Nature of Sin

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SIN is having disregard for God, His Good,
and Godly social and moral values and principles.

Sin does occur when the choice is blindly made to disregard or ignore the Glory of God which His Children were created to represent. When they do allow themselves to fall-prey-to sin, they do become less able to sight the deeper understanding of things pertaining to and surrounding them, which were created for their long-term well being and survival in the universe.

Sin does cause its participants to alter the understanding of God's Good they are initially created with and does surround the entirety of everything surrounding them. They end up forming their views, endeavors, or even beliefs upon God, His Godliness, and His Spirit to where they become less able to realize or know the true Make-up and Being of God's Existence, His Power, and His Creativity.

Sin does cause for its participants to become unable to truly or fully accord the Existence of God or His Good surrounding them enough to know how to use and apply it to their existence successfully.

Sin does cause for its participants to become unable to truly know the Reality and Existence of God, His Good, His creativity of their existence, and His Holy Spirit which does surround and keep the universe in motion.

Sin does cause for its participants to become unable to attain the opportunity to truly realize or know how they came into being, or of the purpose for their created existence.

Sin does cause for its participants to become unable to employ a correct usage of Good, intellect, and knowledge they gain to understand existence to truly give it meaning.

Sin does cause its participants to become unable to truly sight the actual value of God, the Good beheld by His Godliness, and the meaning and purpose for their created existence by His Word. Sin does cause for individuals to hold to the short-term rewards of sin, and hold less significance for the Good of God which rewards with long-term existence.

Sin does cause its participants to distort the natural reality of things which God did create and surround their existence with.
Sin does cause its participants to lack the necessary view of those things which do naturally make-up their creation that are needed to afford them a foundation by which to afford them abilities,
• To truly accord long-term individual or communal interaction and survival.
• To truly afford long-term individual or communal interaction and survival.
• To truly undertake long-term individual or communal interaction and survival.
• To truly promote long-term individual or communal interaction and survival.

Sin does cause its participants to distort the Make-up and Being of God's Existence enough to cause them to disregard sighting foundations of Godly behavior and mannerisms which will afford them the necessary information to live as sons of God.

The partakers of sin do sight existence itself, yet lack the ability to apply their sight to God, the Creator of all existence in the universe.
Such individuals are able to know of the creativity of things surrounding their existence in general, yet not truly know the Greater make-up of the creation of things God used to form that existence.

Sin does cause its participants to distort the Reality, Existence, and Make-up of Godliness through the inter-mixing of truth with lies, which does cause those individuals to blindly follow avenues that keep them from truly knowing Godliness.

Sin does afford its participants to sight aspects of the Goodly factors that are concerned with or do surround Good, but distorts God-like behavior, conduct, and mannerism that are so necessary for long-term survival of the living existence, 
which planetary individuals must have to be able to live eternally.

Sin does afford its participants to sight aspects of social relevance that are concerned with or do surround Good, but distorts their ability to know or desire to realize and understand that they have been created as Social creatures whose very own intellect is tied to the success of the same Good which became used to create the entire universe.

Sin does afford its participants to view aspects of Godliness as it does pertain to activities of Good, but their aspects ignore and distort the Power of Good which created existence. The partakers of sin do not truly know that it is the positive nature of God's Knowledge of/in Good within His Godliness that is responsible for the actions and Power,
• That caused for the universe to come into being.
• That caused for the universe to become set into motion.
• That caused for the universe to be successful enough to become organized.
• That caused for the universe to be successful enough to have formed planets, solar systems, and the likes.
• That caused for the universe to be successful enough to have produced planets capable of sustaining living life.
• That caused for the universe to be successful enough to have produced planets with living life.
• That caused for the universe to be successful enough to have produced intellectual life upon planets with living life.
• That caused for the universe to be successful enough to have produced successful surroundings and circumstances for that intellectual life upon planets to fully prosper and survive.

Sin does cause its participants to become less able to sight the results of the sin they partake of.
The partakers of sin prefer to distort and ignore,
• That it is God's Personal Knowledge concerning what is Godly, or what is not Godly which does secure any long-term survival upon any planetary society.
• That no living existence is able to survive long-term upon any planetary society without knowledge, acceptance, and assimilation of the positive nature of Godliness established within their very being.

Sin does cause to influence its participants to Not sight the actual depth within the usage of sin. Sin does employ subtle distortions and misrepresentations which do form foundations to more easily accord and even accept sin.

Sin does cause for its participants to distort the depth of Knowledge beheld by God in various ways which overlook or ignore the fact that nothing in existence has any greater degree in knowledge, simply because God Is the Living Being and Creator of all existence. In being Everything that Is, and the Creator of all that is existence in the universe, there is nothing that exists that is not known, nor any occurrence that can take place within or throughout the universe without God's knowledge of its existence, or its action being known.

Sin does cause for its participants to not realize and distort the fact that just like their existence had an origination point,  knowledge does also have an origination point that was founded and begun with God.
Which without this origination point,
• Then knowledge would have nothing to form itself upon.
• Then knowledge would have nothing to surround itself with.
• Then knowledge would have no reason to carry forth.
• Then knowledge could not exist.

