The Alien "children" are physically created by the Fallen Angels in their image through a wayward science known as cloning to manifest the image of evil like their "parents" within the universe.
The Angelic fall was initially caused through the single handed effort of a most (then) notable and distinguished Angel that became the first Angel to ever fall from God's Grace. The Bible does refer to the first Fallen Angel by the name of Satan. The respect, prestige, and notoriety that Satan enjoyed amongst all the Angels in Heaven were indeed great. Sadly, it was great enough that certain of the Angels did allow themselves to become blinded to the point where they ended up following Satan's misplaced respect, prestige, and notoriety, rather than God's. In doing so, so did those Angels choose to follow Satan into perdition. They left their first estate (Jude 1:6), which was their allegiance to God and heaven. Those Angels did blindly choose to follow the glories and reputation that Satan had distinguished himself with, rather than God. They did become known as Fallen Angels throughout the universe. The Fallen Angels were still allowed by God to retain much of the knowledge and abilities that they were initially created with as Angels after their fall from God's Grace, and Heaven. The Fallen Angels that do follow the leadership of Satan are also bound to follow and not break the same God given mandates as their leader Satan. Mandates which God instituted specifically as guidelines to best ensure that the Heavenly glories given did not become abused by any Angel anywhere in the universe. The Fallen Angels were still allowed by God to keep their original given ability to be physical after their fall. They are watched very carefully not to over step those mandates. If they go outside the bounds and restrictions they are under, God will take away their physical capability. These beings then become what are known as ... Demons. If God does chain a Fallen Angel to the spiritual realm, the Fallen Angel can never again experience being physical (through possessing a physical body) nor interact with the physical, and must live the rest of it existence in limbo as a mere spirit in the spiritual realm waiting upon final judgment. The Fallen Angel becomes what is known as an... Entity. It is through this retained knowledge which allowed the Fallen Angels to become capable of physically creating their children that they would use to manifest the image of themselves within the universe. The Alien "children" are physically created by the Fallen Angels in their image through a wayward science known as... cloning. Only God can create something from nothing. Angels, Fallen Angels, and mankind have different degrees of ability to create from that which already exists. In that God created His Children to manifest His Image and Existence in the universe, the Fallen Angels did likewise create their "children" in an effort to reflect an image of themselves within the universe to fulfill their desire to be like God. These "children" that the Fallen Angels create are introduced to wayward individuals as... Aliens (also referred to as Extraterrestrials). The Aliens are not Angels, spirit guides, saviours, prophets, space-brother, planetary explorers, or scientists. They were originally created by Fallen Angels that chose to disregard their Angelic creativity and follow the folly of Satan into perdition. The Aliens are all created evil and know no Good. In their blindness unto God, wayward individuals do allow themselves to fall-prey-to the view that Angels might possibly be Aliens (or visa-versa). They become unable to see that Aliens are "children" of Fallen Angels that have far less power or abilities than Angels do. In their blindness, many wayward individuals do allow themselves to fall-prey-to the view that Angels might possibly be some ultra-advanced Extraterrestrial/Alien species that are intimately involved in the affairs of the planet. Within their blindness, they are unable to truly see:
• That outside of the assisting of God's planned workings upon wayward planetary societies Angels do not involve themselves in the personal or intimate affairs of any planetary society.
Alien is a word that does often become used by wayward planetary societies as a name that they have become persuaded by Satan to attach unto the Alien creatures that Fallen Angels do create and bring forth as their introduction of children to the universe.• That "children" of Fallen Angels (and Fallen Angels themselves) upon the other hand do involve themselves in the personal and intimate affairs of wayward planetary societies. • That Angels very rarely openly make themselves known to wayward planetary inhabitants. The advent of the Alien existence became shown forth and recorded through the Biblical Prophet Jeremiah in the Bible.
Jeremiah 8:17 For, behold, I will send serpents, cockatrices, among you, which will not be charmed, and they shall bite you, saith the LORD.
