Satan & Man (Page 3) Satan's hatred and jealousy for God's creation of Imaged Children.
1 Peter 5:8
Satan does introduce lies to devise and distort the understanding of Sons of God to keep individuals blind to being truly able to sight God's intent, purpose, and importance for Sons of God in Heaven and the universe.
God did enhance man's physical abilities and being by giving man a Soul, which would allow man to till the ground of the planet (spreading of Good and Righteousness upon the planet). He enhanced man's powers and abilities to blossom the existence of man with the knowledge of Good and Righteousness that would allow them greater prosperity and blessings upon the planet. God did Not bless Satan, or any of the other Angels in Heaven with a Soul.
• God wanted His creation of man to be fully different from Satan, or any Angel in Heaven.
If God had created Satan with a Soul, he could have used it to gain eternal living life. • God knew beforehand that Satan would be responsible for introducing sin upon a planet where God created man. God also knew Satan would subtly persuade other Angels to follow him in his downfall from Heaven. • God did not want to cast down from Heaven to a planet an adversary that had a Soul like man did, which would have allowed Satan to be able to directly, instead of indirectly attack man's Soul. Satan would then be much more powerful than he already was. • Satan, his Fallen Angels, and cloned Alien "children" would then have a Soul that would give them longevity of eternal living life, making evil and sin eternal. • God had created man to be unlike any other living existence on their planet, and within the universe. If God had created Satan with a Soul, it would nullify man from being unlike any other living existence on their planet and within the universe.
• Eternal living life would not differentiate man's existence from Satan.
The Heavens would then become filled with sinners. Sin would eventually destroy the universe as it has with wayward planets, and its inhabitants.• Eternal living life would not be a reward for being successful in overcoming sin. Man would see the evils that Satan continually committed, and wonder why they should seek to overcome sin, since Satan (if he had a Soul) attained eternal living life and never overcame sin. • Eternal living life would not be a reward for being Good and Righteous. Man would believe they could endlessly ignore Good and Righteousness and still attain an eternal living life like Satan (if he had a Soul). • Good and Righteousness would not have to be very deeply sown upon the planet to allow Souls to attain the eternal glories that Good and Righteousness offer. If Satan had a Soul, then man can continually commit evil and sin like Satan, and still attain the glories of Good and Righteous that existed in Heaven. • Man could continually sin without any worry of losing their Heavenly and Eternal Glories, because Satan would regain the Heavenly and eternal glories he once had if he had a Soul. Satan does resent man for being created with a Soul when man was created after him.
• He does resent man for being created with a Soul to afford them the ability to gain God's Forgiveness from sin.
Satan does blind individuals to the gaining of Forgiveness with an assortment of pathways of evil and sin, because God didn't create him with a Soul.
• He does resent man for being created with a Soul to afford them the ability to gain God's Salvation from sin.
Satan does seek to blind individuals to the gaining of Salvation with an assortment of pathways of evil and sin, because God didn't create him with a Soul.
• He does resent man for being created with a Soul to afford them the ability to gain God's Eternal Living Life from death.
Satan does blind individuals to the gaining of Eternal Living Life from death with an assortment of pathways of evil and sin, because God didn't create him with a Soul.Satan does establish ways to blind man of the existence, importance, and function of the Living Soul, which is an existence of itself. Satan has been successful with the spreading of lies concerning man's given Soul. The Soul cannot be seen or recorded physically by man. It is part of man's spiritual make-up which takes-up no physical space whatsoever. Man has allowed Satan to easily lie to them about the Soul's existence, its reality, its importance, its usage, and of its value to an individual's immediate existence and possible eternal existence. Satan does continually try to prove to God within his ongoing efforts that man is unworthy and should have never been created. After Adam & Eve were subtly introduced to a single evil to where the sin of disobedience did occur, Satan does use a tool to prove man's unworthiness by pointing out man's aggressive behavior and character that they can manifest (as with Cain). Aggressiveness is a bi-product of evil degrees of sin.
• Aggressiveness allows Satan to have a useful tool to prove to God of man's inability to be Good or serve God with the Good which they initial beheld when first created.
