God does Not allow any Alien contact whatsoever on any of the Godly planets throughout His universe. This is because such planetary societies have neither fallen-prey-to blindness or sin.
God will take any step needed to restrict Aliens from initiating contact upon planets deemed as Godly. This is due to the fact that the ungodly sin that is prevalent among Aliens is contagious enough to promote destructive undertakings upon the planets that have never fallen-prey-to Satan's sin. The eventuality of Alien contact publicly being made is something that must be faced and dealt with upon all planets that become deemed as a wayward planetary societies within the universe. The Aliens will make their existence and presence known to the general world with or without mankind's permission upon wayward planetary societies. The Aliens are not yet allowed by God to openly expose themselves to mankind of earth. Such cannot take place until God has His plan set in place for the taking place of the Rapture. The Aliens are found to make what can be termed as many false attempts to publicly establish open contact with the wayward general population or communities. Such undertakings are not actual attempts, but undertakings made to establish question and apprehensiveness concerning such contact within the general communities of wayward planetary societies. The Aliens do seek to more firmly implement and establish their agenda through establishing a direct dialogue with the communities or governments of wayward planets. When open contact does become initiated, at first it will be visual announcement directed for the benefit of mankind. There will be a period of "sit back and wait", where the Aliens will want to sight how the information that is released does affect the planet's general communities, populations, and activities. There are various effects that such disclosures can, and will have personally and socially upon the communities and general populations at large with the disclosure of Alien information, and proof of their existence. There are also many reactive directions that the Aliens can take in response to those effects in their efforts to affirm their agenda upon the planet. The Aliens do first want to sight mankind's reaction to the initial disclosures before initiating their next step in affirming their agenda upon the planet. Their real unscrupulous intentions and manipulation not being displayed until a decade, or so later. The social structure will become dramatically altered and become more complex to accommodate broader views and outlooks upon society. Those seeking public positions will have to become more willing to become corrupted and even more willing to corrupt to reach and maintain their even greater desires for power. The gap between rich and poor will become greater, yet more confined. Morality will take upon a whole new direction that will not improve, but seclude and preclude moral value. The different religious communities will become successful in altering their views enough to accommodate and accept what will become considered some drastic changes. All Religions Except for Christianity! Certain sects within Christianity will seek survival through altering their views upon God and Jesus Christ. Christianity will be the sole community whose entire being will become shaken and torn apart. Many individuals will fall by the wayside through delusions that will alter their faith, belief, or views enough that they will allow themselves to begin to even dispute God's Physical Reality being Jesus Christ more deeply than ever before upon the planet. The Aliens are sufficiently experienced and prepared for any impact upon a wayward planet's world systems, institutions, mental health, or any other occurrence (positive or negative) relative to any publicly made contact that they endeavor upon, because they have undertaken to introduce their selves on other wayward planetary societies throughout the universe (long before God created this planet). They are highly experienced and well versed in what things they do, should do, or will do. The Aliens involve themselves in various occurrences amongst wayward planetary affairs just enough so that by the time they are ready to establish open contact most wayward individuals already do become deeply prepared psychologically in a frame of mind to accept just about anything. The Aliens do prepare wayward human beings psychologically at different points of their existence. They establish various and different networks of heavenly mimicries and misconceptions of God and His Godliness that do play upon the wayward planet's inhabitants psychological frame of mind in different ways and directions. So much so, as generations of wayward do grow to learn more of their surrounding creativity, the Aliens will have sent the wayward planet's inhabitants upon pathways that cause them to question, or simply become deeply devoid of any true view of God and His Godliness. As those wayward individuals do become more and more blinded to their true view of God and His Godliness, they do also become more psychologically ready to positively accept the existence of the Aliens. Before the Aliens make full and formal public contact, they will seek to introduce various