Satan does have an Agenda, and it is important to know what that Agenda is.
Why? Satan is "like a roaring Lion, walking to and fro the earth seeking who he can devour".
• And if you do not realize that he has teeth...
• And if you do not realize how long those teeth are... Then you will not realize it when he does seek to bite you with those teeth whether it is in your heart, soul, body or mind. We would like to break down Satan's Agenda into three sections. The FIRST is Satan's Agenda. The SECOND is the Vehicles which Satan has used to establish and initiate his Agenda upon the planet. The THIRD is Satan's success within his Agenda. What is Satan's Agenda? It is the seeking to take away the knowledge of God, His Righteousness and Salvation from mankind. Why does Satan want to take away the knowledge of God, His Righteousness and Salvation from mankind? Satan does not like God's creation of mankind. Satan does not like God's creation of mankind for (4) reasons. -1- Satan does not have a Soul like mankind does. Which means he cannot become Saved like wayward man. -2- Satan was not made in God's Image as mankind is. -3- God came down-to-earth to Personally give wayward individuals Salvation through Himself Personally being Jesus Christ. -4- Satan does blame mankind for his demise. Satan believes if man had not been created in the first place then he would still be in Heaven and not have been cast-out-of Heaven by God. How does Satan seek to take away the knowledge of Salvation from wayward man? He does seek to blind the wayward unto God. In the seeking to blind wayward individuals unto God, then Satan can inadvertently cause the wayward to lose sight of Salvation. In causing lost sight of Salvation amongst wayward individuals, Satan does gain revenge of God in becoming cast-out-of-Heaven. How does Satan blind mankind unto God? He does blind through TWO RELIGIOUS ENDEAVORS in which Satan has sought to blind all classes and levels of individuals upon the planet. In this blindness, Satan does use religion and mimicries of God and His Righteousness to deceive individuals upon the planet unto:
• Who God Is.
Why does Satan use mimicries of God and His Righteousness as well as the usage of religion and lies when Satan is evil?• What God Is. • How God works. • What God truly does. • The actuality of God. • The reality of God. • God's planned workings. • Life after death. • Salvation for Eternal Living Life. • Especially of God's Being, Jesus Christ. If Satan told the religion of himself, what he thought of mankind or how he sought to destroy mankind, then the wayward would turn to God instead of Satan. Satan does not want mankind to know how evil he truly is. What are these TWO RELIGIOUS ENDEAVORS in which Satan has sought to blind all classes and levels of individuals upon the planet? The FIRST of these RELIGIOUS ENDEAVORS initiated by Satan to religiously blind wayward individuals unto God have already been established and assembled upon the planet as a group of religions known as... BUDDHISM, BRAHMANISM, TAOISM, HINDUISM, SHINTOISM and the MUSLIM religion, as well as a conglomeration of other religious undertakings. All of which have been initiated and used by Satan to blind wayward individuals on the planet:
• Who God Is.
• What God Is. • How God works. • What God truly does. • The actuality of God. • The reality of God. • God's planned workings. • Life after death. • Salvation for Eternal Living Life. • And especially of God being Jesus Christ. The SECOND of these RELIGIOUS ENDEAVORS initiated by Satan to religiously blind wayward individuals unto God is the endeavor known as... EVOLUTION. Evolution is distinctly used against the educated individuals specifically. Satan did initiate Evolution, because Satan knew that after God's Word (Jesus Christ) did Physically come to the earth that knowledge would be spreading rapidly upon the planet. Satan did seek to use the well educated individuals upon the planet to help spread his Agenda and blindness upon the planet. Satan did establish this second religious endeavor known as... Evolution. As for Evolutionists, they don't consider themselves religious, blind, or a religion. But they are. Why? Evolutionists say they don't believe in a God.
• Yet all they have done is to substitute the word God and the belief in God for Science.
Evolutionists say they don't worship God.
• Yet their shown reverence and honor to science rivals even many religious individuals who admit that they follow a distinct religion.
Evolutionists say they don't have wars or seek to cause death.
• Yet those who follow the Evolution view continually battle against religion and cause Spiritual deaths.
