Most all the religious communities upon the planet have already established a way to make the Alien acceptance more possible within their doctrine views and beliefs, also making the eventual destruction of religion possible.
Most religions upon wayward planets prove to become no different than the wayward world in their blindness and ill-compassion. Wayward individuals:
• Do always seek to blame God for their folly and wicked natures.
• Do always seek to blame God for their absence of Goodness and mercy. • Do always seek to blame God for the allowance of their blindness. • Do always seek to blame God for the evil things and situations that they use to destroy their selves. • Do always seek to blame God for their deficiency in, or of Godliness. • Do always seek to blame God for their lack of compassion. The cloned "children" of the Fallen Angels (Aliens) have introduced religious mimicking to indirectly influence the planet's inhabitants to view God's planned workings through a variety of very blinding religious undertakings within several of the communities upon the planet. A variety of blinding religious undertaking's such as Mu, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and others. Religious blindness great enough to:
• Hide the correct reality of God's planned workings from the eyes of the planet's general communities and their populations.
• Hide the legitimate and explicit fidelity of God's planned workings from the eyes of the planet's general communities and their populations. • Hide the utter Truth of God's planned workings from the eyes of the planet's general communities and their populations. • Hide the actuality and undertaking of God's planned workings from the eyes of the planet's general communities and their populations. • Hide the fulfillment in, of, and for God's planned workings through Jesus Christ from the eyes of the planet's general communities and their populations. The Aliens do seek to blind wayward individuals through non-religious undertakings such as Confucianism, Taoism, Socialism, Darwinism, Communism, etc. Also through indirectly introduced programs that center upon individualism and self. The Aliens have established religious deceptions such as ghosts, reincarnation, demons, out-of-body experiences, spirit guides, and so forth. The Aliens have had a hand in enhancing most of the religious systems upon the planet. They know how to continue to mold and use the doctrines within those religions for the furthering of their agenda upon the planet. The Aliens have for years throughout this planet's history been using different religions, or religious endeavors as a tool to befool and blind the different communities of wayward individuals from the Truth of God and their selves. The Aliens will seek a more desired end to the use of religion, or religious endeavors, as the acceptance of their influence and power does grow. The Aliens do prove to be quite successful amongst many, if not most wayward individuals that are religious and non-religious.
• In causing for those individuals to become blinded to the actuality of the Aliens through the many falsehoods they promote.
Such individuals inadvertently aid in causing for promotion of information concerning the Aliens to become viewed and promoted in a positive light through seeking to validate and promote the acceptance of many falsehoods promoted by Aliens within their disbelief in God, His Godliness, the Bible, God's planned workings, and God being Jesus Christ.• In causing their promotion of information concerning the Aliens to become viewed and promoted in a positive light. In that the Truth and actuality of God is Personally established amongst wayward individuals by God Physically being Jesus Christ, non-religious individuals that promote information concerning the Aliens in a positive light do in one fashion, or another become blind to, or reject the reality and fact that Jesus Christ Is God in the Flesh. In this rejection, or blindness, such wayward individuals already allow themselves to inadvertently be opened-up to the acceptance of:
• Falsehoods promoted by the Aliens.
In allowing the acceptance of these falsehoods, so does their belief in a god-like, or higher power accord greater distortions to validate these falsehoods. • Falsehoods promoted by several wayward individuals, or government groups that have allowed them to become blinded to the falsehoods promoted by the Aliens. • Falsehoods promoted by several wayward individuals, or government groups that have sought to outright blind the public of the reality, or undertakings of the Aliens. The Aliens will use mankind's immediate blindness and resources to cause the overall view, look, and reality of Christianity to become more and more deeply ridiculed. The Aliens do then undertake to add and employ even deeper blindness through the use of their own, and the planet's scientific and technological additives. The Aliens then seek to cause rifts within Christianity, and use those rifts to eventually cause Christianity to become more ridiculed, disregarded, and considered unbelievable and even non-essential. The Aliens seek the destruction of Christianity because:
• Christianity teaches personal relationship with God.
