within the universe.
The Angels had no need for a Soul. They were created eternal beings.• Not as Sons of God. • Not to be in His Image. • To specifically aid and assist Him in His planned workings throughout the universe. • With universal glories and abilities to deal with all things that they might encounter in the universe. • With Goodness amongst their ranks or members. • With an existing ability of eternal existence. For most of the Angels it did not matter that they were not created with a Soul. The Angels were very content with,
• Their creation within the universe.
There was no reason whatsoever for them to not be content. • Who they were within the universe. • Their positions within the universe. • Their jobs in the aiding and assisting God in His planned workings throughout the universe.
• They had no needs, all their needs were completely satisfied.
The Angels all knew and realized, • They had no wants, all their wants were completely satisfied. • They had no desires to be fulfilled, all their desires were completely satisfied. • They had the complete run of the universe. • They did not die, but were able to live eternally. • They were completely loved by God.
• The complete reality of a Soul.
Sadly certain members of the angelic community become puffed-up with their creativity. Enough to choose to believe they are able to challenge God, disregard their creation, and even misuse their Heavenly glories given them by God.• Why they were not created with a Soul. • That they had not any real need to have a Soul. • That all their needs were completely satisfied without being created with a Soul. • That all their wants were completely satisfied without being created with a Soul. • That all their desires were fulfilled and completely satisfied without being created with a Soul. • That they had the complete run of the universe without being created with a Soul. • That they did not die, but were able to live eternally without being created with a Soul. • That they were completely loved by God without being created with a Soul. Those Angels that did allow their given universal powers and abilities to become corrupted by folly and sin are known and referred to as... Fallen Angels. Those Fallen Angels did misuse their given abilities, powers, and free-will. Certain Fallen Angels chose to leave their first estate,.. heaven and allegiance to God. There are now two (2) different groups of Angels within the universe, -1- Godly Angels- these Angels are loyal, faithful, and hold all allegiance to God and His Good. -2- Fallen Angels- these ungodly Angels are evil. They hate all mankind created in God's Image throughout the universe. They are against God, and especially hate anyone or anything that reflects and represents God and His Good. There is no forgiveness by God for any Angel that has or does become disobedient or misuse their given abilities, powers, or free-will. Angels had been given immediate abilities of detailed knowledge and expertise concerning the understanding and inter-functioning encompassing the universe to assist God in His Heavenly planned workings within and throughout the universe. Any actions they take or undertake deeply effect and affect God's planned workings with great measure. When Angels are disobedient or misuse their given abilities, powers, or free-will, they affect entire planetary communities or societies with great demise and destructive results. Angels are not Forgiven by God if they misuse their given glories and responsibilities to commit folly or sin. The more that is given the more one is expected to give, and live their existence according to. The Angels were not created with nor do they have the ability to attain Salvation. For three (3) main reasons, -1- The Angels did not need Salvation, they were initially created as eternal creatures. -2- The Angels did not need Salvation, they were initially created Good and there existed no sin or evil amongst the Angels. -3- The Angels were specifically created to aid and assist God in His planned workings throughout the universe, not to be delivered from anything in the universe. Angels have the distinct ability to interface with both the physical and the spiritual world at will. Angels were initially created as spirit beings that also have the ability and power to transcend both the spiritual and physical world equally. Angels always take the greatest steps to go out of their way to remain undetected physically. Angels are very private beings and enjoy that privacy most deeply. For the most part they deeply prefer to remain unseen and their semblance not sighted. Angels are often seen by the inhabitants of Godly planetary societies. Angels do freely and openly have contact with their members because God's planned workings of Good and Righteousness are fully consecrated upon Godly planetary societies. Angels are not ordinarily seen upon wayward planetary societies except to enact God's planned workings. Angels seek not to fraternize, nor make much contact with members of wayward planetary societies outside the needs of God's planned workings to best ensure that His planned workings are fully consecrated. The duty of the Angels is to assist God with His Personal planned workings upon all the planetary societies in the Heavenly universe that He would ever initiate and establish living life. They are to do what is necessary to watch over the inhabitants of planetary societies and aid in the fulfillment of God's planned workings upon them. This job becomes most critical upon wayward planetary societies. Angels can make themselves look human, but cannot become human. Angels are not human, nor can they become Sons of God. They are sometimes physically mistaken by mankind for being human. Individuals upon wayward planetary societies do often have their own or some preconceived notion of what (sometimes even whom) an Angel is or what an Angel does look like. This does have a deep bearing upon how that Angel does choose to look or make themselves known, making it easier for Angels to become physically mistaken for being human. Angels can take upon different spiritual or physical forms if need be or desired. The Angels are required to accord the Godly social and moral mannerisms upon or within all planetary environments that exist throughout the universe. Angels can respond to prayer. The answering of prayer comes from and needs a direct line or source to transpire. The responding to prayer does not need to come from, nor need to come from a direct line or source to transpire. The answering of prayer belongs to Father GOD only. Upon wayward planetary societies, the answering of prayer belongs to the