Just as God created His Children to manifest His Image and Existence in the universe, the Fallen Angels did likewise bring forth "children" in their effort to reflect an image of themselves in the universe.
Fallen Angels cannot reproduce as mankind is able to. Fallen Angels that were once Angels were not created with reproductive organs. Fallen Angels had to create their "children" through what wayward science refers to as... cloning. Satan does mimic God by establishing his own kingdom of "children" through this process known as... cloning. These imaged "children" that the Fallen Angels do create are known to mankind of earth as... Aliens or Extraterrestrials. The Aliens know that God and His Righteousness does exist, yet seek to employ endeavors of both deed and thought that does cause individuals upon wayward planets to question God's unseen Existence through the usage of very subtle lies. In knowing that God and His Righteousness does exist, the Aliens do use their knowledge of God's Being to persuade and cause for a wayward planets populace to believe:
• That because they cannot physically see or touch God that He must be a figment of their own thoughts and therefore came from their own imagination, rather than there being a God.
Individuals that do follow such views do ignore the fact:• That because God does not make existence perfect for them or do everything for them that God must be a figment of their own thoughts and therefore came from their own imagination, rather than there being a God. • That because there are so many different views held by individuals upon Good & evil, that Good & evil must be a figment of their own thoughts and therefore came from their own imagination of what Good or evil is.
• To see God Personally they would have to physically see the entirety of the universe themselves.
• For God to make their existence perfect they would have to desire to be more perfect than the imperfect waywardness which they have chosen. • For God to do everything for them would actually bring them no pleasure, would not allow them to use their minds much, would not allow them the freedom to hold and experience pride, or even experience emotion. • There exists so many views upon Good & evil because of their own choices, not God's. The Aliens do use their knowledge of God's Being as a weapon in devising different forms of lies that seek to persuade and cause for the inhabitants of a wayward planet to believe that no God exists. They seek to inter-mix truths of, or surrounding their own being with subtle lies that keep them in ignorance of the fact that:
• God Is Living.
• God's Living Being is an Existence that is the entirety of all Existence. • God's Living Existence is the universe. • God's Living Being Is the Existence that does make-up all living & non-living existence which takes up space & time in the universe. The Aliens seek to introduce social endeavors on wayward planets which cause for wayward individuals to view their existence through a variety of undertakings that do either seek:
• To distort mankind's social existence.
The Aliens know that if they can influence the planet's communities to begin to view their social existence with less fervor that likewise will they be less able to sight God, His Righteousness, sin, His Salvation and Redemption they need to become Sons of God.• To misrepresent mankind's social being. • To be less able to socially interact. The Aliens do aid, or even promote endeavors which seek to deeply blind the inhabitants and communities of wayward planets unto God and the reality of His Existence & Power through spreading of a vast variety of lies. The Aliens seek to spread the lies, because they know that the blindness that individuals & communities have towards God will indeed also serve to help cause for mankind: To Sight Less
• Their creation by God in His Image.
To Not Realize• Their given Grace and fulfilled Redemption and Salvation for Eternal Living Life.
• The true depth of evil Aliens commit against both God and His Image creation (mankind).
• The actuality of the Aliens themselves. Though a planet becomes wayward because its inhabitants have already allowed sin to blind them towards God to some degree, the Aliens do seek their employment of great forms of deceptions that does cause for blindness concerning God to grow, and become secured more profoundly throughout the planets various communities. The Aliens know that influencing the individuals of wayward planets to view enough of distorted blindness towards God, so will they become more able to mislead individuals enough to be less able to sight the things they need to gain any actual ability to become a Son of God. The Aliens know that:
• Good and Righteousness is reflections of the same source.
The Aliens do seek to employ endeavors of thought & deed upon wayward planets which do separate the Good from Righteousness so that the planet's individuals can more easily look upon truth concerning Righteous Good as:• Good of God's Righteousness Is the Power that was used by God to create both existence & mankind. • Good of God's Righteousness Is what defines usages of the Image of God which mankind had been initially created to reflect.
