The Fallen Angels that followed Satan into perdition have lost sight of any individuality and freedom of choice they were created with.
The Aliens are not allowed to have any individuality and freedom of choice. The Aliens (Satan's kingdom of cloned "children") do operate in a bee-hive or insect-like collective manner. Satan won't have it any other way. The Aliens ("children" of the Fallen Angels) will be very successful in assimilating wayward planetary individuals into a likened collective mind that the Aliens do live. The Aliens (clones) will make promises for a better future for wayward individuals on earth. The Aliens seek for wayward individuals of earth to believe:
• That they will aid mankind's future to eliminate over-population.
Of course they will not tell wayward individuals that they will also eventually be unable to have the choice when, where, how, or even if they can possibly have the chance to populate the world. Physical pregnancy will become disallowed. To have no choice nor be given the choice of having a pregnancy. To eventually even cause wayward individuals to not understand why anyone would want to think, or even worry about having or being given the choice of having a pregnancy within their lives at all.
• That they will aid mankind's future to eliminate imperfection within wayward individuals physically.
Of course they will not tell wayward individuals that they will also eventually be unable to have the choice when, where, how, or even if they can possibly have the chance to be imperfect. All wayward individuals with even the slightest imperfection would become outcast or destroyed, and eventually never allowed to become born. To have no choice nor be given the choice of having any imperfection. To eventually even cause wayward individuals to not understand why anyone would want to think, or even worry about having or being given the choice of having any sort of imperfection within their lives at all.
• That they will aid mankind's future to even eliminate crime.
Of course they will not tell wayward individuals that anyone committing a crime of any sort will either have their personage immediately altered and destroyed. To have no choice nor be given the choice of good or evil. To eventually even cause wayward individuals to not understand why anyone would want to think, or even worry about having or being given the choice of good or evil within their lives at all.
• That they will aid mankind's future to eliminate almost altogether personal income worry for the world.
Of course they will not tell wayward individuals that they will eventually have no worry because they will have no income nor even the chance to gain a better income nor to better themselves. To have no choice nor be given the choice of having any income. To eventually cause wayward individuals to not understand why anyone would want to think, or even worry about having or being given the choice of having a chance to better their lives with a better income at all.
• That they will aid mankind's future and communities so that wayward individuals will never have to worry about a job.
Of course they will not tell wayward individuals that once they have been given a job, or position in life that options for change will also almost not exist. To have no choice nor be given the choice of having any job. To eventually cause wayward individuals to not understand why anyone would want to think, or even worry about having or being given the choice of having a job, or the bettering of their position and profession within their lives at all.
• That they will aid mankind's future so that wayward individuals will never again have to worry about feeding their family.
Of course they will not tell wayward individuals that they will eventually never have or be allowed the opportunity to have a family of their own flesh and blood to feed.To have no choice nor be given the choice of having a family. To eventually cause wayward individuals to not understand why anyone would want to think, or even worry about having or being given the choice of having a family within their lives at all.
• That they will aid mankind's future so that wayward individuals will never have to worry about love within their lives.
Of course they will not tell wayward individuals that eventually their ability and direction for and to love would eventually become physically and mentally altered genetically before their existence even began. To have no choice nor be given the choice of having any love. To eventually cause wayward individuals to not understand why anyone would want to think, or even worry about or even given the choice of physical love within their lives at all.
• That they will aid mankind's future so wayward individuals would never have to worry about their abilities or inabilities in life.
Of course they will not tell wayward individuals that their abilities would eventually become physically and mentally altered genetically before their existence even began.To have no choice nor be given the choice of having any specific ability. To eventually cause wayward individuals to not understand why anyone would want to think of, or be given the choice of even having any specific ability within their lives at all.
• That they will aid mankind's future, so wayward individuals would never have to worry about what is important, or what is not important in their lives.
Of course they will not tell wayward individuals that their ability and direction for needing or deciding upon what is or what is not important within their lives would become eventually physically and mentally altered genetically so that an individual would not desire, or need to feel for importance before their existence even began. To have no choice nor be given the choice of having a need for importance. To eventually cause wayward individuals to not understand why anyone would want to even worry about what is or what is not important or even be given the choice having such worries within their lives at all.
• That they will aid mankind's future so wayward individuals would never have to worry about physical sex in their lives.
