Result of Sin

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SIN is having disregard for God, His Good,
and Godly social and moral values and principles.

Planetary individuals that become infected by sin are able to know of the knowledge which does surround existence in general, but do not know the true make-up of that knowledge which God used to create existence with.

Wayward individuals do not realize that all knowledge actually has form and holds direction. It is the direction that is taken which does differentiate the true success of that knowledge.

When an individual does become blinded from the partaking of sin, they do become led by their sin to direct their existence upon the forming of grave blindness unto God and His Good.

Knowledge exists to give an understanding of the vehicles used which God's Personal creativity of the universe is made-up of and even sighted.

Planetary individuals that are infected by sin do realize, but do not know that knowledge only exists to give them an understanding of the made-up and basic functions of God's Personal creativity of the universe.
These individuals become caught up in seeking to define what they do know physically of this creativity while ignoring the Spiritual reality of the information concerning Godly knowledge that truly does give support unto behavior, conduct or mannerism necessary for the long-term survival of their living existence that is important for becoming sons of God.

Knowledge is no different than living existence with parental originations. Planetary individuals that fall-prey-to evil or sin are able to know of the reality of knowledge within its application to the existence of knowledge employed in general, yet do not know of how the origin of knowledge did come to exist, or how it was given the ability to be part of existence.

Planetary individuals that fall-prey-to evil or sin are able to know that the very existence of knowledge had to be initiated somehow by something.
Yet prefer,
• To view knowledge as being some simple concept that has no beginning or end, but does simply exist.
• To ignore the fact that nothing produces nothing, and that everything has to have an origination point by which to begin to come into being.
They are often found to ignore the basic fact that if knowledge has no origination point, then there would be nothing to facilitate anything upon, nor give any direction to, or even be built on.

Planetary individuals that fall-prey-to evil or sin do view the knowledge which they have or been given as something with no beginning or end, but simply exists. Which they believe can become altered or even distorted without consequences.

Planetary individuals that allow themselves to fall-prey-to evil or sin are able to know of the reality of knowledge as it applies to their usage of knowledge employed in existence, yet they do not know that it was God's successful application of knowledge that did allow existence to be given the ability to become brought forth or even exist. Such individuals are left to form their distorted beliefs and views to account for their understanding of the natural reality of the things which surround their being.

Planetary individuals that allow themselves to fall-prey-to evil or sin do view the importance of knowledge and their gain of knowledge as being something which can prove their greatness. Yet they become unable to truly realize, desire to view, or truly accept the fact that any knowledge they do attain is actually not very significant.
• When it comes to the reality and actuality of how much knowledge there is left upon their planet that actually exists undiscovered by them.
• When it comes to the reality and actuality of how much knowledge there is left in the universe that actually exists undiscovered by them.
• When it comes to the reality and actuality of how much knowledge could become attained upon their planet or within the universe that is yet to be discovered by them.
Within this blindness, such individuals also do not realize or truly accept that,
• They do not have the knowledge or ability in of themselves to explore the universe beyond their solar system.
• They cannot attain the knowledge or ability in of themselves to explore the universe beyond their solar system.
• They are not allowed by God to explore the universe beyond their solar system.

Planetary individuals that fall-prey-to evil or sin do become unable to realize,
• That all knowledge has form and holds direction to exist.
• That it is the direction taken that differentiates the true success of that knowledge and direction.

Planetary individuals that fall-prey-to evil or sin do set themselves upon directions where they misuse and corrupt the knowledge which they are initially given by God to learn and learn from, so that they can initiate, built, establish, and promote their ability to understand the things which do surround them.
In such blindness, the knowledge initially given by God does become altered.
• Which as a result of this alteration, the knowledge which they are initially given by God to learn and learn from does become distorted.
• Which as a result of this distortion, the knowledge which they are initially given by God to learn and learn from does become misrepresented.
• Which as a result of this misrepresentation, the knowledge which they are initially given by God to learn and learn from does become misused and less defined in Godly definition.
• Which as a result of this very lesser defined Godly definition, the knowledge which they are initially given by God to learn and learn from does become sent upon pathways that does infuse the intended direction of the knowledge with waywardness.
• Which as a result of this infusion with waywardness, the knowledge which they are initially given by God to learn and learn from does lose sight of the initially intended direction of the knowledge which they are initially given by God to learn and learn from.
• Which as a result of this lost sight, the knowledge which they are initially given by God to learn and learn from does slowly lose relevance to the initially intended direction of the knowledge which they are initially given by God to learn and learn from.
• Which as a result of this lost relevance, the knowledge which they are initially given by God to learn and learn from does become more and more disassociated with the initially intended direction of the knowledge which they are initially given by God to learn and learn from.
• Which as a result of this disassociation, the knowledge which they were initially given by God to learn and learn from does take upon wayward directions that do become less and less able to sight Godly direction or understanding of or in the creativity of the things which God does surround individuals with.
• Which as a result of this lost Godly direction, the knowledge which they were initially given by God to learn of and from, and the knowledge they also do initiate, built, establish and promote their understanding of the things which do surround them does become an admixture and influx of intellect and progress that does no longer resemble the Godly knowledge originally intended by God for the successful survival of those wayward individuals.

