The Aliens (cloned "children") do have abilities that have a close affinity to their Fallen Angel creators, they are like their Fallen Angel "parents" in that they are unable to change their destiny, because they chain their existence to the same evils that their Fallen Angel "parents" do.

The Alien's destiny is an end that became sealed in a destruction that they cannot alter.
This is simply due to fact that:
• They do from the time of their initial creation follow in the same pathways of evil that their Fallen Angel "parents" do follow.
• They have from their very beginning done the biddings of their Fallen Angel "parents", and caused vast disruptions and needless destructions to the general being of most all wayward planet's inhabitants.
God never does dismiss, nor overlook this damage.

The fate of the Aliens (Satan's kingdom of cloned "children") is an end that is sealed in Hell's destruction.
This is simply due to fact that:
• They have no Soul by which to attain eternal glories.
• They have brought upon untold millions of inhabitants upon wayward planets much pain and demise in their experimental efforts at seeking to recreate a Soul.
• They are responsible for bringing upon billions of the inhabitants upon wayward planets much demise, and even destruction through their usage of sin.
God never does dismiss, nor overlook this damage.

The Aliens cannot alter their doom of being destroyed in the death of Hell. This is because the same doom of Hell and destruction is given any being, or creature that does lead another being, or creature upon pathways of Hell and destruction.

The Alien's Judgment has already been decided for them, because they do freely accord and use sin at a cost of so much demise and destruction.
The Aliens cannot alter their Judgment by God that has already been set for them, because of their undertakings of greatly spreading sin, demise, and destruction.

The Aliens are able to extend their existence in only a limited number of short-term spans before death of their physical body occurs. They accomplish this through the use of cloned replicas of their original existence too exist.

The Aliens are not able to physically alter their life-span beyond the short-term survival limits of time. The simple fact is; without a Soul the Aliens cannot survive long-term (eternal).

The Aliens were not created with a Soul, and can never attain a Soul. This is because the creation of the Soul is even more complex than creation of Living Life itself.
Clones do not have a Soul, whether created by the Fallen Angels, or man.

No clone created child (Alien or otherwise) can attain Eternal Life. This is because Eternal Living Life can only be attained by creatures that do have a Soul. Only mankind created by God have been afforded a Soul to exist eternally, through procreation. The egg must be attached to the womb at the first splitting for a Soul to form at the fourth splitting of the egg-cells. A Soul cannot be formed outside the womb.

No clone created child (Alien or otherwise) can possibly:
• Be forgiven from sin.
• Gain forgiveness from sin.
• Can become forgiven from sin.
• Have the ability to attain forgiveness from sin.
They have not been created with a Soul. The one vehicle that will allow them to be truly repentant of sin, or even a desire to be repentant.

No clone created child (Alien or otherwise) can possibly:
• Be redeemed from sin.
• Gain redemption from sin.
• Become given redemption from sin.
• Has the ability to attain redemption from sin.
They have not been created with a Soul. The one vehicle that will allow them to be truly repentant of sin, or even a desire to be repentant.

No clone created child (Alien or otherwise) can possibly:
• Gain salvation from sin.
• Become given salvation from sin.
• Has the ability to attain salvation from sin.
Salvation can only be offered or attained by creatures that have a Soul. Clones can never have a Soul.

Besides not having a Soul, the Aliens are created by their Fallen Angel "parents" without any real care of moral aptitude or social abilities that would allow them to at least correctly know, or even to Truly understand what sin is:
• They can never view anything they do as being sinful.
• They can never view themselves as sinners.
• They can never view sin as being wrong.
• They can never truly become Godly.
The Aliens are not Godly, and there aren't any that have a true desire to become Godly.

No clone (Alien or otherwise) can become Godly because of four (4) facts.
-1- They have greater fear of Satan or Fallen Angels "parents" than they do of God.
-2- All Aliens have participated in endeavors that have sought the destruction of Godly human beings in one fashion, or another.
-3- They do not have a Soul by which they can truly understand, desire or know Good.
-4- They do not have a Soul by which they can benefit from doing so.

The Aliens (Satan's kingdom of cloned "children") can never choose God, nor choose to follow God.
This is simply due to two (2) facts.
-1- Satan would cause for the end of the existence of any Alien that was to even consider any such view or thought.
-2- The Aliens are created by their Fallen Angel "parents" to inherently despise those things which God and His Good does stand for.

The Aliens are not allowed by Satan or their Fallen Angel "parent"/creators to have any degree of personal freedom to choose their own destiny.
This is simply due to two (2) facts.
-1- Satan does not like, nor allow for any disagreeable views or thoughts to disturb his efforts whatsoever.
-2- The Fallen Angel "parents" do not want to have to face the consequences from Satan that they would have to face if an Alien were to seek any destiny for themselves that is disagreeable with Satan's desires.

