Just as God created His Children to manifest His Image and Existence in the universe, the Fallen Angels did likewise bring forth "children" in their effort to reflect an image of themselves in the universe to fulfill their desire to be like God.
Fallen Angels cannot reproduce as mankind is able to. Fallen Angels that were once Angels were not created with reproductive organs. Fallen Angels had to create their "children" through what wayward science refers to as... cloning. Satan does mimic God by establishing his own kingdom of "children" through this process known as cloning. These imaged "children" that the Fallen Angels do create are known to mankind of earth as... Aliens or Extraterrestrials. Almost from the very beginning of sin taking place upon any particular planetary society, the Aliens begin to establish their agenda through the placement of devised events & endeavors that do seek to deceive and directly and even indirectly blind the wayward inhabitants from seeing a more distinct reality, or holding a correct value and view of the things they need to be able to attain a solid and correct view of God, or His Good Righteousness for their attaining of greater success. During much of their early presence on wayward planets, the Aliens do seek to keep the actuality of whom they are and their presence hidden from the knowledge and eyes of the planets overall population through their establishment of endeavors and usage of very deceptive programs. Programs which can more readily:
• Afford them the time to do whatever they desire.
• Afford them the time to hide and/or cover-up their actions. • Afford them less worry about being interfered with. • Afford them less worry about having to be accountable for their actions. • Cover-up the actuality of who they truly are. • Cover-up the actuality of what they truly are. • Cover-up the actuality of what they actually intend to do. • Cover-up the actuality of what their agenda actually is. • Cover-up the actuality of what they are really doing. • Cover-up the actuality of what their strengths, or weaknesses are. • Cover-up the actuality of what they have already done. • Cover-up the actuality of what their make-up actually is. • Cover-up the actuality of why they are doing what they do. • Cover-up the actuality of how well their efforts are finding success. • Cover-up the actuality of the failures they have met with in their endeavors. The Aliens know full and well that as sin does become accepted and prospered among the inhabitants of the wayward planets, so will there be seen a time-line within planetary development that both individuals and communities will travel within their sin:
• That will sustain and spread the actions & results of sin throughout that planet to produce greater degrees of insecurity towards right & wrong amongst individuals & communities.
The Aliens do simply play upon these things, and use them as a weapon to promote their agenda through views and undertakings that do subtly produce endeavors and events that accept their existence.• That will surround strengths with weaknesses that do produce growths of intellect & power that do use sin to form insecure foundations that use sin to gain prosperity. The Aliens realize that as blindness towards God does grow, so do they become allowed by the inhabitants on the wayward planets to also seek to put forth even greater pathways:
• For blindness, and even greater forms of blindness to become more deeply established upon the planet.
Such individuals do become less able to sight that the loss of their knowledge of God is what does become a single vessel for the taking away of their freedoms for bringing forth destruction.• For sin, and greater forms of sin to grow upon the planet. • For a planet's inhabitants to lose sight of the knowledge and freedoms which they had originally been afforded by God and the Power of Good within His Righteousness did allow them to have. The Aliens know that for the individual to not truly know the Creator God that did create their being in His Image, then neither will, or can those individuals gain enough freedom to know themselves. If individuals do not know themselves, or have trouble knowing themselves, then so does freedom have no place to exist and will be taken away altogether. The Aliens know that in the allowing of their agenda to be accepted, or accorded, so do the inhabitants of those wayward planets become introduced to greater forms of knowledge and power that they will attach and integrate into their wayward surroundings. Knowledge and power that uses their sin to cause for them to follow avenues of self-indulgence that does also bring upon them new and greater forms of demise and destruction of those safeguards which God did initially put in place for human survival. With the loss of the safeguards taking place, so is the existence of evil and sin seen to become a reality of hope & vision that the planet's individuals do become left with to view and direct their individual and social survival towards. Add to this the indulgent scrutiny against God which sin does attach & accord its weakness unto God and within self. And what those individuals become left with is a direction for existence that is deprived of the greater things that their being was initially intended by God to surround and bring forth all long-term (eternal) success. This does cause for the planet's individuals to slowly begin undertaking wayward endeavors to replace both the hope and direction once held in God. The Aliens do use this realization to cause wayward planet's inhabitants to make the Aliens and many avenues within their agenda to become a focal point upon which to replace original need for the hope in God to be lost. The Aliens know if an individual is kept blind unto God, then so will they become prone to allow the introduction of distorted views upon their own being that seek to take away their need for God and His Good Righteousness. Instead they seek to focus their needs within survival on Self. Unfortunately, those individuals that choose to fall-prey-to such views are not informed that by their choosing to view Self of more importance, or as important as God, so do they also face many of the shortcomings that rely on Trial & Error to afford some degree of a temporary success through justifying, rather than overcoming failure so that the needed Good for long-term success is held. Upon the short-term, the effects of blindness can be less noticeable. Upon the long-term, the effects of blindness do eventually cause for the individual to lose the freedom to gain information needed to see the Good things they must have to truly avoid the things that will inevitably lead them to their demise and destruction. Through the usage of many of their employed endeavors, events, or programs which Aliens produce, so do the Aliens become very able to blind many of the planet's inhabitants with many distorted, or false views of God, His Good Righteousness, and even His Creativity. The Aliens know that in putting forth, or establishing endeavors that are able to deceive a wayward planets populace from truly knowing God, then so will they become successful in more of their blinding efforts:
• At keeping individuals from being able to truly see sin and its waywardness for what it is, or does.