Sin does cause for its partakers to overlook the fact that initially all living creatures are afforded by God some form and degree of intellectual ability to help them in the direction and distinguishing of their ability to meet with their planetary needs.

Planetary individuals have been given and are subject to greater applications of intellect through the special usage of an intellectual dominion which has made them to be the one and only creature upon the planet that is able to Know God and His Good. No other planetary creature is capable of choosing, reasoning, or truly able to know God.

Sin does cause for its partakers to not realize that God did fashion their intellect with reasoning abilities which had afforded them the capability to use their intellect to be most able to truly examine and understand their selves and their surroundings enough to truly know,
• The Existence that Is God.
• The Existence that Is God's Good.
• The reality of God's creativity of them and their surroundings.

Sin does cause for its partakers to not realize or disbelieve that their intellectual dominion was given to allow them to distinctly have the ability to reason and apply reason to making correct Goodly choices in which they could use to enhance their existence and survival. The blindness which they do attach themselves to does give and hold lesser abilities to use reason and apply reason to making correct Goodly choices.

Sin does cause for its partakers to not realize that God did fashion their intellect with reasoning abilities which did afford them the capability to reason through logics of the reality,
• Of God and His Importance.
• Of God's Good and Its Importance.
• Of God's creativity of them and their surroundings.
• Of the Good which is critical for serving to prosper their surroundings long-term.

Sin does cause for its partakers to not desire to realize that without their intellect becoming given the ability for using reasoning and logics,
• Their degree of intellect would become almost indistinguishable from other living creatures.
• Their degree of intellect would become only capable of habitual usage for the most part.
• Their degree of intellect would become an intellect not capable of effectively enhancing their surroundings.

Sin does cause for its partakers to disregard the fact that it is the ability and degree of reasoning given them by God which allows their intellect,
• To become capable of applying correct Goodly choices to intellect enough to satisfy long-term survival needs.
• To become capable of applying the intellect needed to afford long-term survival.
• To become capable of knowing enough to enhance their surroundings with intellectual applications to gain long-term survival.

Sin does cause for its partakers to disregard or overlook that it is not their intellect which does secure long-term survival, but the application of their intellect within reason that does do so,
• If reason is both centered and directed upon the intellect of God and His Good which they are and had been initially created with, then the intelligence of or within reason will secure long-term survival for them.
• If reason is Not centered and directed upon God's intellect and Good which they are and had been initially created with, then the intelligence of or within reason will not secure them long-term survival.

Sin does cause for its partakers to become unable to realize that they were initially created by God within His Good, and with the ability to know and accord God's intellect and His Good. If applications of reason are Not centered and directed on the facility of such intellect, they will Not be able to know if they are applying their ability of reason in a correct and Godly manner to allow long-term survival.

Sin does cause for its partakers to Not realize that their intellectual capability as being specially given them by God to allow them to represent His Intellectual Image in dominion upon the planet.

Sin does cause for its partakers to view or characterize their given intellectual competence by God in ways that seek in different degrees to equal them to the lesser degree of intellect held by other creatures. The intellect that they initially have been given becomes subject unto lesser degrees of reason, choice, and being Not of God's Competence.

Sin does cause for its partakers to not know or realize that God did create them with Free Will, simply because He did Not desire to create them as some physical shell of a creature that had a mind with deep abilities to use intellect, yet had little ability to freely use such glory.
• Especially creatures that would become created in God's Image.
• Especially creatures that would Freely have a will that did truly love God and His Good.
• Especially creatures that could Freely display their love for God and His Godliness.
• Especially creatures that would Freely love God and His Good enough to be able to truly help God in His planned workings.

Sin does cause for its partakers to overlook just how the Free Will which God did afford their intellect has been used by them to accord avenues and pathways that do seek to negatively redirect their destiny away from the Good.