• Aggressiveness allows Satan to have a useful tool to prove to God of man's unworthiness to have been created. • Aggressiveness allows Satan to have a useful tool to prove to God of man's unworthiness to even continue to exist. • Aggressiveness allows Satan to have a useful tool for his spreading of aggressive beliefs, viewpoints, ideology, or doctrine. • Aggressiveness allows Satan to have a useful tool for producing aggressive tribes, communities, and nations that use aggressiveness to spread evil and sin. • Aggressiveness allows Satan to have a useful tool for influencing man to be less able to sight what Good truly is. • Aggressiveness allows Satan to have a useful tool for influencing man to be less able to sight what evil and sin truly are. • Aggressiveness allows Satan to have a useful tool for influencing man to be less able to sight the depth of their accordance and reliance upon evils and sin. • Aggressiveness allows Satan to have a useful tool for influencing man to legitimatize evil and sin through distorted beliefs, viewpoints, ideologies, or doctrines concerning God and His Good, which become used as agents to hide sin and subtly dupe individuals into believing that they do hold goodly or Godly natures when they do not. Satan does use man's aggressiveness as a tool among the tribes and the nations of people on wayward planets like earth,
• To help him in the spreading blindness towards God amongst the wayward.
• To help him in the spreading of incorrect knowledge of whom God actually is amongst the wayward. • To help him in the spreading of blindness towards God's Good amongst the wayward. • To help him in the spreading of an incorrect knowledge of what God's Good actually is amongst the wayward. • To help him in the spreading of different mechanisms of sin amongst the wayward. • To help him in the spreading of undertakings to hide the truth and reality of sin. • To help him in the spreading of deceptions to hide the true nature of sin. • To help him in the spreading of various cunning mechanisms to hide the existence of sin. • To help him in the spreading of Satan's efforts to subtly dupe the wayward into believing that wayward man does hold goodly or Godly natures when in actuality they do not. Aggressiveness does become employed amongst non-religious tribes or nations on wayward planets,
• To aggressively, yet subtly force non-religious individuals and their communities of people to follow distorted forms of Good that often actually resemble evil and sin more than Good, so not to have the God of Good supply those communities of people with the choice to sight true Good.
• To aggressively, yet subtly force non-religious individuals and their communities of people to follow distorted forms of Good that claim peace but actually produce a peace that burdens with liberal forms of evil and sin that can never bring true peace, so not to have the God of Good supply those communities of people with the choice to sight true Peace. • To aggressively, yet subtly force non-religious individuals and their communities of people to view and treat their existence and the things that surround them with laws and protective claims that initially look to hold promise, yet actually hold promises for producing greater forms of evil devices that leave their communities of people with poor examples of Good, so not to have the God of Good supply those communities of people with the choice to sight true protectiveness that is completely built upon Good. • To aggressively, yet subtly force non-religious individuals and their communities of people to be surrounded with beliefs, viewpoints, ideologies, or doctrines that never allow them to truly sight their beginnings, or sight any real reason and purpose in/to/for their existence which is self-evident when Good is focused upon them, so not to have the God of Good supply those communities of people with the Good that has existed from the beginning and supply them with the choice to sight the foundation of Good that their existence was intially created with. • To aggressively, yet subtly force non-religious individuals and their communities of people to follow and form social and moral content with limited degrees of Good to cause Free Will and Choice to be corrupted with evil. So much so, that evil becomes looked upon as providing more pleasure than Good, so not to have the God of Good supply those communities of people with the choice to sight true Good that does bless and reward, because that is what having Godly social and moral content does truly afford. Non-religious tribes or nations on wayward planets that are subtly aggressive do prove to serve the desires of Satan in their bringing on their own demise and destruction through sin. Satan does not need much effort in bringing about the demise and destruction of non-religious individuals and their communities. Aggressiveness does become employed amongst religious tribes or nations on wayward planets in ways that can blind them unto God and Good to destroy themselves. Satan is responsible for the establishing of false gods upon wayward planets, so Satan does involve himself with the promoting and directing of aggressiveness amongst the religious nations and people upon those wayward planets.
• Satan does use aggressiveness to keep their attention upon those false gods enough so aggressive avenues and views become so much of a habit that they continue to no longer care of or seek after the God of Good.
• Satan does use aggressiveness to keep their attention upon the lesser rewards of those false gods enough so they continue to no longer care of or seek after the God of Good. • Satan does use aggressiveness to enhance the religious nation's and people's involvements to evil and sin to become so great that they continue to have no desire for the God of Good that could or would change their attachments to evil and sin. • Satan does use aggressiveness to promote views where they believe they can carry the aggressiveness of their evil and sin with them to Heaven, so they continue to feel no need to be Good for God, or the Heaven that is all Good. Those religious nations and people on wayward planets that do have some form of god to follow, even a false god, Satan does use aggressiveness to keep them loyal to their god.
• A god that attest to aggressive forms of evil and sin more than Good so the minds and hearts of those religious nations and people are less aware of their actual lacking of Good.
