Nature of Sin (Page 4)
Romans 7:13
SIN is having disregard for God, His Good,
Romans 7:20
John 8:34
Sin does cause for its participants to not know that they are being led to employ excuses that they can use to deny their inability to correctly apply Good in manners that can reflect Godliness.
Sin does cause for its participants to not know that they are being led to ignore that without Good being employed in everything that they do, devise, or undertake, then neither will their existence in general be truly able to reflect the Image of God's Good which they were initially created to reflect. Sin does cause for its participants to not know that they are becoming led to justify their inability to be, accord, or sight the Good that is beheld in Godliness, because sin does keep them less able of distinguishing the difference between Good and evil. Sin does cause for its participants to not know that they are being led by sin to choose to accord and follow views of Good that do not reflect Godliness enough to prevent them from warding off evil. Sin does cause for its participants to not know that they are being led to form avenues that seek to cause them to remain ignorant of the greater reality of the Good of Godliness that defines an Eternal Good. The Good of Godliness has always existed as the unchanging positive nature for surrounding living existence with the ability to exist and survive. Sin does cause for its participants to become led to not realize, nor be able to know that only God is truly able to know enough of His Being and His Good to truly make known to the wayward Who He Is, how to attain His Good, of the depth of knowledge beheld by His Good, and even of the Power of Good which created them. Sin does cause for its participants to devise their distorted views of creation. Distorted views which are based on mere subjective foundations that hold no real clarity for the full accounting for formations of matter and forces needed to create anything. Nor even of greater degrees of intellect needed that would guide, direct, and secure organizing survival of any existence upon its very creation. Even disregarding the factor that in the bringing forth of living creatures (especially mankind), the ability needed to establish and secure their very existence increases a hundred fold. Such individuals do blindly persuade themselves that they are able to understand their creativity and existence without having any need to know or believe in any unseen Power such as Godliness. Sin does cause for its participants to devise an admixture of many forms of truth with lies concerning what the ingredients and processes are needed and not needed for their living existence to have come into being. Individuals do become persuaded by those volumes of information produced. Those lies used are acceptable enough to be used as truth and therefore must account for their origination. Such individuals do persuade themselves that they do have a heritage which they can understand without any need for explanations of God, or any need of His Godliness. Sin does cause for its participants to devise distorted views upon creation that are used to either compete with or cause for them to put in question the actual account given by God of their creation and planetary existence. In becoming overwhelmed with many different views, individuals do begin to not only ignore or put into question the accounting of their creation given by God, but do form their own views to become used to completely disassociate the Power of God's Godliness and persuade them that they can use such views as vehicles to account for and justify their creative heritage. Sin does cause for its participants to form so many different alternatives of God that seek to ignore, disassociate, and even disregard His Good. Such views do serve to be inadvertently used to blind them from being able to truly sight the reality and purpose of God's plan to bring forth sons of God. Sin does cause for its participants to become blinded to the fact that the degree of success and survival for any planet filled by individuals and communities is fully dependant upon their ability to truly have a freedom from sin. Sin does seek to form avenues that do cause individuals to ignore that only Good has the ability or the Power to afford enough freedom from sin to attain the degree of success needed to ensure survival is profound enough to be eternal. Sin does cause for its participants to disregard or disbelieve in the extents to which God does go, and the efforts He does make to Save them from blindness and sin. Which only became necessary because no matter what He did do in seeking to teach wayward individuals to realize and accord His fundamental nature of Godliness they chose to remain gravely lacking in such abilities. Sin does cause for its participants to not truly realize or know that God does Love His Children great enough to be willing to go to the extent of establishing a Personal plan to Save them from destruction from sin. He even ensured that His plan became manifested in full through Personally introducing Himself to them in Physical Form as a Son of God Himself. Sin does cause for its participants to not know the extents that God actually goes to in providing the vehicle for Saving them from their sin through His establishment of Salvation.
• An extent that did become necessary, because no matter what God did do to teach them of the failures of sin, they did choose to remain gravely lacking in their abilities.
