Satan & Man (Page 4) Satan's hatred and jealousy for God's creation of Imaged Children.
1 Peter 5:8
Satan and many of the Fallen Angels have not had their ability to be Physical taken away by God after their leaving their first estate of their allegiance to God, His Good and Righteousness (Jude 1:6). Most Fallen Angels still have the ability to be physical or hidden spiritual being at will.
Satan sought to have his own kingdom. Satan did set upon avenues to mimic God with his own kingdom of "children". Satan had to create his children through the wayward science known as cloning, because Angels (or Fallen Angels) were not created with any kind of reproductive system to procreate or reproduce. Satan does devise and introduce lies to keep this truth hidden from the inhabitants of the planet. Satan does subtly introduce his "children" to the wayward world. Satan does deceive the world with his evil "children", and they become known to the wayward world as Aliens or Extraterrestrial Beings. Satan's "children" were not created with or in Good. They were created with and in evil after the image of their "parents". Satan's clone created "children" (Aliens) do Not have a Soul that can afford them to have any access to Heaven or Eternal Life, because their Fallen Angel "parents" were Not created with a Soul. The Fallen Angels can only create "children" without a Soul, like their Fallen Angel "parents".
• Satan's kingdom of cloned Alien "children" are created to continually burden God's creation of man with imposing endeavors (like abductions and experimentations) in search of finding out how to replicate and mimic the Soul that God created man with.
• Satan's kingdom of Alien "children" are created to continually burden God's creation of man with imposing endeavors of knowledge that would on one hand enhance man's knowledge, but because man is not free enough of evil and sin, man does misuse that knowledge to create greater devices of evil and sin, which would also lead man to hasten their demise and destruction with enhancements of evil and sinful pathways. • Satan's kingdom of Alien "children" are created to continually burden God's creation of man with imposing endeavors that would tie man's governmental nations to greed at the cost of falling-prey-to many lies that would subvert governmental, social, and communal views of God, Good, as well as Satan's evil and sin. When Satan was leader of all the Angels in Heaven, he did present himself before the LORD as did leaders of Sons of God throughout the universe present themselves regularly before the LORD to report of their communities (Job 1:6, Job 2:1). Satan is still required to present himself before the LORD after his fall to report on the other Fallen Angels, the Alien "children", and their doings that he is held accountable for. The Sons of God report the goings on upon their own planets throughout the universe, and those planets which they have been helping upon. Satan does report the goings on of all the Fallen Angels and their Alien "children" within the universe. It humiliates Satan to present himself regularly before the LORD with Sons of God that he hates. Satan blames Sons of God for his fall and for being cast down from Heaven. Many of those Sons of God have proved themselves to overcome the sin that Satan sought to bring them down with on their planet. So it humiliates Satan each time he does present himself before God, because those Sons of God now have greater power than he does have, and they do prove what Satan thinks of man is incorrect. Satan has created a clone of Himself, biblically known as Lucifer or the Devil (Isaiah 14:12, Revelation 12:9, Revelation 20:2). The Fallen Angels have created clones of themselves for "children" known as the Grey's. The Grey's have also created clones for "children" that are different types of Humanoid, Insectoid, Reptoid, and Orange. Satan does use his "children" to cause many to Disbelieve Israel's God is the Creator of all existence of Good within the universe. Satan does use his Alien "children" to introduce lies into the minds of man that the Aliens are good. Many do fall-prey-to the lies of their being good, even though they know the Aliens abduct and (horrendously torture) experiment on their fellow man against their will. When this good of the Aliens become questioned by man, then man is told there are some good Aliens and some bad Aliens. Satan does use his Alien "children" to introduce into the minds of man that they are man's creator. Those that don't know, sight and seek to follow God's Good, cannot distinguish between True Good and evil or Truth and lies. Some will come to open their eyes to Satan's lies, but it will be too late. All Alien "children", or any Fallen Angel that directly cause folly upon a planet will be judged with that planet. Occassionally a Fallen Angel will become directly involved with a wayward planet, but for the most, the Fallen Angels have their Alien "children" do their dirty work, so not to become judged with a wayward planet. Satan and his Fallen Angels know their time is short, and they will become judged when final judgment for universe does take place. They are very fearful of death, and do not choose to bring upon themselves a judgment by involving themselves directly with a wayward planet. Fallen Angels (or their Alien children) that become overzealous among man or against God's planned workings upon a wayward planet do have their physical existence taken away by God, and any abilities to interact with man in an overzealous way that can affect God's planned workings on the planet. They must then live out the remainder of their being as Demons of spirit. They can never have a physical form of their own ever again. There are not as many Demons as Satan would like man to believe. Fallen Angels and their Alien "children" are very fearful of losing their ability to be physical, so for the most, they do not overstep their God given boundaries. Satan does keep this Demon reality hid from man's eyes,
• So that man remains less able to know who Demons truly are, and remain fearful or disbelieving in the existence of Demons.
