The Aliens experiment on Human Beings in hopes of creating a body for themselves with a Soul. A Soul is the vehicle to exist eternally, which has only been given by God to His creation of man.
The Aliens were physically created by the Fallen Angels in their wayward image. Fallen Angels that were once Angels were not created by God with the make-up to procreate to birth children of their own like mankind can. They can only reproduce imaged "children" through a wayward science known as... cloning. In that God created His Children to manifest His Image and Existence in the universe, the Fallen Angels did likewise create their "children" in an effort to reflect an image of themselves within the universe to fulfill their desire to be like God. These "children" that the Fallen Angels create are introduced to wayward individuals as... Aliens (also referred to as Extraterrestrials). The Aliens seek the knowledge of God's creativity of the Soul. The Soul is the vehicle to exist eternally, and has only been afforded to mankind created by God in His Image. The Aliens see mankind as the most favorable device and apparatus for gaining information concerning the Soul. The Aliens do experiment on wayward individuals against their will in hopes of finding the secret to God's creativity of the Soul. The Aliens know without a Soul they have no means by which to live eternally. The cloned "children" of the Fallen Angels (Aliens) do go to any extent, and do most often use wayward individuals from wayward planetary societies to experiment upon in their efforts at cloning a physical body with a Soul. The experiments the Aliens do perform upon their abducted victims is quite painful (physically and spiritually), grotesque, and gruesome. They leave their victims to suffer severe trauma throughout their planetary life. All groups of Aliens work for Satan, and have the same agenda whether seemingly good or bad. Experimentation on human beings (men, women, and children) has been taking place on this planet for more years than most want to believe or know (shortly after Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden). It is pure evil, no matter who is doing it! The truth of the Alien's intentions can be found within the humans that suffer severe trauma from the painful, grotesque, and gruesome experiments done on them against their will. The Aliens will lie and tell Abductees that they have a right to do what they want in an effort to cause them to question, or feel more helpless. They also want the Abductees to believe that they are indeed superior, therefore they are helpless in any challenge. Aliens envy and dislike human beings immensely. They will say, and even do anything allowed by God! The Aliens do not want wayward human beings to truly know, or realize:
• That they do not have a Soul.
• That they do not have the same eternal possibilities. • The extents that they will go. • Why they are being abducted. • Why they are being experimented on. The Aliens always seek to make sure that they do not go beyond certain limits, even though certain of the experiments, and their related conditioning are very trying upon, and even misuse of the Abductees. They know God will find out, if they go beyond certain limits. Implants are used by Aliens as a tracking device for keeping track of individuals, information, and more. The implant is used in the same way that a computer chip is used to store bits of information. The implants are not so much used for keeping track of an individual as they are for the finding the earlier selected individuals. In finding the earlier selected individuals, they are also able to keep track of previous procedures done, the compatibility of previous selections, and even to some extent their results. The best candidates for experimentation are mentally and physically healthy wayward human beings that have no True understanding of God, or Good and evil. True-to-faith Christians are never experimented on, because it is not allowed by God. True-to-faith Christians know God and God Physically being Jesus Christ. They are protected by the Holy Spirit. The Aliens will in no way undertake to challenge such. If an Abduction and/or experimentation of a stouthearted Christian is attempted by any Alien, they will pay the consequences by Satan or God. The Aliens are allowed to undertake cloning procedures upon wayward human beings before the Rapture, as long as those undertaken endeavors do minimally affect the planet's communal, economical, political, governmental, religious, or social struggles. If the affect was Not minimally before the Rapture, it would come into direct confrontation with God's prophecy and planned working for gathering the remnant Church members as He does Promise. God will not allow such confrontation. Many wayward human beings that are considered to be experts on the subject of Aliens blindly believe the embryos that are genetically engineered are actually being implanted into abducted females mainly for the purpose of creating some hybrid human race. This is not true. It is most necessary to the Aliens to abduct and use female humans to implant embryos that they have genetically engineered, to be effective in their efforts in possibly replicating a body with a Soul. A Soul is the vehicle to exist eternally that has only been afforded to mankind created in God's Image, which makes man created in God's Image a favorable device to finding out the creativity of a Soul. The Aliens and their Fallen Angel "parents"/creators seek the secret to the creativity of the *Living Soul* in hopes of getting them out of their predicament of condemnation and demise. The Aliens do fully realize that they are also causing for those abducted females to become put through deep physical and/or mental hardships in their undertaken endeavors. They care more if they have been successful in the replication of a Soul than the abducted females. The abducted females are subject to:
• A series of repetitive examinations and experimentations.
