Satan & Man (Page 2) Satan's hatred and jealousy for God's creation of Imaged Children.
1 Peter 5:8
There are many individuals that believe when Satan did first introduce his lie of evil to Adam and Eve upon earth, that it was the first time that Satan had ever did so upon a planet.
• Many believe it was something that had only been initiated exclusively upon this earth.
As a result,• Many believe Adam and Eve are exclusive to earth.
• Individuals will leave themselves open because they don't know of Satan's knowledge and experience with sin attained and applied elsewhere in the universe.
• Individuals will leave themselves open because they don't know of Satan's use of sin attained and applied elsewhere in the universe, and his successful caused great demise and destruction upon many planetary societies of man throughout the universe. • Individuals will leave themselves open to having less of an ability to truly sight or understand God's plans for all of man on earth, even from the beginning of Adam and Eve's creation, the beginning of God's plans with Abraham's Seed, Israel, or with that seed being spread throughout this planet earth. • Individuals will leave themselves open to Satan's knowledge and use of sin which lessens a planet's knowledge, the knowledge of Good, man's knowledge of himself personally, and the knowledge of man's purpose upon the planet and the universe. • Individuals will leave themselves open to less understanding of Satan's usage of the Fallen Angels that followed him from Heaven, and Satan's creation of his "children" (Aliens-clones) to bring upon the demise and destruction of man upon the planet, before they can truly come to understand that planet earth was not the first planet that Satan has ever introduced sin upon in the universe. There are many individuals upon the planet that believe that Satan felt some kind of discontentment with God, so he introduced an evil lie that caused man of earth to fall-prey-to sin.
• When it actually was Satan's jealously of God's plan to create Imaged Children, and God's Children having a purpose and greater given glory in the universe, despite the fact that Satan and the Angels had been created before God's Children.
• When it actually was Satan's jealously of God's Children for being created with a Soul, which Satan and all Angels lacked, despite the fact that Satan and the Angels had been created before God's Children. • When it actually was Satan's jealously of God's love and protection for His Children, despite the fact that Satan and the Angels had been created before God's Children. There are many individuals upon the planet that believe Satan did not respect God to have introduced evil and sin to God's creation of Imaged Children. Actually, the reason God did allow Satan to exist after he corrupted His Children was because of Satan's respect for God. It is Children of God that Satan hates, disrespects, and is jealous of. There are many individuals upon the planet that believe that Satan was so naive or stupid in thinking God didn't already know his intension to introduce evil and sin to man before he did it.
• Some individuals simply prefer to believe that Satan could not have realized that God had such foresight, because then Satan would not have introduced evil and sin to God's Children.
Satan knew restricting choice was something that God would never ever do. If God did, He would be no different than Satan and the sin he does offer.• Some individuals simply prefer to believe that Satan could not have realized that God had such foresight, because then God would have restricted Satan from introducing evil and sin to God's Children. • Some individuals simply prefer to believe that Satan could not have realized that God had such foresight, because then Satan would have sought a different way to introduce evil and sin to God's Children. • Some individuals simply prefer to believe, because God had initially created Satan as an Angel to do Good, that God would restrict Satan's choice, because God had the foresight to know Satan's plan to introduce evil and sin to God's Children. These same individuals,
• Do allow themselves to underestimate Satan's intellect and knowledge the most, to the degree that they also become swayed by Satan's whispers to partake in evil and/or sin.
God's foresight was something that even Satan was aware of, before he introduced evil and sin to God's Children.• Do allow themselves to fall-prey-to Satan's greatest whispered lie that he does not exist. • Do allow themselves to fall-prey-to blaspheming God, because they had disregarded Satan's knowledge of God's foresight. Satan uses a subtle lie to introduce to God's Children evil that would lead man to blaspheme God. • Do allow themselves to become an addict to becoming swayed by Satan's whispers continually, because they were continually overlooking and ignoring that God actually knew of evil and sin that they would think of, before they even did it. There are many individuals that believe for Satan to introduce evil and sin to God's Children, that he doesn't, nor did he ever have a Love for God. They would also have to believe that after all of the many years of his very close working with God, he would simply be able to turn from all his memories with God, and simply forget and negate his initial Love for God (like wayward man learned to do). These individuals justify their views or beliefs that Satan could not have Loved God, or he would never have introduced evil and sin to God's Children.
