God created Satan to be able to best aid in His posterity and prospering of His creative endeavors, or existence within His vast and limitless universe.
Satan was created with the greatest of abilities and powers than any of the other Angels. Satan was to be a Leader for all the other Angels.

Satan worked closely with God assisting and helping with God's planned working throughout the universe. Satan worked by God's side for along time before he did choose to folly. Working side by side with God, Satan did learn many things from God.

After God had initiated His creation of planetary Children, Satan became resentful and jealous which drove him to folly. Satan knew that God was creating planetary individuals to be His Children for a most important reason. They would be Children that God would place in His universe with His Personal Image.
Children that God would greatly love, deeply cherish, hold in high esteem, fully adore, and will be devoted to. Satan became annoyed and displeased.

Satan felt jealousy in that God had loved His creation of planetary Children to have created them in His Personal Image, and with a Living Soul through His Breathe of Life.
Satan felt envy; he knew that this Soul could, and would be used by God's creation of planetary Children as a vessel to attain a greater closeness to God than even Satan had.
Satan felt fear; he knew of God's plan for His creation of planetary Children, and their being created to establish God's Personal Image upon planets throughout the universe.
Satan knew that planetary Children  are given the opportunity to become greater than he was, could, or would be.

God did create Satan, and the other Angels with Freedom of Choice (free will). God did know the possibility did exist within Freedom of Choice that any of God's intelligent creation (Angels, or Planetary Children) could choose evil over God and His Godliness.

Satan's ego, and desire for greater glory was growing. Satan did realize, and know that he might possibly have to turn from God to fulfill those growing desires for greater glory.
Satan also did realize, and know that if he did turn from God that he did not have a Soul through which he could possibly obtain forgiveness, or attain eternal living existence within the universe.

Satan's ego, and desire had gotten the best of him; he took it upon himself to alter God's planned workings within the universe. Satan had become puffed up in pride thinking he can do things just as good as, or even better than God. Satan caused much destruction to God's planned workings within the universe.
God never stopped loving Satan. The action God had to take hurt Him deeply.
God knew Satan had no remorse. God also knew He could never trust Satan again.
Satan became overconfident, prideful, egotistical, and thought himself to be equal to God.
God did cast Satan down from Heaven, rather than to end his existence.
In His doing such:
• God did not waste the chance to show unto man what having to much confidence, pride, and being egotistical can do to even the most powerful.
• God did not waste the chance to make known to man how evil and sin can come about, when having pride and an ego that doesn't fully serve His Good.
• God did not waste the chance to make known to man of how pride and ego in one's own self will cause for them, and others to suffer having lesser glories on the planet, as well as cause the Glories of Heaven to become lost.

Satan's confidence, pride, and ego did affect other Angels.
The folly of an Angel does have a far greater affect, and effect upon God's planned workings within the universe than the folly of any planetary individual upon a planet. Angels that do choose to folly can never become forgiven, nor ever be trusted again within God's universe.
To whom much is given much is expected.

Satan was the only Angel kicked out of Heaven. Certain of the other Angels chose to leave Heaven to follow Satan.
There were many Fallen Angels who chose to follow Satan into perdition.
Those Fallen Angels left their first estate (Heaven & allegiance to God), to follow Satan into perdition. Those Fallen Angels and Satan still retain much of their initial created powers and abilities.
God did not want for those powers, or abilities to become united, so God did restrict (chain) the Fallen Angels to the same geographical areas in the universe where they do choose to folly.

Angels have been created with both Physical and Spiritual abilities. They can be either Physical, or Spiritual at their own discretion. They can enter the Physical, or Spiritual realm at will.
Fallen Angels have not lost this ability when they chose to leave their first estate (Heaven & total allegiance to God) in the following of Satan into perdition.
Fallen Angels do have restrictions and boundaries given to them by God. If a Fallen Angel continues to rebel by going outside those restrictions and boundaries, God then takes away that Fallen Angel's ability to be physical.
A Fallen Angel then becomes what is known as a... Demon.
Very few Fallen Angels have lost their ability to be physical. Many Fallen Angels can still be either physical, or spiritual at any given time.