The good their gods offer is never fulfilling for them because of those attachments to a distorted form of good which supports evil and sin to have them continue to ignore and not desire the Only God of Good that Lives.
• A god that attests to aggressive forms of evil and sin that follow chaos and destruction more than Peace so the minds and hearts of those religious nations and people are less aware of their actual lacking of Peace.
The Peace their gods offer is never fulfilling for them because of those attachments to a distorted form of Peace which supports evil and sin to have them continue to ignore and not desire the Only God of Peace that Lives.
• A god that attests to aggressive forms of evil and sin that do distort Good more than sin, so that the minds and hearts of those religious nations and people are less aware of how much Good has been distorted to promote and support sin and evil as being Good to have them continue to ignore and not desire the Only God of Good that Lives.
Satan knew he would never truly become able to take away all Knowledge about Good in man's existence, because man was initially created with Good and to follow Good, so he would seek to hide Good with lies. When God did Personally write upon two tables made of stone with His Finger what He considered to be Good, His Covenant, the Ten Commandments (Exodus 34:28, Ecclesiastes 12:13) for All mankind to learn and follow, Satan did seek to hide God's Knowledge of Good from the eyes of individuals through lies he made amongst Israel's religious leaders that they fell-prey-to. Israel's religious leaders did lead the Chosen People to believe that they would be able to serve God, His Good, and His Power in and through continually sacrificing for their sins.
• Satan did hide from Israel's eyes that the whole reason why God did establish His Covenant of Good, His Ten Commandments was to give Israel a way through which they could learn and follow to eliminate the need to sacrifice for sin.
• Satan did hide from Israel's eyes that they were to learn and follow God's Covenant of Good, His Ten Commandments, and not choose to continually learn and follow the laws and statutes of sacrifice. • Satan did hide from Israel's eyes that if they choose to continually learn, follow, and sacrifice for their sins, the People would continually keep sin alive, making the LORD serve Israel (Isaiah 43:24) with their keeping themselves bound to their continual sin that continual sacrifice tied them to. Satan desires to keep hidden from individuals the Knowledge of God's Power which He used to create a Physical Body for Himself to exist in, and to Physically Visit mankind (being Jesus Christ- John 1:1-14). Satan does introduce lies that cause individuals to ignore and misinterpret what God actually does say within scriptures. Satan introduces lies to hide the knowledge of God's Salvation which He made known to Israel in Physically delivering them from the Egyptians. Satan's lies would cause individuals to distort and misuse its actuality, reality, and importance to God's planned usage of Salvation to bless all of the families on the planet. Satan does devise and introduce to the growth of each new tribe or nation many views of gods upon wayward planets, which Satan would use to compete and invalidate the Being and Glory of God. Satan does devise and introduce to the growth of each new tribe or nation many views of gods with their own views of good, which he would use to compete and invalidate the Being and Glory of God's Good. Satan does devise and introduce many evil lies amongst Israel's religious leaders. Israel's religious leaders did choose to use the many evil lies to blind the People to many things God intended for them to know in scripture concerning their Nation's Saviour. The religious leaders would place Israel's hopes in a warrior messiah that would simply save them from their enemies, rather than a Messiah Saviour Who would use Peace (Hosea 1:7, Job 5:24, Isaiah 9:6, Jeremiah 33:6, Matthew 1:21) to Save the Nation's People from their sins. Sins are a far greater enemy than any enemy nation could ever possibly be.
• Certain of Israel's religious leaders did choose to use the many devised and introduced evil lies of Satan to blind Israel's People to God's Power from truly being known by Israel's People, which would cause for their Nation to know less of God and His Power. This lacking would lead Israel's Nation and People to never understand the scriptures recorded of man's creation (make man in 'our image'), nor of the actuality of the Oneness of God in Heaven being made manifest in and upon the heavens of earth.