cunning deceptions that will be firmly aimed at disproving, or demising the actuality of God Physically being Jesus Christ. Some deceptions will be very strong delusions that seemingly look to be actual proof. Strong enough delusions too even sway the hearts and eyes of many individuals, even within the religious communities upon the planet. Yet in reality, they will be using their considered advanced abilities to create and form those delusions in an effort to disprove and demise the actuality of God Physically being Jesus Christ. Many individuals that believe they are Christian will falter, or fall. This is the final testing of and for all Christians. Sadly, many will fall by the wayside. They will be caught up in the strong delusions that will leave their Soul full of reason without hope. And the non-Christian world will grow greater in numbers. The Aliens will seek to appear similar to humans on earth in personality, emotion, likes, dislikes, etc. All is done to benefit their agenda. Full and open contact does only become allowed by God after the return of Jesus Christ, in what is known as the Rapture of His Church (True-to-Faith Christians). At that point in time, the Aliens will be allowed by God to openly dialogue, interact, and walk freely upon the planet with its inhabitants. If God's Heavenly planned workings were not fully completed upon the planet by God before any fully open public initiated contact is made, then ALL inhabitants of this planet would be completely lost. And God would have nothing at all to save, or salvage. Evil would then indeed be the victor. Individual and private contact is the only allowed extent for their immediate pursuit before the Rapture of the Church.
Many wayward individuals do seek to believe that they should welcome contact with the Aliens freely, and with open arms. Actually many more of the freedoms that are now enjoyed do eventually and ultimately become given up by wayward individuals in welcoming the Aliens. In the blindness toward God that wayward individuals do hold and follow, and without even any realization of what their blindness has led them to do, they do eventually welcome the Aliens with opened arms. Welcoming of the Aliens with open arms does allow the Aliens to begin the establishing of deeper pathways that wayward individuals can follow to bring about the demise of those individuals, especially pathways that do even more subtly blind wayward individuals unto all the freedoms established by God and His Godliness. The Aliens seek to introduce more cunning, and even stronger delusions and deceptions to sway the minds, hearts, and eyes of the wayward individuals that will cause a deep blindness where they willingly alter their human existence. Welcoming the Aliens with open arms will give them an invite to enslave and destroy mankind. Welcoming the Aliens with open arms will be welcoming one's own executioner to live with them. And just because that executioner gives you a billion dollars, or anything else your heart may desire:
• What good does it do you if you will be unable to use those gifts.
• What has that executioner actually lost in giving you those gifts, since they know that you will be unable to use those gifts, especially if your ability to use that gift within existence will become ended. Some Aliens seek to persuade wayward individuals that they should accept, or consider welcoming contact with them, as such will afford them the extraordinary opportunity to gain, or advance their science and technology. There is always a much higher price to pay by any wayward individual, community, or society that does accept anything from the Aliens. The end result for wayward individuals in the usage of such technology is slavery and death of life as they do know it upon their planet. The gifts and the considered gestures made by the Aliens will be too irresistible for most humans upon the planet. The gifts, and the considered gestures made by the Aliens will not be too irresistible for Christians. Many that do believe they are Christian, the now taken criticism and non-acceptance will slowly turn into a receptiveness of the Aliens, and what they do upon the planet. The Christians that are indeed true-to-faith Christians will not have their criticism and non-acceptance altered or turned into a receptiveness of the Aliens and what they do upon the planet. Those Christians do know the Truth of God Physically being Jesus Christ without reserve, and that knowledge in of itself does show them the reality of the Aliens, and their offered gifts unto man. Wayward individuals are spiritually starving and will go to great extents to find, or get food, even if it migh,t or will possibly kill them. Some Aliens seek to spread the view that wayward individuals should accept, or consider welcoming them out of fear for their survival of all the unborn generations that won't happen if their race, or planet dies. The truth is wayward individuals will have to worry more about the unborn generations of individuals that will become enslaved, and eventually become destroyed with no hope, or chance of Salvation for Eternal Life because of the accepting, and the welcoming of the Aliens. There are consequences for welcoming the Aliens with opened arms.