The Aliens are creatures (clones) which Fallen Angels have personally created because of their desire to have their own heritage of "children" that can be able to inhabit the universe. If the Aliens do abuse God's given mandates, they will become subject to the same repercussions that any Fallen Angel is subject to. God does ensure the know-how, abilities, and powers that the Fallen Angels and Aliens do have are not used as a tool to deeply effect or greatly affect the overall success and outcome of wayward individuals. God does require the same following of His given mandates by both the Fallen Angels and their created "children" to ensure misuse, abuse, or overstepping of their know-how, abilities, and powers does not become undertaken. God does take immediate action ten-fold against any breakage of His given mandates. The Aliens (Satan's kingdom of "children") do only become introduced upon wayward planets by Fallen Angels when allowed by God. God's decision to allow the Fallen Angels to introduce their creation of Aliens to actually take place upon any wayward planet is deeply influenced by two (2) important factors. -1- When the degree of knowledge & Good that is gained and enhanced by the wayward concerning their surroundings and themselves does become so influenced by sin, and it cannot be used as a vehicle for the betterment of God's Good and themselves upon their planet as initially intended by God, but instead becomes used as a weapon of blindness, demise, and destruction. -2- As the depth or the degree of spiritual blindness towards God, knowledge, and His Good does become accepted and enhanced by the actions and activities of sin upon planets, so does this cause for the attaining of Sons of God on those planets to become very much deeply hampered. Fallen Angels brought forth their Alien "children" to aid and assist them in establishing a deluge of sophisticated falsehoods that do further deceive mankind upon wayward planetary societies:
• With deeper amounts of blindness towards God and His Righteousness.
The Fallen Angels did create their "children":• With deeper endeavors of blindness unto God and His Righteousness. • With deeper endeavors of blindness that hide their actuality. • With deeper endeavors of blindness that hide their actual agenda. • With deeper endeavors of blindness that hide their actual evil. • With deeper endeavors of blindness that seek to place mankind upon wayward planetary societies closer to their demise and destruction. • With seeking a way by which they become able to produce a Soul that will allow them to attain Eternal Living Life.
• To represent their image.
• To be like them. • To spread their views and blindness. • To follow in their loss of grace in folly. • To seek the demise and destruction of mankind upon wayward planetary societies. • To deceive mankind upon wayward planetary societies into believing they are someone other than who they are. The Fallen Angels begin to promote establishments of their Alien creations on a wayward planet for the purpose of blinding the inhabitants with many deceptions and falsehoods concerning God, the Good of His Righteousness, the Fallen Angels, as well as concerning the Aliens themselves. If the Fallen Angels did not become more sophisticated in the establishment of their falsehoods then there would become too great a chance:
• For the truth of God to become found out by mankind upon wayward planetary societies.
Satan is seeking to dupe mankind again (as he did in the days of Adam and Eve). • For the truth of God's Promised and given Salvation through Jesus Christ to become found out by mankind upon wayward planetary societies. • For the truth of their reality and existence to become found out by mankind upon wayward planetary societies. • For the truth of their goals and agenda to become found out by mankind upon wayward planetary societies. Because of their blindness towards this, wayward individuals do not truly realize the full cunning ability, power, or subtly of the Aliens in any way, shape, or form. What wayward individuals do sight in their association with Aliens is just a tip of the iceberg (so to speak). The Alien agenda and deception is surrounded by a simple plan to afford as few wayward individuals as possible the ability to know God. In affording as few wayward individuals as possible the ability to know God, they do also cause for few of them to become able to truly attain God's given Salvation of Eternal Living Life. The Aliens do have an agenda which distinctly has a purpose and quest to do battle against wayward individuals in order to prevent them from being able to become true Sons of God. They establish this through the usage of deceit, lies, misinformation, spreading disarray, causing havoc, or other ungodly endeavors. The Aliens do seek to cause for the destruction of all mankind upon wayward planetary societies. Particularly Children of God that do Truly know God, especially those that do Truly know Jesus Christ Is God. The Aliens (cloned "children" of Fallen Angels) fully know that:
• It is inevitable for the destruction of their existence to become brought upon by God upon Judgment Day.
