Just as God created His Children to manifest His Image and Existence in the universe, the Fallen Angels did likewise bring forth "children" in their effort to reflect an image of themselves in the universe.
Fallen Angels cannot reproduce as mankind is able to. Fallen Angels that were once Angels were not created with reproductive organs. Fallen Angels had to create their "children" through a wayward science known as... cloning. Much of the physical being of the Aliens (cloned "children") does initially come from the same biological make-up that does make-up the Fallen Angels. In the usage of the Fallen Angel's biological and chemical makeup as the physical foundation by which to create the Aliens, the Fallen Angels do enable their Alien "children" to immediately:
• Hold greater abilities than wayward individuals.
• Have a greater advantage in understanding the universe than wayward individuals. • Become given greater tools by which to seek the demise & destruction of wayward individuals. • Become afforded more powers that could help them perform different tasks of assistance unto the Fallen Angel's ("parents") planned undertakings. Though there are indeed various analogies that did become used biologically within the physical make-up of both Aliens and mankind alike. For the most part, the physical make-up of Aliens has a very distinctive and separate composition that is deeply different from mankind that does become created by God. It is a physical biological and chemical make-up:
• That will not allow for Aliens to have, or attain the existence of a Soul.
In that the Aliens (Satan's kingdom of cloned "children") are beings that are created:• That will allow for mankind created by God to have the existence of a Soul.
• To be like the Fallen Angels...
So are the Aliens considered by God to be equal to Fallen Angels.• To represent the image of the Fallen Angels... • To spread the Fallen Angels views and blindness... • To follow in the Fallen Angels lost Grace in folly... • To seek the demise and destruction of mankind created by God... Within the Aliens biological creation by Fallen Angels, so do their "children" (Aliens) gain capabilities that are beneficial to their employed agenda through being:
• More able to focus their values upon need, rather than values of right and wrong.
• More able to use physical tools within science & technology beyond their actual comprehensions. • More able to undertake, or perform tasks without deep emotions to hinder them. Within the Aliens biological creation by Fallen Angels, so do their created "children" (Aliens) also benefit the Fallen Angels by having:
• Creatures & tools that are very manageable.
• Creatures & tools that could perform different tasks of assistance with little need for emotion. • Creatures & tools that can execute task without values of right and wrong. • Creatures & tools that can afford them greater advantage in seeking the demise & destruction of mankind. The Aliens do have a Spirit. It is one that is distinctive, different, and separate enough to Not have a Soul. Neither does the Alien's Spirit have the ability to retain a Soul. All Aliens are chained to a physical existence that lacks many of the physical attributes that mankind does personally have.
• Such as physical dexterity.
• Such as physical versatility. • Such as physical heartiness. • Such as capabilities for natural birth. • Such as having a physical body with a Soul. The Aliens always live with a threat to their personal being dictated by God. If they become too overzealous in their treatment, or undertakings with individuals, they will have their physical abilities and existence taken away. They no longer have the ability to be physical like their Fallen Angel "parents" and fellow Aliens. They are then forced to live out their spiritual existence chained entirely in and to the spiritual realm. God will gravely restrict and take away an Alien's physical abilities and even existence forever if the Aliens do overstep their allowed bounds. Fallen Angels will immediately seek to take action upon any Alien to end their life, if an Alien is found to ignore guidelines that they are directly given and required by the Fallen Angels, to avoid any retribution by God that might possibly bring a Fallen Angel "parent" misfortune, or even demise. If an Alien is not dealt with, then God will step in to take away the physical abilities of the Alien directly responsible, and the Fallen Angel that did produce him. The Alien, or even Fallen Angel will then remain in a continual spiritual limbo with spiritual things to interact with until Judgment Day.
• With No hope of ultimately averting spiritual death.
This existence of Aliens is viewed and is known by mankind as a... Demon.• With No hope to ever again attain their physical body. • With No hope of ultimately averting physical death. Their physical abilities and existence do pretty much remain intact with little change until Judgment Day, if they do not become overzealous in their treatment, or undertakings with mankind. The Aliens (Satan's kingdom of cloned "children") are very able to communicate amongst themselves and mankind using a method that is relevant to telepathic powers. The Aliens are able to physically communicate with mankind verbally. The Aliens do prefer to communicate with mankind telepathically, as well as communicate amongst themselves in the same fashion. God allowed the Fallen Angels to devise and create their Alien "children" to some degree as creatures that were able to hold and use knowledge to some deep degrees. Like their Fallen Angel "parents", they choose to follow some similar pathways as Satan in the misuse of their ability to likewise become condemned by their undertakings by God. The Aliens are condemned by a continuance to follow their Fallen Angel creators in seeking undertakings that seek to destroy the righteous & innocent blood. The Aliens do not like the emotions that mankind have been naturally created with by God that allows them to care, and especially to be able to love. The Aliens despise the emotions that relate to caring, because caring does afford mankind:
• The ability to sight Good.