• A deeper blindness of God, and a quicker answer to wayward individual's demise.
The Aliens do use open arm welcoming to afford them more opportunities to establish a far greater amount of initial blindness that does allow them more time to establish their agenda upon the planet. This does make their agenda more easily attainable amongst the wayward individuals and their communities.• Those welcoming individuals do afford the Aliens an easier pathway to follow in seeking enslavement, and a full demise of the wayward individuals and their communities. In retrospect, those welcoming individuals do also invite their own executioner into their home to enjoy their last meal together. Upon the short-term, the effects are less noticeable. Upon the long-term, the wayward individuals do eventually lose the freedom to be human upon the planet. In accepting the Aliens with open arms, those wayward individuals do also accept the initial blindness attached to the establishment of the Alien agenda upon the planet. In their welcoming of them with open arms, the Aliens do begin establishing deeper pathways that those individuals can follow to bring about their demise, especially pathways that do subtly blind wayward individuals unto all the freedoms established by God and His Godliness. The Aliens know that without the freedom of God then there is no real freedom of, or for self. If there is no freedom of, or for self, then it becomes an easy thing for freedom to be taken away altogether from wayward individuals without their truly knowing it. The wayward individuals that have the most to fear are the ones that do have the most to lose, especially those that do not realize, know, and accept the fact that Jesus Christ Is God in Physical Form. These wayward individuals do place their treasures in and upon the value of worldly things, and do not seek to have any alternative but to continue to place their treasures in and upon the value of worldly things. In having allowed their selves to heartily do so, they will also be forced to accept the Aliens and their agenda to continue to retain their treasures. The depth of acceptance, and manipulation of that acceptance is what is to be feared by mankind upon the planet. They are cunning beyond mankind’s belief. In accepting the existence of the Aliens as equals, or greater, mankind of earth do become more blinded to the reality:
• Of what the Aliens have done.
This is the real problem faced by all wayward planetary societies. • What the Aliens will do to mankind of earth. • That they are not merely Aliens, but cloned "children" of the Fallen Angels. Many individuals upon the planet find it hard to accept the Aliens are cloned "children" of the Fallen Angels, because they have allowed their selves to fall-prey-to the views:
• That their Self is greater than it actually is.
• That their possibilities for, of, and in Self is more extensive than it actually is. • That their intellect is greater than it actually is. • That their possibilities for, of, and in intellect is greater than it actually is. • That their Self determination is more important than it actually is. • That their possibilities for, of, and in Self determination is more important than it actually is. In their reliance upon these views, they do also form the acceptance of beliefs that do accommodate those views in an effort to best afford and consider their selves truly knowledgeable about their planet, the general make-up of the universe, or themselves. These individuals seek not to accept that the Aliens are indeed cloned "children" of the Fallen Angels to accommodate views that best afford and consider their selves truly knowledgeable about their planet, the general make-up of the universe, or themselves. They have become puffed-up in their accommodated views that best afford and consider their selves truly knowledgeable about their planet, the general make-up of the universe, or themselves. In their puffed-up nature and blindness:
• Many of these individuals do seek to impose, or interpret their understanding of the Aliens all within an equal way.
Allowing their selves to be blinded to a lie, rather than facing the Truth concerning the Aliens, in essence a grave blindness of, or towards the grave.
• Many of these individuals do consider and seek to throw out all reasoning (that their greater intellect should have given them) to simply consider those Aliens as only inquisitive visitors, or as other physical beings that are different physically from this planet's creatures. • Many of these individuals do seek to even ignore the instances where many of those Aliens do, or are creating havoc, altering, imposing, or even destroying substance, and living lives, or even life upon the planet (not to even mention the various other misgivings they have initiated through their manipulations).
2 Corinthians 2:11 Open and Full Alien Contact ![]() ![]() ![]()
Luke 21:26 |