The fewer number of Children that become afforded God's given Salvation to become Sons of God there are, the longer the Aliens also become able to put off their inevitable destruction.• God will finalize this destruction when in He does attain enough Children from wayward planets that become Sons of God. The Aliens do not care whether, or not they destroy a wayward planets complete population to attain their goals within their agenda. God sees to it that the Aliens do not go too such extents. The Aliens have the ability and power to enslave the inhabitants of wayward planets, but do not seek to do so unless allowed by God. The Aliens do establish very cunning deceptive undertakings to mislead and confuse mankind upon wayward planetary societies about their True goals and agenda. They do go to any possible extent allowed by God to establish and hide the reality of themselves and their agenda. The degree of deception that God does allow the Aliens to accord upon any wayward planet does co-inside in proportion to the same degree of blindness unto God and His Righteousness that the individuals and communities of the planet do accord. Even 'If possible' seeking to tempt and deceive the very 'Elect'. God will even allow the inhabitants of entire wayward planetary societies to fall fate to complete destruction and annihilation, if the degree of blindness unto God and His Righteousness does become overly accorded by those individuals upon wayward planetary societies. God has spent much time and effort seeking to establish endeavors that would give individuals upon wayward planetary societies the tools of Righteousness by which to successfully prosper their existence. Even going so far as to Personally establishing His Grace through Jesus Christ upon the wayward planets to fully expound His Salvation for Eternal Living Life.
• It is not that God does not love the individuals and communities of any single wayward planetary society, but wayward individuals that do not love the creativity of themselves by God.
The Aliens are most experience in seeking to establish their agenda and blindness within the communities or governments of individuals upon wayward planetary societies.• It is not that God does look upon and judge any single wayward planetary society to allow the destruction of individuals to take place, but wayward individuals that allow such destruction of themselves to take place through waywardness. • It is not that God does desire or want to sight the destruction of any individual, community, or planetary society that has become wayward, but wayward individuals that continually do allow such destruction of themselves to take place through waywardness. • It is not that God does even desire or want to allow the existence of wayward individuals,communities, or planetary societies to become extinguished from within the universe, but wayward individuals that continually do allow the destruction of their given gifts and glories to become distorted enough through waywardness to extinguished their own existence from within the universe. They are always prepared to do just about anything that they can (within their allowed limits) to refute the actions of any community or government to establish their set blindness and agenda. They have gained this experience from traveling to and fro the planets since almost from the very beginning of waywardness upon wayward planetary societies existed. Within their traveling, they do:
• Seek to know everything about wayward individuals governmentally.
Therefore they use their knowledge to initiate endeavors that will help to affirm their agenda and blindness within the wayward individuals, communities, or governments through: • Seek to know everything about wayward individuals communally. • Seek to know everything about wayward individuals politically. • Seek to know everything about wayward individuals physically. • Seek to know everything about wayward individuals religiously. • Seek to know everything about wayward individuals socially or morally. • Seek to know everything about wayward individuals individually.
• Seeking to integrate or employ their blindness and agenda within several of wayward governments.
Therefore they become most experience in seeking to initiate endeavors that will help to affirm their agenda and blindness within the wayward individuals, communities, or governments. • Seeking to integrate or employ their blindness and agenda within several of wayward communities. • Seeking to integrate or employ their blindness and agenda within several of wayward political structuring. • Seeking to integrate or employ their blindness and agenda within wayward physical structuring. • Seeking to integrate or employ their blindness and agenda within several of wayward religions. • Seeking to integrate or employ their blindness and agenda within wayward social or moral structuring. • Seeking to integrate or employ their blindness and agenda within the hearts and minds of various wayward individuals. • Seeking to influence the wayward individuals in manners that they do unknowingly: • Become blinded unto God and His Righteousness. • Become blinded unto sin. • Give up their original communal and governing freedoms. All being done so that by the time they are allowed (by God) to more firmly implement and establish their agenda in blindness within the wayward individuals, communities, or governments:
• The Aliens already know everything about wayward individual's governmentally.
