In that God created His Children to manifest His Image and Existence in the universe, so did Satan and his Fallen Angels likewise create their "children" in an effort to reflect an image of themselves within the universe to fulfill their desire to be like God.
The Alien "children" were physically created by the Fallen Angels in their image through a wayward science known as... cloning. These "children" that the Fallen Angels create are introduced to wayward individuals as... Aliens (also referred to as Extraterrestrials). All Aliens (Satan's kingdom of cloned "children") have the same evil agenda as their Fallen Angels creators. These written works will reveal the truth. The Aliens (cloned "children") are found to make claims to wayward individuals they are merely members from different races in the universe at work upon their planet. The Aliens claim they are merely planetary inhabitants from other planetary societies. This is one of the most persuasive tools that the Aliens use to intentionally deceive wayward individuals into believing that they are beings no different than human beings. The Aliens cause a false sense of security to those that believe such a lie. They deceive wayward human beings into believing:
• Aliens are equals.
This is so far from the truth.• Wayward humans can also have the ability to live eternally within the universe no matter what. • There are no consequences, or death for sin. • Anyone can freely travel the universe. • Morals and social values are of little value, or of importance for survival throughout the universe. • Evil is acceptable throughout the universe. • Help and dependence on God for long-term (eternal) survival in the universe is not necessary, or needed. • Redemption, Salvation, and Grace (through God Physically being Jesus Christ) is not needed, or necessary for long-term (eternal) survival in the universe. • There is no worry of one called Satan (or his Fallen Angels). • The Aliens are, or might possibly be only trying to aid and help them and their planet in general. • The Aliens have not any real interest or reason to spread lies and disinformation concerning their selves. • The Aliens are only trying to save them, and their planet from destruction. The Aliens (clones) do seek to persuade wayward human beings that God and humans are part of the same reality. In essence wayward human beings are God. The Aliens use such lies:
• To give wayward individuals a sense of false hope within them.
• To give wayward individuals reason to question their view of God. • To give wayward individuals reason to question their need of/for God. • To cause wayward individuals to become more easily befooled into believing that the Aliens might actually be out to direct and help the general existence of wayward human beings. The Aliens are found to make claims to wayward human beings that they care about the existence of humans. They have been associating with the wayward individuals for thousands of years, and care little of the existence of, or for wayward human beings. Ask those individuals that are abducted and gruesomely experimented on how they care. The Aliens do not care for humans because:
• Human beings are initially created by God in God's Image, and they are not.
The Aliens are found to seek to pass themselves off as being some form of an Entity.• Human beings have a Soul, and they do not. • Human beings can attain Salvation, and they cannot. Wayward human beings do become easily befooled and deceived by the unknown within the physical and spiritual world because of their blindness and lost faith within God and the things of God. Wayward humans do often apply the word Entity to much of what they do not know of, or understand within the physical and spiritual world. The Aliens do simply play upon this ill knowledge to befool wayward individuals into considering them to be an Entity, or some form of Entity. The Aliens are found to make claims to wayward human beings they are merely members from different races in the universe at work upon their planet. The Aliens are successful in doing so because:
• Wayward individuals do seek avenues by which to give reason and hope to their creativity and existence, because of their blindness and lost faith in God. They do seek a direct physical response that can at least to a degree satisfy and exemplify what they have, and what they believe they have learnt about their selves.
These Evolutionary Inquisitions hold no actual key to truly define any real reason for their existence and their creativity, and has cause for their loss of Faith in God to increase. • Wayward individuals do seek to establish overall Evolutionary Inquisitions that does and can only explain and validate portions of what they are seeking to understand about their existence and their creativity, because of their blindness and lost faith in God. The Aliens do seek to use these Evolutionary Inquisitions to cause for wayward individuals to believe that they are merely members from different races in the universe. In persuading wayward individuals to view them as members of different races in the universe, the Aliens are able to blind those human beings:
• Further away from the Truth about what the Aliens are actually seeking.
• Further away from the Truth of God and His actual planned workings within wayward human beings. The Aliens are found to seek to cause for wayward human beings to consider them as simply being Explorers that are on some long distance exploration program from some other world seeking to understand, or even know them better. The Aliens have been associating with the communities of wayward individuals of earth for thousands of years. Do not become misled to view the Aliens as being on some vast exploratory quest to open up man's understanding of the things that do surround their existence in the universe.
