The Aliens are creatures that Fallen Angels have personally created, because of their desire to have their own heritage of "children" that can be able to inhabit the universe.
Alien is a word that does often become used by wayward planetary societies as a name that they have become persuaded by Satan to attach unto the creatures that the Fallen Angels do create, bring forth, and introduce to the universe as their "children". Just as God created mankind to be His Children, so have the Fallen Angels created "children" that have become known to mankind of earth as... Aliens or Extraterrestrials. Fallen Angels that were once Angels were not created by God with the make-up to procreate to birth children of their own. The Fallen Angel's created "children" through a wayward science known as... cloning. The Aliens (Satan's kingdom of "children") do only become introduced upon wayward planets by Fallen Angels when allowed by God. God 's decision to allow the Fallen Angels to introduce their creation of "children" (Aliens) to actually take place upon any wayward planet is deeply influenced by two (2) important factors. -1- When the degree of knowledge & Good that is gained and enhanced by the wayward concerning their surroundings and themselves does become so influenced by sin that it becomes unable to become used as a vehicle for the betterment of God's Good and mankind as initially intended by God, but becomes instead used as a weapon of blindness, demise, and destruction. -2- As the depth or the degree of spiritual blindness towards God, knowledge, and His Righteous Good does become accepted and enhanced by the actions and activities of sin upon planets, so does this cause for the attaining of Sons of God become very much deeply hampered upon those planets. Aliens were created by the Fallen Angels for the purpose of having their own "children" that could also represent their Fallen image upon planets and in the universe. Fallen Angels were still allowed by God after their fall to retain much of the knowledge and abilities which they initially had been created with as Angels by God. It is through this retained knowledge and abilities still beheld that the Fallen Angels used to create their Alien "children". This is done through the wayward science of cloning to genetically:
• Inter-mix their physical being with that of mankind to produce their cloned "children".
• Inter-mix their physical being with that of other living creatures to produce their "children". • Inter-mix their physical being with both mankind and other living creatures to produce their "children". Fallen Angels brought forth their Alien "children" to aid and assist them in establishing a deluge of sophisticated falsehoods that do further deceive the wayward:
• With deeper amounts of blindness towards God and His Godliness.
• With deeper endeavors of blindness unto God and His Godliness. • With deeper endeavors of blindness that hide their actuality. • With deeper endeavors of blindness that hide their actual agenda. • With deeper endeavors of blindness that hide their actual evil. • With deeper endeavors of blindness that seek to place the wayward inhabitants ever closer to their demise and destruction. • With seeking a way by which they become able to produce a Soul that will allow them to attain Eternal Living Life. The Fallen Angels begin to promote establishments of their Alien creations on a wayward planet for the purpose of blinding the inhabitants with many deceptions and falsehoods concerning God, the Good of His Godliness, the Fallen Angels, and concerning the Aliens themselves. Aliens do not have any actual planet that they were created on, nor can they refer to as a home like God created mankind upon planets. The Aliens do not live naturally on planetary societies like mankind. The Aliens (clones) are not naturally created creatures 'from the dust' of a planet as God's creation of mankind is. The Aliens were not created through the natural physical procreation of a male & female as mankind that has been created by God are. Nor from the make-up of a particular planetary society that has specifically been created for their existence as mankind that has been created by God are. The Aliens live for long-term periods:
• Upon their very cold and very desolate space-vessels (known to the wayward as Mother-Ships).
That is for those which have a place that they can refer to as some sort of a residence.• Upon very cold and very desolate planets that are void of living life (especially intelligent life). Aliens (clones) can live upon those planets that have become wayward for short-term periods. The Aliens do realize that it is God's Personal know-how that is responsible for the creation of all existence. The Aliens know that God's Personal know-how and ability has Power beyond even creation of existence, or the universe itself. So the Aliens avoid as best they can any undertakings that would directly cause them to become put in positions of conflict against God's Greatness. Even though the Aliens seek to avoid as best they can to not be put in positions that would put them in a direct conflict against God's Greatness, so are they opposed to any individual, or existence:
• That seeks to truly know & sight the actuality of God's Existence.