God does bring forth His plan to manifest His Personal Self and Glory. The Physical Image of Himself in Physical Form as a visual benefit for all the planet's participants in sin to physical see and spiritually follow.• An extent so that they are able to truly realize and accord the fundamental nature of God's Good. • An extent to truly attain individuals that can truly represent God's Good upon planets and throughout the universe as sons of God. Sin does cause for its participants to not realize or know the Power which is beheld in Good, nor of the positive long-term nature of those things Good does produce among individuals and in communities. A Power that truly seeks to make Good the standard for their mannerism and conduct outcomes that are not only successful, but do attain long-term glory. Such individuals are also led by sin to disregard and ignore the measure of application of conduct and mannerism that God's Chosen People have applied and secured upon the planet within long-term outcomes. Sin does cause for its participants to become led to not realize or know that no matter what knowledge they seemingly do gain or desire to gain, their sin will only allow them to attain small levels of progress or betterment to satisfy short-term being. Simply because sin does not have the necessary knowledge of Good,
• To bring long-term success to their existence.
• To gain a long-term existence for their survival. • To help in the bringing long-term success unto God's planned workings. Sin does cause for its participants to not realize or know that as sin does grow amongst them, in equal retrospect they do lose the ability of distinguishing the Spiritual understanding of Good from what they have been able to view as evil. Affording them less ability to become truly able to sight or accord the things of Good put forth by God's Spirit. Sin does cause for its participants to become led to not realize or know that within the inability to not know God's Spirit does lay the same inability to not know Who God Is, the Good of His Godliness, nor know the things for allowing them to become sons of God. Sin does allow for its participants to realize and sight many things concerning the general reality of Good. Yet, sin causes for participants to prefer to follow avenues which do specifically keep them from realizing the degree to which they do physically and spiritually begin relying upon the negative and deceptive practices of sin which they choose. Having no desire to truly face the reality of,
• Their own sin.
Having no desire to truly face the reality that,• Their ill knowledge of sin. • Their inability against sin. • Their meagerness that their acceptance of sin has left them with. • Their mistaken pathways in waywardness. • Their demise & destruction because of sin. • Their need to overcome sin. • Their need for God to help them overcome sin.
• They are in fact blind to sin.
• They are in fact weakened by sin. • They are in fact sinners. • They do in fact accord sin. • They do in fact desire sin. • They are in fact responsible for their own sin. Sin does cause for its participants to not desire to know that they are in fact partaking of sin. Sin does blind its participants from becoming able to truly realize just how easily it is able to spread demise. The general damage that sin produces is sighted in its effect of there being no personal relationship between God and His Children that accord sin. The indirect damage of sin is sighted most often in the effect which becomes produced to bring forth long-term demise to things concerning their existence which do not directly concern the things of God, Godliness, and His Spirit. Sin does allow for its participants to sight a variety of social & moral values which they use to surround their immediate existence with. Views upon which they do establish right and wrong. Participants in sin do not truly know the actual importance involved in having their view and accord to right and wrong established on a social and moral foundation. Sin does cause for its participants to follow avenues or pathways which do seek to cause their overall existence to become led by the prosperity of lies which serve to promote their sin. As sin does grow and prosper, such individuals do also become gravely lacking in the ability to truly see,
• The subtle lies which they have placed their existence upon.
• The subtle lies that they can attain the ability to save themselves from lies and misdirection that they have placed their existence upon. • The subtle lies that they can save themselves from the destruction that sin does slowly bring upon them. • The subtle lies that they can survive in the universe without the need to become a son of God. Sin does grow and prosper in such a manner that its participants do also become so blinded by their undertaken sin that they become unable to truly realize that as their sin does grow, so does their,
• Inability to truly know God also grows.