All of which slows down the Alien agenda and their planned workings.• Christianity teaches God's Godliness. • Christianity teaches God's planned workings. • Christianity teaches Salvation and Redemption. • Christianity teaches Eternal Living Life. Aliens don't want wayward individuals to gain something they can never have. • Christianity teaches Resurrection. • Christianity reveals Aliens true identity. • Christianity gives individuals power against the Aliens. • Christianity slows down sin and mankind's destruction. The Aliens know that Christianity will bring an end to them and their planned workings. The more individuals that gain Eternal Living Life through Jesus Christ the closer to their demise they do get. The Aliens do cause for those individuals within the Christian community to become as blind as possible to the actuality of GOD's Trinity. In doing so, they become able to cause for those individuals within the Christian community to become blinded to the actuality of God Personally and God Physically being Jesus Christ. The Aliens do fully realize that only God can Personally bring forth Salvation. And that God does not give Salvation unto, or for Eternal Living Life to wayward individuals that do reject, or not believe that God is the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Ghost! The Aliens cause wayward individuals to become blinded towards, or even to disbelieve in the Trinity of GOD. The teachings of the Bible promote, and produce a view of God and His Godliness that the Aliens want nullified as much as possible, even destroyed from the hearts, souls, and minds of mankind. The Aliens realize that if the correct teachings of the Bible can become successfully nullified, then mankind can easily become more open to having their hearts, souls, and minds open to non-godly things and mannerisms. The Aliens realize, if the correct teachings of the Bible can become successfully nullified:
• Then they are closer to causing the planet's communities to become more blind to the Truth and reality of God.
In order to make it harder for mankind upon this planet to truly believe, or know that the Bible is truly from, or of God, the Aliens have undertaken many avenues within the different communities upon the planet: • Then they are closer to causing the planet's communities to becoming more open to non-godly things and mannerisms. • Then they are closer to establishing their agenda more fully upon the planet.
• Instituting of various god-like religious, or religious-like endeavors that mimic Biblical Truths.
• Instituting of various god-like religious, or religious-like endeavors that dispel and contradict Biblical Truths. • Instituting of various non-godly beliefs and endeavors that establish blindness of God in efforts to directly dispel and contradict Biblical Truths. • Instituting of various ungodly beliefs and endeavors that establish blindness of God's Godliness within efforts that directly dispel and contradict Biblical Truths. • Instituting of various beliefs and endeavors that establish blindness of, or towards them and their efforts to directly dispel and contradict Biblical Truths. The Alien initiated blindness unto Christians upon wayward planetary societies is indeed great. Even leading some wayward individuals that believe they are Christian to refute views and negativity concerning the Aliens through citing biblical discrepancies, or even using biblical realities. Sadly, by the time the truth about the Aliens becomes truly sighted, it will be too late for many of those individuals. The Aliens do seek to discredit and demise the Holy Bible amongst wayward individuals, because it is the written truth and validation of God's Word. Even going so far as to make individual contact in efforts to put forth falsehoods and disinformation that mislead and distort the truth of God and His planned workings that are beheld within the Bible, especially seeking acceptability of any thoughts, or views that do blind wayward individuals unto God, and especially the fact that Jesus Christ is God in the Physical Form. Often this blindness is sought after by the Aliens through forming avenues for their acceptability through causing for wayward individuals to question and annul in their minds, hearts, and souls the written truth and validation of God's Word... the Holy Bible. The Aliens do often put forth claims like:
• The Bible and its teachings are incorrect, or wrong.
With acceptability of such thoughts, or views, the Aliens are given a more satisfactory acquiesce and legitimacy in an individual's heart, soul, and mind.• The Bible teachings are incorrectly viewed by mankind of earth. • The Bible and its teachings do co-relate to them. • The Bible and its Biblical teachings are best explained in terms of previous Alien visitations. • They are the God that created mankind. • God is not Jesus Christ, or visa-versa. • Jesus Christ existed, but He was just a goodly man. Even forming foundations that can more possibly give the ungodly deeds that the Aliens do more recognition for acceptability. If successfully done, then the individual becomes more open to having their heart, soul, or mind more open to introductions and interjections of more non-godly things, or mannerisms. The Aliens have sought to persuade some Abductee's that their existence is explained in the Bible as being their previous visitations. Using Bible realities such as:
• Enoch's experience was actually his being caught up in a spacecraft.
