Nature of Sin (Page 2)
Revelation 21:8
SIN is having disregard for God, His Good,
Romans 7:20
John 8:34
Wayward individuals that do not believe in the existence of God often seek to view God's Being in their image, rather than their being created in God's Image. They do this to the degree that they lack the ability to realize that He is known as the Great I Am because He Is Everything that exists.
They also lack the ability,
• To know God personally.
• To more personally know God. • To know God's Personal Godliness. • To more personally know God's Personal Godliness. • To know God's Godliness personally. • To more personally know God's Godliness. • To actually accept in full the actuality that God does fully exist. • To actually accept that the Good of God's Godliness does fully exist. • To actually accept the fullness of God and His Godliness. In not viewing God as the Being of Everything that exists, most individuals that do believe in God's Existence do limit their acceptance and accord of the things of God and surroundings through lesser measures of faith that seek to understand God without the knowledge that He actually is what does make up their surroundings. Which does become used by them to influence their desire,
• To more deeply seek to know God personally.
For if they do, • To more deeply seek to follow the knowledge that is God as personally as they can. • To more deeply understand the Personal Godliness of God. • To more deeply realize the true extent of the Personal abilities and powers of God.
• Then they will also have to follow more fully the actuality that is God.
• Then they will also have to follow more fully God and His Godliness. • Then they will also have to follow more fully the actuality that is God's planned workings. • Then they will also have to accept more fully the actuality of their meagerness. • Then they will also have to accept more fully the actuality of their weaknesses. • Then they will also have to accept more fully the actuality of their sin. • Then they will also have to follow more fully the actuality of God's Personal Salvation from sin through Jesus Christ. In not viewing God as the Being of Everything that exists, most individuals that do believe in His Existence do become less able to sight the very interrelation importance of God's Power of His Good in Godliness to everything that exists and surrounds their being. They then become led by their sin to feel deeply awed by the,
• Greatness of God's Existence.
• Vastness of God's Make-up and Personage in the universe. • Ability of God's influence that is able to span the universe. • Good of God that is so different from sin. • Expectations that God has of them for Goodness. • Expectations which they have in following God. • Immediate inabilities of them to more fully represent the Glories of God's Good. • Abilities and Powers of God. • Eternal vastness of God's Existence. In not viewing God as the Being of Everything that exists, most individuals that do believe in His Existence do also become less able to realize how such a thing as sin can have such power over them and their ability to know God. They then become led by their sin to feel deeply awed by,
• The simplicity of sin.
• The temptations of sin. • The abilities of sin over them. • The immediate vastness of sin. • The many realities of sin. Wayward individuals that do not actually believe in God's Existence do often seek to protect their views of existence with the things that do question acceptance or the accord of the unseen things of God, His Good, or His Spirit that can actually make them aware of their failures and weaknesses towards sin which have caused them to lack in the ability to,
• Know that God exists.
• Know what the Peace of God actually is. • Know how to have the Peace of God. • Know what Good actually is. • Know what evil actually is. • Know the actuality of their creation by God. Wayward individuals that do not actually believe in God's Existence do seek to protect their failures and weakness towards sin by simply seeking to discount any views upon things of God that might open their eyes up to the Greatness and success of God that can possibly make them aware of the actual depth of their blind failures. In accepting their failures as truth,
• They don't feel that they need to accept the actuality of their awe towards the Existence of God.
• They don't feel that they need to accept the actuality of their blindness toward the Existence that created them. • They don't feel that they need to accept the actuality of their blindness towards the sin they partake of. • They don't feel that they need to accept the actuality of their blindness towards God's Good. • They don't feel that they need to accept the actuality of their blindness towards God's planned workings. • They don't feel that they need to accept the actuality of their meagerness. • They don't feel that they need to accept the actuality of their blindness of their weaknesses. • They don't feel that they need to accept the actuality of their blindness towards the demise and destruction which their sin has brought upon them. • They don't feel that they need to accept the actuality of their death which they have brought upon themselves through sin. • They don't feel that they need to accept the actuality of their inability to attain long-term Living Life because of sin. Wayward individuals that do not actually believe in God's Existence do lack the ability, desire to know, or sight the reality of God because,
• They become so awed by the Greatness of God that they find it too hard to believe that simply having Faith in Him could solve anything.