Emotions Aliens are unable to hold, or truly understand.• The ability to have Hope. • The ability to be passionate. The Aliens despise the emotions that relate to love, because love does afford mankind:
• The ability to sight Good.
Emotions Aliens are unable to hold, or truly understand.• The ability to have Hope. • The ability to be passionate. The Aliens react to the Godly emotions such as love, caring, or compassion, but do not truly display their reaction to individuals. The Aliens do react to emotions often with cold responses of favor. For the most part, they despise such things and consider emotions a weakness. One's that they do not want, nor care to truly be able to understand. In that the Aliens do view emotions, emotional responses, or their displaying of them as a weakness of temperament, so are the Aliens very heartless creatures with little emotion, especially by human standards. The Aliens do consider emotions that mankind have a weakness to afford them useless temperaments. The Aliens have seen how easy:
• It has been for the wayward to mislead their existence through their blind emotion and emotional responses.
Even though Aliens are not able to display what individuals do consider, or understand to be positive, or lucid emotional responses. They know enough concerning various emotions of mankind that they are most able to mimic those same emotions in a persuasive enough manner that can easily befool individuals into believing differently, or otherwise.• It has been for the wayward to fall-prey-to the folly of sin within their blind usage of emotion and emotional responses. • It has been for them to mislead the wayward to become blinded towards the folly of sin through their misuse of emotion and emotional responses. • It has been for them to cause for the wayward to fall-prey-to the folly of sin through their usage of emotion and emotional responses. The Aliens cannot relate to many of those emotions that mankind has been naturally given by God. Outside of sin, the Aliens have no desire to relate to any emotion whatsoever. The Aliens have no real concern for mankind that God created. Their Fallen Angel creators do continually affirm to their Alien "children":
• Of their lacking of a Soul.
They view mankind as being somewhat responsible for their eventual demise.• Of how not having a Soul does restrict them from the possibility of attaining Eternal Living Life. • Of how they must bide their time in the universe until Judgment Day, because they have no Soul. • Of how mankind that God does create have been created with a Soul. • Of how mankind that God does create can possibly attain from God Eternal Living Life with that Soul. The Aliens do not care about any individual created by God. There are two (2) main reasons. -1- The Aliens (like their Fallen Angels "parents") blame mankind in general for their demise. -2- Mankind has a Soul through which they can possibly attain from God Eternal Living Life. The Aliens know that they are bidding their time in the universe until Judgment Day. They dislike all mankind that God does create. The extent of dislike is great indeed. The Aliens (like their Fallen Angel creators) literally hate all mankind that God does create.
• To the point where they do not care about what they are doing to individuals physically, mentally, or otherwise.
• To the point where it is sometimes pleasurable for them to abuse those individuals physically, mentally, or otherwise. • To the point where they do not care about the spiritual growth of individuals (because they are incapable of, and have never been capable of such growth). The Aliens seek to cunningly use emotions to help introduce blindness and falsehoods into the human mind. The Aliens seek to cunningly use emotions to help introduce blindness and falsehoods into the minds of those they abduct. The Aliens do not like humans to truly have, or display a strong hatred, or anger against them. In fact, they do all despise such emotions being used by those they abduct. The emotions such as anger, or hatred become a useful tool by the Abductees to deal with the experience of abductions, and the aliens themselves. They do not like those emotions, because they cannot play upon, do to, or misuse Abductees that does truly have and display a strong hatred, or anger against them. The Aliens like even less a strong hatred, or anger against them in Christ & His Holy Name... JESUS. Aliens do have what they consider to be enemies that do have, or hold the power to defeat and destroy them. These enemies are God, Angels, or even individuals that choose to follow God and His Physical Existence being Jesus Christ. The Aliens (Satan's kingdom of "children") do consider anything, or anyone that may in any way, shape, or form hinder their efforts, or Agenda... an enemy. The Aliens do not like to have their efforts, or Agenda hindered, so the Aliens do view those individuals that do, or truly seek to follow God and the things put forth by God Personally (especially Jesus Christ) as endeavors that only an enemy would undertake. Even though the Aliens are clones that have the ability to also use the science of cloning to extend their existence for up to 1000 years, they are not able to cheat having this long existence end with death. Something they do fear, and know the consequences that they face... is death. (Keeping in mind: the Aliens are first introduced upon a wayward planet shortly after sin enters the world) A cloned body they create ranges between 60-140 years before it does become of little use, so do the Aliens have to rely upon needing to clone a new physical body to enable them to be able to continue to extend their physical existence with. The Aliens do continue many of times to extend their existence within the cloning of physical bodies until their original cloned being does become no more able to become used to develop a suitable physical body, or be used for producing a physical clone that their spirit can be bonded to (up to 1000 years). When this point is reached, they are forced to face death and remain in a continual spiritual limbo with spiritual things to interact with until Judgment Day with:
• No hope of ultimately averting physical death.
