God's creativity of a most unique and special Spirit and Soul Human Spirit and Soul ![]() ![]() ![]() The Spirit does distinguish the reality of living existence from the reality of non-living existence. All living matter does need the embodiment of a Spirit for it to become a living existence. God created all living existence with a spirit. It is the Spirit that makes it a living existence. The Spirit is the energy source for life. The battery, if you will.
James 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
Every physical living body of each living creature has a Spirit. The capability of the Spirit allows (in light form) a temporary recording of active, or inactive existence within every act, action, deed, or memory ever undertaken by a living creature. Living life of those creatures then does cease to exist upon physical death, because the temporary recording of active, or inactive existence within every act, action, deed, or memory ever undertaken by a living creature does begin to dissipate as light does dissipate. All living creatures upon the planet do not have the same type of Spirit. The Spirit of plants, animals, and mankind do differ in capabilities. Plants cannot travel outside the boundaries of being a physical living existence. Animals cannot travel outside the boundaries of their instinct. The first Son of God, Adam, was created with a most special and unique Spirit. Of all the living creatures that God does personally create, only Planetary Children created in His Image are created with a very special and unique Spirit that does, or will allow them to:
• Know God, His Power, His Love, Good and Righteousness.
• Represent God, His Power, His Love, Good and Righteousness. • Glorify God, His Power, His Love, Good and Righteousness. • Understand God, His Power, His Love, Good and Righteousness. • A Spirit that has the ability to react, interact and change their own environment. • A Spirit that has the ability to choose right from wrong. • A Spirit that has the ability to love. • A Spirit that has the ability to have dominion over all other living things on the planet. • A Spirit that has the ability to be a higher form of intellect with morals. • A Spirit that has the ability to successfully measure and retain reason and choice within intellect. • A Spirit that has the ability to house/retain a Living Soul, which gives their Spirit the ability to exist eternally, like their Creator God. Planetary Children were not simply initiated and formed as some higher form of intellectual living life. Their most unique and specially created Spirit does distinctly hold the important ability to measure and retain intellect. This ability affords man to not only be part of living life, but to take part and even alter the natural direction of that living life. All other living creatures upon the planet have a spirit, but without any deep ability to measure and retain intellect where they can only be part of living life and its natural direction upon the planet. There is no other Spirit that has been designed, created, or initiated in the Heavenly universe that can compare to the Spirit of God's Planetary Children created in His Image with a Soul. God created Sons of God with a most unique and special Spirit, one which can house/retain a Living Soul. The Soul does give the Spirit the ability to know God and exist eternally. The Soul does distinguish God's Imaged Children from all other living creatures upon the planet. Plants and animals do not have a Soul to record their existence permanently. They do cease to exist when their Spirit does dissipate at physical death.
Ecclesiastes 3:21 Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?
The Soul is the most special ingredient (very breath of God) that gives the Spirit of man the capability to know God and attain Eternal Living Life. God's Planetary Children are the only creation throughout God's entire vast and limitless universe that have been afforded a Soul. The Soul does permanently store and record all an individual does, says, feels, thinks, and does experience throughout their entire existence. Every active, or inactive existence within every act, action, deed, or memory ever undertaken by God's Planetary Children becomes permanently stored and recorded upon their very Soul. Nothing is hid from God! The Soul does also permanently record the DNA of individuals, which allows God to form a New Physical Body for those that are rewarded Eternal Living Life. The Living Soul does not rely solely upon physical brain-wave enhancement to record and house every emotion, thought, action, or deed ever encountered, or undertaken within an individuals physical existence. The Soul was created to be a living existence unto itself, and does continue to record upon physical death. The Soul is more specialized and individualized than a finger-print, or even an eye-print. The Soul does retain an individual's individuality, and self-will. A Soul cannot be duplicated, nor cloned. One would have to know all the interactions which each genetic code and particle does have, or does take on individually as it becomes formed into a living cell. A person's individuality and self-will cannot be duplicated, nor cloned. Human clones are created in the image of wayward man, not in the Image of God with a Soul. God does ensure that no other creature in the universe could have the physical and spiritual capability to create a Soul. The Soul was brought into being through God's Own Breath of Life. It is virtually impossible for any creature in the Heavens, or in the universe to physically duplicate His Breath of Life, which is a direct make-up of His Spirit. Only God has the know-how and ability to create a Soul. God caused for the existence of each Soul to only become multiplied, or reproduced naturally within His Imaged planetary Children through a single physical process known as... Procreation. The existence of a Soul can only become developed through mankind's natural physical reproduction process. The egg must be attached to the womb at the very first splitting of the egg-cell for the Soul to form. The Soul does begin to form and function at the fourth splitting of the egg-cell. The Spirit and Soul of a Son of God was initially created as a vehicle for them to establish a fully positive foundation and flow within the mind, soul, and spirit. A positive foundation which does also protect the mind, soul, and spirit of man from negative influence that could affect the function's and abilities of the physical body. If sin does become a part of man's being, the Spirit does become corrupted. When the Spirit becomes corrupted, the physical body does also become subject to corruption. Man of sin then does begin to rely more upon their physical realities for survival, rather than those of the Spirit. |