In that God created His Children to manifest His Image and Existence in the universe, so did Satan and his Fallen Angels likewise create their "children" (clones) in an effort to reflect an image of themselves within the universe to fulfill their desire to be like God.
These "children" that the Fallen Angels create are introduced to wayward individuals as... Aliens (also referred to as Extraterrestrials). The Aliens ("children" of the Fallen Angels) do seek to persuade wayward individuals that there are somewhere between 15-20 different species of Extraterrestrial creatures currently existing in the universe. All of which is part of the Alien disinformation programs that does become implanted upon those wayward planetary societies relevant to how many Aliens there actually are, and even the extent of their differences. The Greys are the first to be created by the Fallen Angels in the usage of cloning. The Greys are clones of the Fallen Angels themselves. The Greys do seek to hide the truth that they were first created by Fallen Angels through cloning. They do seek to hide such from the eyes of humans that they are seeking to bring about demise & destruction upon for four (4) main reasons. -1- The Greys prefer to not make it a well known fact, or have wayward planet's inhabitants realize that they were not created by God. -2- The Greys prefer to not make it a well known fact, or have wayward planet's inhabitants realize that Fallen Angels do exist with the power and ability to clone creatures. -3- The Greys prefer to not make it a well known fact, or have wayward planet's inhabitants realize that Fallen Angels did clone them to hold abilities and intelligence. Even though they did not fully equal their Fallen Angel "parents"/creators, certain of those abilities (to a degree) did rival their abilities & intelligence. -4- The Greys prefer to not make it a well known fact, or for wayward planet's inhabitants to have at their disposal any information that they could possibly use against them. The word Greys is the general name used by wayward planet's inhabitants to point out and describe this major group of Aliens that have a general skin color that is gray/grey. Of all the species of creature ever created by Fallen Angels in the universe the Greys have the greatest intellect and highest capability. The Greys (clones of the Fallen Angels themselves) do have vast scientific abilities by the standards of most all wayward planets. Even though they may seem to hold much abilities, their scientific understanding:
• Has not allowed them to be very creative, nor inventive scientifically.
The Greys do have much technological abilities by the standards of most all wayward planets . Even though they may seem to hold much abilities, their technological abilities:• Has not allowed them to learn hardly anything new within science for hundreds of thousands of years. • Has not allowed them to advance their species for hundreds of thousands of years. • Has not allowed them to ever create a Soul.
• Has not allowed them to be very creative, nor inventive technologically.
The Greys are only allowed by God to seek, or have contact with wayward individuals when a wayward planet's inhabitants have reached advanced stages in the developing their intellects of science upon, or in atomic levels.• Has not allowed them to hardly do anything new within technology for hundreds of thousands of years. • Has not allowed them to advance their species for hundreds of thousands of years. • Has not allowed them to ever create a Soul. Not allowed by God for two (2) main reasons. -1- Even though the Greys have not formed, or even establish any real advancement since their very beginning of creativity, the wayward technological, or scientific advancements that they would afford a planet's inhabitants to see and have would not allow the human beings to reach an advanced stage of development within their given intellects, or of science and technology because:
• The wayward planet's inhabitants would become too influenced to soon by exposure to technological advancements that the Greys have understanding of.
-2- When a wayward planet has reached advanced stages of development in their given intellects, they do also become wayward enough for God to prepare to enact the Biblically Period of time referred to as the Rapture.• The wayward planet's inhabitants would become too overwhelmed by an exposure to the Alien introduction of technological advancements. • The wayward planet's inhabitants would become too influenced by exposure to technological advancements that the Greys would seek to subject such humans to. • The wayward planet's inhabitants would alter their natural technological direction for advancement too greatly. • The wayward planet's inhabitants would advance their waywardness in greater amounts through the Alien introduction of technological advancements that they would become exposed to. • The wayward planet's inhabitants would surround their given intellects of science and technology with enough wayward sin to reach advanced enough stages within their given knowledge's that fewer Sons of God would become attained from those wayward planetary societies. The Greys are only allowed to openly make contact on any wayward planet after the Biblically Period of time referred to as the Rapture. This is because:
• God has a time table for everything that He does do.
Which to go out-side this time table would place an unnecessary burden upon His time table, and even the preparation surrounding the taking place of His Rapture.• God has a time table in great preparation surrounding the taking place of His Rapture of the Church. Open contact is when God does allow the Aliens to physically walk upon the planet to interact with the wayward individuals. They will then seek greater blindness, demise, and destruction upon the wayward, because they know their time (1000 years) is short for judgment. When the Rapture of the stout-hearted Christians (Church-Bride) does take place, Satan does become chained by God for 1000 years. The "children" of the Fallen Angels (Aliens) will be running rampant with no leadership or guidance for 1000 years. The Greys are doomed to a destructive end of death with little or no hope for any long-term survival, just like their Fallen Angel "parents"/creators. The Greys chose to follow in the footsteps of their Fallen Angel "parents".
• The Greys have chosen to defile, neglect, and to misuse their cloned and afforded intellect, power, and abilities... like their Fallen Angel creators.