• So that man remains less able to realize from where Demons attain their Power, thus believing it is hard to fight Demons. • So that man remains less able to believe that they can fight or ward off Demons. • So that man remains less able to realize that it is God and His Power that caused for Fallen Angels and their Alien "children" to become Demons. Individuals that fear the reality of Demons are found to lack true Faith to use God's Power. Only God's Power in Jesus Christ can protect or cast out a Demon from the human being's physical body that becomes possessed. The reason why the Name and Powers of Jesus Christ is so successful in casting out a Demon from a possessed human physical body is because God's Own Power on earth is Jesus Christ. The Fallen Angels and their Alien "children" can physically die accidently, by man, or disease. Satan keeps this truth hidden from mankind. God will take away their ability to have their spirit attached to their physical form if they become overzealous in their treatment of man. Aliens know they cannot directly take the life of the human they possess or their spirit would also become destroyed by God. They do heartily exemplify their power through that human being until they begin to sense that the individual is getting close to physical death, and then leave that physical body just before physical death takes place. Demons which were initially Grey Aliens never recite ancient languages or recite ancient knowledges, because they weren't around long enough to know them, nor were they ever taught to them. Demons which were initially Fallen Angels are the only ones that recite ancient languages or recite ancient knowledges. Demons prefer human bodies to possess, and not animals, because humans have a Soul and animals do not.
• If possession of an animal were to be undertaken by a Demon, then they would have a body with the physical ability of the possessed animal.
• If possession of an animal were to be undertaken by a Demon, their spirit would become limited by the weak spirit of the animal. There are three (3) groups of man that can become possessed. -1- Cold Non-Believers In God
• These are members of man that choose Not to believe there is a single God with a single Power that created existence and themselves. These individuals also choose to believe in gods that are not Good, nor are these gods Good enough to have created existence or themselves. These individuals completely ignore the power of God's Spirit and leave themselves more open to possession.
• These are members of man that choose Not to believe in the One God which created them because there is no proof. Yet they do lay their faith and trust in views which they use to mold beliefs and lies of their own brought forth existence. Beliefs and lies which forever keep them searching for things that never actually provide them with real proof to their creation. These individuals end up choosing to believe in evolutionary views that discount the natural features within creation that God provided for living things that He creates to exist upon the planet long enough for Him to fashion into greater forms that meet with His planned workings upon the planet (which is far from mere evolutionary views). These individuals completely ignore the power of God's Spirit and leave themselves more open to possession.
• These are members of man that choose to believe that they are a god unto themselves, and therefore greater than the God which created them. These individuals find every excuse possible to justify their existence, even to their death.
-2- The Lukewarm in FaithThese individuals end up choosing to believe in their own good which they used to continue to destroy themselves with. These individuals completely ignore the Power of God's Spirit and leave themselves more open to possession.
• These are members of man that choose to believe in the Creator God of existence and their selves, but leisurely follow the Good of His Covenant, the Ten Commandment that could provide them with a spirit of God's Good that would bless them with a greater peace and survival. These individuals end up choosing for themselves a weaker power of spirit without the greater Good, which does leave them more open to possession.
• These are members of man that choose to believe in the Creator God of existence and their selves, but leisurely follow the Good that naturally exists within man and his spirit being created in God's Image. The natural Good that man was created with and by does allow an individual to know right from wrong. These individual do not choose and follow the natural Good that was created within them. It does leave them more open to possession.
• These are members of man that choose to believe in the Creator God of existence and their selves, but leisurely follow His scriptures with excuses that serve to weaken their spirit. These individuals do leave themselves more open to possession.
-3- Young Children
• These are young children that have not been given by their parents much guidance concerning God and His Power to build their spirit strong enough in God and His Good. Without that strength of/in spirit, it does leave them more open to possession.