• Inability to realize their blindness unto God's Godliness also grows. • Inability to truly know Good also grows. • Inability to truly know evil also grows. • Inability to truly understand that their sin does produce also grows. • Inability to sight the demise and destruction which sin does slowly bring upon them also grows. • Inability to undertake successful enough individual or communal pathways that would allow them to become sons of God also grows. Sin does persuade its participants that they can know God and still partake of sin. When in reality, there is no individual that can participate in the destruction which sin does bring upon their surroundings or other individuals, and still truly know God or the Good that Godliness represents. Sin has never occurred as some natural occurrence on any planet in the universe. Yet partakers of sin are found to form avenues through which they seek to hide their participation in sin by devising the excuse that sin is actually some naturally occurring event. Sin seeks to restrict its participants from understanding their surroundings enough to,
• Successfully interpret the actual make-up of their surroundings.
• Successfully manage the living being of their surroundings. • Successfully use their surroundings to benefit them. Sin does seek for its participants to choose to place their existence upon pathways where they do follow misdirected views on sin which does cause for their overall existence to become led by the effects and results which sin does seek to promote and prosper itself by. Sin does seek to form natural avenues for its livelihood to become able to redirect and even place the communal existence of the partakers upon pathways in knowledge and intellect that ends up dramatically altering the existence of their entire communal being. The destruction by sin is not a thing that God does seek to bring upon the individual, but is what individuals do seek to bring upon themselves through choosing to ignore the things of God which do exist, or have been created for them to successfully exist long-term in the universe. The ability of sin does become given its power when first being partaken of. Its very enhancement does become put into motion as individuals are led by sin to allow and set themselves upon a pathway through which they do slowly become destroyed by the same sin that they have fallen-prey-to. By the time such inabilities do become evident, individuals do end up devising their endless cycles of blindness and sin that follow pathways which do restrict them from being able to direct and guide their existence in ways that will allow them to truly become sons of God. Sin does cause its participants to become unable on their own to stop sins growth from bringing upon them destruction and demise. Participants of sin become unable on their own to stop from following distorted and misplaced pathways not of the things of God or the Good beheld within His Godliness which can stop sin. Sin does cause its participants to become unable to truly do,
• That which is necessary to enhance God's purpose in and for creation.
Unable to truly do, • That which is necessary to enhance their creation. • That which is necessary to enhance God's purpose in and for their creation.
• The things needed to not bring about demise within God's purpose in and for their existence.
• The needed things not to bring about demise to God's purpose in and for creation. Sin does cause its participants to avoid blaming their ignoring or disregard of God on their chosen sin. Within this same inability, they do seek,
• To ignore and disregard the acceptance of the sin they have chosen as being sin.
• To become more unable to truly know their sin. • To hold less concern for sin. • To hold less fear of their sin. • To hold less ability to sight any slow destruction from the sin which they do know so little of. Sin does cause its participants to distort the reality of God's Existence through the inter-mixing of truth with lies. Which does seek to cause its partakers to blindly follow avenues which do keep them from truly realizing His Make-up. Sin does cause its participants to distort the ability to truly view the Eternal Being of God's Existence. The partakers of sin do become led by their sin,
• To view God through their limited spans of short-term existence.
• To form their short-term views upon God's Existence that distort understandings of His Eternal Existence and Being. • To remain blinded to even a greater reality of deeper existence which does define the Existence of God that always has been Eternal and unchanging. Sin does cause its participants to distort what does make-up the existence and creativity of the things which God created for inhabiting the universe. Sin does cause its participants to remain blinded unto the greater understandings of their existence and knowledge surrounding it, because of those distortions which seek to define their existence without the very Knowledge of God which molded, fashioned, and created all things. Sin does cause its participants to distort what does truly make-up Knowledge and the extent of God's Knowledge which is the reality of the intelligence and knowledge making up their surroundings. Their view of knowledge they gain is within limited parameters, because their accord of sin does restrict them from being able to attain deeper intelligence and knowledge concerning them, and even their surroundings. The partakers of sin do find ways in which to rationalize the destruction of the things of God and His Good that sin always does give birth to. |