• They become so awed by the immediate thoughts and glories of their own makings that thoughts and Glory upon God make it too hard for them to believe that simple Faith in God could answer everything. • They become so awed by the immediate Abilities and Powers of God. • They become so awed by their short-term existence that the eternal vastness of God becomes to incomprehensible for them to fathom. Sin does cause its participants to be influenced to establish evil through disbelief and justification which does misrepresent the things created by God that are meant to truly bring success to them. Sin does cause and influence its partakers to view evil as not being evil. Sin allows individuals to accept their evil undertakings with less guilt or responsibility for the end result or ungodly reward that sin produces. Sin does influence wayward individuals to create avenues by which to justify their evil to feel better about their participation. Evil does force participants to form distortions which satisfy their blindness to sin within their rationalizations of evil. Sin does influence the partakers enough to cause them to create avenues by which to justify the evil that they do partake of. Sin does influence wayward individuals to not realize that evil does equally pertain to the failures which do occur amongst those that willingly partake of evil. Sin does influence wayward individuals to ignore or disregard the fact that evil did not have anything to do,
• With the establishing of existence or the creation of the universe.
• With the bringing forth of existence into being. • With setting forth of vehicles to keep the universe in motion. • With successfully giving organization of the universe to survive. • With successfully forming planets, solar systems, and the likes. • With successfully producing planets capable of sustaining living life. • With successfully producing living life upon planets. • With successfully producing intellectual life upon those planets. Sin does influence wayward individuals to distort the things God did not use to create, secure, or surround their existence with. Enough to produce blindness unto the greater reality of existence that does actually define what evil is. Sin does influence wayward individuals to distort the actuality of evil enough to produce changes to their surroundings that alter betterment and survival. Sin does influence wayward individuals to distort the actuality of evil to the degree of disregarding the reality or existence of evil as it does seek after the demise and destruction of their very being. Sin does influence wayward individuals to create avenues for producing distortions which seek to hide,
• That evil is the negative reality which seeks to disassociate itself from superior undertakings of and within living existence.
• That evil seeks to negate those things which have become put forth by God to give existence the ability to become living life. • That evil seeks to negate those things which have become put forth by God to give living life the ability to prosper in a beneficial direction. • That evil seeks to negate those things which have become put forth by God to give that beneficial direction the ability to survive as a living existence. • That evil seeks to produce changes which alter the very outcome to the success of living existence. Sin does influence wayward individuals to be unable to truly realize the evil which they do accord within their immediate surroundings does also become the foundation upon which its choice does serve to substantiate lesser glories which slow down progressions of their future existence. Sin does influence wayward individuals to distort the natural reality of evil within their communal existence and surroundings to degrees where interaction amongst their communal members slowly becomes reliant upon inter-twined bonds of evil. The interaction does lack the necessary direction of Good that can allow those communities,
• To truly undertake individual or communal interaction and survival.
• To truly promote long-term communal interaction and survival. • To truly accord long-term communal interaction and survival. • To truly allow long-term communal interaction and survival. Sin does influence wayward individuals to not be able to sight that evil does seek to impress its nature on other parts of their existence which do hold inabilities to know God, so they can more deeply ignore, neglect, and even form more rejection of those objects, points, events, devices, actions, deeds, acts, or undertakings that are centered on God's Good. It does lead such individuals to become led upon pathways of action and activity where they do become extensively influenced and damaged by the knowledge and experience which evil does produce. Sin does influence wayward individuals to create a variety of distortion of what they can more easily believe in to constitute their success within the bounds of evil parameters. Sin does influence wayward individuals to not truly realize or know that sin does use evil as its vehicle through which to misrepresent its efforts to subtly and most cunningly seek the demise of the things that God did create to bring survival to the universe. Simply by distorting and hiding the fact,
• That only God's Personal Knowledge concerning what is evil, or what is not evil does have the ability to secure any long-term survival upon any planetary society.