• At increasing the demise & destruction which sin and its waywardness does slowly bring forth upon the planet. • At keeping individuals from sighting and according the necessary spiritual and physical things needed to be successful to survive long-term (eternal) in the universe. The Aliens do seek to devise and use as tools events that they personally contrive to gain forms of exposure, as well as to employ avenues by which they can subtly implement blindness. The Aliens do know if they are truly able to influence the individuals and communities of wayward planets to fall-prey unto enough distortion of God's Good Righteousness then they will become able to keep wayward individuals less able to become Sons of God. The Aliens do undertake to bring forth over a course of thousands of years on wayward planets endeavors that seek to blind individuals & communities with distorted views and understanding. They know that if they do influence the inhabitants upon wayward planets with enough distortion of God, His Righteousness and His Salvation, so will they become less able to sight the things they need to be Sons of God. Through the usage of many of their employed endeavors, events, or programs which Aliens produced, so have they cause for wayward planet's individuals & communities to even distort their views of sin. The Aliens do know that if they cause for the wayward planet's inhabitants to ignore God, so will they become: Less Able
• To believe in God's Existence, Abilities, or His Power.
More Able
• To discount God's Existence, Abilities, or His Power.
• To dismiss God's Existence, Abilities, or His Power. • To disassociate themselves from the Glories of God's Existence, Abilities, or Power. • To disbelieve in God's Physical Ability to be Jesus Christ. • To discount God's Spirit having the Ability to also Physically be Jesus Christ. • To dismiss God's Physical manifestation being Jesus Christ. • To disassociate their desires for Eternal Glories from those which God fulfilled being Jesus Christ. The main objective of the Alien agenda is to subtly cause as many inhabitants of a wayward planet as possible to become blinded enough by sin, so that as few individuals as possible become truly able to know God and His Righteousness. The Aliens do fully realize:
• That it is inevitable for the destruction of their existence to become brought upon them by God on Judgment Day.
The Aliens hope and believe that they can possibly put off their inevitable destruction in keeping as many individuals as possible blinded unto God and His Righteousness.• That God will finalize their complete destruction when God does attain enough numbers of human inhabitants from a wayward planet that become Sons of God. The Aliens do know that if they can cause for individuals to lose sight of God and His Righteousness:
• Then so will such individuals become more easily led by their blindness to underestimate, or overlook the reality and power that is God and His Righteousness.
• Then so will such individuals have little alternative to become led by their blindness to underestimate that which is not of God and His Righteousness. As the attainment of knowledge does grow:
• So do individuals allow themselves to also overestimate and become puffed-up within their growth of knowledge.
In feeling less of a need for God and His Righteousness, so do such individuals:• So do individuals also allow themselves to feel less of a need to sight the actuality of God and His Righteousness.
• Also lose the ability to sight deeper make-up of those things that God and His Righteousness used to create them and their surrounding existence with.
The Aliens do know that if they can influence the individuals and communities upon the wayward planets to begin to overlook God and His Righteousness, then so does it become easier for them to employ blind endeavors that keep individuals from being able to sight the things they need to know to become Sons of God.• Also begin to trust in things not of God and His Righteousness to form their reality of the existence surrounding them that God created. The Aliens do know that if they can influence the individuals and communities upon the wayward planets with enough distortion & misrepresentation of the things of God and His Righteousness, so will they become more able to blind them to be less able to fully see the things they need to become Sons of God. The Aliens do not seek to completely restrict a wayward planet's inhabitants from the having a view of God and His Righteousness, but rather they seek to destroy the correct view of God and His Righteousness from the sight of wayward individuals. Even though the Aliens do not desire to follow God, they realize and have seen how the employment of His Power of His Righteousness has been used by God to produce, bring forth and secure both a successful and prosperous outcome unto all the things that it has truly been applied to upon planets, or throughout the universe. The Aliens have sought to introduce on wayward planets their versions of a goodness that mimics in a variety of religious ways and employments a view and belief upon good that blindly:
• Distorts the reality and existence of God's Good and Righteousness.