• These same individuals do not realize that Satan's Love for God remained, even as he began to see himself far greater in his own majesty than he actually was.
• These same individuals do not realize that Satan's Love for God remained, even as he began to allow his own self-blinding ego and pride beheld within his own given glories to begin upon establishing a possibility of folly. • These same individuals do not realize that Satan's Love for God remained, even as he began to initiate the forming of views in his own mind that would seek to challenge God's Heavenly planned workings in the universe. • These same individuals do not realize, even with Satan's Love for God and any Love that God has for Satan, Satan did underestimate God's Love for His Children, and also underestimated the real depth that God would go when Satan actually did introduce into his plan to cause God's Children to sin, which lessened the Children's ability to become sons of God and increased their ability to experience demise and destruction upon their planet. Satan is allowed to introduce evil to the first sons of God created upon a planet in the universe. If any of the first created Children upon any planet do reject and overcome Satan's temptations, sin does not get a foothold on those planets, nor cause the demise of the Children's closeness to God, nor does it cause the destruction of God's Good and their knowledge of it upon those planets. They remain Godly, and become known as Godly planetary societies throughout the universe. Satan does eventually find planets that succumb to his evil, and sin does get a foothold upon that planet. When man is found to succumb to evil, and give a foothold for sin upon the planet. Sin developed a demise to man's closeness to God, as well as a destruction of God's Good and their knowledge of Good. Satan does use such weakness of man to prove to God,
• Man is not worthy of being created.
• Man is not worthy of their being given the Image of God. • Man is not worthy of their being given Dominion upon the planet. • Man is not worthy to have been given a Soul to afford man an eternal living existence from death and access to the Heaven. Satan has introduced lies about Sons of God upon wayward planetary societies. But the LORD made known in scriptures they do exist as being Devine, because Sons of God are the only Children of God created in His Image that exist in Heaven and the universe. (2 Peter 1:4, Job 1:6, Job 2:1, Job 38:7, Romans 8:14) Sons of God are the only members of man from a wayward planet able to go to Heaven by obtaining God's Eternal Living Life. Satan has introduced lies concerning himself and his being that have caused many to disbelieve in his existence, or have caused many to disregard or simply view the things which are mentioned in scriptures about Satan directly or indirectly to be a mere myth.
• Satan's lies do naturally take upon a two fold direction which does cause individuals to not see that which does affect their understandings of God's scriptures that cause individuals to begin picking and choosing what they desire to be true or not true. Which does allow Satan to use even greater lies to cause man to complicate their understandings of what God does say, do, or plans to do in scriptures.
Individuals continue to choose evil and sin, because they also choose to believe that Satan (the evil introducer and tempter of sin) does not truly exist, which is Satan's greatest lie.• Satan's power in his lies do become more underestimated by the individual who does believe that Satan doesn't exist. • Satan's lies do become underestimated by the individual simply viewing the things which are mentioned in scriptures about Satan directly or indirectly as being a mere myth. They do not realize they have increased Satan's ability to lie to them, and lessen their faith in God. • Satan's lies do become validated by the growth of evil and sin which does surround those individuals who do not believe that Satan does exist. Satan was initially created as an Angel with an ability of longevity to exist forever. This ability changed for him after he successfully did persuade man to fall-prey-to evil, and causing man to sin.
• Satan's ability of longevity to exist forever became gravely limited to a longevity lasting only until Judgment Day.
