The Aliens ("children" of the Fallen Angels) are for the most part well prepared for possible problems that they may face in wayward communities. Even in being most sufficiently prepared for any impact on the wayward planets world systems, institutions, mental health, or any other positive, or negative occurrence relative to any publicly made contact endeavored on.
The Aliens (cloned "children") do attain much help from Satan and other Fallen Angels that already have a great deal of experience dealing with mankind. They assist the Aliens in being more proficient in better knowing as much as possible about man either physically, individually, communally, or even spiritually. By the time communal existence of man becomes first brought forth upon the planet, the Aliens already have much experience in their dealing with mankind. They are able to gain the knowledge needed of human thoughts and activities that they can use to become more able to persuade the planet's inhabitants to promote greater undertakings of evil and sin within most planetary communities. The Aliens (Satan's kingdom of cloned "children ) are very expertise in knowing the things they need to do when it does comes to making contact with man. Their expertise does span many thousands of years. The Aliens are quite expertise in knowing how to aid in the promotion of wayward actions, activities, deeds, and other evil undertakings amongst wayward individuals by time the first initiation of a community becomes brought forth upon the planet. The Aliens are experts in helping to promote wayward actions, activities, deeds, and evil undertakings within the communities that wayward individuals live in. The Aliens do realize that if they do introduce into the communities moral and social views that do intermix ever so slightly evil with goodness that over time their view of good has enough distortion of evil added and accepted. Then introducing sin becomes relatively easy to accomplish. The Aliens do use already established temptations of sin that Satan & other Fallen Angels do previously introduce upon wayward planetary societies as a foundation to cause wayward individuals and communities to form their directions within sin, which they begin using to establish their chosen pathways for misuse and abuse of their existence. The Aliens realize that as the growth of many communities does become more evident, so will the interaction between them allow their distortions of God & Good to become spread. The Aliens are expert enough in their knowledge of a planet's individuals and communities to be able to influence situations amongst a planet's inhabitants to cause for interaction to spread the sin that they have already introduce to great degrees. The Aliens have been well taught by their Fallen Angel parents to expertly introduce into a planet's communities many distorted and maligned views of God and Godly matters to befool individuals. The Aliens realize that if they do introduce a wide degree of distortions that do center upon a variety of many different god-like figures into the communities of a planet that have already fallen-prey-to sin that the inhabitants will have a greater tendency to ignore, and become more deeply blinded from:
• Truly sighting God, or His Godliness.
• Truly sighting their wayward actions, activities, deeds, and evil undertakings amongst, or against mankind. • Truly sighting the reality, or existence of sin. The Aliens realize that if they do introduce a variety of views of God and His Good into the communities of a planet that have already bonded to sin that their inhabitants will use those introduced views to bond their sin to distort God and Good in greater degrees. The Aliens realize that if they do introduce a variety of different views of God into the communities of a planet that have already bonded to sin, as the wayward communities do interact upon their planet, the individuals will seek to inter-mix those views with good to be less able:
• To correctly sight God's actual Being or Existence.
The Aliens are taught, and even required by their Fallen Angel "parents" from the time they are first brought into being to be skillful liars capable of inter-mixing truth with lies to best aid in their promotion of wayward activities, actions, and undertakings amongst a planet's inhabitants.• To correctly sight the actual Being or Existence the Good that is God's Godliness. • To correctly sight their actual wayward actions, activities, deeds, and evil undertakings amongst, or against mankind. • To correctly sight the reality or existence of sin. The Aliens are taught, and even required by their Fallen Angel "parents" to introduce into the hearts & minds of a planet's individuals and communities white-lies. They cleverly do inter-mix truth with lies in efforts that do cause for wayward individuals to be blind enough to:
• Sight the truth as a lie.