The Aliens are able to create through the using of their ability of cloning:
• Various creatures with both human & non-human admixtures.
• Replications of both human & non-human admixture.
• Duplications of their own created being.
None are able to have a Soul.
This is simply beyond their, or any other creature's abilities whatsoever.
Only God is able to create a Soul.

The very same biological & chemical makeup that the Fallen Angels use to create their Alien "children" with does not allow for the existence of a Soul to become produced or developed. The Aliens have the same physical make-up just like their Fallen Angel creators that does not enable them to have a Soul.

The Aliens have mastered the use of cloning they use to form their own living beings.
The Aliens have been making attempts to clone a Soul for billions of years unsuccessfully. They hope to possibly replicate human abilities. Especially one with a Spirit that can retain a Soul.
They have nothing else to live for, even though they know they will always be unsuccessful.

The Aliens have to some degree proven to be successful at using cloning to inter-mix various breeds of creatures and animals with human beings. In their search for attaining immortality, they desire and hope that they can create within those inter-mixings a formed creature that might have a human-like Spirit that they could use to by-pass a need for a Soul.
Sadly, many are physically very hideous with distorted spirits that do have human-like forms, yet lack having those human frailties and abilities that do allow humans to know, or learn how to distinguish a Good thing from the evil.

The Aliens fully realize that they are not, and can never be able to defeat God, or the things of His Good Godliness. They use their agenda to persuade human beings to defeat themselves through the establishment of evil accords that the humans can use to defeat their views of those things that allow them to know God.

The Aliens cannot be trusted, nor can they ever gain any trust from God for two (2) very important reasons.
-1- Originally Aliens had been created by Fallen Angels with very vast abilities, powers, and of knowledge to reflect the image of their creators that were cast-out-of Heaven because they chose to follow the evil of Satan and his sin instead of God and His Good Godliness.
-2- Like their Fallen Angel creators, the Aliens had chosen to follow the evil of Satan and his sin, and give rise to the destruction of untold numbers of human beings upon wayward planets.

The Aliens have been initially created, and brought forth by Fallen Angels with very little degree of freedom to exercise choice.
Which is mainly because:
• They deeply lack the ability to make correct choices freely.
• They are not allowed by their Fallen Angel "parents" to freely do so.
• They are prone to make incorrect choices on their own.

Satan does not like, nor allow any disagreeable views, or thoughts to disturb his efforts to establish and exact his agenda upon planets. Also the Fallen Angels do not want to have to face the consequences that they would have to face if their Alien "children" did make a choice that made the mistake of disagreeing with Satan's efforts.

The Aliens are initially and deeply restricted by their inability to know the actual difference between what is Good & what is evil.

The Aliens do not have, nor do they understand what common sense is. They are deeply and initially restricted by their inability to know, or desire to know of the actual difference between what is Good & what is evil.

The Aliens (Satan's kingdom of cloned "children") do not actually have, or hold any real points of views.
This is mainly due to three (3) reasons.
-1- The Aliens all realize that as a group they are all under the same set condemnation, and are all unified in all their views, thoughts, and even undertakings.
-2- Satan does not allow disagreeable views, or thoughts to develop amongst Aliens to disturb his efforts to have his agenda established.
-3- Satan does not allow competition. Such might occur if the Alien "children" are allowed points of view.

The Aliens do not truly know Right from wrong, Good from evil, nor how to truly differentiate between what is Good & evil.

The Aliens do not truly care whether, or not the things they are doing are actually evil, or of how any of the destructive things they may do affects wayward human beings through evil since they do not truly know evil.

The Aliens believe that the view of evil that humans are capable of is a weakness and not strength, because they do view non-participation in things that can bring on demise and destruction as nothing more than limitations to restrict understanding.

The Aliens have been making choices that have no considered value, or view upon evil for so long that:
• They have no hope of understanding evil.
• They do not view the demise, or destruction produced by evil as being evil.
• They do not desire to differentiate evil.
• They are unable to view evil as being evil.

In having little ability to Truly know evil, the Aliens do end-up becoming willing participants in things that they do realize will bring forth demise and destruction with little regard for those who become forced to face the destruction.

The Aliens do submit to, or are forced into submission by their Fallen Angel "parents", or by Satan to hold little or no belief that anything they do is evil since the very beginning of their creation by the Fallen Angels.

The Aliens do not truly care whether or not they are or are not doing Good since they do not truly know Good.

The Aliens believe that the view of Good that humans are capable of is a weakness and not strength, because they do view non-participation in things that can bring on demise and destruction nothing more than limitations to restrict understanding.

The Aliens have been making choices that have no considered value, or view upon Good for so long that they have no hope of understanding Good.
The Aliens must submit to, or become forced into submission by their Fallen Angel "parents", or by Satan to hold little or no belief that anything they do is Good.

The Aliens (clones) can never be Christian, nor do they desire it.

The Aliens ability to become Christian is offset by the fact that they are taught by their Fallen Angel "parents" from their initiated beginnings to despise the things that the Christians are suppose to believe, or seek to stand for.