• The Greys did begin taking their given intellect, powers, and even their abilities very much for granted... like their Fallen Angel creators. • The Greys did begin to believe they are greater than they are... like their Fallen Angel creators. • The Greys did begin to consider and believe that in the vastness of their abilities & powers that they could to some greater degree bring even deeper configuration of success to the universe than God was doing... like their Fallen Angel creators. • The Greys did begin to consider and believe that in the vastness of their abilities that they had powers enough to alter things within the universe and still hold the ability to contend with any of the grave results... like their Fallen Angel creators. The Greys did begin to consider and believe that in the vastness of their given powers that they could oversee to some greater degree and help to bring some deeper configuration of success to their Fallen Angel "parent's" plans and undertakings. The Greys did begin to go outside the bounds of God's set structure universally within the altering of God's Heavenly planned workings within the universe. This has not sought to benefit God's Heavenly plans and purpose in the universe. The Greys take much pride in the fact of their Fallen Angel "parents" creating their existence. The Greys do believe that due to the fact that they were not created by God directly that they do not owe any allegiance unto God. The Greys do not actually, nor have they ever originally come from any planet, or from any of the planets surrounding any solar or star system. Zeti Reticuli is the planet where the Greys had made their last conquest in this part of the galaxy. They initially went to that planetary society with claims being made to the wayward inhabitants and communities that they were visitors from other worlds. A claim they make upon all wayward planetary societies. They destroyed the chances of the entire planetary society from ever attaining God's given Salvation for Eternal Living Life. It totally devoid of any life forms whatsoever. The Greys would like for all human beings to believe that they are represented of different Alien races, or beings in the universe. The Greys are neither friendly, nor well meaning in anything they actually do on any wayward planet. There are (3) different groups of Greys: -1- The first group being normally about 4.5 ft tall with large heads and black wrap around eyes and have limited facial features (slit mouth and no nose). Their social structure holds to science. They physically have no need for reproductive systems, or digestive systems because God did not create their "parents (Fallen Angels) with any. They do reproduce themselves through a wayward science process known as cloning. Their genetics are partly based on insectoid genetics. Their science deals largely with the study of other life forms and genetic engineering. They make claims to wayward human beings that they have had a part to play in the alteration of this planets genetics and evolution process over thousands of years. They are simply trying to cross breed with humans in order to create a mixture race that could, or would become better and stronger. Their species are growing weaker physically and dying only because they have cloned themselves physically to much. They cunningly seek to have the planet's individuals believe that they are also simply trying to infuse new life into their species by seeking to create come kind of mixed breed. They have two main social classes. One that is more hawkish, abrupt, crude and blunt. The other one being more refine and capable of a more business-like behavior. They do also prefer to use more diplomatic behavior to gain control. -2- The second being taller Greys. They are about 7 to 8 ft. tall (reports sometimes exaggerate their height as being 9 to 12 ft.). They have facial feature somewhat similar to the first group with the exception of a large nose. They persuade many that they have advance science and technology so much they perform certain feats and actions that appear miraculous. They seek to influence more through political controls and negotiated agreements with those in power. -3- The third being the shortest and tend to be about 3.5 ft. tall. Whose facial features and objectives are very similar to the first group of Greys and are of the same root race. The Greys would very much like to destroy an entire planet of humans, or at least destroy their chances from:
• Ever attaining God's given Salvation for Eternal Living Life.
• Ever becoming Sons of God. The Greys did become the parents of their created species of different creatures to inhabit the universe as their children, in the same retrospect as the Fallen Angels created the Greys in their own image. Grotesque Admixtures The Aliens intentionally do produce creatures of intellect outside the realm of full human design that are admixtures of three (3) very grotesque forms. -1- Cloned creations of creatures developed through experimentations made upon various humanoid, or non-humanoid creatures. -2- Cloned creations of creatures developed through experimentations made upon humans that are intermingled with various non-human genetics to intentionally cause for grotesque physical characteristics. -3- Cloned creations of creatures developed through experimentations made upon humans that are intermingled with various Alien genetics to intentionally cause for alterations of human physical characteristics. The Aliens produce such grotesque creatures:
• To seek to persuade the inhabitants on wayward planets that there are creatures that seem to have diverse physical forms and intelligence in the universe, when there are not.
• To seek to persuade the inhabitants on wayward planets that God had indeed created other creatures as children that are different than humans, when He did Not. • To seek to sway the view of God to cause the inhabitants on wayward planets to question His reason for not telling them of other creatures existing in the universe that are very different than humans. • To seek to blind the inhabitants on wayward planets unto God, and to cause man to question His reality by questioning their existence with there being other creatures very different than humans existing in the universe. There are a species of creatures that have been cloned by the Aliens to take on human being features. The Aliens do produce the usage of such creatures in efforts to cause wayward human beings to look upon their human self:
• As not being of any specialty of design to God in the universe.
• As not being of any specialty in Image to God in the universe. • As not having any specialty behind being created by God. • As not having any special purpose in being created at all by God. • As not having any special importance to God in the universe. There are a species of creatures that have been cloned by the Aliens to take upon certain insect-like praying mantis like features. The Aliens do produce the usage of such creatures in efforts to cause wayward human beings to look upon their human self:
• As not being of any specialty of design to God in the universe.
• As not being of any specialty in Image to God in the universe. • As not having any specialty behind being created by God. • As not having any special purpose in being created at all by God. • As not having any special importance to God in the universe. There are a species of creatures that have been cloned by the Aliens that take on orange colored bodies to aid in their rough & angry image. The Aliens do produce the usage of such creatures in efforts to cause wayward human beings to look upon their human self:
• As not being of any specialty of design to God in the universe.
• As not being of any specialty in Image to God in the universe. • As not having any specialty behind being created by God. • As not having any special purpose in being created at all by God. • As not having any special importance to God in the universe. There are a species of creatures that have been cloned by the Aliens that take upon reptilian features. The Aliens do produce the usage of such creatures in efforts to cause wayward human beings to look upon their human self:
• As not being of any specialty of design to God in the universe.
• As not being of any specialty in Image to God in the universe. • As not having any specialty behind being created by God. • As not having any special purpose in being created at all by God. • As not having any special importance to God in the universe. The Aliens seek to persuade wayward human beings that the Reptilian Species that they have created are actually descendants, or have evolved from the reptiles.
2 Corinthians 2:11 Different Alien Species |