Lord God within the Trinity of God (the Father, the Son or the Holy Ghost). The Angels do respond to prayer through the adhesion and allowance by the Lord God, if those prayers do pertain to the giving of aid or assistance unto planetary individuals, circumstances, or situations that are in some way, shape, or form pertinent to the fulfillment of God's planned workings upon a planet. The Angels do sometimes give comfort to individuals to ward-off despair and evil to those individuals, circumstance, or situation that in some way, shape, or form are pertinent to the fulfillment of God's planned workings upon a planet. Some Angels are responsible for the conveying of revelation to certain individuals. To those individuals, circumstance, or situation that in some way, shape, or form are pertinent to the fulfillment of God's planned workings upon a planet. Angels are restricted in how much of an active part that they can take within their given task in making sure that God's planned workings upon planets are truly successful. Angels will intervene and influence situations if danger does exist that will directly interfere with the successful outcome of God's Heavenly planned workings upon a planet. Otherwise Angels do not directly intervene. Angels are not allowed to influence an individual's thoughts, because such is contradictory to God's freedom-of-choice given to man. The influencing of planetary individuals through dreams is only allowed or undertaken if directly associated to God's planned workings upon any wayward planet. The duties of the Angels do not include judging or making judgment. Judging and judgment belongs to God only. Angels do assist Him in judgment. Angels are not allowed to use vehicles of judgment anytime they wish to. Only in the most extreme cases where a thing or party does pose a very deep threat or hindrance to God's planned workings is destructive judgment allowed by God. If any Angel did take such action without God's instructions and permission, they would become relegated and condemned to a Fallen Angel status. The Bible does record that Angels have undertaken to destroy complete armies, civilizations, or communities of peoples. Such undertakings are only initiated and completed by Angels upon wayward planetary societies to insure the outcome of God's Heavenly planned workings upon those planets. Wayward individuals do not sight God's reasoning for the allowance of such to be undertaken by Angels because those wayward individuals are blind unto evil. They rather seek ways to become protective of evil. They rather seek ways to excuse the evil that the wayward do or have undertaken. They rather overlook the reality that the evil doers have undertaken,
• The same evil that has brought forth their downfall.
They also do look upon those drastic steps that those Angels have had to take to secure the successful outcome of God's planned workings from evil, as being evil.• The same evil that has allowed for the drastic step to become taken by those Angels. • The same evil that has allowed for the need for such a drastic step to become taken by those Angels. Some Angels are responsible for the making of Heavenly announcements to certain individuals upon wayward planets. Angels are responsible for the making of Heavenly announcements to certain ungodly individuals. There are and have been wayward individuals, even though they are not Godly their immediate existence,
• Does have some sort of direct or indirect influence to or within God's Heavenly planned workings in one fashion or another.
Their future existence,• Does come in direct or indirect contact with God's Heavenly planned workings in one fashion or another.
• Will have some sort of direct or indirect influence to or within God's Heavenly planned workings in one fashion or another.
The existence of their descendants or offspring,• Will come in direct or indirect contact with God's Heavenly planned workings in one fashion or another.
• Will have some sort of direct or indirect influence to or within God's Heavenly planned workings in one fashion or another.
• Will come in direct or indirect contact with God's Heavenly planned workings in one fashion or another. There are many Angels that have, and do various and different tasks upon wayward planets. Even though there are Angels that are simply messengers of God, all are capable of delivering a personal message from God. The primary occupation of most Angels does involve perpetually worship around the throne of Father GOD. It is within and through their worship that they are able to take care of and watch over His throne. The Angels are watching over and guarding the Elect. They do not direct every moment, every choice, or every undertaken action that those individuals do make. They do make sure that God's planned workings upon wayward planets are going along as planned by God. The bad things which do take place are sufferings that wayward individuals are forced to be surrounded with in their living upon a wayward planetary society. There are and have been many planetary individuals, even though they are not direct members of the Elect,
• Their immediate existence does have some sort of direct or indirect influence to or within God's Heavenly planned workings in one fashion or another.
Their future existence,• Their immediate existence does come in direct or indirect contact with God's Heavenly planned workings in one fashion or another.
• Will have some sort of direct or indirect influence to or within God's Heavenly planned workings in one fashion or another.
The existence of their descendants or offspring, • Will come in direct or indirect contact with God's Heavenly planned workings in one fashion or another. • Will come in direct or indirect contact with God's Heavenly planned workings in one fashion or another. Some Angels are responsible for watching over the believers. There are and have been many wayward individuals, even though they are Not believers,
• Their immediate existence does have some sort of direct or indirect influence to or within God's Heavenly planned workings in one fashion or another.
Their future existence,• Their immediate existence does come in direct or indirect contact with God's Heavenly planned workings in one fashion or another.
• Will have some sort of direct or indirect influence to or within God's Heavenly planned workings in one fashion or another.
The existence of their descendants or offspring will come in direct or indirect contact with God's Heavenly planned workings in one fashion or another.
• Will come in direct or indirect contact with God's Heavenly planned workings in one fashion or another. ![]() |