Aliens (clones) cannot become a Christian, simply because of four (4) facts.
-1- They have greater fear of their Fallen Angel "parents" than they do of Jesus Christ.
-2- All Aliens have participated in endeavors that have sought the destruction of a Christian in one fashion or another.
-3- They do not have a Soul by which they can truly understand, desire, or know Jesus Christ.
-4- They do not have a Soul by which they can benefit from what Jesus Christ has done.

Aliens that seek to bring down Christians have no ability to bring forth enough demise upon them to defeat them, because they are stout-hearted in their faith and following of God's Physical Visitation being Jesus Christ, and His Ten Commandments. God did Personally display His Redemption Physically being Jesus Christ through His Forgiveness, Salvation, and Eternal Life. God did Physically bring, teach, and display His Ten Commandments being Jesus Christ.

No matter what Aliens do to seek to defeat Christians that are truly stout-hearted in their following of God's Personal Visitation and Ten Commandments, they are not able to do so. Simply because stout-hearted Christians have the protection of the only Power that was ever capable to pay the full price to forgive all sin, and also stand the ground against any Alien attack.

God does not allow stout-hearted Christians to be abducted or experimented on. They are protectedby His Power and seal!

Aliens cannot abduct any human beings that is truly a stout-hearted Christian that has truly sought to follow the Glory of God Personally Himself within His Physical Visitation being Jesus Christ and His Ten Commandments. If an Alien does undertake attempts at possibly abducting stout-hearted Christians, they have the Power to stand their ground against any Alien abduction through simply using the NAME of JESUS CHRIST.
This is simply due to the fact that for individuals that seek to truly follow and increase their being as stout-hearted Christians:
• They are given the Power of the Holy Spirit to stand their ground against any Alien abduction.
• They can stand their ground against any Alien abduction through using the HOLY NAME of JESUS CHRIST to ward off any Alien abduction with their lips.
• They do have at their disposal the Word of God that is Physically exemplified being JESUS CHRIST upon all wayward planets that is the only Power that the Aliens fully fear in the universe.

The Aliens do not seek to experiment on any human beings that is a stout-hearted Christian that has truly followed the Glory that is God's Physically made Visitation being Jesus Christ and His Ten Commandments. If an Alien does undertake an attempt at any experimentation on stout-hearted Christians, so does that human have the power to stand their ground against any actual Alien experimentation against them through simply using the NAME of JESUS CHRIST to protect them.
This is simply due to the fact, that for individuals that seek to truly follow and increase their being as stout-hearted Christians:
• They are given the Power of the Holy Spirit to stand their ground against any Alien experimentation.
• They can stand their ground against any Alien experimentation through using the HOLY NAME of JESUS CHRIST to ward off any Alien experimentation with their lips.
• They do have at their disposal the Word of God that is Physically exemplified being JESUS CHRIST upon all wayward planets that is the only Power that the Aliens fully fear in the universe.

In their abducting, or their trying to abduct to experiment on a stout-hearted Christian, the Aliens are stepping over their God given boundaries, and will pay the consequences for doing such. For the most part, Aliens know who the stout-hearted Christians are and stay clear of them, but there have been times when they weren't aware, or just got overzealous. 

As for those members of the Jewish heritage that had been Chosen by God to be His specially Chosen People created to bring forth His Personally planned workings through and in upon each of the wayward planets, the Chosen People of God is an existence that the Aliens may seek or help to destroy in numbers, but can never possibly defeat in totality.
This is for two (2) ultimate reasons.
-1- Though there may exist a blindness unto their following of God's Personal Visitation Physically being Jesus Christ made amongst them, they do as God's Chosen People still stout-heartedly seek deeply to follow and represent God, His Commandments, and His precepts that does give them the Power that can stand the ground against Alien attacks.
-2- The Jews are God's Chosen People specially:
• Used by God to make known and represent Him and the Good of His Godliness upon the planet for wayward humans to see & realize.
• Used by God to bring forth information concerning the knowledge of Him, His Good, His Holy Spirit, and even the reality of law that prevents destruction brought forth by sin.
• Used by God to Physically bring forth information of prophecy concerning the knowledge of His Visitation that He would Personally undertake & fulfill upon the planet.
• Used by God to make known the Greatness of God's Protection, and to suffer great rebuke, and even destruction at the hands of wayward man like no other body of people on the planet for their allegiance to God and His Godliness.
• Used by God to fulfill His Begotten Personal Visitation being Jesus Christ upon the planet to offer all mankind His Salvation for Eternal Living Life.
• Protected, chastised, and used by God to manifest and have recorded for human posterity to see and know the actuality and results of obedience and disobedience to God's knowledge and His Goodness in partaking of sin.
All Aliens do firmly realize that because of the specialty of the Jewish people that they have little power, or ability to defeat the stout-hearted Jew.

2 Corinthians 2:11  
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us:
for we are not ignorant of his devices.

Alien Inabilities