The Aliens do realize that the Truth of God is the only thing that can truly bring about sooner demise to their being.• That allows God's Existence to become truly known & sighted. • That becomes able to truly sight, seek, and know God. The Aliens do seek to put off their demise & destruction through simply seeking to destroy anything that does allow the correct view of God to truly become sighted through introducing various religious and non-religious endeavors that seek to restrict correct individual understandings, or views of God's Personal Being, Desires, or Existence. Aliens do realize that the Ability and Power which God uses to enact His creation of existence and surround the universe with is His Good. God's Good is the Power that is His Being known as... Godliness. The Aliens do realize that Godliness is the Power of Good that was used by God to create and surround the entirety of the universe, so do they seek as best they can to avoid direct conflict with this Ability and Power of God that is Godliness. Even though the Aliens realize that it is the Good of God's Godliness that is responsible for all existence that ever existed, so are they opposed to any individual, or any existence:
• That seeks to truly know & sight the actuality of God's Godliness.
The Aliens do realize that anything which allows the truth of Godliness to be truly known, sighted, or followed:• That allows God's Godliness to become truly known & sighted. • That becomes able to truly sight, seek, and know God's Godliness.
• Does also allow for the wayward to sight the truth of, behind, or within Good.
• Can also possibly use Goodness to bring about a sooner demise & destruction unto their being, livelihood, and existence. The Aliens do seek to put off their demise & destruction through simply seeking to destroy anything that does allow the correct view of Good to truly become sighted through introducing various religious and non- religious endeavors that seek to restrict correct individual understandings, or views of God's Godliness from becoming truly known. Aliens do have very strong aversions towards mankind created by God. The Aliens use their abilities in efforts to aid & assist their Fallen Angel parents in the subtle introduction of endeavors that do donate, or help bring about greater degrees of demise & destruction. Especially one's that do subtly attain objectives that can cause individuals upon wayward planets, or even communities to become subject to the same course in fatal doom that the Aliens have become faced with. The Aliens do desire to ultimately destroy the correct view of God from the sight of wayward communities. Their greatest tool is found in the introduction of various religious and non-religious endeavors that do not have the inhabitants of wayward planets gain true understandings, or views of God. The Aliens do desire to restrict as many individuals on wayward planets as possible from becoming Sons of God. The Aliens do not like mankind created by God, because the Aliens do not have a Soul like mankind created by God does. The Aliens do realize and know that without a Soul they have no possibility of attaining Eternal Life as mankind created by God are able to attain. The Aliens do believe that God does Personally show far more favor unto mankind. For Aliens:
• God does not Personally manifest Himself Physically being Jesus Christ.
• God does not Personally offer Redemption and Salvation to them through Jesus Christ. • God does not Personally allow or offer them the ability of Eternal Living Life. The Aliens believe that since their species of living creature:
• Has greater planetary abilities, know-how, and power than any individual upon wayward planets...
The Aliens:• Has greater universal abilities, know-how, and power than any individual upon wayward planets... • Has existed long before most all planetary individuals that now exist upon the planet...
• Believe that they should be able to likewise have a Soul.
• Believe that they deserve to have a Soul just as much as any planetary individual. • Believe that they deserve to have a Soul just as much as even wayward individuals. • Believe that they should be afforded the ability to attain Eternal Living Life just like wayward individuals. The Aliens existed in the universe before most planetary individuals, yet hold not the ability of Eternal Living Life as such individuals do. They look upon mankind much like competitors:
• That should not have a Soul, because they do not have a Soul.
They do everything to keep the wayward from understanding and using their Soul for the attaining of Eternal Living Life.• That should not be able to inherit the ability of Eternal Living Life, because they cannot inherit the ability of Eternal Living Life. Mankind is considered to be enemies by the Aliens. The Aliens feel that any living creature in the universe that may in any way, shape, or form have the ability to be greater than they are, or hold greater long-term (eternal) possibilities than them are considered to be enemies deserving of demise. The Aliens have done so many evil things to so many unwilling individuals that such endeavors only prove that they by far are:
• Not friends, or good neighbors, but enemies.