• Being an opposing view of evil in their existence.
• Having lesser Power in existence than it actually has. The Aliens do seek to cause for individuals to direct & place their faith and trust in the things they do see, feel, or touch physically more than the things they are not able the physically see, feel, or touch:
• That does make-up the things which they do naturally use, and do serve to establish the foundations of their existence to be able to have a Dominion.
Aliens do seek to persuade wayward individuals to view the reality of Righteous Good as not being physical, so as to lead individuals to ignore the actual physical effects of lacking it that indeed becomes physical.• That is distinguished from all other creatures upon the planet with the human quality of being able to both know & choose Righteous Good. To blind a planet's inhabitants unto the importance of God, His Righteous Good, and the things they need to gain long-term success on their planet, Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants that they can mimic portions of God's Righteous Good to set-up their own foundation of goodness upon the planet by which to direct their existence, and ignore the greater Glories of God's Righteous Good which do exact the actuality of God's Righteousness more firmly. Such individual do end-up justifying their lack of Righteousness and its success through practices of evil that slowly destroys even the goodness which they did mimic. Though a planet becomes wayward because its inhabitants have already allowed sin to blind them towards Righteousness to some degree, the Aliens seek their employment of great forms of deceptions that do cause for blindness concerning God's Righteousness beheld in His Godliness to be less realized to secure the spreading of sin more profoundly in the planet's various communities. Causing for the reality of Righteousness that surrounds God's Godliness to become even further distorted upon those planets by its inhabitants, to weaken their view of Righteousness enough to cause for them to become more susceptible to the according of things not of Righteousness. The Aliens know if they are able to blind a planet's individuals unto Righteousness in any degree, then so will they also become able:
• To keep many individuals of the planet from being able to realize that God's Righteousness is the existence of His Good.
The second objective of the Alien agenda is to subtly introduce into a wayward planets various communities endeavors which do serve to cause for as many of the planet's inhabitants as possible to be: • To keep many individuals of the planet from being able to differentiate the Righteousness of God's Godliness from the evil of sin. Less Able
• To recognize the actuality of God's Righteousness.
To Disbelieve• To realize that God's Godliness is the existence of His Righteousness.
• That Righteousness is Godliness.
To Discount• In God's Righteousness being Physically displayed being Jesus Christ.
• The Abilities or Power of Righteousness.
To Dismiss
• The existence of Righteousness.
To Disassociate
• Their selves from the actuality & Glories of Righteousness.
• Their lack of desire for the eternal Glories and Power of Righteousness being brought forth and fulfilled being Jesus Christ. The Aliens do undertake to promote endeavors on wayward planets that seek to blind the inhabitants from truly being able to know & follow Godliness. The Aliens do know that when they cause for individuals to become less able to sight Godliness, then so will such individuals become more easily led to:
• Ignore the reality of power that is beheld in Godliness.
Factors which as the attainment of knowledge grows:• Overlook the reality of power that is beheld in Godliness. • Underestimate, or overlook the reality of power that is beheld in Godliness. • Disregard the Power of the things seeking to blind them from following Godliness.
• So do individuals allow themselves to use this blindness to also overestimate and become puffed-up within their growth of knowledge.
• So do individuals allow themselves to feel less of a need to have, or sight the actuality of Godliness. • So do individuals also lose the ability to sight the deeper make-up of those things that God used to create them, and their surrounding existence. • So do individuals not want to face, or trust in things of Godliness, even at the cost of failure & destruction. In that only God is Good and has all Power of Righteousness which He has also used to create man physically in His Image:
• So is the direction of existence for mankind specifically and specially created by God in that Image, also exacted by the very Image of God that they were created in.
When individuals do allow themselves to become led to follow false directions employed by Aliens that cause for them to ignore the Good as being not just as physical as the physical things they see, then so will the ignoring of things which do surround their created physical Image of God they were created in also become led to ignore the physical direction of many other physical realities they see surrounding them.• So is the direction of existence for mankind distinguished in and by the things of Righteousness that Is God's Godliness that make-up, and was used to create the very existence of man in God's Image. The Aliens do seek to cause for individuals upon each wayward planet to follow pathways:
• To disbelieve in God's Ability to take upon Physical Form (Jesus Christ) to Personally show them how to better their existence.