Sin does cause for its partakers to not truly realize or disregard the importance of the Free Will which they have. In having Free Will, they do hold the ability to choose the directions to guide their livelihood through being able to freely choose Good or evil. Yet in their blindness they also become led to reject their responsibility for the effect of their made choices.

Sin does cause for its partakers to not realize that the Free Will initially given them was established within their intellectual being because of its importance to God. It allows God to have Children that would be able to Freely choose to follow and serve His Good.
If they were not Freely allowed to do so,
• Then He would have not had Children, but mere slaves.
• Then He would have had no Children to share the destiny of His planetary creations in the universe with.
• Then He would have had no Children to share the destiny of His Heavenly universe with.
• Then He would have had no Children to assist Him in the destiny of His universe.

Sin does cause for its partakers to excuse or justify their Free Will abilities as coming from a need by intellect to make choices which could allow it to satisfy decision variables.
In fact, Free Will is a given creativity by God.
• Not a by-product of need.
• Nor does need have a relational value to Free Will.
• Nor does need have a relationship to the development in or of Free Will whatsoever.
• Nor does need have a point of physical necessity that could be used as a point of, or foundation for Free Will to become formed or established.

Sin does cause for its partakers to view the Free Will which they hold as some sort of by-product which was brought forth out of some sort of need within survival to allow it the ability to form choices. In fact, Free Will is not needed by or for survival.
Sin is the by-product of failure which sin does use as a vehicle for persuading its participants to justify their failure within sin.

Sin does cause for its partakers to not desire to view or truly realize that their uniqueness of Free Will does come from being the only creature physically created with an intellect that was formed and made in the Image of God to represent His Uniqueness, not their own.

Sin does cause for its partakers to not realize the fact that the actual function of Freedom of Choice is to be the vehicle which allows them,
• To hold the tool needed to distinguish Good from evil.
• To have the ability to use their intellect given them as a tool that also made them to be the only creature upon the planet able to have the freedom to be able to distinguish the natures of Good from evil.

Sin does cause for its partakers to not desire to truly realize that the intellect which they had been given from God did not only allow them to distinguish what was Good or evil, but also choose between Good and evil. This does allow them to make correct choices within their being and surroundings that they could use to afford them the ability and aptitude to control their destiny to be self-reliant enough to prosper their existence (unlike any other creature upon their planet) by being able to make correct choices, or incorrect choices.

Sin does cause for its partakers to not desire to realize that in having the Freedom to Choose Good from evil, it is also the single factor which God uses to attain the sons of God to assist and help in the spreading of His Good and Godliness throughout the entire universe.

Sin does cause for its partakers to disregard the fact that the intellect which they are created with is initially and almost totally unrestrained by Free Will, which allows them to have the ability to choose and direct their destiny by intertwining their usage of intellect with their Spiritual and physical abilities enough to truly enhance their survival possibilities within their surrounding existence.

Sin does cause for its partakers to ignore the fact that the degree of intellect they do have was initially made part of their physical make-up to give them the ability to understand,
• The reality and Existence that Is God.
• The reality and Existence that Is His Good.
• The reality and Existence of His creativity of them.
• The reality and Existence of His creativity of their surroundings.
• The reality and Existence of His creativity of the universe.
• The reality and Existence of their individual or communal livelihood unto God and His Good.
Without the given intellect, their existence would not have, nor need to have deep degrees of intellect.

Sin does cause for its partakers to discount or disregard the fact that their intellect is considered by God as being so important that it was specifically given them to make them the only creature ever created to be capable,
• Of representing the Intellect of God upon the planet.
• Of representing the Intellect of God in the universe.
• Of representing the Intellect of God and His Good as sons of God.

Sin does cause for its partakers to discount or find it hard to believe in the fact that they are the only living creature ever created
by God to,
• Represent the Intellect of God upon the planet.
• Represent the Intellect of God in the universe.
• Represent the Intellect of God and His Good as sons of God.

Sin does cause for its partakers to be unaware that the degree of the intellect they do have and are able to use,
• Is limited by their inability to reflect the reality and existence that Is God's Good.
• Is limited by their inability to reflect His Good throughout the reality and existence that is God's creativity of them.
• Is limited by their inability to reflect His Godliness throughout the reality and existence that is God's creativity of their surroundings.
• Is limited by their inability to reflect His Godliness throughout the reality and existence that is God's creativity of the universe.
• Is limited by their inability to reflect His Good throughout the reality and existence of their individual or communal livelihood unto God and His Good.

Romans 7:11  
For sin, taking occasion by the commandment,
deceived me, and by it slew me.

 Corinthians 15:34  
Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not
the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.