Sin does cause for its participants to distort and even misuse the benefits they gain from knowledge,
• Through seeking to benefit only their immediate physical desire for pleasure that can satisfy short-term, and Not long-term needs, emotions, or wants.
• Through seeking to benefit only a fraction of the planet's individuals with short-term, and Not long-term needs, emotions, or wants.
• Through seeking to benefit the growth of knowledge through a lack of long-term security or satisfaction.

Sin does cause for its participants to not realize that though their gain of knowledge does become great enough to where they do devise physical vessels which they can use to deeply assist with their immediate being upon the planet, sin does use that same gain of knowledge to distort and keep them from truly sighting that their knowledge is for the most part very insignificant when,
• It comes to the reality and actuality of how much knowledge there is left upon their planet that actually exists undiscovered by them.
• It comes to the reality and actuality of how much knowledge there is left in the universe that actually exists undiscovered by them.
• It comes to the reality and actuality of how much knowledge could become attained upon their planet or within the universe that is yet to be gained by them.

Sin does cause for its participants to not realize that the natural direction of knowledge has been designed by God to accommodate successful outcomes to existence, as accorded by the degree of Good employed and used by them to surround knowledge with.

Sin does cause for its participants to not realize that all knowledge naturally forms a general direction which does promote success or failure through initially formed and given parameters of Good employed by God.
Sin does seek to alter the direction of knowledge through distorting the view of what success is and does do, so the ability to sight the success of knowledge that was initially given by God,
• Becomes misrepresented.
• Becomes misused.
• Becomes less defined in Godly definition.
• Becomes filled with waywardness.
• Slowly loses relevance to the initially intended direction of knowledge which they are initially given by God to learn and learn from.
• Becomes more and more disassociated with the initially intended direction of knowledge which they are given by God to learn and learn from.
• Takes upon wayward directions that do become less and less able to sight Godly direction or understanding of or in the creativity of the things which God does surround them with.
• Becomes an admixture and influx of intellect and progress that no longer resembles the Godly knowledge originally intended by God for the successful survival of those individuals.
• Seeks after a more dark side to knowledge that is less insignificant concerning the successful survival of those individuals.

Sin does cause for its participants to not realize that knowledge naturally has a Moral and Social direction that does effect and determine the true success of their knowledge within them and their communities. Sin does seek to distort their view of Moral and Social content enough to ignore and discount its relevancy unto the application of knowledge which is meant and used to allow them or their communities,
• To truly undertake Godly individual or communal interaction and survival.
• To truly promote long-term individual or communal interaction and survival.
• To truly accord long-term individual or communal interaction and survival.
• To truly allow long-term individual or communal interaction and survival.

Sin does cause for its participants to not realize that knowledge does serve to exemplify the Glory of God, not the glory of the individual.
Sin does persuade its partakers to exaggerate their importance and glory through embellishing views that they can use for justifying their accorded sin through the employing of distorted views in which lead them to believe they,
• Personally are being of a thoughtful mind, when there is little truth to their thoughts.
• Personally are being sinless, yet do not desire to accept the fact or reality that only God can truly establish or bring forth Salvation unto Eternal life.
• Personally are looking to the openings of many new scientific or technological doors of progress, yet do also feel it important to question or totally dismiss the Existence of God from their mind.
• Personally are seeking God's Good, yet allowing them to choose to partake in immediate pleasures from ungodly attitudes to fulfill the needs of those that seek after the advancements of themselves, rather than God.
• Personally are seeking to know God through established views, ideas, or thoughts that do not accept the reality that God can creatively do anything.
• Personally are endeavoring upon understandings of God, yet reject Him as having such absolute and awesome magnitudes of Heavenly and Universal Powers.
• Personally are knowing God's Power, yet do not desire to believe or realize that God holds the ultimate key to the vastest awesomeness of Powers.
• Universally are knowing God's ability, when they do not desire to believe or accept the idea that with a child's total innocence and purity of heart, God Personally showed enough Love of gentleness to create total worlds of vast and exquisite beauty (as was done upon this planet).
• Universally are knowing the extent of God's creativity, yet do not desire to accept or realize that their ungodly endeavors do not only relate to their planet, and to have occurred elsewhere within the universe is possible.
• Universally are knowing the depth of God's protectiveness of His creations, yet do not desire to accept or realize that God does not allow any ungodly endeavors from planetary societies that have attained some degree of progress to become spread to affect other planets elsewhere within the universe.

Sin does cause for its participants to not realize that sin uses their dominion of knowledge on the planet as the vessel through which to persuade them to distort the view of their knowledge as being a reflection of God's Self and Intellect.
Not as an Intellect,
• That can create something from nothing.
• That can create existence from nothing.
• That can create a universe from nothing.
• That can create the things necessary to secure the continuance of the universe from nothing.
• That can create planets from nothing.
• That can create living life from nothing.
• That can create the aptitude of knowledge which planetary individuals have from nothing.

Sin does cause for its participants to not truly sight the reality of their initial creation through an assortment of distorted views that have been brought forth distinctly by sin to keep them from further knowing the truth of their initial being, and closer to accepting the failures of sin.