Seeking to persuade the planet's inhabitants that Jesus Christ is, or even just possibly may be:• To discount God's Spirit having the Ability to take upon Physical Form (Jesus Christ) to Personally show them how to transcend physical existence. • To dismiss God's willingness to Physically Visit them (Jesus Christ) to Personally show them how to better their existence. • To lessen their desires for eternal glories from those which God has fulfilled being Jesus Christ.
• Some form of an Alien.
• Some form of Alien creation. • A Star-farer. • An Angel. The Aliens do know the reality and fact that: God
• Is responsible for creating everything that exists as existence.
God Himself• Is responsible for creating everything that exists within existence. • Is responsible for creating the entire physical universe. • Is responsible for creating the physical creature (mankind) to be Children of God.
• Is a Living Being, Whom Is, and that Is Everything which Exists.
God Himself Physically• Is Spirit. • Is not seen by mortal creatures of flesh such as mankind because His Living Existence is Spirit. • Is the Living Being whose Existence cannot be seen by mankind, because His Living Existence is too vast to be viewed by mere human beings. • Is the Living Being who uses His Holy Spirit to Personally interact with mankind as the Word of God. • Is the Living Being who makes the Promise to Personally Visit the planet in a Way that mankind can see and relate to, so as to bring forth His Redemption and Promise for their Salvation.
• Does Personally display His Existence of Spirit on wayward planets as the mere Man, Jesus Christ.
Yet Aliens do seek to blind the inhabitants of the wayward planet from being able to sight this truth through their employing of endeavors in their agenda that hides this truth & knowledge within an inter-mixing of this truth with a variety of distorted lies which do subtly seek to persuade the entirety of the planet that this truth is a lie.• Does Personally fulfill His Redemption and Promise for Salvation on wayward planets being Jesus Christ. GOD's Trinity The Aliens do seek to cause for a wayward planet's inhabitants to become less able to regard, believe, or realize GOD's Trinity. Most of which is simple due to the fact, if wayward individuals cannot sight, or recognize GOD's Trinity, they are also less able to relate, reflect, or even value the Personage, Glory, and Power of God reflected in their physical Image. The Aliens know that when wayward planet's inhabitants are not able to realize the Existence of GOD's Trinity, then so will they also become:
• Less able to sight and know God Personally.
The Aliens seek to keep wayward planet's inhabitants blinded unto GOD's Trinity.• Less able to sight and know God Physically. • Less able to sight and know God Spiritually. • Less able to sight the Power and Ability of God Personally. • Less able to believe the full Power and Ability of God Personally. • Less able to have or attain the full Power and Ability of God Personally. • Less able to sight the full reality of God. • Less able to sight true Godly pathways. • Less able to follow true Godly pathways. • Less able to have or attain God's given Salvation. The Aliens know that when wayward planet's inhabitants do have the ability to truly realize the Trinity of GOD, then so will they realize their bond to God's Image in their creation in spirit, body, and soul. The Aliens seek to keep wayward planet's inhabitants blinded unto their actual bond to God's Image through causing for them to disregard, or ignore the Trinity of GOD. The Aliens know that when wayward planet's inhabitants are not able to realize the Existence of GOD's Trinity:
• Then so will they also hold less insight into spiritual matters.
The Aliens seek to keep wayward planet's inhabitants blinded unto GOD's Trinity.
• Then so will they also hold less of an ability to realize the Spiritual Being of GOD's Trinity. • Then so will they also hold less of a capability to sight the totality of their spirit physically, or spiritually. Alien Lies Concerning: The Bible Angels Mankind Evil Satan & His Fallen Angels Themselves
2 Corinthians 2:11 Alien Lies Concerning God Alien Lies ![]() ![]() ![]() |