Sin does influence wayward individuals to not truly realize that evil does attach itself to thought, action, or an occurrence with a negative reality brought forth to disregard superior undertakings or deeds beheld within living existence.• That no wayward individual that has partaken of evil is able to survive long-term upon any planetary society with the usage of evil being established within their very being. Sin does influence wayward individuals to become truly unable to,
• Define the evil which they have partaken in as being something evil within their physical existence.
• Understand the actuality of evil outside of their physical existence. • Consider the full content of evil outside of their physical existence. • Realize the make-up of the evil that they have surrounded their physical existence with. • Deal with the ability and power that is beheld within the evil that they do allow to surround their physical existence with. • Sight the destructiveness of evil to their physical existence. Sin does influence wayward individuals to not desire to sight that evil does Not come from God, but from freedom of choice afforded individuals and their blindness towards the Godly things God established. Sin does influence wayward individuals to feel content with evil enough to overlook, or to even disregard their evil enough to create grave distortions that do inter-mix truth with enough lies to blind them unto the things of God they need to bring forth long-term success to their existence. Sin does Not cause for its participants to know of its intent to persuade them to misuse their view of Good enough so it does cause for them to alter their sight of Good to the degree that their view of Good does become a reflection of evil. Sin does Not avert the evil direction it does naturally take with its participants. Sin does employ endeavors which do seek to subtly cause them to become,
• Less able to fully sight the existence of evil within sin.
• Less able to fully know how to avert the direction to which sin does take them. • Less able to avert the extent of effects upon them which sin does chain them to. • Less able to alter the direction of demise which sin does take them. • Less able to avert the evil that sin is having upon their surroundings both spiritually and physically. • Less able to truly overcome the evil which sin does produce. Sin does Not avert the evil pathways it does undertake through inter-mixing of truth with lies which causes its participants to become less able to truly know,
• The gravity of sin.
Cause its participants to become less able to truly know why,• The evil beheld by sin. • The reality of evil within sin. • The nature of demise sought by sin. • The destruction that sin does cause. • The losses which are promoted by sin.
• They choose to sight, understand and rely upon sin to satisfy and prosper their blindness.
• They choose to accord and rely upon sin to satisfy and prosper their initially given glories and immediate existence with. • They choose to create their wayward pathways to follow their slow evolving demise and destruction. • They choose to lose any real ability to avert their demise and destruction. Sin does Not enhance the sight of its participants to any degree which might help them to become truly able to,
• Correctly allow the devising of beliefs towards God or Good.
• Correctly allow the devising of views or beliefs towards right and wrong. • Correctly allow the devising of values that produce Good. • Correctly allow the devising of views or mandates that produce long-term existence. • Correctly allow the sighting of Eternal Living Life. • Correctly allow the capability to have an Instrument or Way through which they can physically become able to truly know God, His Holy Spirit, His Good and Righteousness. Sin does Not have its participants gain an understanding of the long-term Promise of God's Eternal Glory which He offers and gives as a reward unto those that are willing to truly follow Him, His Good and Righteousness. Nor does sin seek to afford its participants the realization that sin is the vehicle which has caused them to remain attached to simple views on intellect that do only allow for short-term planetary existence. Sin does Not have its participants realize that sin is the vehicle which has caused them to also remain blindly attached to misplaced views upon creation which does have no actual or distinct accounting for its beginning. Those individuals become led by their blindness or sin to devise their own views upon creation which does cause those individuals to accept and justify the lack of intelligence, energy, matter, or substance as having the responsibility for the establishing of the parameters and direction upon which found their beginning to creation. Sin does Not have its participants gain an understanding of sin itself, to truly know or become aware of its most grave destructive abilities.
