The Knowledge of God (Page 3)
Time and again different communities and nations upon the planet earth have claimed that their gods did create heaven, earth, or the universe, but the records that have been produced to validate such claims are actually deeply distorted by their religious leaders, or by individuals seeking to hide the fact that their own gods do NOT have a heaven free of sin, or any plan of Good for all mankind of earth, the universe, nor a Specially created Being of Good to teach the wayward of Good and Righteousness.
Throughout much of man's existence on the earth, many have chosen to devise a vast array of views of what they desire and believe to be a god or gods. Not only are they incorrect, but they also distort the actuality of the Living God and His Power. Which has been the cause for man's knowledge of their surroundings, and their existence upon earth to become subject to,
• Being less able to sight the actuality and understanding of the Power of and within God's Good that ignited, created, and caused for Living (and non-living) existence to come into being.
• Being less able to sight the very center and foundation of creation itself. Thus force them to settle for understandings of their beginning and end that will never correctly help them understand their surroundings, the make-up of their own existence, nor their directions within knowledge and sciences they would have been able to attain. • Being less able to deeply and fully understand the very foundation upon and concerning the interworking of the things that have been created by God and His Good to surround themselves with on earth and in the universe. • Suffering long and very slow paces in the understanding of themselves, and the knowledge attained concerning their existence and surroundings upon the planet, because in not truly knowing God and His Good, individuals also lack the ability to attain correct knowledge to truly understand their own existence and surroundings on earth or in the universe. • Suffering long and very slow paces of gaining knowledge, and the uses of knowledge to better their existence upon the planet, because in not truly knowing God, and His Good, individuals also lack the ability to attain correct enough knowledge to correctly understand their own existence and surroundings on earth or in the universe. • Suffering long and very slow paces of gaining knowledge concerning disease and physical ailments in living life for the individuals upon the planet, because in not truly knowing God and His Good, individuals also lack the ability to attain the correct and full knowledge concerning disease and physical ailments in living life to help themselves. • Suffering long and very slow paces of gaining knowledge for the betterment of the planet's nations and communities, because in not truly knowing God and His Good, they also end-up using much of their gained knowledge for evil. • Suffering long and very slow paces of gaining knowledge for the betterment of the future of the planet's inhabitants, because in not truly knowing God and His Good, their gains in knowledge become directed towards gains of good that's deeply entwined with blindness, iniquity, evil, and sin that is in the world. Truly knowing the Living God and His Good does allow individuals to sight and recognize the full usage of those objects, points, events, devices, actions, deeds, acts, or undertaking that do naturally afford the success of/for their long-term existence within the universe. Success can only be found in Good, and the Living God is all Good! There has existed upon the planet vast different communities and nations that all have accommodated gods that have lain claim to prophecy, or even visions that claim their god or their gods will save their nations (but not from sin).
• Or claim their god or gods will bring forth the special individual that will make their nation great (but not in Righteousness & Peace), or gods that will bring upon their nation great riches and prosperity (but not Heavens riches and prosperity of Good).
All of the claims by those gods have proved to fail.• Or claim their god or gods promise to destroy their adversaries (but not from their own greatest adversary, Satan & evil). There has existed upon the planet different communities and nations which all have laid claim to having some central god of power that is surrounded by other gods which do have lesser different powers which they each use to interact with man differently.
• Outside of claiming their god and gods are of a spirit with powers to interact with their nations and people differently, their god and gods have no unified view that will allow those nations and people to truly know the power which did create them.
Which does make the heaven of those gods not much different than the wayward planet earth the nations and people exist on.• Outside of claiming their god and gods are of a spirit with powers to interact with their nations and people differently, they have no distinct plan for Good or of Righteousness for the people and nations to strive and adhere to. Only the Living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has made known His Power as being One in a Single Living Spirit that notes in His given scriptures,
• He created Heaven, and oversees from Heaven everything that He created to be physical in His universe, such as planets like earth.
• His created Heaven which He does exist in, is a place where only Good and Righteousness does exist, completely unlike earth. • He used His Power to create the physical Heavens of/on the earth, as well as to secure His physically planned workings upon the earth. • His Power which He used to create the physical Heavens of/on the earth does also secure His physically planned workings for Heaven upon and for the earth through His Good and Righteousness.
Psalms 11:7 For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright.