• Satan would become forced to see the very first two members of the planets that he had persuaded to fall-prey-to evil and sin become given a longevity that would exist forever. • Satan would become forced to see the numbers of members of man, which he despised, grow from those planets to become Sons of God, and to be given a longevity that would exist forever. • Satan would become forced to face having to live out his existence upon those planets of man which he had cause to become wayward until he does face Judgment Day, like all those members of man that chose to remain tied to his introduction of evil and sin upon their planets. Satan was initially created with far greater abilities in power and knowledge than man was. Satan was not created with a Soul, nor could all his power and knowledge afford him to have a Soul to exist eternally. Angels were not created with a Soul, there was no need. They were all initially created eternal beings. A mechanism within their make-up made them eternal beings. After Satan's fall from God's Grace, God took away the mechanism of power formed in Satan's spirit (not a Soul, not even like a Soul) which he was initially created with that protected him from death and allowed him to exist eternally. All the Fallen Angels have had their ability to exist eternally taken away by God. Satan no longer has the ability to have an eternal existence that could protect him from physical death. Which also applies to all his Fallen Angels. After Satan's fall from God's Grace, Satan had to start being very careful and aware of everything he did, because if by chance he had some accident in which he was killed, he would remain physically dead. All the Fallen Angels are at the same risk. One of the many reasons why Satan and his Fallen Angels keep themselves hidden, and use their clone created "children" (Aliens) to do their bidding and dirty work upon wayward planets. Satan is the only Angel kicked out of Heaven. Some of the Angels left their first estate (Heaven, allegiance to God, His Good and Righteousness) to follow Satan into perdition. A Fallen Angel can do more damage through their usage of evil and sin, having many abilities, and having access to God's vast and limitless universe, as opposed to man's damage which is contained and limited to a single planet. There is no forgiveness by God for Satan, or for any Angel that is disobedient, or misuses their given ability, power, and free will.
• Satan was not created with a Soul to permanently record his allegiance to God and Good, repentance, and true remorse to allow him to become forgiven from committed evil or sin, like man. Satan was impenitent.
• Satan and his Fallen Angels have committed the evil of sin directly and indirectly responsible for the demise and the destruction of untold numbers of God's creation of man who were initially created Good. • Satan and his Fallen Angels have committed the evil of sin directly and indirectly responsible for the demise and the destruction of untold numbers of potential Sons of God from planets where God has created man. After Satan did introduce evil that caused man to fall-prey-to sin, and before God took action against Satan, God did tell Satan how wrong He was. In anger, Satan blamed man for his fall. Satan has always had a very strong dislike for man's creation, since the very first man that was created by God upon a planet.
• Satan felt man being created with a Soul has God looking upon him and the other Angels with less favor, which was far from the truth.
• Satan felt man being created in God's Image has God looking upon him and the other Angels with less favor, which was far from the truth. • Satan felt man's ability to have an Eternal Living Life made man equal to him and the other Angels in Heaven, when they have served God far longer than man. Satan felt it made him and the other Angels of less value to God and His planned workings, which was far from the truth. • Satan felt man being initially created with lesser physical abilities than him and the other Angels made man too weak of a creature to be of any deep value to God or His planned workings on the living planets that He created in the universe, which was far from the truth. • Satan felt man being initially created with lesser spiritual abilities than him and the other Angels made man too weak of a creature to be of any deep value to God or His planned workings on the living planets that He created in the universe, which was far from the truth. Satan's agenda was instituted when he did become deeply shattered in having his power taken away. Satan believed in his heart he did not deserve the punishment, because of the closeness spent serving God in Heaven and on earth. Satan does establish his own desired goals until his destruction is brought forth by God.
• He does seek to bring about as much demise as possible to God's planned workings upon planets with man through man's made choices.