Sin does cause for its participants to accord a variety of views that distort both existence and God, to the extent that it does desensitize them and make them less able to truly know how they came to exist. These individuals do lack the ability to correctly sight the fundamental being of how existence became created.
Because of their inability to know the fundamental being of creation, they do fall-prey-to listening to wayward attitudes and additives of Satan's whispers which cause them to form and devise their own heritage by which to give them an accounting and justification for their existence and its formed surroundings.

Sin does subtly cause its participants to inadvertently place their trust in the physical things they see which did not create their existence more than those Spiritual things that they are not able to physically see which did create their existence.
It is within this misplaced trust that they do set themselves upon their short-term course and direction where they use sin as a vehicle to cause for their existence to become less knowledgeable of God and the Spiritual things which make-up His Godliness that was used to create their being.

Sin does subtly influence its participants with various misplaced attitudes and views upon God which causes them to,
• End up viewing God with less concern & fear.
• Fall prey to looking upon physical existence as being separate from the Being that Is God's Spiritual Existence.
• Begin to feel free to alter and justify their understanding of God through different misdirected views which misrepresent the reality that is God.
• Set themselves upon a pathway through which they do lose the ability to sight their slow destruction by the very same lack of Godly fear which they hold.
• Place themselves upon a continual cycle of behavior which follow misplaced views which do distort Social and Moral attitudes necessary to truly bring success to their individual & communal existence.
• Place themselves upon a continual cycle of behavior which follow misplaced views which do distort Social and Moral attitudes necessary to help to bring success unto God's planned workings.
• Place themselves upon a continual cycle of behavior which follow misplaced views which do distort Social and Moral attitudes necessary to truly become able to gain long-term survival.
• Look upon their physical existence as having little or nothing to do with the Being that Is God's Spiritual Existence.
• Look upon their misplaced views upon God as having little or nothing to do with their slow destruction by the very same lack of Godly fear which they hold.

Sin does subtly seek to influence its participants with various misplaced attitudes and views upon the existence and make-up of sin which does cause for them to,
• Not truly know sin.
• End up viewing sin with less concern or fear.
• Begin to feel free to alter and justify their undertaking of sin through different misdirected views which misrepresent the reality that is God.
• Look upon their sin as having little or nothing to do with their slow destruction by the very same lack of Godly fear which they hold.

Sin does cause those that misrepresent God and His Good to continue to form greater misrepresentations that do take the place of God and His Good within them and communities until their misrepresentations become the focal point of their being and destiny.

God's Spirit is the make-up of Living Form which God's Living Being, Personage, and Power is exacted in to surround existence with the tools or vehicles needed to secure the prospering of survival for all existence. Misrepresentation always does occur when God's Spirit is not known.
Sin does cause its participants to become so blinded that they do not understand the fact that God's Spirit is what sets the parameters for supplying the Good that does surround existence with the needed Good for the continuance of survival.

Sin does cause for its participants to not know that it does seek to misuse the Good that naturally occurs within their immediate existence. Sin does persuade them to accord feelings that make them more comfortable about their weakness towards sin. 
They become less able to recognize God's Good to define its very Eternal Glory. They do become forced to follow pathways of sin until their lack of Goodness does allow sin to become the focal point of their existence & destiny.

Sin does cause for its participants to deny that they do misuse their ability to undertake endeavors of Good, becaue then they would have to also admit to and face the inabilities and actuality,
• Of their own sin.
• Of their blindness towards Good.
• Of their ill knowledge of Good.
• Of their inability and lack of Good.
• Of their meagerness that their rejection of Godly Good has left them with.
• Of their mistaken pathways within Good.
• Of their demise & destruction because they lack Good.
• Of their need for Good.
• Of their need for God's Goodness to help them.

Sin does cause for its participants to misuse their ability to be Good within the seeking to form endeavors or views of sin to justify the inability to accord or sight Good. Their blindness and formed misunderstanding distort what is Good and what is not truly Good.

Sin does cause for its participants to not recognize how the depth of their misuse of Good has also distorted their views on the Good within their Social and Moral views which they do naturally apply to their attained intellects. They do accord and implant this misuse of Good within their views and gains in science, technology, politics, and religion which also serve to greatly increase,
• Their blindness towards and lack of Good.
• Their ill knowledge of Good.
• Their inability to truly sight the long-term value of Good.
• Their meagerness which their acceptance of things having not enough Godly Good has left them with.
• Their mistaken pathways which lack enough Good to truly bring success & long-term survival to their existence.
• Their demise & destruction because of the lacking of Good.
• Their lack of need for Good.
• Their need of Good to help them.

Sin does cause for its participants to allow their misuse of Good to also cause them to remain ignorant of the even greater things and realities of a deeper existence within Good which does define an Eternal Good that always existed as an unchanging Existence.

Sin does cause for its participants to find ways in which to rationalize their acceptance of sin in ways through which they can justify their desired tolerance of things to which sin does produce.

Romans 7:20
Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

John 8:34
Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin
is the servant of sin.