• A series of repetitive given births. • A series of repetitive unsuccessful given births. • A series of repetitive births known to be all unsuccessful. • Watching the destruction of those unsuccessful births continually taking place. The Aliens do physically (not sexual) and spiritually rape their victims. There is a loss, and felt change that most victims of abductions do face and have to live with following the traumas of their encounters. On top of it all, they are being discounted, laughed at, or ignored by their fellow human beings. Unbeknown to the victims, the experiments have also involved their Spiritual aptitudes. It's no different than family members that have not been physically abused, but have been mentally demeaned by their spouses or children, or even brainwashed victims from times of war. These wayward human beings involved do not realize that they are having Mind Control practices used upon them by the Aliens in one fashion or another. The Aliens are simply most and very proficient at what they do. Far greater than most humans of this planetary society do want to know, realize, or admit. The Aliens are able to produce life forms that are born premature, and then technologically force that life form to a maturity outside the womb. This technology is often used in select clones and experimentations. The Aliens are harvesting DNA from wayward human beings to some extent, but the majority of their efforts are directed to/for the purpose of possibly replicating the Soul that only mankind has been created with. The Aliens use the raw material they find on wayward planets in their efforts to create physical bodies for them to inhabit. Anything that they can get their hands on (and are allowed to use), even human beings! The Aliens do not experiment on human beings out of a desire to learn more about their physical and spiritual make-up. The Aliens already know everything there is to know about humans physically and spiritually. Many wayward human beings that are considered to be experts on the subject of Aliens blindly believe that the Aliens are using abducted humans as a source of raw materials for the replicating, or reconstructing of a more functional DNA molecule. This is not true. Many of those so-called experts have been easily led down this pathway by the Aliens to believe such deceptions & lies. Often ignoring that most all of the Aliens efforts are directed for the purpose of possibly replicating the Soul. UFO investigators and buffs should realize the truth of what is actually happening, but many don't. To many times they rationalize their acceptance through reasoning's such as:
• "Well, we will see what happens".
While many others are simply caught-up in their fantasies of, and for creation.• "They are Aliens that have far greater technological abilities". • "They are to powerful and nothing can be done". • "They are simply learning about us". • "Maybe they are good and can help us". • "They are higher forms of beings than us". • "Maybe we can learn, or gain something from them". • "Maybe they did cause our human existence to come into being". • "Maybe they do have the right". The Aliens are not the only beings responsible for testing and experimenting done upon wayward human beings. There are various secret governments and private related agencies that have had a hand in such endeavors as well. The Aliens are not the only beings responsible for animal mutilations, so are there secret governments and private related agencies that have had a hand in such endeavors as well. The Aliens have the freedom to do many things, but the Aliens are not allowed by God to experiment on humans like they do on common animals. God will not allow such to happen to even wayward human beings. Wayward human beings within the secret governments and private related agencies are experimenting with such things as memory erasure, hypnotic resistance to torture, truth serums, post-hypnotic suggestion, rapid-induction of hypnosis, electronic stimulation of the brain, non-ionizing radiation, microwave induction of intra-cerebral "voices", and even a host of other even more disturbing technologies. Some of the past projects exploring these areas were known as Artichoke, Bluebird, Pandora, Mkdelta, Mksearch and the infamous Mkultra. What was initially established as an effort to employ a specialized agency that could, and would have a free enough hand to specifically deal with the Alien situation, the "specialized agency" did become altered as members of these agencies did accompany the Aliens upon various expeditions of abductions and experimentations upon wayward human beings. Eventually certain of the accompanying members of these agencies became desensitized with the abduction and experimentations upon human subjects to suggest to their superiors that such abductions and experimentations:
• Could also be used as a vehicle to benefit man's general scientific and technological understandings and progress.
Certain of these secretive government agencies that were initially established specifically to deal with the Alien situation began to abduct wayward humans that they can freely use as guinea pigs in their secretive scientific and technological experimentations. • Could also be used as a vehicle to benefit the government's scientific and technological understandings and progress. • Could also be used as a vehicle to understand the Aliens more. • Could also be used as a vehicle to understand if the Aliens were after anything in their abduction and experimentations upon human subjects. • Could also be used as a vehicle to understand what the Aliens were after in their abduction and experimentations upon human subjects. • Could also be used as a vehicle to attain more confidence from the Aliens. These wayward secret governments and private related agencies do participate in the abductions of individuals against their will. So they can:
• Attain individuals they can freely use as guinea pigs to test the scientific and technological informations that they have been given, or gotten from the Aliens.