Satan is accountable for what all his Fallen Angels did, or would possibly do.
God permits Satan to travel the universe to make sure that all the other Fallen Angels throughout the universe are controlled, and do not overstep their allowed bounds and restrictions.
If this did happen then God would become forced to make an end to their physical existence.
Something God did not want, nor desire to do. 

God does allow Satan to travel throughout the universe, but is watched very closely at all times. Satan does nothing without God's permission.

Satan does desire, and begin seeking his own glory and kingdom after being cast-out-of Heaven.
Satan realized, and knew that he could not establish a kingdom of Good and Godliness within the universe because that is God's Kingdom.
Satan knew he could still possibly carve-out his own kingdom for habitation within the universe in ways other than that of Godliness. A kingdom of evil and ungodliness did become his passion.
Satan did embark upon pathways within his given abilities and powers that would offer him his own kingdom through the introduction of sin upon planetary societies within the universe.

Satan does try to introduce sin upon Godly planets during their early development. He does become successful upon some, and fail upon others. Once Satan does become successful in seducing the Godly Children unto ungodliness, Satan does seek deeper blindness for the planetary society and its inhabitants.

Satan's main agenda and goal is to steal God from the hearts and minds of the Children of God. Satan will do whatever it takes to become successful in complete destruction (physical and spiritual) of as many planetary Children as possible by blinding them of God, His Righteousness, and the After-Life.

Satan's agenda is to steal, kill, and destroy:
• The faith in God, and His being Jesus Christ from the hearts, minds, and souls of God's Children.
• The trust in God, and His being Jesus Christ from the hearts, minds, and souls of God's Children.
• The trust and faith in His written Word (Holy Bible) from the hearts, minds, and souls of God's Children.
• Their love for God, His being Jesus Christ, and their love for one another from the hearts, minds, and souls of God's Children.
• Their specialty unto God from the hearts, minds, and souls of God's Children. Satan uses the seduction of lies and half-truths to accomplish this feat of destruction.

Satan does know for any lie to last for any length of time, it must contain some truth.

Satan begins laying his plan of destruction shortly after mankind's fall. While mankind's lifespan upon the planet is short lived, Satan's plan, and introduction of lies to blind the planetary Children continues to grow throughout generations.

Satan does begin laying the ground work and foundation for his End-Of-Times deception within the first generations upon wayward planets.
Satan does begin establishing his End-Time deception through mimicking God.
Satan does begin establishing his own kingdom of "children" through a wayward science/technology known as... cloning.

Fallen Angels cannot reproduce as mankind is able to. Angels (nor Fallen Angels) were Not created with reproductive organs. Angels/Fallen Angels were Not created to reproduce as God's Children are. Fallen Angels have to create their "children" through a wayward science known as... cloning. The cloned "children" of the Fallen Angels have also created cloned "children".

Satan does use his cloned kingdom of "children" to deceive future generations of earth. A deception that Satan does use upon all wayward planets during their End-Of-Times before Jesus does return for the members of His Church.

Satan's agenda is to deceive mankind into believing his kingdom of "children" are someone other than who they are.

Satan's End-Of-Times deception can be sighted today on earth as the... Alien/Ufo Phenomenon.

The Aliens (or Extraterrestrials) are cloned "children" of the Fallen Angels deceiving mankind with lying signs and wonders.
Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

The Aliens are not space-brothers, observers, nor inter-planetary scientists from other worlds here to help mankind. Neither are they mankind's creator like they would have, and want many to believe. The Aliens are ALL evil beings with the same agenda to take the knowledge of God, His Righteousness, Jesus Christ and His Salvation for Eternal Living Life from the hearts, souls, and minds of mankind.

The Fallen Angels are using their cloned Alien "children" to deceive mankind into believing they are beings from different worlds that are no different then mankind.

The Alien "children" of the Fallen Angels themselves have been created with much of the same powers and abilities as their Fallen Angel creator "parents". They must obey the same given mandates by God, or suffer the same punishment as their creator "parents" (Fallen Angels).

The Alien "children" want wayward individuals to:
• Look to self, not God; promoting higher spiritual awareness.
• Not see sin as sin.
• Believe they are here to help mankind, not to destroy mankind.
• See there is no need for God's Redemption and Salvation through Jesus Christ.
• Discredit the Bible; claiming Biblical occurrences were previous visitations.
• Believe they are the god that created man.
The Aliens will lead wayward individuals to look upon them as saviours and prophet.
Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
They are master liars, and very experienced deceivers.