• The Aliens already know everything about wayward individual's communally. • The Aliens already know everything about wayward individual's politically. • The Aliens already know everything about wayward individual's physically. • The Aliens already know everything about wayward individual's religiously. • The Aliens already know everything about wayward individual's socially or morally. • The Aliens already know everything about wayward individual's individually. • The Aliens already know most every possible action or reaction to almost everything that any wayward community, or government does or can make in regards to their endeavor upon blindness, and agenda. The Aliens do not want wayward individuals to know that they are using them in their seeking to create for themselves a physical body with a Soul (vehicle to exist eternally). The Soul has only been afforded to mankind created in God's Image. Such information would make the planet's individuals and communities:
• To aware of their value unto themselves.
Each physical living body of each living creature has a Spirit. • To aware of their value unto God. • To aware of the actuality of the Aliens being. • To aware of the Aliens undertakings, direction, goals, or agenda. The capability of the Spirit allows a temporary recording (in light form) of active or inactive existence of every act, action, deed, or memory ever undertaken by the physical living body of that living creature. Unfortunately, these temporary recordings of active or inactive existence of every act, action, deed, or memory ever undertaken by the physical living body of that living creature does begin to dissipate upon physical death as light does dissipate, so does that living creature cease to exist upon physical death. The Soul on the other hand is the only mechanism to allow those temporary recordings of active or inactive existence of every act, action, deed, or memory ever undertaken by the physical living body to become permanently recorded (as one would use a camera to record the light upon a picture). God creatively set, affixed, and established the Soul as a vehicle within the physical body of His Imaged Children that would give them the ability to exist eternally. The Aliens realize and know that a living physical body cannot exist eternally without a Soul. The Fallen Angels were created eternal beings, and chose to leave their first estate (heaven & allegiance to God). They condemned themselves to death and destruction. They fear death greatly. They have no comprehension of death, because of their original immortal creativity. The Alien (cloned) "children" are created without a Soul, because the Fallen Angel parents never had a Soul, nor do they know how to create a Soul for themselves. The Soul is such a complex creativity that only God has the ability, know-how, or power to create a Soul. The Aliens have been trying to find the secret to God's creativity of the Soul for multi-millions of years and have not been successful nor will they ever. But they will keep trying because they have nothing better to do or lose. The Fallen Angels and Aliens do dislike mankind created by God for their having a Soul. The Fallen Angels and Aliens are jealous and angry at God for their not having or become given a Soul. They feel that because they were created in the universe before God's created Children:
• That they should have been afforded the creativity of a Soul.
All of the Aliens realize and know that they have to continue their existence with no Soul, and that man in their lowly planetary nature was simply born with one to continue their existence with.• That they deserved to have been afforded the creativity of a Soul by God. The Aliens do have a fear of mankind. As meager as they may seem, mankind has been given by God a Soul that can afford them Salvation and Eternal Living Life. With such their potential for greatness in the universe far outweighs and surpasses the Aliens. No Soul, no means by which to attain forgiveness, or eternal existence. The Aliens use the raw material they find on wayward planets in their efforts to create physical bodies to inhabit. They will use anything they can get their hands on and allowed by God to use... even that of wayward man. Mankind is looked upon as the most favorable device and apparatus for gaining enough information to possibly create a Soul. The Aliens like their Fallen Angel parents have a one track mind with the objective to seek, kill, and destroy as many individuals upon wayward planetary societies as possible. In the process, find a way out of their predicament of condemnation. The creativity of the Soul is the key and hope they hold to. The extents of control that the Aliens do attain over wayward individuals does depend upon the extent of blindness unto God and the depth of evil that wayward individuals have and hold to upon their wayward planetary society. It is these extents that God does allow the Aliens more leeway in becoming able to befool or further blind the wayward. The Aliens are allowed through more leeway to attain a greater control of wayward individuals and their communities:
• To freely use evil to blind wayward individuals and communities from the correct and true view of God.
Enabling the Aliens more of a possibility to steal and destroy the potential for wayward individuals to gain Salvation for Eternal Living Life. • To more freely use sin to blind the minds, hearts, and souls of wayward individuals, and keep them from any actual accordance of God or His Righteousness. The one thing that they (Fallen Angels & Aliens) cannot attain. Fallen Angels do establish this End-Time deception of visitors from other worlds upon all wayward planetary societies.
2 Corinthians 2:11 Cloned created "children" of the Fallen Angels Aliens ![]() ![]() ![]() |