• Sight the lie as the truth. • Or ignore the truth in lieu of the lie. The Aliens do introduce a direct form of lies to the individuals that they do come in contact with by directly using the already established weakness and blindness. The Aliens do introduce direct lies that are far enough from the truth to seem believable. Sometimes the Aliens will seek to indirectly lie, or introduce lies to individuals they come in contact with that subtly inter-mix truth with lies just enough to make them believable. The Aliens do know the actuality of God, yet seek to put forth an inventive view on God amongst a planet's wayward inhabitants.
• An inventive view that does inter-mix Truth with lies concerning His existence.
• An inventive view that seeks to distort and liberalize His Being in ways that does cause for those individuals to lessen their views about everything that He Is, or truly does represent. The Aliens do know the actuality of God's Good, yet seek to put forth an inventive view on the value & usage of Good amongst a planet's inhabitants by intermixing Truth with lies concerning Good. An inventive view that seeks to distort its knowledge and value in ways that lessen its importance and usage to the degree that good resembles evil. The Aliens (cloned "childrenof the Fallen Angels) know that God Is Jesus Christ in the Flesh, yet seek to hide their knowledge of this truth through inter-mixing various truths concerning Jesus Christ with lies. The Aliens know that some wayward individuals do look upon the abilities and wonderments they have as being proof that humans lack, or have a long way to go before they will be able to gain such abilities, or even become able to have access to the same wonderments. The Aliens use such views to afford wayward individuals with distorted views on truths surrounding their existence that have been inter-mixed with lies concerning their existence. Because wayward individuals have little foundation that is centered upon God, it does only aid wayward individuals to become unable to know:
• Their potential for the gaining of more intellect.
At the same time, these lies also seek to hide the ability planetary Children do hold in being created by God to be a Child of God, as well as the potential for greater possibilities and things under and through God.• Their potential for the gaining of more technological understanding. • Their potential for the gaining of more scientific understanding. • Their potential for the gaining of more planetary intellect. • Their potential for the gaining of more universal insight. • Their potential for the gaining of greater freedom for the planet's individuals. • Their potential for the gaining of enough knowledge or ability to cause their communities to become better physical creatures. • Their potential for the gaining of enough knowledge or ability to cause their communities to become spiritual creatures. • Their potential for the gaining of planetary association with other planetary societies within the universe. • Their potential for the gaining of Goodly intellect. • Their potential for the gaining of moral or social intellects. • Their potential for the gaining of Goodly mannerism. The direct purpose of their lies is to assist the Alien's efforts to keep as few wayward individuals as possible from knowing the truth of God to keep them from becoming Sons of God. The Aliens do realize that if they can influence the inhabitants of a wayward planet with various distorted views upon God's Good and evil, it will give rise to similar or different views that do complicate the actual reality of God & Good. It will make it complicated enough that sighting or understanding of their value or purpose in existence becomes so lost that those planetary inhabitants will:
• Begin to question the existence of God.
• Begin to question the reality, or existence of sin. • Begin to question the reality of God & Good enough to become less able to know God's Godliness. • Begin to view their wayward actions, activities, deeds, or undertakings as being good. • Begin to become less able know themselves, or even relate themselves to God, or Good. The Aliens fully realize that the concealing of the Truth about them is ultimately important if they are to have any degree of success upon the wayward planets. They do seek to use their scientific abilities, and the knowledge they have about technology to help sway and conceal the Truth about themselves and being. From almost the very beginning of the first communal development of individuals on a wayward planet, the Aliens use their knowledge of the functions within the human mind to undertake endeavors that seek to integrate employments of blindness:
• Within several governments that the wayward planetary individuals do form.
• Within several of the communities that the wayward planetary individuals do form. • Within several of the political structuring that the wayward planetary individuals do form. • Within even the physical structuring that the wayward planetary individuals do form. • Within several of the religions that the wayward planetary individuals do form. • Within much of the social or moral structuring that the wayward planetary individuals do form. • Within the hearts and minds of wayward planetary individuals.
2 Corinthians 2:11 Alien Experience & Expertise ![]() ![]() ![]() |