The Aliens will try to discredit the Bible, and God Physically being Jesus Christ, with a lie so convincing that it will actually look like proof to many.

Mankind of earth is being desensitized, especially the young minds with Alien/Ufo movies, Alien/Ufo commercials, Alien/Ufo cartoons, Alien/Ufo games, Alien/Ufo toys, etc.

The Aliens abduct & experiment on wayward individuals:
• To deceive with misinformation and disinformation of their true intent.
• To deceive with misinformation and disinformation of whom they truly are.
• Experiment; in hopes of finding the secret to God's creativity of a Soul.
Mankind is the only creation afforded a Soul. The Soul is the vehicle to obtain forgiveness, and attain Eternal Living Life that has only been afforded to God's Imaged Children.
Angels were not created with a Soul. Angels had no need for a Soul. Angels were created eternal beings. The need for a Soul came after the fall.
The Aliens hope to clone for themselves a body with a Soul that will get them out of their predicament of Final Judgment by God.
They will never be able to create a body with a Soul, and there is nothing they can do to get them out of their predicament of Final Judgment. The Fallen Angels and their "children" have nothing to lose, so they keep trying.

Knowing Jesus Christ Is God, and calling on Him with unfeigned faith will protect wayward individuals from any type of abduction (physical, or spiritual) from these evil beings. There is Power in the Name of Jesus Christ, and strength in unfeigned righteous Faith. If an abduction is taking place, it cannot be stopped. It is utmost important to have the seal of God within faith for protection.

The Aliens have not yet made open public contact with earth's inhabitants, because God will not allow such to take place until His planned workings are in place and complete.

Wayward individuals are spiritually starving. Sadly many will go to great extents to find, or get (spiritual) food, even if it kills them. This deception will lead many with open-arms and hearts to accept the lies, signs, wonders, and gifts the Aliens offer. Those that do choose to accept the Aliens will become enslaved, and most dependent on the Aliens, and what they have to offer.

The Aliens are using the human emotions of love and kindness to seduce earth's inhabitants.
A Trojan Horse that many will not sight until it is too late.
Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

Mankind should not ignore the abductions, and gruesome experimentation done to their fellow humans (men, woman & children), no matter what excuse the Aliens give.
There is no such thing as a "good" Alien. Don't be deceived!
All Aliens have the same agenda, and will take any measure (allowed by God) to hide their true intent, and hate for all mankind created by God.

Satan knows that any sought after demise of mankind on earth can only become truly successful with the demise of Jews and Christians both. Satan does seek to pit the Jews against the Christians, and visa-versa in any possible way.
Satan seeks to keep Judaism and Christianity in question.
Jewish and Christian religion does hold the key for attaining any Godly individual from upon planet earth.
Jewish and Christian religion is the only religion that God did Personally initiate, and establish the actuality of Himself, His Godliness, and His Personal Salvation unto Eternal Living Life for the attaining of true Sons of God.

Luke 11:22 But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.
Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Jeremiah 8:17 For, behold, I will send serpents, cockatrices, among you, which will not be charmed, and they shall bite you, saith the LORD.
Isaiah 14:29 Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent.
1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
Psalms 78:49 He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them.
Hebrews 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels (or Fallen Angels) unawares.
2 Corinthians 11:14-15 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Revelation 9:19 For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt.


The true-to-faith followers will not allow themselves to be deceived
into becoming a tool for the workings of Satan.
It is Satan that does seek to destroy all avenues to God.
(Especially Community Churches...
Satan does feel if he can bring down the
Catholic Church that Christianity itself will follow.)

The true-to-faith followers will sight the authors of confusion
for whom, and what they are, and their agenda to lead mankind
away from God, His Righteousness (Jesus Christ), and into
perdition (destruction and demise).

The true-to-faith followers do keep their eyes on the God
of Israel, and His Righteousness no matter what they see, or hear!

2 Corinthians 2:11  
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us:
for we are not ignorant of his devices.

Workings of Satan
