Just as God created His Children to manifest His Image and Existence in the universe, the Fallen Angels did also bring forth "children" in their effort to reflect an image of themselves in the universe to fulfill their desire to be like God.
Fallen Angels cannot reproduce as mankind is able to. Fallen Angels that were once Angels were not created with reproductive organs. Fallen Angels had to create their "children" through what wayward science refers to as... cloning. Satan does mimic God by establishing his own kingdom of "children" through this process known as cloning. These imaged "children" that the Fallen Angels do create are known to mankind of earth as... Aliens or Extraterrestrials. The Aliens do have two (2) qualifying factors with regards to their undertaken contact, or abductions of human beings. -1- Candidates must not be humans that have truly been Saved by God. -2- Candidates must not truly know God. These two (2) factors are very critical. These human beings do seek to know Good and avoid evil & sin that allows them protection enough from God to make even Aliens fearful of any repercussion from God, or even from the Angels. Within their blindness towards God, wayward human beings do not have:
• The direct protection from God, because they are not able to sight the things of Godliness that will truly protect them (even from becoming abducted).
• The deep understanding of sin needed to ward-off the evil used against them by Aliens. Abductees are those wayward human beings that are forced to unnaturally come into contact with the Aliens through willing, or unwilling association, or collaboration in predisposed actions or undertakings. When evil is looked upon or accepted as being good within the experience of everyday life, humans do not hold the personal ability to ward-off from becoming abducted by the Aliens. Unfortunately most encounters with Aliens are undertaken without the human's permission, or their consent. Most wayward human beings do not know God, so are they deeply weakened mentally and spiritually by the existence of sin. In this weakness, they also do not know how to keep themselves from becoming abducted, or even know what to do, or say to possibly deter the abduction from occurring. When evil is looked upon or accepted as being good within the experience of everyday life, so does the abduction experience become more acceptable. Many encounters with Aliens are undertaken with a human's permission, or even their consent. Most wayward human beings do not know God, so are they deeply weakened mentally and spiritually by the existence of sin. In this weakness, they also do not sight the reality behind their possible abduction experience, nor truly sight and not fear any abduction of them possibly taking place. Many encounters with Aliens are undertaken with a human's desire or yearning for such to occur. When it does take place, it is too late to do anything. Contactees are those wayward human beings that do willingly collaborate, or associate with Aliens having some predisposed action, deed, or effort. Wayward human beings that blindly discount, or even disregard Aliens do ignore, or even become more acceptable of many evils that are occurring to them and their surroundings as not having any thing to do with the Aliens themselves. These wayward human beings tend to become more acceptable of the Alien agenda that does allow them to: Become Open To The Forceful
• Abductions undertaken by Aliens, as follow-ups & check-ups.
Become Open To Less-Intrusive• Abductions undertaken by Aliens to implant tracking & control devices.
• Abductions undertaken by Aliens for the purpose of mind control sessions.
• Abductions undertaken by Aliens for the purpose of implanting false memory into their mind. • Abductions undertaken by Aliens for the purpose of dictating falsehoods & lies to them. • Abductions undertaken by Aliens for the purpose of dictating deception to them. • Abductions undertaken by Aliens for the purpose of checking upon the success of previously made abductions. Since human beings are the only living creatures that are created by God to physically have a Soul, humans are looked upon by the Aliens as the most favorable device for possibly gaining the needed information they desire in their quest for possibly creating (cloning) for themselves a body with a Soul to live in. Most Abductees are completely conscious when they are abducted by Aliens. A conscious state of mind:
• Allows access to the sub-conscious and inner-functionings of the mind that can be molded to the personality of the Abductees with a greater degree of success.
• Allows Abductees to become more easily handled. • Allows Abductees to relate to their immediate senses. • Allows Abductees to better process implantation of information in their mind for purposes of realism. • Allows Abductees to more successfully transfer any introduced or interjected false memory into the subconscious. The Aliens do prefer their abduction candidates to only be wayward human beings, because human beings are the only living creatures created by God with a Soul, so are they viewed as being the only favorable creature that can supply the information they need in their efforts to create a Soul for themselves. The Aliens do prefer for their abduction candidates to be wayward human beings that are normal members of the community. These individuals are actually far less noticeable or troublesome. Which is directly related to:
• Having candidates not deeply bonded with communal ties.
• Having candidates that are less noted by communal ties. • Having candidates that draw less attention. The Aliens do prefer the abduction candidates to be wayward human beings that draw less attention to themselves and/or less attention to the abduction experience. The choosing of candidates that do draw less attention within a community does allow the Aliens to continue in abducting individuals without raising deep questions. Amongst the humans upon wayward planets that the Aliens do consider to be superior candidates for performing experimentations on are wayward humans that do draw little attention publicly within their planet's communities. Such wayward human individuals:
• Do draw less attention to their being abducted as candidates for experimentation.