• Not truly desiring to even be considered a friend, or neighbor, but enemies. The Aliens are jealous of mankind for being given by God the ability to attain Eternal Living Life through their having of a Soul. The Aliens realize and know that they have to continue their existence with no Soul by which to attain an Eternal Life. Yet planetary individuals that have fallen-prey-to sin are still physically born with a Soul that does allow for them the possibility to have their existence continued. The Aliens view their undertaken evil as being no different than those committed by the inhabitants on wayward planets. They are jealous of mankind, because they do believe that they should be viewed at least as equals. Alien Behavior Towards People of God Christians are the make-up of individuals upon wayward planets in which:
• God Physically being Jesus Christ has offered an easier Way in Grace for all people to become physically introduced to Himself Personally.
• God Physically being Jesus Christ has offered an easier Way in Grace for all Gentile people to gain His Salvation and become Sons of God. • God being Jesus Christ has offered an easier Way in Grace for all Gentile people to gain His Eternal Living Life and become Sons of God. The Aliens are very opposed to any individual that:
• Is given the ability and knowledge to overcome sin.
The Aliens cannot and never will be able to attain.• Is able to realize and accept the Salvation of God through Jesus Christ that has been given them. • Is able to attain for themselves from God, His Promised, and fulfilled Eternal Living Life through Jesus Christ. The Aliens are deeply opposed to the Christians because they do validate God's Physical *Visitation* being Jesus Christ, and do also become given God's Eternal Living Reward as Sons of God. The Aliens cannot and never will be able to attain. The Aliens do realize that in truly seeking to know and follow God's Physical *Visitation* being Christ:
• That Christians have the ability to see the Aliens for who they actually are.
• That Christians have the ability to see the actions and activities of the Aliens for what they actually are. • That Christians have the ability to successfully deter, or fight against the actions and activities of the Aliens. • That Christians have the ability to successfully attain Eternal Salvation within the universe. • That Christians have the ability to know God Personally and truly attain His Personal protection. • That Christians will not become destroyed by God as the Aliens will upon Judgment Day. The Aliens are allowed by God to introduce endeavors amongst individuals that become Christian to attack them with testing that seek to possibly sway them with blindness, distortions, misinformation, or even of formed lies which try the heart & spirit. The Aliens are never allowed to be so overzealous that they go outside the bounds of choice among any Christian. The Aliens especially seek to attack Christians with an assortment of evil tools and vehicles in efforts that seek to bring about the possible demise, or ending of their communities. Above all the individuals upon all the wayward planets, it is Christians who truly:
• Do choose to know and follow the Way to Salvation which God Personally does put forth Himself Physically being Jesus Christ.
It is Christians who are able:• Know God in the Physical Form of Jesus Christ.
• To physically sight God's Personal Salvation in the Physical Form of Jesus Christ.
• To physically sight the rewards of God's Personal Salvation in the Physical Form of Jesus Christ. • To physically and spiritually gain the rewards of God's Personal Salvation in the Physical Form of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God's Personal manifestation of His given Salvation:
• To Physically manifest the Glory of Himself unto the wayward.
• To Physically display the Glory of His Godliness unto the wayward. • To Physically bring forth the Eternal Glory of His Salvation unto the wayward. The Aliens (Satan's kingdom of cloned children) deeply despise Jesus Christ:
• Who is God's most Personal manifestation of Himself & His Salvation ever made Physically upon wayward planets.
• Who is God's only Physical Creation ever made or fashioned on the planet to allow His Spirit a Physical Form in which to Personally Visit and bring forth His Salvation. • Who is God's only Physical Creation ever made or fashioned on the planet that He did Raise from the pits of Hell. • Who is God's only Physical Creation ever made or fashioned on the planet that truly displayed Salvation and Eternal Living Life. The Aliens are deeply in opposition to Jesus Christ, because He is God in Physical Form having the knowledge and ability to truly give to individuals the ability to truly attain or gain the Heavenly Glory that is Eternal Life. The Aliens cannot and never will be able to attain. Jesus Christ affording wayward individuals the ability to attain an Eternal Living Life does remind the Aliens that they can never attain such glory due to not having a Soul. The Aliens seek to attack with as much distortion, disinformation, misinformation, and lies as possible the truths and views concerning the reality of:
• God Physically Visiting mankind in the Flesh.