The Aliens realize that if such can become successfully done: • Ezekiel's experience as also being caught up in a spaceship. • The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ as being of their making.
• Then they can establish some form of doubt in the heart, soul, and mind of individuals concerning the authenticity of God, His Godliness, or His planned workings.
The Aliens know the complete Truth of, and surrounding the fact that the Bible is most accurate for the most important purpose of showing mankind • Then they can establish some form of doubt in the heart, soul, and mind of individuals concerning the authenticity of the Bible, or its teachings. • Then they can establish more acceptability of their acquiesce, and legitimacy within an individual's heart, soul, and mind. • Then they can establish more acceptability of their deeds, efforts, and agenda within an individual's heart, soul, and mind. God's most Personal offering of Redemption and Salvation for Eternal Living Life. Christianity is the only religion that reveals the true identity of the Aliens, their true intentions, and their true agenda. The Aliens do have a hand in the initiation and molding of various religious and non-religious systems outside the Jewish and Christian religions amongst all the wayward individuals and their communities upon the planet. The Aliens do use the blindness and resources of wayward individuals to introduce blinding religious and non-religious doctrines, or undertakings into their different communities.
• Doctrines that can become used for purposes of mimicking in different degrees the Christian belief, or Christianity.
• Doctrines that can become used for purposes of ridiculing in different degrees the Christian belief, or Christianity. • Doctrines that can become used to blind those individuals that follow Christianity from sighting the truth of God being Jesus Christ in different degrees. • Doctrines that can become viewed by wayward individuals that follow Christianity from sighting the truth of God's Word and Godliness being Jesus Christ in different degrees. • Doctrines that can become viewed by wayward individuals that follow Christianity as more essential to their human existence in different degrees than the Christian belief, or Christianity. • Doctrines that can become viewed by wayward individuals that follow Christianity as easier to follow in different degrees than Christianity is. • Doctrines that can become viewed by wayward individuals that follow Christianity as less infringing on their immediate existence in different degrees than Christianity is. • Doctrines that can become viewed by wayward individuals that follow Christianity as less judgmental of sin and morality in different degrees within their immediate existence than Christianity is. • Even seeking to establish undertakings that do eventually cause rifts within Christianity, and then use those rifts to cause for those beliefs and views within Christianity to become more ridiculed, disregarded, and considered unbelievable, and even non-essential. All Aliens know that God's Godliness does exist. Some Aliens do tell those wayward individuals what they know of as Truth (intermixing Truth with lies) for those individuals to put their guard down. The Aliens know the Truth that Jesus Christ Is God in Physical Form. The Aliens know:
• That saying they believe Jesus Christ Is God, and truly following such a belief are two different things.
The Aliens know: • That any creature can believe in many things, but to truly follow after them is another matter.
• That saying they follow God's Physically being Jesus Christ, and truly following God's Physically being Jesus Christ are two different things.
The Aliens know: • That any creature can believe in many things, but to truly follow after them is another matter.
• That saying they believe the Bible is God's Infallible Written Word, and truly following such a belief are two different things.
The Aliens know: • That any creature can believe in many things, but to truly follow after them is another matter.
• That saying they are Religious minded towards Jesus Christ, and truly following such Religiously are two different things.
The Aliens know: • That any creature can believe in many things, but to truly follow after them is another matter.
• That saying they are Spiritually minded towards Jesus Christ, and truly following such Spiritual mindedness in/of Jesus Christ are two different things.
In making such statements to wayward individuals, those individuals will be more prone to let their guard down.• That any creature can believe in many things, but to truly follow after them is another matter. In making such statements to wayward individuals, those individuals will tend to believe, or consider them less threatening. The Aliens will do and say anything to hide their true identity and agenda.
2 Corinthians 2:11 (Page 1) Aliens and Religion ![]() ![]() ![]() |