• Do draw less attention to themselves, or their experimentation. • Do safeguard Alien secrecy of themselves and their experimentation. The Aliens seek to make very sure that their undertakings of experimentation do not involve wayward humans that are communal members or leaders that do deeply affect the planets communal, economical, political, governmental, religious, or even their social struggles. The Aliens do prefer their abduction candidates to be wayward human beings that have few physical, or mental ailments, because it does give the Aliens a greater possibility of having a suitable candidate that they can experiment on. The Aliens prefer their abduction candidates to not be wayward human beings of poor mental, or physical health, to afford and give them a far greater possibility of attaining a suitable candidate to use to perform many of their desired experimentations on. The Aliens do consider healthy human beings to be superior candidates for performing experimentations on. Such does give them a greater ability to be more versatile in their performing of different, or even far more extensive experimentations. The Aliens consider those human beings that are Christians to be inferior candidates for experimentation, because they truly know God Personally, and are under the protection of God's Holy Spirit. The Aliens seek to make very sure that experiments on humans do not involve individuals:
• Who are truly Christian followers of Jesus Christ.
The Aliens do not abduct human beings that do Personally know God, and call upon the Protection of His Being & His Spirit in true stoutheartedness.• Who truly have been Saved. • Who truly know that Jesus Christ Is God. • Who truly care that Jesus Christ Is God. The Aliens do not abduct human beings that truly know God's Godliness, and are able to call upon the Protection of His Power of Good in stoutheartedness. Those human beings that do Not become abducted have much Love and Knowledge for God to truly follow His Spirit of Good, so they can be protected by the Spirit of God's Being that surrounds all existence. Lukewarm Christians are easy targets for abduction by Aliens, because such wayward human beings do:
• Not truly know in their hearts God Personally.
• Not truly know in their hearts that God did in fact make Himself Physically known to the planets inhabitants being Jesus Christ. The Aliens do seek to abduct those wayward human beings that are Not stouthearted in their Christian walk, because such wayward human beings are:
• Not truly stouthearted enough in their hearts or minds towards God.
Being religious, or even being religious minded does Not stop Aliens from abducting those that do live upon wayward planets.• Not truly stouthearted enough in their hearts or minds towards God's Physical example of Himself being Jesus Christ. The Aliens are able to abduct wayward human beings that do Not truly know God or His Godliness. Those that "Know Of" God and not "Know" God Personally only know God to the extent of holding temporal views or beliefs in God that do not allow enough knowledge concerning the things that do make-up God's Holy Spirit and Being for them to attain a strong Godly spirit. The Aliens can abduct wayward human beings that simply "Know Of" those things of God that do surround them, but do Not "Know" the Personal Existence of God and His planned workings that He had recorded in written form known as... the Bible. The Aliens can abduct wayward human beings that have knowledge of God, but do Not personally "Know" God, His Spirit, or His Word. The Aliens are more able to abduct those wayward human beings that do "Know Of" God, but do Not personally "Know" God's Physical display of Himself being Jesus Christ. The Aliens do abduct wayward individuals that do "Know Of" Jesus Christ, yet do Not truly "Know" that God Is in fact the Physical Being Jesus Christ manifested to man as a Son of God. The Aliens can abduct individuals that do "Know Of" Jesus Christ, but do Not personally "Know" that Jesus Christ is in fact God. The Aliens can abduct wayward human beings that have knowledge of Good, but do Not know the Good of God's Personal Godliness. The Aliens have the ability and the freedom to abduct wayward human beings that do "Know Of" Good, but do not personally "Know" God's Personal Good in Godliness. The Aliens do abduct wayward human beings that do "Know Of" Godliness, yet do Not truly "Know" that God's Personal Godliness is His Good. If a human Does Not seek to truly follow and increase their being as stouthearted believers in God, His Good Godliness, His Holy Spirit, or His Physically given Glory of His Word being Christ, then they cannot stand their ground against any Alien abduction whatsoever. If a human Does seek to truly follow and increase their being as stouthearted believers in God, His Good Godliness, His Holy Spirit, or his Physically given Glory of His Word being Christ, then they have God's Personal Protection to stand the ground against attempts made by any Alien to abduct them. Christians that are stouthearted believers in their physical walk with God's Spirit also do have the ability to stoutheartedly be able to physical walk with God in His Glory of Spirit that He manifests Physically on wayward planets being Christ. The Aliens know that these stouthearted followers:
• Are protected by God's Holy Spirit from abduction.