Those members of wayward planets (government or others) that do give aid or assistance to the Aliens in any way, shape, or form, or for whatever reason are *Traitors* to their fellow humans, their communities, and unto God. • Keep the scientific and technological informations that they have attained from the Aliens a secret. • Further attain scientific and technological informations from the Aliens. • Further their understanding of the scientific and technological information attained from the Aliens. • Further their abilities and power. The Aliens make sure they do not experiment on true followers of God, especially a human Saved through Jesus Christ, and their knowledge of knowing Jesus Is God in the Flesh. The limitations specifically placed upon them by God concerning the extent of experimenting they do, or can perform upon their Abductees all center about these three (3) things. -1- To make sure that the wayward humans that they abduct are not True followers of Jesus Christ. -2- To make sure that the wayward humans that they abduct are not directly a part of God's planned workings. -3- To make sure that their abductions do not directly infringe upon or seek to gravely alter God's planned workings. The further away from God and His Godliness a wayward planetary society does stray the more latitude God does allow the Aliens to take in doing what they wish with wayward human beings upon the planet. The experimenting become more intense and gruesome. Why do wayward humans upon one hand often seek, and even expect to become given by God much respect, or glory when they do little, or nothing to give God the respect, or give God the Glory that He is due. Why do wayward humans upon one hand often seek, and even expect to become Saved by God when they do little, or nothing to seek the Godliness that will save them. Wayward individuals cannot question the parameters given the Aliens when individuals upon wayward planets do even worst. God creates the physical bodies of His Children as a perfect Temple of God. When a planetary society does become overly wayward, so do many of its inhabitants end-up showing grave disregard and disrespect to God (their Creator). Within this disregard and disrespect to God, so do the wayward individuals begin to show grave disregard and disrespect for their existence, and their physical bodies given them by God, even the existence of others, or the physical bodies of other members upon their planetary society. Eventually this disregard and disrespect for their physical bodies, and those of other members upon their planet does become grave enough where they begin to exhibit grave disregard and disrespect for even their physical eggs, or sperm (through sexual disregard, abortion, etc.). Denigrating in great portion's the greatest gift given them by God... the creation of their physical body as a perfect Temple of God. Wayward humans have within their rejection of God and His actuality allowed so much evil and negativity to take place that they no longer see evil as being evil, nor do they want to accept the reality of what is occurring is negative. After the Rapture, wayward individuals do begin to perform a vast degree of experimentations upon their communal member in efforts:
• To genetically find a way to alter their physical losses experienced because of their undertaken sin.
• To genetically find a way to improve upon the physical losses experienced because of their undertaken sin. • To genetically find a way to alter their Spiritual losses experienced because of their undertaken sin. • To genetically find a way to improve upon the Spiritual losses experienced because of their undertaken sin. The Aliens (and Fallen Angels) know they will never be able to create for themselves a Soul. They continue in their efforts because they have nothing else to live for. They find immense pleasure in destroying human beings physically and spiritually in the process. The Aliens often seek to infer to the planet's wayward individuals that the reason for their experimentations and cloning have been for the survival of their species. This is an admixture of truth and lies. "White Lies" of sorts, and to a degree is true. God does end their existence entirely when He does finalize His planned workings. It is a great way to have (some) wayward individuals feel sorry for them (for the Alien's subtle gain). The Aliens merely seek to misuse Truth to gain a greater acceptance of their lies, and to gain trust from their victims. They (Aliens) either outright lie to them, or intermingle Truth with lies. The Aliens and the Fallen Angels use the seduction of lies and half-truths to accomplish the feat of destruction. They do know for any lie to last for any length of time, it must contain some truth. The Aliens are very cunning with no conscience. They do not have a Soul to have a conscience. Wayward human beings that do have a friendly or well meaning behavior towards the Aliens will lead them and entire populations to eventually become enslaved & destroyed. The best way to prevent an abduction and experimentation from taking place is to personally claim, and stoutheartedly folllow Jesus Christ, and His Ten Commandments of Righteousness now and forevermore. Once it begins to take place, it can't be stopped. The individual must begin now to alter their immediate lifestyle unto God's Good and Righteousness, and use the abilities and powers (Holy Spirit) that God offers to all of mankind through Himself being Jesus Christ. There Is Power in the Name of Jesus Christ in unfeigned faith!
2 Corinthians 2:11 on Human Beings Aliens Experiment ![]() ![]() ![]() |