Of course they will not tell wayward individuals that their ability and direction for desiring, needing, or even deciding upon sex within their lives would become physically and mentally altered genetically before their existence even began. To have no choice nor be given the choice of having any physical sex. To eventually cause wayward individuals to not understand why anyone would want to actually have physical sex, or be given the choice of having physical sex at all.
• That they will aid mankind's future so that wayward individuals would never have to worry about what to do in their spare-time, hobbies and the likes within their lives.
Of course they will not tell wayward individuals that there would no more be such a commodity, or thing as spare-time.To have no choice nor be given the choice of having any spare-time. To eventually cause wayward individuals to not understand why anyone would want to even have spare-time for their selves, or within their lives.
• That they will aid mankind's future so wayward individuals never have to worry about wanting for anything within their lives or livelihood.
Of course wayward individuals own ability and direction for desiring, needing, or even the wanting of anything within their lives would be altered genetically before their existence even began.To have no choice nor be given the choice of having any desire for need or want. To eventually cause wayward individuals to not understand why anyone would want their own ability and direction for desiring, needing, or even the wanting of anything within their lives.
• That they will aid mankind's future so that individuals will never have to worry about their own parents or parenthood.
Of course they will not tell wayward individuals that eventually their ability and direction for desiring, needing, or even deciding on parents or parenthood within their lives would become physically and mentally altered genetically before their existence even began. To have no choice nor be given the choice of having any parents. To eventually cause wayward individuals to not anymore understand why anyone would want, to even have parents at all.
• That they will aid mankind's future so that wayward individuals will never have to wonder or worry about their own, or having a spouse.
Of course they will not tell wayward individuals that eventually their ability and direction for desiring, needing, or even deciding upon a spouse would become physically and mentally altered genetically before their existence even began. To have no choice nor be given the choice of having any spouse. To eventually cause wayward individuals to not understand why anyone would want to even have a spouse within their lives at all.
• That they will aid mankind's future so that wayward individuals will never have to wonder or worry about their own, or having children.
Of course they will not tell wayward individuals that eventually their ability and direction for desiring, needing, or even deciding upon children or even having children would be physically and mentally altered genetically before their existence even began. To have no choice nor be given the choice of having any children. To eventually cause wayward individuals to not understand why anyone would want to even have children of their own within their lives.
• That they will aid mankind's future so that wayward individuals will never have to worry about their physical looks, being fat, or skinny in their lives.
Of course they will not tell wayward individuals that eventually their ability and direction for desiring, needing, or even deciding their physical appearance would be physically and mentally altered genetically before their existence even began. Everyone will have almost exact physical bodies. To have no choice nor be given the choice of having their own physical look. To eventually cause wayward individuals to not understand why anyone would want to even worry about their own, or any physical look at all.
• That they will aid mankind's future so that wayward individuals will never have to worry about food in their lives.
Of course they will not tell wayward individuals that eventually their ability and direction for desiring, needing, or even deciding upon foods would become deeply limited because of the physique that they will be given genetically before their existence even began. To have no choice, nor be given the choice of having different foods. To eventually cause wayward individuals to not understand why anyone would want to even worry about eating within their lives, especially different types of prepared foods.
• That they will aid mankind's future so that wayward individuals will never have to worry about their future, or even what to do with their future.
Of course they will not tell wayward individuals that eventually their ability and direction for desiring, needing, or even deciding upon having any future of their own that they could direct their selves would become virtually eliminated.To have no choice, nor be given the choice of having a future of their own. To eventually cause wayward individuals to not understand why anyone would think, want, or even worry about having any future of their own. This is just a small given view of some of the cunning lies that the Aliens (Satan's kingdom of cloned "children") will subtly use to befool and direct towards the existence of mankind. The control of mankind that the Aliens ("children" of the Fallen Angels) seek will cause mankind to lose all Freedom of Choice and Individuality, as the Aliens do live. First... They seduce mankind's governments into believing a One World Government will deliver them from all the evil on earth (uniting mankind). The Aliens (clones) will use that evil to prosper their agenda. This will give more power to higher planetary evils, and will make mankind more controllable. Secondly... Mankind will then be seduced into assimilation likened to what is seen today in networking computers. This is done through what Christians know as... the Mark of the Beast. Mankind of earth will be acclimated like many other wayward individuals have been throughout the universe, without giving thought or question of freedoms that are given up. The Aliens and the Mark of the Beast
2 Corinthians 2:11 ![]() ![]() ![]() |