• These are young children that have not been given by religious leaders much guidance concerning God and His Power to build their spirit strong enough in God and His Good. Without that strength of/in spirit, it does leave them more open to possession. • These are young children that have not been given by their teachers much guidance concerning God and His Power to build their spirit strong enough in God and His Good. Without that strength of/in spirit, it does leave them more open to possession. • These are young children that have not been given by their communal leaders much guidance concerning God and His Power to build their spirit strong enough in God and His Good. Without that strength of/in spirit, it does leave them more open to possession. • These are young children that have not been given by their communities much guidance concerning God and His Power to build their spirit strong enough in God and His Good. Without that strength of/in spirit, it does leave them more open to possession. Brainwashing does rely on the usage of the mental images beheld within the spiritual realm of man on earth. Satan knows most proficiently and effectively how to travel within and use the spiritual realm of man on earth. He does use it against individuals that have chosen to weaken their spirit with mental images of evil, sin, or things that have not sought to truly serve God. Satan has taught this ability of brainwashing to the Grey's, The Grey's also taught those men in power on earth that have chosen to weaken their spirit with mental images of evil, sin, or things that have not sought to serve God's Good upon the planet. Individuals that have chosen to excuse their blindness to the actuality of Good through devices of evil and sin also become unable to realize just how able Satan, his Fallen Angels, or their Alien "children" use brainwashing as a vehicle to directly or indirectly introduce lies, deception, or disinformation into human minds to further blind them unto the things concerning God Himself, His Good, Heaven, Hell, God's planned workings, or even misleading lies and information concerning Satan himself. Wayward individuals do to a deep degree already have an existing blindness unto certain things concerning God Himself, His Good Godliness, Heaven, Hell, or even God's planned workings because of their blindness towards evil & sin. In this blindness, the wayward become unable to realize that Satan does use this existing blindness to introduce into their physical mind alternate suggestive images and delusions of reality and existence that are filled with different forms of lies, deception, or disinformation which alters the spiritual power and view of reality towards existence that the physical mind does naturally attach itself to. Reality of existence that does relate to God or the things that make-up and surround His Good Godliness. Channeling is a vehicle within Satan's Agenda to assist in weakening of man's spirit through direct attacks. Subtle indirect lies are used to cause man to believe they are capable of having their spirit deal in the same realm where Satan's power of spirit has access to and where Demons exist. Individuals that use the vehicle of channeling do use their weak spirit that is actually incapable of distinguishing, warding off, or fight an assortment of lies which distort the actuality of God or His Good that Satan or the Demons implement or undertake to cause for those individuals to carry back with them to the physical realm grave lies and distortions that they do often use to cause other individuals to believe in and also become caught up in the lies of channeling.
• Lies of channeling that distort the actuality of Satan, other Fallen Angels, or even the Greys.
• Lies of channeling that distort the actuality of spiritual existence itself. • Lies of channeling that distort the actuality of God. • Lies of channeling that distort the actuality of God's Good Godliness. • Lies of channeling that distort and have those individuals channeling believe their spiritual ability being greater than it is. • Lies of channeling that distort their view of their existence being greater than it is. • Lies of channeling that have caused for those individuals channeling to become introduced to even greater blindness to God, His Good Godliness, or even His planned workings. Channeling has no real authority for attaining any real understanding of the truth of God, His Good Godliness, oneself, or any real understanding of God's planned workings upon the planet or within the universe.
• In the usage of channeling, the individual does willingly give Satan or Demons free access into the portions of the mind that make-up the spirit of their existence that Satan or Demons use to devise their own spiritual images to distinctly blind individuals to the truth of/in God, His Good Godliness, and His planned workings upon the planet or in the universe.
• In the usage of channeling, the individual is so exposed to false information that let them hear what they desire to hear in spirit that makes them more susceptible to the forces of evil that Satan or Demons use, even in their physical realm. • In the usage of channeling, the individual does become misled by themselves into believing that they can control the same forces of evil that disguise themselves as good that have brought on the demise of others that existed before them. Hypnotism is a vehicle that originally had been devised by Satan in his use of mind manipulation.
• Satan found that hypnotism could be used as a vehicle that was less intrusiveness upon man's spirit and required less power to employ upon man, and was a vehicle that could very easily be taught to the Greys.