• Nor to truly gain Godly understandings that might allow them to gain the ability to become aware of the extent of losses which they end up suffering when they choose to partake in sin.
• Nor to truly know that those losses do establish a foundation that does chain them to sin. Sin does Not have its participants gain enough insight or knowledge concerning the actual make-up of sin to become truly able to realize that sin is only able to survive if,
• The existence of Truth is not deeply there.
That sin is only able to survive through,• It can distort Truth.
• Seeking to not truly accept Truth.
• Seeking to not enhance Truth. • Seeking to hide Truth. • Seeking to pacify Truth. • Seeking to misuse Truth. • Seeking to disregard Truth. Sin does Not have its participants gain a deep enough understanding of their intellect to promote its usage much beyond betterments to a planetary being. Nor does sin seek to gain the ability to become aware of how it has to a deep degree virtually restricted their abilities to attain deeper intelligence and knowledge concerning God, their selves, and their surroundings. Sin does Not have its participants understand just how weak its ability is compared to God's Power which He did use to create what became existence. Sin does not seek to have its participants become aware that,
• It did not create existence.
• It did not donate to the creation of existence. • It did not initiate or donate to the creation of existence. Sin does Not enhance the sight of its participants to any degree which might help them to become truly able to,
• Know that they have actually become blind.
• Know that blindness does come about from ignoring God or the things of the Good that make-up His Godliness. • Know that blindness does become prospered through the according of misplaced views concerning things not of God. • Know that blindness does become given justification through the acceptance of distorted views concerning things of Good to cause them to overlook the important things of Good that do actually allow them to truly know the Greater Glory and Knowledge which is God. • Know that their blindness does cause them to become destined to having their existence be susceptible to sin and its subtle destruction. Sin does Not enhance the sight of its participants to any degree which might help them to become able to,
• Have little desire to know the actuality of Good.
Sin does seek to mislead its participants into,• Have little desire to actually be Good. • Have little ability to follow Good. • Have little success at producing Good.
• Blindly believing that they do know the actuality of Good.
• Blindly believing that the Good they desire can be anything they desire it to be. • Blindly believing that the Good they follow can come from their own making. • Blindly believing that any success of their Good does prove that what they view to be Good is indeed Good. Sin does Not enhance the sight of its participants to any degree which might help them to become truly able to become sons of God. Sin does not help them sight that it is the continuing in sin which prevents them from becoming sons of God and their communities from producing sons of God. Sin does Not seek to enhance the sight of its participants to any degree which might help them to become able to,
• Personally choose God over sin.
• Personally choose Good over sin. • Personally choose to follow the things of God over sin. • Personally choose to desire God's Good over sin. • Personally choose to know God's Glory over sin. • Personally choose to gain God's Promised Eternal Glories over the destruction by sin. Sin does Not enhance the sight of its participants to any degree which might help them to become able to,
• Know the importance and necessity of God to existence.
• Know the importance and necessity of God in the creation of their existence. • Know the importance and necessity of God to their existence. • Know the importance and necessity of God's Good to their existence. • Know the importance and necessity of God for understanding the evils of sin. • Know the importance and necessity of God in overcoming sin. • Know the importance and necessity of knowing God to Save them from demise & destruction. • Know the importance and necessity of knowing God to afford them greater knowledge. • Know the importance and necessity of knowing God to afford them success. • Know the importance and necessity of God for survival. • Know the importance and necessity of God for being able to gain long-term living existence. Sin does Not enhance the sight of its participants to any degree which might help them to become able to know the grave repercussions that sin does subtly produce and promote. Within sin does lay the inability to not know sin. In not knowing sin, it does lay the same inability that will not allow the ability to become a son of God. ![]() |