• The length of time that the Aliens are around should prove that they are not simply out seeking after some vast exploratory quest to open up man's understanding of the things that do surround their existence in the universe.
Sadly such blindness and thinking is one of the same deep mistakes that brought about the final downfall of many other wayward planetary societies, and did hasten their destruction with the same thoughts & thinking. • The scientific and technological abilities of the Aliens used and perpetrated throughout the planet should prove that they are not simply out seeking after some vast exploratory quest to open up individuals understandings of the things that do surround their existence in the universe. • Personal disregard of Good, morality, human rights and freedoms, individuals, families, communities, and governments committed throughout the planet should prove that they are Not simply out seeking after some vast exploratory quest to open up man's understanding of the things that do surround their existence in the universe. The Aliens are not simply visitors from other worlds seeking some sort of friendly contact.
• The length of time the Aliens do spend upon wayward planetary societies proves they are Not simply seeking friendly contact.
Sadly such blindness has already brought about the final downfall and has hastened the destruction of many planetary societies of wayward human beings throughout the universe.• The scientific and technological abilities the Aliens use to intimidate wayward planetary individuals prove they are Not simply seeking friendly contact. • Personal disregard of human rights and freedoms, individuals, families, communities, governments, and morals proves they are Not simply seeking friendly contact. Some Aliens are found to make claims that they are Godly to wayward human beings. This is far from the Truth. The Aliens are "children" of Fallen Angels (clones) that do not seek Godliness, but evil. Satan will not allow his imaged "children" (clones) to reflect anything different than the evil he represents. Some Aliens are found to make claims to wayward humans they are Good, and do seek to do Goodness. They are "children" of Fallen Angels that do not seek true Good or Goodness for wayward human beings. They make such claims to hide the true fact of their evil nature and evil intensions. Some Aliens are found to make claims that they are seeking to understand, or even know wayward humans better so they can better help in giving aid and assistance. The Aliens have been associating with wayward humans for thousands of years and already know wayward individuals quite well. The Aliens do seek to persuade wayward human beings that they are seeking to learn about the human species. This is an example of the Aliens intermixing of truth with lies. They are seeking to learn, but not of wayward humans themselves, but rather the one thing that mankind does possess... a Soul. The Aliens have been around since almost the beginning of God's creativity of universe.
• The Aliens already have all the universal intellects and abilities that wayward human beings do have, or seek to attain within their existence.
There is little for them to know, except for the knowledge of the Soul. The vehicle (Soul) to existence eternally that only human beings have been afforded by God. • The Aliens have sighted many times all the things that many wayward human beings have done within their existence and prosperities upon their wayward planets. • The Aliens have sighted many times all the things that wayward human beings have done within their past, or will do and go through in their near future. • The Aliens already know the futilities, or possible gratification that wayward human beings can, or do attain. • The Aliens already have sighted what knowledge has, or has not brought success and destruction to wayward human beings. • The Aliens already know that they cannot, nor ever can gain from God the possibility of an extended existence within the universe as mankind is able to have through God's given Salvation for Eternal Living Life. Some Aliens seek to persuade wayward human beings that they should accept, or consider welcoming contact with them. Saying it will afford them extraordinary opportunity to gain or advance their science and technology. The end results for mankind is slavery and death in the usage of such science and technology. Some Aliens seek to spread the view that wayward human beings should accept or consider welcoming them out of fear for all the unborn generations upon earth that won't happen if their planetary race or planet does die. The accepting of them will ultimately bring enslavement and destruction with no hope, or chance of Salvation and Eternal Living Life for future unborn generations of earth. The end results is death to the planet and its inhabitants. One can look to Mars to sight this planets future without God and His Godliness (no God, no life). Aliens are found to make claims to wayward human beings that they are seeking to help prosper the existence of humans in the universe. When in fact they have been associating with wayward humans for thousands of years and already know:
• That human beings have the ability through God to aid, better, or help bring prosperity.
When in actuality the Aliens do not desire to aid, better, or help prosper any creature that has the ability to be greater than they are.• That human beings have the ability through God to aid, better, or help bring greater prosperity than the Aliens do. The Aliens have established a great reality of their form of aid, betterment, and prosperity for the existence already undertaken. Unfortunately it is an aid, betterment, and prosperity:
• That is established within their abductions of so many wayward individuals already undertaken by them.