Evolutionists say they don't have Churches. But what of the colleges, universities or high schools, institutions or facilities that house the Evolutionary worship. Evolutionists say they don't have Bibles.
• Yet there are thousands upon thousands of books written that try to validate the Evolutionary theory.
Evolutionists say they don't have offerings like the Churches or as other Religious institutions do.
• Yet every year their institutions that teach Evolution get donations from not only wealthy individuals, but even from the governments.
Evolutionists say they don't proselyte. Yet our schools, colleges and universities teach students and graduate believers of Evolution everyday. Evolutionists say that they are free-thinkers.
• Yet Evolutionists do everything they can do to restrict all views of God's creation of the universe from the public eye.
All this is a well-lain plan through which Satan has established Satan's Agenda.Now that we have given you some understanding into Satan's Agenda and how he has used that Agenda to blind individuals unto God, and thereby seek also to blind individual to Salvation. We would next like to give you some understanding into the vessels Satan has used to establish his blind Agenda upon the planet. These Vessels are called... Fallen Angels. Who are the Fallen Angels? Originally they were Angels. God had created Angels early within His creation of the universe. He created His Angels with vast powers and abilities to help God in His planned workings throughout the Heavenly universe, especially helping with the communities of individuals that would be created upon the planets. The beginning of the Fallen Angels became initiated by an Angel called... Satan. Who was Satan? Satan was God's greatest creation of the Angels. Satan was created with powers and abilities far beyond any of the other Angel in Heaven. Satan was also given responsibilities beyond any responsibility that any Angel in Heaven beheld. Even accompanying God throughout many areas in the universe and closely sighting many of God's creative endeavors. Unfortunately, Satan became overconfident within his given powers and abilities that he began to think of himself as great as God. So much so, Satan even began to believe that he did know better than God of how to bring success to the universe. Satan was wrong, and did cause much death and destruction to God's planned workings upon planetary societies. Satan does become an Angel cast-out-of Heaven (first Fallen Angel). Sadly other Angels in Heaven disagreed with God's decision to cast Satan out of Heaven. Those Angels chose to follow Satan in perdition. They did choose to leave their first estate (Heaven and their allegiance to God). After being cast-out-of Heaven, Satan's anger for being cast-out-of Heaven quickly grew into revenge. A quickly growing revenge which Satan sought to hurt God for being cast-out-of Heaven. A quickly growing revenge which Satan sought to hurt God as greatly as he felt he had been hurt in becoming cast-out-of Heaven. Satan knew that he could not hurt God personally. Satan knew that God had created Children in His Image, and loved them very much. Satan knew from working with God's Children that he could hurt God more personally through attacks made upon His Children. Satan began to teach his Fallen Angels how to bring Spiritual demise to the Children. Why did Satan choose to bring demise to God's Children Spiritually? Satan knew that God already had brought down the Children's physical existence in death for their chosen folly. Satan also knew that their Spiritual being had a Soul by which it could be Saved. This is why Satan sought to teach his Fallen Angels how to bring Spiritual demise to God's Children. Many of these demises are cited today in the Spiritual blindness known as... ghosts, demons, goblins, spiritual-guides, transcendental meditation, time travel and a conglomeration of other spiritual blindness. Unfortunately, there were certain of Fallen Angels that were greatly overzealous in seeking to blind God's Children. God sought that their zealousness might interfere with His planned workings. God took away the physical abilities of these particular wicked Fallen Angels to protect His planned workings. Those particular Fallen Angels became Spiritual beings (Demons). Many Fallen Angels still retain their ability to be physical. Why did God take away the physical abilities of certain Fallen Angels, rather than their spiritual abilities? If God took away their spiritual abilities, then they would be living among wayward individuals physically seeking their demise. After seeing what was done to these Fallen Angels, Satan knew that he had to do something to save himself, as well as the other Fallen Angels. Satan was very aware that mankind created by God in His Image throughout the universe did have a Soul. A Soul in which they could be Saved through. The Soul is also the vehicle that does give the Spirit the ability to exist eternally. The Soul has only been afforded to God's Imaged Children throughout the universe. Satan saw the creativity of the Soul as a way out of his predicament of condemnation. Satan then took a direction in which he would seek to find the key to God's creation of the Soul. He does this through abducting and experimenting on certain wayward individuals upon planets. Unfortunately for Satan, no matter how much he, his Fallen Angels, or their cloned Alien "children" do abduct and experiment on wayward individuals they will never find the key to God's creativity of the Soul. Satan is not one to give up or waste any opportunity in taking revenge against God. Nor did Satan want to accept another considered defeat. So, Satan began to seek to use these opportunities of abduction and experimentations on wayward individuals as the foundation to build a whole new and cunning deception. One in which Satan would seek to persuade wayward individuals that the cloned "children" of the Fallen Angels were visitors from other worlds or planets:
• And had come here to earth to study mankind.