• He does seek to establish amongst man many endeavors connected to many forms of evil that can and do produce enough sin to hinder man's growth of personal, social, and religious views. Evils within sin that man will choose to act on to bring about as much demise and destruction upon themselves as possible, causing man to blame God, or seek to make it look as though God wanted or told man to do it. • He does seek to employ views and directions that do misdirect and distort man's knowledge and view of Good that man does end-up destroying their survival upon the planet through misdirected and distorted views of knowledge and views of God's Good with their own view of good. Satan does seek to restrict as many members of man as possible from becoming Sons of God, which will also restrict God from obtaining Sons of God from a planet. Satan continues to try to prove to God that He was very wrong to have created man, because they are very undeserving and too weak of a creature. Satan does seek to blind man to the ability and power of what God speaks to them concerning their own Good, so man allows themselves to become persuaded to listen to Satan's whispers of evil that do cause them to sin, just as Adam and Eve did do. Satan does seek to blind man to the ability and power of God that they could use to give them the ability and power to overcome evil and sin. Satan does seek to blind man unto the ability and power of their Spirit which was made in God's Image. A Spirit that initially held no evil or sin. Certain religious leaders of old and today often indirectly ignore, reject, and even assist Satan's intended blindness of man by continually telling their sheep that they have no ability or power of God within them to overcome sin, nor any vessel in their being and Spirit, that God or they can use to overcome sin. Satan does seek to blind man unto the ability and power of their Soul which was made with the LORD God's Breath. A Soul that initially held no evil or sin. Certain religious leaders of old and today often indirectly ignore, reject and even assist Satan's intended blindness of man by continually telling their sheep that they have no ability or power of God within them to overcome sin, nor any vessel in their being and Soul, that God or they can use to overcome sin. A blindness that man does choose to follow for so long that they cause their views of knowledge to be so important they believe they are not able to live without it. Satan does seek to blind man from truly knowing God. Man does use the whispers of Satan to persuade themselves with lies and suppositions that they believe proves God does not exist. These lies never allow them or their future heritages of man to know the God who created them. These individuals do seek to place their hope in understanding existence and creativity through a sort of or likened reverse technology that may somehow understand existence and it creation, not from its beginning forward, but from its end backwards. Man and certain religious leaders use the whispers of Satan to persuade their selves and others throughout the planet that they do know God, when their actions and their many views of God do manifest evil and sin. These actions and views leave them blind from truly knowing God, serving their own view of God with evil and sin. Man and certain religious leaders use the whispers of Satan to complicate the understanding of God with lies and self made distortion,
• Of God.
Man has partially or completely rejected and ignored the Truth and Word of God through a variety of very lame excuses. These lame excuses leave them blind from truly knowing God, to serve their own view of God with evil and sin.• His creation of existence. • Of man • His desires, intentions, and purpose for man's creation. • His Love for man. • Of evil and sin. Man and certain religious leaders use the whispers of Satan to distort the realization of Eternal Living Life. If a member of man truly sought to know God or truly sought for others to know, they would know man had been initially and originally given vehicles that allowed them an Eternal Life in Good. And even in man's choosing to follow evil and sin, God does/did provide man with a Vehicle in Good that would and did overcome evil and sin to allow them an Eternal Life in Good. Satan does seek to blind man to the Good and Power of God that initially created them Good. If they had remained in that Good, man could and would of given themselves the ability and power of knowledge that is far greater than their personally chosen ability and power in knowledge they have attached evil and sin to. Sin has caused for man to understand and obtain simple forms of knowledge, which takes many thousands of years to obtain upon wayward planets, instead of a few hundred years that it does take upon Godly planets that remained in God's Good. Satan does seek to blind man to the Good Knowledge of God. Satan does cause man to view their gained knowledge as being good, while ignoring the knowledge of good that man has gained and uses promotes some evil and sin. Satan does seek to blind man to the Good and Power of God that created them. The Good and Power of God they could have used to give them the ability and power to overcome evil and sin. Which in not knowing, man does gravely lack the knowledge of Good and ability to truly do the Good they were created in/with. A blindness that man does choose to follow for so long that they cause their views of knowledge to be so important they believe they are not able to live without it. ![]() |