• Distorts the reality and existence of Good and Righteousness. • Distorts the Being of Good and Righteousness enough to make it indistinguishable from the evil of sin. • Distorts the Being of Good and Righteousness enough to make it less able to allow them to correctly sight the Being of God. • Distorts the Being of Good and Righteousness enough to make it less able to allow them to correctly sight the greater Knowledge and Glory that exists in the universe. • Distorts the usage of Good and Righteousness enough to put forth a different view of what is Good, and what is not Good to exist by. • Distorts the usage of Good and Righteousness enough to produce lesser versions of success which seek to replace God's Knowledge that truly affords individual and communal success on planets in the universe with a variety of less successful undertakings that indirectly & subtly overlook their need for God, His Good and Righteousness, or their actual success. • Distorts the usage of Good enough to become less able to sight the things needed to become Sons of God. The Aliens do seek to introduce many different forms of and in religions:
• To mimic and hide the correct reality of God's planned workings from the eyes of the planet's general communities, and their populations.
The Aliens seek and initiate events & endeavors amongst select governing powers of influence on wayward planets to introduce various meager forms of their scientific abilities as technological inducements of intent, or barter to assist their agenda, or even within their undertaken abductions and experimentations taken out upon wayward individuals.• To mimic and hide the legitimate and explicit fidelity of God's general planned workings from the eyes of the planet's general communities, and their populations. • To mimic and hide the utter truth of God's employment of His planned workings from the eyes of the planet's general communities, and their populations. • To mimic and hide the actuality and undertaking of God's planned workings from the eyes of the planet's general communities, and their populations. • To mimic and hide the fulfillment in, of, and for God's planetary planned workings being Jesus Christ from the eyes of the planet's general communities, and their populations. There are very extensive undertakings specifically devised by the Aliens to persuade governmental organizations upon wayward planets:
• To give direct assistance in the abduction of their communal members.
• To give direct assistance in the experimentations undertaken of their communal members. The Aliens are able to use a planet's own governments to employ their agenda upon the planet without the general population & communities finding out who they are, or what they are truly doing. They do this through the usage of lies and disinformation about their agenda which are designed to afford a planet the information, knowledge, and progress they need to destroy their own future with. To better secure blindness amongst a wayward planet's communities unto them and their agenda, the Aliens do seek to offer gifts of technological grandeur unto the planets different governments, as well as unto other influential organizations. Aliens do allow wayward individuals to become able to gain meager forms of technology for their planet in being given a space craft to effectively supply an impressive gain of gifts to entice the recipients, but also afford Aliens secrecy enough to keep hidden their actual agenda. The Aliens are able to use holography to aid and assist their efforts in blindness through their:
• Copying and displaying the actuality of physical objects, or even entire surroundings that wayward individuals live in. • Copying and mimicking the actuality of spiritual objects, or realities and displaying them in spiritual-like atmospheres within the physical surroundings that wayward individuals live in.
In their usage of holography, the Aliens are able to alter the visual appearance of a physical surrounding of matter:• Copying and distorting the true reality, or actuality of physical objects, or even entire surroundings that wayward individuals live in. • Copying and distorting the true actuality of spiritual objects, or realities and display them in spiritual-like atmospheres within the physical surroundings that wayward individuals live in.
• Enough to disguise or distort the actuality of their physical surroundings.
In their usage of holography, the Aliens are able to also alter the physical view of their true physical form:• Enough to disguise or distort the actuality of physical surroundings involving individuals.
• Enough to disguise their true physical form or selves.
In their usage of holography, the Aliens are able to:• Enough to hide their true physical form or selves. • Enough to take upon the physical appearance of human forms.
• Take upon a physical appearance of different physical objects that do surround planetary individuals.
More Acceptable• To even take upon the physical appearance of entire landscapes precisely through the usage of holography, so that the on-lookers actually viewing those landscapes have a hard time immediately telling the difference between them and their actual objects copied from. • To attain enough likened human appearance, so that if they choose to walk amongst humans for short spans of time, so will their appearance become:
• In temporary visual form most similar to the human's physical form.
Able To
• Blind individuals through using a temporary visual form most similar to their own physical form.
In their usage of holography, the Aliens are able to also virtually alter visual views of wayward individual's surroundings, to the degree that they can also simulate spiritual occurrences and be able to:• Gain acceptability from certain individuals, or their heritage that may be used by God in His planned working through using a temporary visual form most similar to their own physical form. • Gain more acceptability of what they are doing through using a temporary visual form most similar to their own physical form. • Introduce endeavors that aid their agenda amongst individuals through using a temporary visual form most similar to their own physical form. • Undertake to influence individuals or communities with direct or indirect demise & destruction through using a temporary visual form most similar to their own physical form.
• Disguise or distort the actuality of spiritual happening.
• Disguise or distort the actuality of spiritual surroundings involving the individuals.
2 Corinthians 2:11 Aliens Establishing Blindness ![]() ![]() ![]() |