• Or had come to earth to help mankind. • Or had come to earth to warn mankind. • Or had come to earth to guide mankind. • Or were experimenting upon mankind because they want to know what mankind's physical being was all about. • Or a conglomeration of other forms of beliefs, or reasonings that man would come to accept the cloned "children" of Fallen Angels as being Aliens, or Extraterrestrials, rather than being Satan and his Fallen Angels behind this deception. Now that we have given you some insight into Satan's Agenda and how he has sought to blind wayward individuals and the seeking to take away Salvation. We have also given you some understanding into those vehicles of Fallen Angels that Satan has used to initiate and establish His blinding endeavors throughout the planet. We would lastly like to talk about the success of Satan's Agenda. Has Satan truly been successful? You tell us...
• It is true that many individuals "Know Of" God... but most do not Know God Personally.
It is true that many individuals Know that God can do anything, after all He created the universe... but many do not 100% believe that God is capable of creating a Physical Body for Himself (known as Jesus Christ) to live-in upon the planet.• It is true that many "Know Of" God's Spiritual Nature... but most do not Know God Is the Holy Ghost. • It is true that many individuals "Know Of" God's Goodness or Godliness... but most do not Know God's Personal Godliness. • It is true that many individuals "Know Of" a Higher Power creating the universe... but most do not fully believe that God designed and created the entirety of the universe Himself with people. • It is true that many individuals "Know Of" Life-After-Death... but many do not Know the Way unto Salvation for Life-After-Death. Has Satan's Agenda also affected Christians who follow Jesus Christ? Again you tell us...
• It is true that many Christians "Know Of" God and follow God... but at the same time many Christians do not 100% believe in God's Being, Jesus Christ.
• It is true that many Christians "Know Of" God's Spiritual Existence... but at the same time many Christians do not 100% believe that Spirit Is the Holy Ghost, or that Holy Ghost Is also Jesus Christ. • It is true that many Christians "Know Of" God's Goodness and Godliness... but many do not believe in that Godliness 100% and follow God's Godliness Physically being Jesus Christ. • It is true that many Christians Know God created the universe... but many do not believe that He designed and created all the particles and matter that exist within the universe and that they have been a central for the initiation and creation of Living Life. • It is true that many Christians "Know Of" Life-After-Death, even the Salvation brought down from Heaven by Jesus Christ to earth... but many do not believe God's Being, Jesus Christ, is that Salvation. • It is true that many Christians Know that God can do anything... but many do not 100% believe that God is capable of creating a Physical Body for Himself to live-in upon the planet. What does all this mean? I Peter 5:8 does state, Satan is truly "like a roaring Lion, walking to and fro the earth seeking who he can devour".
1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
If individuals do not believe that Jesus Christ Is in actuality God, then in reality such an individual has had Satan successfully penetrate their heart, soul, mind or body... and has deceived them. As it was told to John in Revelations 3:16, "so then because thou are lukewarm, and neither cold or hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth".
Revelation 3:15-16 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
If you believe that Jesus Christ Is God, then you are HOT. If you don't believe in God or Jesus Christ, then you are COLD. If you believe in God and Jesus Christ, and you do not believe that Jesus Christ Is God, then you are LUKEWARM, and God will spew you out of his mouth. It is your choice!
2 Corinthians 2:11
Satan does physically exist, and does seek to Satan's Agenda ![]() ![]() ![]() |