There are two (2) prominent groups of beings that seek to bring, or use subtle temptations, or havoc to aid in the demise of individuals on wayward planetary societies... Demons and Entities.
Demons are beings of evil that became Demons mainly because of their overzealous undertakings against human beings upon wayward planetary societies. Because of this overzealous behavior, God had taken away their capability to be physical beings. They then become forced to exist and remain in existence as beings of spirit that have no physical body to interact in the physical world, or realm anymore. Demons do come from either one of two (2) sources. -1- Alien members that had their physical body taken away by God:
• Because of their overzealous undertaken endeavors made against God's created human beings.
-2- Fallen Angels that have had their physical body taken away by God due to their overzealous undertaken endeavors made against a planet's human inhabitants, or their disregard of the mandates required by God that they are to follow upon all wayward planets.• Because of failures that Satan or his Fallen Angels believe an Alien had made. Many Aliens and their Fallen Angel "parents" still continue to have their physical body and abilities intact, even though some have had their physical abilities and body removed. Aliens have their original physical body, and Demons do not have a physical body at all. Fallen Angels have their original physical body, and Demons do not have a physical body. Possession is the only way in which a Demon can attain the feeling of their once held physical abilities. Even though Demons have lost their physical abilities, they do have a spiritual being that still holds power to take over the spirit of human beings. Human beings that have weak hearted spirit that can become possessed. Possession is the ability of a Demon to be spiritually able to take part in, or even in some cases able to temporarily take over the physical being of a wayward individual, because that individual is lacking:
• High levels of faith in God.
• High levels of God's Goodly mannerism and attitude. Only God has the Power and the Ability to create something physical being a Spirit. Demons cannot create a physical body for themselves. Most Demons did come from the ranks of Fallen Angels. Demons do not have a Soul, nor can they gain or attain one, because they are spirit. Since Demons do not have a Soul, neither can they gain, or ever attain an Eternal Life. The Soul is the tool that is created by God especially for, and only for human beings to attain an Eternal Living Life. Demons cannot attain any forgiveness from God from sin because:
• They have undertaken endeavors that had, or have caused to much distortion and destruction unto God's planned workings amongst the inhabitants on wayward planets.
God does go through the Physical depths to Personally suffer the pain of sin through dying upon a Cross to forgive, cover-over, and save human beings (only) from sin upon wayward planets, not Demons.• They do not have a Soul to attain forgiveness. Next to Satan, the Fallen Angels, or of the Aliens and their agenda, the knowledge of Demons is sought to be kept secret. The Aliens seek to hide the actual existence of Demons, because it closely ties their actual being to the sin that they seek to promote, or with that of Fallen Angels, or to the Aliens themselves and their agenda of sin. The reality might allow for a planet's wayward inhabitants to possibly become more aware of the actual existence of Demons, or their ties between Aliens and their Fallen Angel "parents", or even the actual scope and intent of the entire Alien agenda. Demons exist for very long periods of time by physical standards that human beings on wayward planets view longevity. Demons are not able to exist beyond Judgment Day by spiritual standards that form the foundation that supports longevity. All Demons do not like to face that their final end to their being will take place when God does bring forth Judgment Day. Those individuals on wayward planets that do Not know God have an inability to see:
• Many Demons are Aliens that have lost their physical abilities.
Their inability also allows those individuals to be more easily swayed:• Those same Demons have also become chained to live out the end to their existence in spiritual realm with no physical body.
• To whispers put forth by Demons to fall-prey-to evil.
• To the indirect introductions of distortions & blind whispers put forth by Demons to fall-prey-to sin. • To the direct introduction of possessions that overtake to different degrees the physical being of humans. Those individuals on wayward planets that Do know God, and have an inability to see that many Demons and Aliens are members of the same species is a small matter. Simply because in their knowing God, so does that knowledge afford them the spiritual ability and power of God's Spirit to protect them to deep degrees. Those individuals on wayward planets that do Not know God, and have an inability to see that Demons do exist, do simply fuel their blindness towards the Demons, their actual lack of God's Good, and the extent that Demons will go to disrupt Goodness amongst those individuals. Those individuals on wayward planets that Do know God that have an inability to see that Demons do exist, they are not good spirits and don't strive to be good is a small matter. Simply because in their knowing God, so does that knowledge afford them the spiritual ability and power of God's Spirit to protect them to deep degrees. Those individuals on wayward planets that do Not know God, and have an inability to see that Demons do exist, does simply fuel their blindness towards the Demons, and the extents that Demons will go to subtly gain trust of humans without their knowing it. Those individuals on wayward planets that Do know God know that Demons cannot be trusted... Ever! Entities are a form of what can be looked upon as a disembodied energy-presence of a Fallen Angel, or an Alien that had their physical body taken away by God because of their overzealous undertaking endeavored upon humans, which did become restricted to living out the end of their existence in spiritual form. These Demons continue to step over their God given boundaries to become an Entity. If a weak created Alien (clone of clones) does die, or have their physical body taken away by God, they also become an Entity. Entities are entirely chained to the spiritual realm:
• Do not have the ability to possess the physical bodies of wayward human beings.
• Do become restricted to living out their existence entirely chained to the spiritual realm. Demons that are chained to living out the end of their existence as spirits:
• Can indirectly interact to limited degrees to spiritually have some influence amongst humans.
• Can directly undertake to different degrees possess the physical being of humans. Entities are chained to having to live out the very end of their existence in spiritual form being of spirit that:
• Cannot indirectly interact to limited degrees to spiritually have some influence amongst humans.
• Cannot directly undertake to possess to different degrees the physical being of humans. Entities cannot possess a physical body whatsoever (Alien, human beings, nor animal), nor can they interact with the physical realm in anyway. They are completely chained to the spiritual realm until Judgment Day. They can never again experience the ability of being physical. Even though certain Aliens have lost their physical abilities, they still are left some capable degree of power in the spiritual realm. They are able to interact as spirits to degrees in the physical realm. Such interaction is sometimes observed by humans as being ghosts, spirits, or even light orbs.
2 Corinthians 2:11 Groups of Alien Beings ![]() ![]() ![]() |