The Aliens do have enough scientific ability and technological wonderment of light-vessels referred to as... Spaceships, Spacecrafts, or Light Vessels.
They are able to:
• Travel both inside and outside planetary atmospheres.
• Travel up to, at, and even beyond speeds of light in the universe. • Travel great physical distances in the universe in short spans of time. The Spaceships used by the Aliens (cloned "children" of Fallen Angels) use the speed of light as a vehicle for travel. This does make it seem like materialization. At the mere speed of light something can circle the entire earth approximately 19 and a half times per second. They can travel faster than the eye can actually see. This becomes even more intensified at greater speeds. The ability of the Spaceships that the Aliens have is able to travel within planetary atmospheres at high rates of speed (sometimes 5000 mph). This power is made possible due to the ability of the light vessels to be able to generate, and to attach themselves to fields of electro-magnetic energy that have the ability to like sling-shot the Spacecraft through those very small portals that are built within, and that do make-up the fabrics of all time and space. The Spacecrafts that the Aliens use are able to defy what seems to be all physical laws by making 90 degree turns while traveling at high rates of speeds without their becoming disintegrated from the extraordinary exertion of any G-Force. The ability of the Alien craft to be able to alter the direction of their vessels at high rates of speed is made possible through their ability to alter the energy they do generate, which attaches the crafts to an alternate field of electro-magnetic energy that exists in the cross threads of fibers held in the gravitational fields of the planet coinciding with universal threads. The outer shell of the Alien craft does spin at revolutions enough to form a gravitational field, so is the craft able to equal any gravitational field encountered so that the G-force also becomes no more a viable energy form that can become exerted against the craft. The Alien Spaceships do not become prone to disintegration from any exertion of G-Force when undertaking maneuvers that seem to defy physical laws. Due to the fact that they do generate electro-magnetic fields that do compensate, or equal out the gravitational fields that the vessels do encounter during such exercises. The light vessels are able to generate electro-magnetic fields that do compensate, or equal out the gravitational fields that the vessels will encounter during such an exercise. In equaling out the gravitational fields that the vessels will encounter during such an exercise, there is no force exerted against the gravitational fields of the atmosphere by the light vessel, nor are great enough amounts of friction developed to burn up the vessel. The vessels can break the sound barrier with no sonic boom being heard. They do equal out the gravitational fields that the vessels will encounter during such an exercise. No sonic boom is heard because no force is exerted gravitationally by the light vessel. The crafts are able to adjust the inner-atmospheres of the craft to meet with any outer-forces that are exerted upon the outer shells of the craft during travel to even include any atmospheric alterations. Even though those Spaceships that the Aliens have do afford them the ability to travel the universe, or to different planets in the universe, they are limited in their travels to only planetary societies that:
• Are wayward.
The Aliens are allowed to travel great physical distances planetary, but inter-planetary they have restrictions placed upon them by God.• Are not Godly. • Have not intelligent life forms. Even though the Alien Spaceships have the abilities to travel to various parts of the universe, most all of the Aliens are restricted by God from the using those vehicles to travel:
• To planetary societies other than the ones they were created upon in the universe.
• To other planets which do have intelligent living life forms other than the ones they were created upon in the universe. Most of the Spaceships that the Aliens do have are drones that:
• Generally carry no inhabitants to operate those crafts.
• Are used for transporting and storing supplies they can use in longer-term operations where Mother-Ships are not immediately available. • Are used for information gathering. Some of the Spaceships that the Aliens (clones) do have are drones that:
• Carry inhabitants, but not to operate the craft.
• Carry inhabitants only intended to be captured, or found in the mysterious crashes of those craft. Some of the Spaceships that the Aliens do have are drones that have no inhabitants that are physical, but are used to mainly gather information and even vital forms of needed energy. These vessels are often noted by their changes in shape, color, or even to multiply and merge. The Aliens can listen to, and observe the goings-on of human beings upon the planet from their drones. This is usually what is taking place when humans sight crafts hovering over a certain area. They do this in seeking possible individuals to abduct. Some of the Spaceships that the Aliens do have look like drones in that they change shape, color, multiply, and even merge, yet are nothing more than high-tech projections that the Aliens do use to interact with space, speed, and time. The light vessels that the Aliens do use for travel do indeed have mechanical malfunctions. The vessels very rarely experience failures traveling through space that contains no gravity. Their encounters with a planets gravitational fields, or forces do produce much greater degree of strain that affects the vessels mechanically. The different and slower speeds that their light vessels must encounter within gravitational atmospheres also put a much greater strain upon the vessels functions. The Aliens have Mother-Ships that:
• They use for aiding them in long trips through space.
• They use for affording them home enclosures. • They use for affording their crafts home enclosures. • They use for storage in their travels to wayward planets. • They use for storage of their experimental facilities. The cloned "children" of the Fallen Angels (Aliens) use a very thin membrane like suit as cover and protection for their physical bodies when they do leave their Spaceships. Those Aliens (clones) that can leave their physical body for a short time generally make sure that their physical body is safe on board one of their Spaceships. The Aliens can levitate their bodies for short distances. They do need Spaceships for longer distances of travel. Alien Spaceships are never manufactured on wayward planetary societies, because God does not allow the knowledge of how to manufacture, or produce Alien crafts to become afforded to man of earth. Mankind of earth is a wayward planetary creature who is sinful.
• They would end-up using such knowledge incorrectly, and pass on their sinful nature to other planetary societies in the universe.
• They would end-up using such knowledge incorrectly to cause problems to/within God's planned workings for the universe. The full technological knowledge and ability that Alien crafts possess is far beyond mankind's immediate understanding. The Fallen Angels will not allow the actual knowledge of how to manufacture, produce, or use the crafts to become known in full. The Fallen Angels and their cloned "children" (Aliens) do fear God's wrath. They make sure they do not directly violate their allowed influence of mankind. A handful of crafts do become fired upon/attacked by wayward human beings in an effort to bring them down. A couple of attempts have what seems to be success. The success of the vehicle that does shoot down the alien craft is not due to the ability, or advancement of the vehicle that wayward individuals have, but was allowed and planned by the Aliens. The Aliens do intentionally allow some of their Spaceships to become acquired by wayward humans through cunningly lain endeavors that are either:
• Made to look like those vessels were accidentally shot down.
• Made to look like they were intentionally shot down. The Aliens also do intentionally allow some of their Spaceships to become acquired by wayward humans through cunningly lain endeavors that are either:
• Not shot down, but seemingly freely given in some considered good-will gesture.
• Not shot down, but given in trade by the Aliens for some other considered facade. The Aliens do at times intentionally allow wayward humans to capture certain of their members. The capture of any Alien is for the most part a ploy and planned endeavor to deeper befool individuals to what or whom the Aliens are, their actual make-up, and even their actual abilities or powers. The Aliens also initiate endeavors amongst already blinded wayward individuals to more deeply befool, shed doubt, give question, or spread more blindness to the reality of God Himself, Angels, and even the existence of the wayward human beings. The Aliens do not care whether their fellow members do become captured, or not. The Fallen Angels, nor the Alien "children" seek to neither have them returned, nor care to have them returned. Clones are considered by the Fallen Angels as being of little value, and they know they can make more! Droids are highly technologically advanced mechanical devices most often used by the Alien "children" for information gathering.
• Some droids are fashioned to resemble & act like living creatures.
• Some droids are fashioned to resemble & be able to fly like a spacecraft. • Some droids are fashioned to resemble different kinds of inanimate objects.
2 Corinthians 2:11 or Light Vessels The Alien Spaceships ![]() ![]() ![]() |