• Satan found that hypnotism could be used as a vehicle to do the same job as mind manipulation in directly introducing deception and disinformation concerning God, His Good Godliness, Heaven, God's planned workings, or even misleading information concerning Satan himself. • Satan found that hypnotism could be used as a vehicle that is better than mind manipulation to promote suggestive images and delusions in falsehoods, deceptions, and disinformation concerning God, His Good Godliness, Heaven, God's planned workings, or even misleading information concerning Satan himself. • Satan found that hypnotism could be used as a vehicle that could be taught to man so man's doctors would use it to assist in memory recall & usage upon certain members of man, but also be used by Satan, Demons, or the Greys as a doorway to implant lies and falsehoods concerning God, His Good Godliness, Heaven, God's planned workings, or even misleading information concerning Satan himself. Man's doctors will then extract false memories and lies that Satan, Demons or the Greys have implanted in certain individuals. The dreams of man are used by Satan, Demons, or the Greys to cunningly influence man's spirit during periods of sleep. Dreams become formed as the physical brain interacts with their spirit to prepare images to be recorded by their Soul.
• It is at this point that Satan does cunningly interject deceptions and disinformation that seeks to more deeply influence Good Godliness.
• It is at this point that Satan does cunningly implant lies and falsehoods concerning God, His Good Godliness Heaven, God's planned workings, or even misleading information concerning Satan himself. Individuals upon wayward planets do not realize that dreams do have the ability to use the same energy expounded upon by the spirit to produce an effect within the physical reality of existence to interject deceptions of disinformation that display picturesque views within dreams that do blind individuals in various ways unto God, or things that are beheld within His Good Godliness.
• Individuals upon wayward planets do not realize that the physical ability of the mind in thought and forethought is often exemplified through dreams that do many times display the spiritual clarity of direction, make-up, and disposition within thought and memory.
• Individuals upon wayward planets do not realize that the physical ability of the mind in thought and forethought is often exemplified through dreams that use the same spiritual vehicle of plateau in the mind to project forth physical thought. Satan is able to use this significance to interject deceptions of disinformation that display picturesque views within dreams which do blind individuals in various ways unto God or things that are beheld within His Good Godliness. • Individuals upon wayward planets do not realize that when they do dream of something in a spiritual sense sometimes it does become a physical reality. Satan is least able to find susceptible individuals to successfully use mind manipulation of any type upon. He has no real power over those individuals that truly know and Love God and His Good and truly follow in the footsteps of God and His Glory of Good and reflect God's Image of Good rather than simply saying they do. Satan has an endless amount of power of success over those individuals that say they truly love God and His Good, yet seek to know and follow God and His Glory of Good through their own devised footsteps that often ignore, distort, malign, misuse scripture. They do look upon scripture with the eyes of man rather than God's eyes or the Power of His Speech. They do not reflect God or His Image of Good that He has distinctly set within scripture. They find endless excuses to justify their views and beliefs for not doing so. Satan did employ endeavors on the earth to persuade weak spirit individuals that had no desire to believe or lost their desire to believe in God and His creation of man to form and follow a belief and view of a creation known as Evolution that does mimic a religion and religious-like beliefs. Satan does subtly dupe individuals into believing and following Evolution. A cunningly designed systems of beliefs that actually hides a vast amount of needed factors when looking upon the realities of creation, themselves, and all knowledge as being something merely produced by chance. Evolution is pure suppositions containing great holes in all of man's produced views, reasonings, mathematics, and calculations used to exact how creation did occur without a God. Satan's final and most cunning endeavor that he does to the inhabitants of wayward planets is biblically referred to as Satan's introduction of The Beast. The Mark of the Beast does become used by Satan through the Beast as a tool to allow the control of the entirety of what the wayward are, what they do, and to the extent what they should desire, and even to some extent think. Individuality and free-will within choice becomes taken away. The device attached to the Mark of the Beast does virtually become required to be placed in the physical body (hand or forehead) of each individual. The device attached to the Mark of the Beast does have,
• All the general physical history of an individual does become recorded upon it.
The information recorded on the device can also be revised or manipulated if desired or needed. The information does become altered to control.• All the general medical features and history of an individual does become recorded upon it. • All the general activities of the physical body that an individual does do becomes recorded upon it. • All the general endeavors or undertakings of an individual does become recorded upon it. This device does control the entirety of what an individual is, what they do, and even to the extent of what Satan desires to be attained. Satan's Goal is to keep as many as possible from becoming Sons of God by keeping them from attaining the knowledge of God, His Good, His planned workings, and the importance and purpose of man to God and the universe. found on this website under the category of Satan's Deceptive Agenda. ![]() |