This does allow them to do things that will set those humans on pathways of/in desiring views that hold the same reality, future, and end as they have.• That is established within their stealing of personal physical body parts of wayward individuals already undertaken by them. • That is established within their genetic distortions of Human Life already undertaken by them. • That is established within their physical and mental scars left on wayward individuals and their existence already undertaken by them. • That is established within their Experimentations on so many wayward individuals already undertaken by them. • That is established within their cover-ups to hide what they have already undertaken. • That is established within their lies and deceptions to hide what they have already undertaken. • That is established within their lies concerning God and His Godliness already undertaken by them. • That is established within their lies concerning God being Jesus Christ already undertaken by them. • That is established concerning their already given aid, betterment, and prosperity of man. • That is established within their failures. The Aliens do seek to introduce disinformation to those abducted wayward human beings that only "Know Of" Jesus Christ. Those individuals are lukewarm, and only believe to some extent in the existence of Christ, and not His Deity. The Aliens are found to make claims that they also follow Jesus Christ. This is so far from the truth. Even going so far as to claim:
• That Jesus Christ is an extraterrestrial.
They make such claims because many wayward humans:• Jesus Christ can be best explained in terms of previous extraterrestrial visitations. • That the understanding of Jesus Christ by humans is viewed incorrectly. • That they are responsible for the existence of Jesus Christ. • That they follow Jesus Christ, but not the Christ that wayward humans know of as God.
• Do already believe in a God, or a form of God.
Thus the Aliens: • Do not believe Jesus Christ Is God.
• Do want to keep Jesus Christ and Christianity in question.
• Do not want to say, or do anything that might give credence to, or build-up Jesus Christ, or Christianity. Those few wayward humans they abduct that "Know Of" God (not God Personally), the Aliens do introduce disinformation that causes them to blindly view God other than He is. Even going so far as to:
• Claim God can best be explained in terms of previous extraterrestrial visitations.
And more!• Claim that their understanding of God is incorrectly viewed. • Claim that they are responsible for the creation of planetary human beings. • Claim that they are God, or there is no God. • Claim that they follow God, but not the God that wayward humans know. The Aliens do seek to persuade wayward human beings that their civilization is on the verge of a New Age transformation through and in which:
• The immediate problems relating to, or surrounding their future planetary existence within the universe will soon be solved.
Such disinformation is interwoven with truth and lies to help formulate within the hearts, souls, or minds of wayward humans a false hope and a false sense of security concerning them and their wayward communities. • The general communal problems relating to, or surrounding their planetary existence will soon be solved. • The general social and moral problems relating to, or surrounding their planetary existence will soon be solved. • The general religious, or even political problems relating to, or surrounding their planetary existence will soon be solved. • The communal existence as intellectual creatures within the universe will soon be advanced. Leading wayward individuals to rely on Self without the need for God (especially Jesus Christ being God). Causing wayward individuals to rely on Self and Self-fulfillment for their immediate and future existence. Causing wayward individuals to rely on Self and Self-fulfillment for the solving of their immediate and future problems without the need for God (especially Jesus Christ being God). The New Age lies and disinformation do cause for certain wayward human beings to slowly transfer the securities that they once held in God onto Self. In successfully doing so, wayward individuals become more easily befooled into more deeply and blindly believing that the Aliens:
• Are not seeking to blind wayward humans unto God (especially Jesus Christ being God).
Deceiving and befooling wayward individuals into believing the Aliens must be seeking to aid and help in general. This is so far from the truth.• Are not seeking to spread the growth of sin amongst wayward human beings. • Are not spreading lies and disinformation in general. • Are not spreading lies and disinformation concerning themselves in general to wayward humans. • Are not seeking the demise or destruction of wayward human beings. The Aliens do seek to persuade wayward human beings to believe in their psychic abilities. They use such lies to formulate within the hearts, souls, or mind of wayward individuals a false sense of security and hope within their psychic abilities with no need for God. In successfully doing so, the wayward individuals do become more easily befooled into blindly believing:
• The lies that the individual's psychic abilities do indeed give them a better understanding of themselves.
