Psalms 84:2 My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God.
Psalms 100:5 For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. 1 Timothy 4:10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. Good that He affirms in His Godliness. Good that is established in His Righteousness, Truth, Purity, Mercy, Peace, and Love. Righteoous Good does come from God. Only God Is Truly, Totally and Perfectly Good. Righteous Good does represent whom God Is. God's Good does allow God to manifest His Spirit & Greatness. The Existence of God's Good is just as alive as any living creature or individual. God's Good has always existed with No Beginning and No End. God's Good existed before the very foundations of the universe and any existence within the universe was ever brought into being. God's Good is absolute. If God's Good were not absolute, then the universe would never have been able to have become successfully initiated or brought into being. God's Good is ultimately, completely, and totally perfect. God's Good is His Godliness. God's Good is the force and power used by Him to create and give all the things the power to exist. God's Good is the forces that does surround existence with the tools, or vehicles needed to secure the survival of existence. Perfect Good only comes from God. Good is the Personage of God. It is the power and ability of this same Personage that is God, that has successfully brought all existence into being. Good does represent whom God Is. God is already the Greatest Existence in the universe, and cannot become greater than the Greatest Existence in the universe. God is already Perfect and cannot become greater than perfection. God is already the Greatest Existence of Good in the universe, and cannot become greater than the Greatest Existence of Good in the universe. It is the Perfection and Good that is God,
• That successfully brought the universe into being.
• That successfully has brought living life into being. • That has given living life the ability to successfully survive. • That successfully has brought living creatures into being. • That has given living creatures the ability to successfully survive. • That successfully has brought mankind into being. • That has given mankind the ability to successfully survive. God's Good is made-up of a single Existence of Pure Intellect that is a form of unlimited Positive Energy,
• So Great that it cannot be measured by anything... other than God.
• So Great that it cannot be exacted by anything... other than God. • So Great that it cannot be limited by anything... other than God. • So Great that it cannot be defined by anything... other than God. • So Great that only God has the capability of having. God's Good is of a Spiritual make-up. It can travel or exist physically, if God desires. Even though God's Good is Spirit, that Spirit does have Great enough ability of thought, form, and eternal existence to take upon physical form. Sighting and accepting this reality does afford an individual the ability to better sight things within, or surrounding their physical existence that does directly relate to the Spirit. God's Good does not change! God's Good is ultimately, completely and totally perfect. In being ultimately, completely and totally perfect already, there is no need nor anything whatsoever that change can or does offer to substantiate God's Good any more than it already is. There is no need, or reason for change since there is no other ability or power that exists, or has ever existed that can be so perfect and successful. God's Good was used to establish parameters that would allow living existence to continue & survive. God did use the energy beheld within His Good to bring forth a substance that could fill the universe with non-living matter that beheld enough living direction to cause the universe to exist within parameters that did give it a basic physical foundation and pathway of direction to come into being. The non-living matter could sustain the trials of becoming molded to attain enough living direction to cause the universe to exist within parameters that gave it a basic foundation & pathway for direction to allow less waste to living substance, or existence when it would become brought forth. God did use the energy beheld within His Good to give non-living matter qualities enough to form a living existence that could survive as a living existence. Only God does truly know what would bring success and what would not bring success to His creation. The reality of Good is the Power and Ability of God that has successfully brought all existence into being. It is only with and through God's Good that God used to successfully bring forth the universe into being. All living and non-living existence within the heavens and universe owes its very being to God's Good. God's Good is the only intelligence that can create something from nothing, so only God has a natural ability in Power and Good to know how to correctly apply Good in order to survive. God's Good is the Intelligence of God that created something-from-nothing. Intelligence can only exist if something absolutely exists already to have and give intelligence.
• Nothing-- has no intelligence that absolutely exists.
• Nothing-- has no intelligence itself. • Nothing-- has no intelligence to be something. • Nothing-- has no intelligence to create something. • Nothing-- has an intelligence of only nothing. God's Good is the existence of a single and limitless source. A totality of both Energy and Power that does and will allow for existence the ability to be successfully formed. Without it, nothing can become formed or created. That which has become formed or created can only become altered or changed in limited degrees. When altered or changed, the intended direction of success does also become altered and changed. When altered or changed, the intended direction for success of other formed or created existence does also become effected. God's Good is Good and Goodly enough to have successfully created an entire universe. A universe that is vast and limitless. It is only because of the Greatness of God's Good that the universe was able to become successfully initiated and brought into being. Only God (no other existence) has a Great enough Good and positive ability to be able to have created an entire universe. Only God (no other existence) has a Great enough understanding of Good and positive things to be able to surround that universe with sufficient enough Goodly and positive things to allow for it to continue to exist upon its own. The Glory of God's Good is the Living Power of God that is used to enable existence to exist with the living qualities of God's Good that makes it alive. God's Good existed before the very creation of anything was brought into being within the universe. God's Good existed before the very creation of anything became brought into being to inhabit any time or space. God's Good holds the ability to know before creativity,
• What to initiate, and what not to initiate to bring forth creation.