The Aliens cannot and never will be able to attain.• The Purity of God's Good in Godliness with no sin whatsoever. • The fulfillment of God's Visitation and Salvation from sin. • Having the Physical Purity of God's Good in Godliness, so that His taken on Physical Form was Worthy enough to be Sacrificed for all sin. • Having the Eternal Being that only God has to even be Resurrected from the death of Hell. Jesus Christ does even afford the non-Christian the ability to become Saved and attain an Eternal Living Life. The Aliens hate them, and do everything they can to blind non-Christians from coming to any realization of God's Personally Salvation unto Eternal Life that He did also offer non-Christians. The Aliens deeply despise Jews completely, and would destroy every Jew that ever existed upon wayward planets if it were left-up to them. The Aliens deeply despise Jews because of their specialty to God, and their special usage by God. The Aliens (Satan's kingdom of cloned children) do hate Jews greatly because:
• No matter what the Aliens do to denigrate the Jews, they still remain known as God's Chosen People.
The Aliens do seek:• No matter what the Aliens do to tempt the Jews to distance themselves from God, their love and honor of God somehow survives. • No matter what is done to bring demise, or destruction upon the Jews, they survive those onslaughts.
• The demise of the Jews because they are God's Chosen People. A remnant of their heritage will always survive to be God's Chosen People.
The Aliens are successful:• To cause individuals from communities not of the Jewish heritage to bring forth gravest of destruction to the Jews, and a remnant of their heritage will always survive to be God's Chosen People. • To cause for much loss of faith, or trust of God to occur amongst the Jewish heritage, and a remnant of their heritage will always survive to love and show their love & honor of, and for God.
• At devising cunning endeavors that seek to mimic the Chosen heritage of the Jews, and a remnant of their heritage will always survive to give proof of their being God's Chosen People.
• At devising cunning avenues that seek to lay full claim to the heritage of the Jews, and a remnant of their heritage will always survive to keep full claim of their being God's Chosen People. • At devising ingenious ways that seek to take away the Chosen heritage of the Jews unto God, and a remnant of their heritage will always survive to hold onto their heritage unto God. • At devising great destructive mechanisms that almost destroys the entire Chosen Jewish heritage., and a remnant of their heritage will always survive to remain as the original heritage Chosen of God. God does forever watch over and protect the Jews as His Chosen People, to always ensure that a remnant of their community does always become protected from any efforts by Aliens, anyone, or anything else from any actual total annihilation. In that the Jews are actually the only community of people created by God upon any wayward planet:
• As a physical blood-line of Chosen People.
So does their heritage created by God as a Chosen People unto God always face the possibility of having Aliens, or even Gentile communities that remain blind unto God seek grave destruction against them.
• As the vessel for Personally introducing Himself, His Godliness, and Spirit within & through. • As the vessel for Personally making known His planned workings upon the planet within & through. • As the vessel for Personally making known His Commandments within & through. • As the vessel for Personally making known His planned Physical Visitation within & through. • As the vessel for Personally making known His Salvation within & through. • As the vessel for Personally making known His Promise for Eternal Living Life within & through. • As the vessel for Personally inter-acting with, to afford valuable lessons that could be used for future generation of individuals to learn from. • As the vessel for Personally manifesting his chastising and reward in & through, to afford valuable lessons that could be used for future generation of individuals to learn from. • As the vessel for Personally establishing written records & documents of His planned workings within & through. • As the vessel for Physically fulfilling His Personal Visitation within & through. • As the vessel for Physically fulfilling His Personal Salvation within & through. • As the vessel for Physically fulfilling His Personal Promise for Eternal Living Life within & through. • As the vessel for Physically fulfilling His made prophetically given Promises within & through. • As the vessel because of their shown love and honor for God would become the most hated & destroyed community upon the planet.
2 Corinthians 2:11 (Page 1) Alien Behavior ![]() ![]() ![]() |