The Aliens are faced with the same inevitable death, whether it is upon short-term or long-term periods of time within their universal existence.• No hope of ever again attaining a physical body. • No hope of ultimately averting physical death. Aliens have existed in the universe for many thousands of years without suffering sickness, or disease. In their encounters with wayward individuals, they fear suffering ailments of sickness, or disease enough to take the necessary precautions to prevent and ensure that they still continue to exist without sickness, or disease. All Aliens know of, or have seen God's Glory, His Abilities, and Power in action, and do fear ever having to face them. This is because many Aliens have experienced the powerlessness of their friends against God's ability to take away their physical being for overzealous undertakings against mankind. The Aliens do have a basic fear of mankind. This is because mankind does have a deeper potential for greatness that far outweighs their own in having a Soul that can afford them Eternal Life. Aliens (cloned "children" of Fallen Angels) do know that because:
• They have not been created as mankind...
They must always face & fear:• They have not been created in God's Image... • They do not have a Soul that can afford them Salvation and Eternal Living Life...
• That individuals that do Truly follow God do also have the spiritual protection of the Holy Ghost.
The Aliens know of, or have seen God's Abilities and Power in action Spiritually as Christ.• That the potential for greatness by individuals that become Sons of God far outweighs and surpasses even their own. The Aliens realize that because He Is the manifestation in Physical Form of God, so does He have the same Glory, Abilities, Powers, and even Heavenly protection. They do fear ever having to face that Ability, or Power of Jesus Christ. The Aliens (cloned "children" of Fallen Angels) do know:
• That no matter how long they have ever existed in the universe…
They will always have to face the same destiny given them and their Fallen Angel parents by God upon Judgment Day.• That no matter what their abilities or powers ever are in the universe… • That no matter what their abilities or powers do achieve in the universe… • That no matter what they have ever seen in the universe… • That no matter where they have ever traveled to in the universe... • That no matter what planetary society they ever deceive, conquer, or bring demise to in the universe… The Aliens do have very few close bonds of friendships that exist amongst them. The Aliens do not seek out having any actual friendship ties with any planetary individuals created by God. Unto the Aliens, all planetary individuals:
• Are a pathetic race of creatures.
The Aliens do find it illogical to form friendships with planetary individuals that have so little to offer even to themselves.• Are easy targets for demise and destruction. • Are easily manipulated. • Are weak minded. • Do easily fall-prey-to sin. • Do belittle and misuse the glories they were created and surrounded with. • Do hold little value for even their existence. • Do also misuse, or destroy their kind even before it is brought into existence. • Have limited intelligence. • Have limited abilities. • Never should have been created by God in the first place. The Aliens have one desired purpose & intent for the entirety of mankind. That is to add to any existing blindness and sin that individuals attach themselves to. Aliens do not have the sexual genders that do distinguish them as being either male or female. Some Aliens may seem to be more feminine natured, such distinctions do come from the cloning process that they underwent within their initial creation. Like their Fallen Angel "parents", the Alien "children" are Not created with reproductive organs, nor genitals to distinguish a gender, like man is created with. The Aliens are able to keep their species alive and thriving mainly through the usage of cloning.
Aliens (Satan's kingdom of "children") are basically and impenitently evil.
As a result of being taught the viewing of evil as being good and viewing the Good as being evil, the Aliens have no belief that they do evil. Nor do they believe that their undertaken liberties upon the wayward are evil.
2 Corinthians 2:11 (Page 1) Alien Make-up ![]() ![]() ![]() |