• Certain of Israel's religious leaders did choose to use the many devised and introduced evil lies of Satan to invalidate certain scriptures that the LORD God had Personally caused to become written. Thereby the religious leaders placed themselves above the LORD God. The religious leaders became responsible for most all the demise & destructions that did occur to Israel's heritage when they were meant to be a Holy Chosen People. • Certain of Israel's religious leaders would choose to use the many devised and introduced evil lies of Satan to blind Israel's People to their meant Knowledge of God's Good Covenant, the Ten Commandments (Exodus 34:28, Exodus 31:18) that He had written with His very Finger. Israel's leaders should have taught their People the LORD's set standard of Good (Isaiah 49:22, Isaiah 62:10, Jeremiah 4:6, Ecclesiastes 12:13). Instead of establishing the LORD's set standard of Good within Israel, they taught of Judgmental laws (603) for continual sacrificing of creatures for sin, which continually remembered iniquity, and kept sin alive. The religious leaders became responsible for most all the demise & destructions that did occur to Israel's heritage when they were meant to be a Holy Chosen People. • Certain of Israel's religious leaders would choose to use the many devised and introduced evil lies of Satan to invalidate their Nation's given Knowledge of God's planned workings made known within scriptures. The religious leaders did not teach the People certain scriptures, or chose to devise their own views in scriptures (not God's). The religious leaders became responsible for most all the demise & destructions that did occur to Israel's heritage when they were meant to be a Holy Chosen People. • Certain of Israel's religious leaders would choose to use the many devised and introduced evil lies of Satan to invalidate God's Personally plan (I Will) to come down from Heaven and use His Power to create the Human Body of Jesus Christ to Visit Israel (Psalms 80:14, Jeremiah 5:9). God was not talking about a Spiritual Visit, because He is always and continually about Israel and her People spiritually, He was to Visit man of earth Physically. When the LORD did physically Visit the Nation of Israel, their religious leaders had become so blind that they sought to use the Romans to kill Jesus Christ because the Mosaic laws disallowed the religious leaders to murder an innocent man. Instead of owning up to what they had done, they allowed the world to blame Israel's People for what the religious leaders had done. The religious leaders became responsible for most all the demise and destructions that did occur to Israel's People by acting on the whispers of Satan. Satan's whispers do cause Christian religious leaders to claim the blessings they did receive from God's Physical Being, Jesus Christ,
• Yet at the same time, they seek to teach Christians to ignore or reject the Chosen People for the faults and crimes of Israel's religious leaders. Christian religious leaders do prove to be hypocrites (Job 13:16) in following many of the same faults and crimes of Israel's religious leaders in their teaching Christians to do the same thing Israel's religious leaders taught the People.
• Yet at the same time in different ways, they seek to teach Christians to follow the same blindness that were taught by Israel's religious leaders to the People. Christian religious leaders do hypocritically deny they are doing so, even though they are producing the same results in blindness unto Christians as Israel's religious leaders did to their People. • Yet at the same time, they seek to teach Christians to become led to follow many of the lies and distortion made up by Christian religious leaders concerning what was distinctly made known in scriptures, no different than Israel's religious did do. Yet Christian religious leaders do hypocritically deny they are doing so, even though they are producing with their lies and distortion many of the same results in blindness unto Christians as Israel's religious leaders did to their People. • Yet at the same time, they seek to teach Christians to follow with their lips the LORD God's written Covenant of Good, the Ten Commandments (Exodus 34:28, Genesis 12:3) that are meant to bless Christians with the Peace of Good, yet Christian religious leaders hypocritically say they are teaching to instill that Covenant of Good in the hearts of Christians (just like Israel's religious leaders said they did, but they did not), producing the same results in blindness as was seen by Israel's religious leaders. • Yet at the same time, they seek to teach the Christians that it is impossible to follow and keep the LORD God's Covenant of Good, the Ten Commandments fully and completely as Israel's religious leaders did teach the People, producing with their lies and distortion many of the same results in blindness unto Christians as Israel's religious leaders did to their People. Christian religious leaders hypocritically use the whispers of Satan (like Israel's religious leaders did do) to twist and distort scripture to justify their not teaching and following the LORD God's Covenant of Good, the Ten Commandments that is meant to bless all the families of earth. God's Being, Jesus Christ did physically show and teach that it can be done by fulfilling the Law of Good, the Ten Commandments. Jesus Christ is man's Physical Example of what it takes to become a son of God, being a Son of God Himself, to walk as He walked and follow after Him to heaven. (1 John 2:6, John 13, 1 Peter 2:21, John 15:10, 1 Corinthians 7:19, Revelation 12:17, Revelation 14:12, Romans 7:22, Romans 7:25) The law of Good and Righteousness, the Ten Commandments does overcome all sin unto death if individuals continue in it. "Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). Individuals can also overcome the world's sin if they choose to walk in His Footsteps of Good and Righteousness now and forevermore! Jesus Christ is man's Physical Display and Example of what it does take to become a son of God, being a Son of God Himself. (1 John 2:29, Galatians 6:2, Mark 10:19, Matthew 19:17, Romans 13:9, Romans 6:16, 1 Peter 2:21, Psalms 103:20, Proverbs 6:23, John 15:10, Ecclesiastes 12:13, Ezekiel 18:32, Deuteronomy 10:13, 1 Kings 3:14, Proverbs 4:4, Proverbs 7:2) ![]() |