• What would be needed, and what was not needed to bring forth creation. • What would be beneficial, and what was not beneficial to bring forth creation. • What would be important, and what was not important in bringing forth creation. • What would be necessary, and what was not necessary in bringing forth creation. • What would be Good, and what was not good in bringing forth creation. Before creating anything to inhabit the universe, God's Good already knew all those things that would be needed to be successful enough to both exist and survive. Before creating anything to inhabit the universe, God's Good already knew all those things that would not allow successful creations, or the initiation of any existence to inhabit time and space in the universe. Before creating the universe, God's Good,
• Fully tried & tested every possible aspect of creation successfully before initiating the existence of the universe.
• Fully tried & tested every possible make-up of ingredient, or additive that He would use to surround and structure the universe with to keep it stabilized enough to successfully exist. • Fully tried & tested every possible composition of ingredient, or additive that He would use to configure the elements of the universe and successfully give its definition stars, galaxies, solar systems, and planets. • Fully tried & tested every possible make-up of ingredient, or additive necessary and needed to successfully put into place the entirety of living life upon planets within the universe. • Fully tried & tested every possible make-up of composing living life necessary and needed to successfully put into place the creativity of intellectual life upon planets within the universe known as Sons of God. • Fully tried & tested every possible necessary and needed additive within living live and intelligence that would successfully afford the intended survival for those Sons of God upon the planet and within the universe. God's Good does have an ultimate purpose. It is God's usage of the Power and Ability of that Good that He did specifically use,
• To successfully create the universe, and everything in it.
Only God has been willing to create creatures as Sons of God with a likened Good and positive nature to share His creativity of the universe.• To successfully create the needed ingredients that He would use to cause the universe to come into being. • To successfully surround the universe with the needed forces and energy that would allow the universe to become established, and set into motion. • To successfully surround the universe with the needed attributes that would allow the universe to become organized enough to continue to exist and survive. • To successfully create and fill the universe with physical components such as galaxies, solar systems, stars, planets, and the likes that would give it definition and clarity. • To successfully create and initiate planets within solar systems capable of sustaining living life. • To successfully create and initiate living life upon planets within the solar systems. • To successfully surround that living life with the needed attributes that would allow it to become organized enough to continue to exist and survive. • To successfully create creatures that could to different degrees function and populate the planets that He does make capable of sustaining living life. • To successfully mold and fashion beings of intellect that could to different degrees emulate God's Image of Good. • To successfully surround those created Sons of God with the needed attributes that would allow them to prosper and become organized enough to continue to exist and survive. • To successfully surround those created Sons of God with the needed standard for them to attain a long-term and eternal existence as God has in the universe. No other existence but God,
• Has a Great enough Good and Positive ability to be able to have created an entire universe.
To know God is to personally know the Good of God that He did used to create the entire universe.• Has a Great enough understanding of Good and Positive things to be able to surround that universe with sufficient enough Good and Positive things to allow for it to continue existing upon its own. • Has been willing to create mankind with a likened Good and Positive nature to share His creativity of the universe. God's Good is what was used,
• To create all the ingredients that went into bringing into existence the physical existence of the universe.