• The lies that the individual's psychic abilities do indeed give them a better understanding of God. • The lies that the individual's psychic abilities do indeed give them a better understanding of the universe. • The lies that the individual's psychic abilities do indeed give them a better understanding of Godliness. • The lies that the individual's psychic abilities do indeed give them a better understanding of the Aliens. • The lies that the individual's psychic abilities will aid and help them in general. • The lies that the individual's psychic abilities will keep them from any real destruction. • The lies that the individual's psychic abilities will satisfy their physical and spiritual Self and nature. • The lies that the Aliens will use the psychic abilities of those individuals to aid and help their overall communities in general. • The lies that the psychic abilities of those individuals are one and the same as their spiritual abilities. • The lies that the individual's psychic abilities will satisfy their intellect and understanding of their spiritual reality. • The lies that the individual's psychic abilities will satisfy their intellect and understanding of even the After-Life. Aliens seek to persuade wayward human beings the undertakings of experimentation and cloning is for the survival of the Alien species. It is a great way to have some wayward individuals to feel sorry for them. To a degree it is true... their existence will end when God does finalize His planned workings upon the planet. There is no possibility for the Aliens to produce a vessel (Soul) through which they can attain Eternal Living Life. The Aliens seek for wayward individuals to believe that some of the Aliens are mean, vicious, rapacious evil organisms that should be feared. Upon the other hand, they have certain individuals believe there are Aliens that are far nicer. "Good cop, bad cop" scenario. Certain individuals are lead to believe the nicer Aliens are interacting with them for their education, healing, the passing on of warnings, physical upgrading, psychic upgrading, spiritual insight, and development that involve some instances of performing reproductive procedures for some upgrading of human off-spring, or even some creation of ET-Human Hybrids. All Aliens seek the same goal of demise and destruction for all wayward human beings. They use the blindness of wayward humans to hide this goal within most deceptive lies. Some Aliens seek to persuade wayward human beings that they are Angels. The Aliens seek to establish enough blindness amongst both believers and non-believers in God for the purpose of putting into possible question Biblical realities relevant to, or concerning God's creativity, His Godliness, or even God Himself. It is just another way the Aliens do seek to blind certain wayward individuals to their true nature, selves, and reality. Those Aliens that put forth such claims are simply misusing their original created Angelic ties as platforms and avenues to blind certain wayward individuals to their true nature, selves and reality. For certain wayward human beings that do believe in Angels:
• Such claims do form some sort of abridgment to validity, or even credibility to, or within their beliefs concerning God's Creativity, His Godliness, or even God.
For certain wayward humans that do not believe in Angels:
• Such claims establish avenues of question that can be used to challenge credibility, and afford controversy to their views concerning directions within their possible questioning of Biblical realities relevant to, or concerning God's Creativity, His Godliness, or even God.
This is all being done to mix-up the individual to some degree.Aliens are found to make claims to wayward human beings that they want those individuals to truly know & understand them better. In actuality, the Aliens do seek for wayward humans to truly know as little about them as possible. In not realizing and knowing the truth they are actually cloned "children" of Fallen Angels:
• The Aliens are better able to restrict those wayward humans from attaining true knowledge of their being created in the Image of God.
• The Aliens are better able to restrict those wayward humans from attaining deeper knowledge of, and in God that would truly help to prosper their abilities and allow them to become greater than the Aliens. • The Aliens are better able to restrict those wayward humans from possibly attaining enough scientific, or technological information that they could possibly use against the Aliens. The Aliens do undertake within their agenda lies that do seek to persuade wayward human beings that do, or may hold borderline views, or beliefs in the Bible, to establish views that discount, or even disregard biblical Truth and teachings. Through cunningly putting forth clever endeavors and claims:
• Such as the Bible and its teachings are incorrect, or wrong.
• Such as the Bible is incorrectly viewed by wayward human beings. • Such as the Bible and its teachings do co-relate to them. • Such as the Bible and its Biblical teachings are best explained in terms of previous Alien visitations. • Such as they are the God that created the human form. • Such as God is not Jesus Christ or visa-versa. • Such as Jesus Christ does exist, but He was just a goodly individual. The teachings of the Bible promote and produce the correct view of God and His Godliness that Is Jesus Christ. The Aliens want to nullify the Bible and its reality in any way they can. The Aliens want to destroy its Truths from the hearts, souls, and minds of any human they contact, or come in contact with. They form foundations that can give the ungodly deeds that the Aliens do more recognition for acceptability Biblically, or otherwise. Also having the hearts, souls, or minds of the wayward open and more acceptable to introductions and interjections of more non-godly things, or mannerisms. The Aliens and the Fallen Angels "parents" use the seduction of lies and half-truths to accomplish the feat of destruction. They do know for any lie to last for any length of time it must contain some truth.
2 Corinthians 2:11 by the Aliens False Claims ![]() ![]() ![]() |