• Have at their disposal two most special words to assist them... JESUS CHRIST. • Have not ever been successfully abducted anywhere in the universe. The Aliens are not allowed to abduct human beings that do truly know who God actually & Personally Is. If such does take place, they will have to pay the consequences for stepping over their God given boundaries. The Aliens are not allowed to abduct human beings that do know the Good that Is God's Godliness. If such does take place, they will have to pay the consequences for stepping over their God given boundaries. The Aliens are not allowed to abduct human beings that do truly know that God did in fact Visit them Physically being Jesus Christ. If such does take place, they will have to pay the consequences for stepping over their God given boundaries. The Aliens are not allowed to abduct the religious minded human beings that do truly know & follow the Image of God's Personal Goodness. The Aliens can only abduct those that don't know and follow the Image of God's Personal Goodness. Abductions do become enacted by either one of two groups of kidnappers. -1- Abductions that are being undertaken by Aliens. -2- Wayward human beings that do claim that they were actually Abducted, yet do not actually know whether or not if their abduction truly:
• Was undertaken by Aliens.
Individuals who do claim that they were actually Abducted often allow their own abductions to become undertaken, because they lack the faith, knowledge, and the Power of God, so their own blindness towards God and sin does allow for those abductions to occur.• Was undertaken by a conjoined Alien & governmental effort. • Was undertaken by their governments. • Was undertaken by non-governmental organizations or agencies. • Was undertaken by some conjoined Alien & non-governmental effort. To even try to abduct, or experiment on stouthearted Christians by Aliens would draw the attention of those Angels that continually do watch over God's planned workings upon this planet. The Aliens do have no desire to directly do anything to draw upon them any attention that possibly:
• Could cause God to become angry.
• Could produce any wrath by God. True-to-faith Christians are protected by God because:
• They hold a stouthearted spiritual ability that does not make them good subjects for indoctrination or mental experimentations.
True-to-faith Christians have a deep understanding of God, Godliness, Good (especially being Jesus Christ), and evil: • They also hold better capabilities to fight more physically.
• That will allow them to have far more abilities to understand the truth of the Aliens, and what they are doing.
If a human does seek to truly follow and increase their being as a stouthearted Christian, they can stand their ground against any Alien abduction through simply having the Precious NAME of JESUS CHRIST in their heart and mind, and using the NAME of JESUS CHRIST with their lips.• That will allow them to have the ability to understand the Aliens as being children of Fallen Angels. • That will allow them to have the ability to understand what evil is being done to them. • That will allow them to have a far more ability to protect themselves from the evil undertaken upon them by the Aliens. Christians that are truly Saved do prove to be truly Saved in their proven desire to:
• Follow Jesus Christ being God in the Flesh.
• Care whether or not their lives reflect being a Saved Christian follower of Jesus Christ. • Care whether or not that it is God that Saved them Personally being Jesus Christ. • Know that Jesus Christ Is God. • Seek to continually follow the things that gave them God's Forgiveness, Redemption, and Salvation for Eternal Living Life. Godly human beings do shine with a special presence that shows forth God's protection. The Aliens consider them as being inferior candidates for their sought after abduction, or experimentation:
• On those humans that truly follow God and the Good of His Godliness.
The Aliens do consider weak lukewarm Christians to be superior candidates for performing experimentations on.• On those humans that care whether, or not their lives reflect being followers of God and the Good of His Godliness. • On those humans that have faith in things of God's Good Godliness that does give them Salvation from sin. • On those humans that know that God Is All Good, and do continually seek to reflect His Good, rather than views of Good that are not truly based upon the Glory of Good. • On those humans that seeks to continually follow the things of God and the Good of His Godliness.
• Weak lukewarm Christians do draw less, or little attention of Angels that watch over God's planned workings upon their planet.
The Aliens do consider ungodly humans to be superior candidates for performing experimentations on. • Weak lukewarm Christians have little or no protection by God. • Weak lukewarm Christians have little or no deep understanding of their selves. • Weak lukewarm Christians have little or no deep understanding of Aliens as being children of Fallen Angels. • Weak lukewarm Christians have little or no deep understanding of the Aliens true evil intent and nature. • Weak lukewarm Christians have little or no deep understanding of what evil is being done to them. • Weak lukewarm Christians have little or no protection from the evil undertaken upon them by the Aliens.
• Ungodly human have no protection by God.
• Ungodly human have no deep understanding of their selves. • Ungodly human have no deep understanding of Aliens as being "children" of Fallen Angels. • Ungodly human have no deep understanding of the Aliens true evil intent and nature. • Ungodly human have no deep understanding of what evil is being done to them. • Ungodly human have no protection from the evil undertaken upon them by the Aliens. The Aliens do abduct Christians that do know of sin, know the price God did Personally pay to Redeem the world from sin.
• Yet do ignore the price that God paid for their Forgiveness from sin.
The Aliens use the actual power of sin as a weapon against those Lukewarm Christians that lack growth in faith.
• Yet do ignore the price that God paid for their Salvation from sin. • Yet do ignore their continuance in sin. • Yet do ignore their responsibility to be aware of their past sin. • Yet do ignore their responsibility to be aware of their weakness towards sin. • Yet do ignore their responsibility to be watchful of sin. • Yet do ignore their responsibility in the continuance of sin.
2 Corinthians 2:11 Alien Abductees & Contactees ![]() ![]() ![]() |