There is nothing physical that God cannot do, or can be restricted from doing.• To exact that physical substance in such a way that it would bring forth physical planets that would be also capable of sustaining living life. • To fashion that physical substance upon planets in such a way that it would produce what is sighted, or understood to be the existence of physical living life. • To use the existence of that physical living life to create physically living creatures. • To mold from the physical substance (dust) upon planets the single existence of what is sighted, or understood to be a physical Son of God upon planets. God's Good does know the beginning and the end of everything (living or non-living) that He has created to exist and prosper within the universe. There is nothing (living or non-living) that God's Good does not fully know about in the universe. In that it is God's Good that was used to create and initiate the beginning and being of everything that does or would ever exist to inhabit the universe, so does this same Good have the ability to know the entirety, and direction that anything does or will take place in the universe. God's Good does not only hold the knowledge and ability of creation, but is also able to perfectly analyze, determine, estimate, assess, gauge, evaluate, and calculate with complete accuracy the entirety and direction that anything does or will take place in the universe. God's Good has analytical abilities that are able to sight and deduce within a mere moment of time all the odds, chances, potentials, likelihoods, probabilities, plausibility's, and viabilities affecting, or effecting any possible occurrence relevant to any action that can take place within space and time concerning or surrounding any or all bits of matter, particles, or objects in the universe. God is able to unerringly sight and know with ultimate certainty what route of travel any living or non-living bit of matter, particle or object will exactly take within space and time anywhere in the universe. All living and non-living existence within the heavens and universe owes its very being to God's Good. The manifestation of God's Presence and Being is God's Good. God's Good does allow Him to manifest His Spirit and Greatness. It is the Greatness and Grandeur of His Perfection that successfully created the existence of the entire universe, as well as cause it to be inhabited with living life and creatures. Especially planetary Children made in His Image. The usage of Good by God and the manifestation of this Glory and Success Is God's Word. When God does speak anything into being, it is Good. His spoken Word Is the manifestation of His Good. God does establish a standard for and by which all Sons of God that He does create in the universe must accept and accord for any long-term existence in the universe. This established standard is God's Good. God's Good does allow an individual to attain greater things and understandings, not only concerning God, but also their selves. It is important, because it does allow the individual to establish and surround their existence with the reality of Godly ability and power that created their existence. Without God's Good, seeking to understand them becomes futile. The reality and knowledge of God's Good and the degree accorded that individuals do have towards His Good does in the same retrospect also give, establish, and accord the ability of individuals,
• To progress enough to truly sight the needed strides within their existence required for truly sighting the progress needed to be made within the actuality and make-up of the universe.
The reality and knowledge of God's Good does truly give the needed understanding that does, and will afford individuals to make the needed strides within their existence that is required for securing long-term (eternal) survival within the universe. • To progress enough to truly make the needed strides within their existence required for truly understanding the progress needed to be made within the actuality and make-up of the universe. • To progress enough to truly establish the needed strides within their existence required for truly attaining progress within the actuality and make up of the universe. There is no long-term survival within the universe for individuals that do not accord and hold the knowledge that is God's Good. There is only short-term survival for individuals that do not have, accord, and hold the knowledge that is God's Good. The reality and knowledge of God's Good does truly give individuals the ability to make the needed strides in mathematics, or other science to give them a far greater understanding of their surroundings upon the planet, and within the actuality and make-up of the universe. The point of beginning and end for being fully able to know and understand God's Good is to identify His Good. God's Good has always existed with No Beginning and No End. In relationship to everything that has ever been created or existed in the universe, God's Good has always existed with No Beginning and No End. God's Good has always existed with No Beginning and No End, because God's Being existed before the creation of any Son of God that was brought into being within the universe. In sighting and accepting the reality that God's Good has No Beginning and No End, so can the reality of/in greater things and understandings concerning God's Good become more able to be recognized, sighted, accepted, known, and acted upon. The beginning and end for being fully able to understand God's Good is to know the make-up of His Good.
• No one can truly know the make-up of God without knowing, accepting, and understanding the reality of God's Good.
• No one can truly know, accept, and understand the complete reality of God's Good. • No one can truly know, accept, and understand the complete reality of God's Good without knowing God. The point of beginning and end for being fully able to know and understand how God's Good did come into being is to know God. Only Sons of God do truly know God's Righteous Good. Sons of God do also fully accord, reflect, and represent God's Righteous Good. Sons of God know that God's Good always existed. They also align with the existence of Good that did initiate and bring forth their existence into the universe. Sons of God have the basic foundation of knowledge,
• That does allow them to be trusted enough by God to be given the information of how He did come into being.
• That does allow them to become fully acceptable of God to be made known the information of how He did come into being. • That does allow them to truly be able to understand the information of how He did come into being. • That does allow them to become fully acceptable of God's Good to be given even greater glory and gifts. Sons of God do fully believe and accept the actuality of God's Righteous Good.
• They do accept in full the substantiality of God's Righteous Good.
• They do accept in full everything else concerning God's Righteous Good within His planned workings. • They do accord to the substantiality of God's Righteous Good. • They do accord to everything else concerning God's Righteous Good within His planned workings. Sons of God throughout the universe know God's Good Personally. If the Power of Good does become ignored, misused, or overlooked by God's planetary Children, only the God of Pure and Perfect Good can supply the needed tools and knowledge for those Children to apply to overcome any sin and its waywardness. The tools and knowledge of Righteous Good that overcomes all sin and evil! make-up of the Spirit that is God. Everything in the universe does exist because God does Exist. Everything in the universe does exist because it had been created by God. Everything in the universe does continue to exist only because God does continue to Exist. The Knowledge of God (Page 1) ![]() |