Psalms 37:3 Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Psalms 37:27 Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore. Psalms 97:6 The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory. Rejecters of the Living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob do allow themselves to be led by their own held beliefs and faith in gods, or a god that claims to be living and good, yet has led them to follow forms of distorted good inter-twined with evil and sin, and seek to take away choice from its members, not as a Creator, but more like a dictator. The religious leaders which follow these dictator gods do teach, guide, and direct individuals as dictators also. Rejecters of the Living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are those members of man that choose to be led by views and lies concerning creation, Good, and/or sin.
• Put forth by teachers in a public schools that teach no real distinction between Good and evil. If they do teach of a deity, they teach of a claimed god or gods that do allow sin to be inter-mixed with distorted view of Good. Such does prepare those students to also end-up rejecting the Only Righteous God of Good that has Physically proven that He does Exist and Is Living!
• Put forth by the religious leaders teaching of gods or a god that claims they are good, yet produce and establish short-term results in distorted forms of good for their members to follow that cannot defeat the enemy or enemies of Good, which is evil and sin. Those same religious leaders that lack Righteousness and Good seek to spread the teachings of gods or a god that bind individuals to want, hunger, hate, poverty, lies, or the continued misuses of man within demise, destruction and war. Such things are ignored like their rejecting of the Only Righteous God of Good that has Physically proven that He does Exist and Is Living! Rejecters of the Living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are those members of man who also choose to reject making choices based upon His Good that Is centered on Righteousness. Which leaves many of their made choices subject to some mere chance that they might be correct. In rejecting God and His Good, they are also rejecting the Righteousness that gives Power to Good. Which without, man can lack making Good choices that will allow them to successfully strive, survive, and have access to Heaven and the universe in a matter of 2000 years, instead of having to spend thousands of years uselessly facing want, hunger, poverty, hate, lies, and continued misuses of man in continually producing of demise, destruction, and war, only to have a few thousands members from earth, out of hundreds of billions, to become able to attain access to Heaven and the universe, where God's Good in Righteousness has always existed and reigned supreme. God's Good is bound to Righteousness which only the Living God has. No belief or claim in a god or gods has a Good tied to Righteousness as the Living God does. The religious leaders and religions of those beliefs and gods could only form and side with distorted views of good to teach their members with, simply because their forms of good are not bound to Righteousness. The religious and non-religious that do only flaunt with good do ignore, dismiss, or reject the Good which is put forth by and within the Ten Commandments that have been given to the world by the Living God. The choice of ignoring, dismissing, or rejecting God's Ten Commandments has condemned nations and individuals to continual sufferings and death. If such is continued, the Millennium will bring upon greater sufferings and death, which will begin the end of humans upon this earth. Truly knowing the Living God does allow individuals to become able to sight things within or surrounding the make-up of their existence which does directly relate to God and His Spirit. Those individuals become fully aware of their own spiritual abilities given them by God. Those individuals recognize the importance of their spiritual abilities given and attached to their physical abilities. Those individuals are able to successfully apply their given spiritual abilities to their physical consciousness and subconsciousness, and allow their spirit to enhance the livelihood of their physical existence originally intended. Thus allowing the Children of the Living God to view Him Spiritually and Physically in a truly Godly manner. Unlike the heathen gods, the Living God does establish in a single Covenant of Ten Laws written by His Own Finger for individuals to know what Good is and does looks like, as well as what sin is, and what sin does look like. God's standard that allows individuals to distinctly know what Good is so they can enjoy and continually choose the Good which does prevent them from falling-prey-to the evil of sin which does cause death and destruction. Unlike the heathen gods, the Living God does Physically manifest Himself through being born on earth in the form of a human child known as Jesus Christ. He is Physically The Son of God. Unlike the heathen gods, the Living God Himself does Physically fulfill His Personally written Covenant of Ten Laws that overcomes sin. He became wayward man's Physical Example of what it takes to become a son of God being a Son of God Himself. Jesus Christ established a given Image of what Good looks like. Unlike the heathen gods, the Living God Himself does Physically make seen and known that His Tabernacle is in Peace, Purity and Holiness. Jesus Christ does prove that true Peace, Purity, and Holiness is through not committing sin whatsoever by living and living by the Ten Commandments of Righteousness. Unlike the heathen gods, the Living God did Physically Arise from the grave of death. The knowledge of His Resurrection did become the catalyst for spreading the Knowledge of God's Law of Good and Righteousness, the Ten Commandments.
• To judge all the Nations of the world.
• To deeply effect the laws of all Nations of the world. • To inherit all the people (Gentiles) on earth (Genesis 28:14). With God's planned workings coming to a close real soon upon the planet, Satan and man has devise and introduce more claimed gods than ever before upon planet earth. Most all these gods claim that they can provide individuals with their own viewed way to heaven to live eternally after physical death. The Living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob makes it clearly known that His Spirit is Living (He moved and spoke) and gives Life, because He is Living! The Living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is truly unlike any of the heathen gods which are claimed to have created the beginnings of existence on earth.
• The Living God is the Only Deity that has to any degree made known that the heavens were made by His Knowledge and Direction, which is beheld by His Spoken Word.
The Living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is truly unlike any of the heathen gods that claim to have created them. • The Living God is the Only Deity that has to any degree made known that the entire host of living planets, beings, and creatures were created by the Power and breath of His mouth... His Spoken Word. • The Living God is the Only Deity that has to any degree made known that He gave His creation of earth the ability to sustain Living Life. • The Living God is the Only Deity that has to any degree made known He created living life in the waters on earth which he brought forth abundantly after their kind, as well as His important creation of every winged fowl after his kind to inhabit the earth and air above the earth. • The Living God is the Only Deity that has to any degree made known He created the living creature after his kind, cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind, and beast of the earth after his kind. • The Living God is the Only Deity that has to any degree made known His first creation of man upon the earth, and their given dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. The Living God did NOT create man to be nourished only by physical food.
• The Living God is the Only Deity that does nourish people with the spiritual foods of knowledge and Good from Heaven that does afford them with a greater earthly benefit, and also Heavenly rewards.
• The Living God is the Only Deity that did not simply seek to create a people that would simply survive through becoming nourished by the physical food of evil, iniquity, corruption and sin to eat which does produce only short-term faithlessness and unrighteousness, but the Only Deity Whom did distinctly create mankind which are meant to be founded upon a Spiritual Food of Good which does produce long-term faith and righteous. • The Living God is the Only Deity that had willingly come down from Heaven, create a Son of God body for Himself so He can Physically exist upon the planet, teach, and show all mankind that He is a Living God of Good and Righteousness. • The Living God manifested in Spirit and then Physically to show all the earth His Spiritual Food of Good which does produce long-term Heavenly Faith and Righteous. • The Living God manifested Himself to show all the earth His Spiritual Food of Good which will allow them to truly see that God did not only hold His Glory of Good, Purity, Truth, Righteousness, Mercy, and Love in Spirit, but did also hold His Good, Purity, Truth, Righteousness, Mercy, and Love... Physically being Jesus Christ. • The Living God manifested in Spirit and then Physically to show all the earth His Spiritual Food of Good which will allow them to better understand the depth of Glory and Power which God actual does truly have. • The Living God manifested in Spirit and then Physically to show all the earth His Spiritual Food of Good which will allow them to truly see the limitless Power of God which created their physical existence, and was not limited in any physical way, even though God is Spirit. • The Living God manifested in Spirit and then Physically to show all the earth His Spiritual Food of Good which will allow them to more greatly interact with God and God with them. • The Living God manifested in Spirit and then Physically to show all the earth His Spiritual Food of Good which will allow them to truly see that there is nothing which God cannot do.
John 6:51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
John 6:35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. John 6:48 I am that bread of life. John 6:41 The Jews then murmured at him, because he said, I am the bread which came down from heaven. The Good that the Living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has shown forth did also Physically fulfilled in His Own Plan to gain Sons of God which does differentiate Him, His Good, and Righteousness from all other gods. The Good and Righteousness of the Living God is a thing which does differentiate Him from all gods. He initially created and formed man as being Good. His plan purpose is to make man aware of that Good. If followed, they will truly bring a success that is free from any destruction by/from sin unto their existence.
• The Living God Is all Good!
• When the Living God does create anything, it is Good because He is Good. • The Living God created man in His Own Image of Good. • The Living God used His Power to bless man with His Own Personally written Covenant of/for Good, the Ten Commandments to overcome sin. • The Living God did Physical manifest and make known His unseen Spirit of Good through the Physical Human body He created for Himself to live in, which Is Jesus Christ! ![]() |