Alien abductions of human beings take place because the Aliens are seeking a way for themselves and their Fallen Angel parents to exist eternally. They seek the secret to God's creativity of the Soul within mankind's make-up.
The Aliens were physically created by the Fallen Angels in their wayward image. Fallen Angels that were once Angels were not created by God with the make-up to procreate to birth children of their own like mankind can. They can only reproduce imaged "children" through a wayward science known as... cloning. In that God created His Children to manifest His Image and Existence in the universe, the Fallen Angels did likewise create their "children" in an effort to reflect an image of themselves within the universe to fulfill their desire to be like God. These "children" that the Fallen Angels create are introduced to wayward individuals as... Aliens (also referred to as Extraterrestrials). The Aliens seek the knowledge of God's creativity of the Soul. The Soul is the vehicle to exist eternally, and has only been afforded to mankind created by God in His Image. The Aliens see mankind as the most favorable device and apparatus for gaining information concerning a Soul. The Aliens do abduct (and experiment on) wayward individuals against their will in hopes of finding the secret to God's creativity of the Soul. The Aliens know without a Soul, they have no means by which to get them out of their predictament of God's judgment of death and destruction. God created mankind with almost unlimited freedom to choose, and the Fallen Angels and their Alien "children" seek to take away that freedom through abduction, so who really is the doer of evil? Surely not God for giving you freedom! Wayward human beings that become abducted against their will do Not have a will of their own, because of their blindness to God (especially God being Jesus Christ). Their will has already been misdirected, or broken to some extent by the ways and sins of the world. These wayward humans become much easier targets for abduction. The further away from God and His Godliness a wayward planetary society does stray, the more latitude God does allow the Aliens to take in doing what they wish with the wayward humans upon the wayward planet. Aliens have been abducting throughout this planet's history, but more deeply in recent recorded history. The Aliens do carefully coordinate their agenda with the growth of blindness towards God to afford them greater avenues to gain acceptance of them, their agenda, and their undertakings. The Aliens would destroy every man, woman, and child upon the wayward planet, if allowed by God. Even to the point of destroying the entirety of the planet from any further living existence on its surface. Thank God He does not allow, or the Fallen Angels and their Alien "children" would have completely destroyed all existence on earth long ago. Wayward humans are weak without a strong Spirit of, or in God, because of their weak spirits they become good candidates for an Alien Abduction. When evil is looked upon, or accepted by wayward human beings as good within the experience of their everyday life, so can those same humans become more open to their abduction experience. In some cases those same humans accept and justify the evil occurring within their abduction experience as being love (they love their abductors/abusers). The Aliens do misrepresent themselves through the portraying of themselves as being Alien beings from other worlds.
• Because it is easier to cause wayward humans to believe that they are Alien beings from other worlds than it is to outright acknowledge that they are indeed "children" of the Fallen Angels.
It is easier for humans of wayward earth to believe that they are Alien beings from other worlds than it is to acknowledge that they are indeed "children" of the Fallen Angels.
• Because it is easier to cause wayward humans to accept their abduction by Alien beings from other worlds than it is to have to acknowledge that those abductions are being undertaken by "children" of the Fallen Angels.
It is easier for humans of wayward earth to accept their abduction by Alien beings from other worlds than it is to face the fact, or have to acknowledge that they are being abducted by "children" of the Fallen Angels.
• Because it is easier to cause wayward humans to accept that experimentations are being performed upon them by Alien beings from other worlds than it is to have to acknowledge that those experimentations are being performed upon them by "children" of the Fallen Angels.
It is easier for humans of wayward earth to accept that experimentations are being performed upon them by Alien beings from other worlds than it is to face the fact, or have to acknowledge that those experimentations are being performed by "children" of the Fallen Angels.
• Because it is easier to cause wayward humans to become influenced, or in some cases controlled if they believe that it is becoming done by Alien beings from other worlds than it is to have to acknowledge that they are indeed being influence, or in some cases controlled by "children" of the Fallen Angels.
It is easier for humans of wayward earth to accept that they are being influence, or in some cases controlled by Alien beings from other worlds than it is to have to acknowledge that they are indeed being influence, or in some cases controlled by "children" of the Fallen Angels.
• Because it is easier to cause wayward humans to become blinded if they believe that such blindness is being performed by Alien beings from other worlds than it is to have to acknowledge that they are becoming blinded by "children" of the Fallen Angels.
It is easier for humans of wayward earth to believe that they are being blinded by Alien beings from other worlds than it is to have to acknowledge that they are becoming blinded by "children" of the Fallen Angels.
• Because it is easier to cause wayward humans to afford them some kind of trust if it is believed that trust is being given to Alien beings from other worlds than it is to acknowledge that they are giving their Trust over to "children" of the Fallen Angels.
It is easier for humans of wayward earth to afford some sort of trust if it is believed that they are Alien beings from other worlds than it is to have to acknowledge that they are actually giving their trust over to "children" of the Fallen Angels.
• Because it is easier to introduce desired, or even evil undertakings into the minds and hearts of wayward humans if they believe that those introduced desires, or even evil undertakings are being committed by Alien beings from other worlds than it is to have to acknowledge that such undertakings are being committed by "children" of the Fallen Angels.
It is easier for humans of wayward earth to accept the introduction of desired, or even evil undertakings into the minds and hearts of their communities if they believe that those introduced desires, or even evil undertakings are being committed by Alien beings from other worlds than it is to have to acknowledge that such undertakings are being committed by "children" of the Fallen Angels.
It is easier to misuse humans of wayward earth if man believes that they are Alien beings from other worlds than it is to outright acknowledge to humans of wayward earth that they are indeed "children" of the Fallen Angels.Many wayward human beings have allowed themselves to become blinded into believing that Aliens are simply individuals, or being from another planet that visit planetary societies to learn of, learn from, or even to guide and help those planetary societies, but these belief's are wrong and misleading. Their real agenda is to direct and organize wayward communities and their individuals so they do ultimately become more controllable, if possible eventual develop an dependency upon them and what they can possibly offer. It is then simple and easier to overlook the sin and errors of what the Aliens do, since wayward human beings do overlook God and their sin. Abduction of wayward human beings is part of a cunningly lain disinformation program that has been initiated by the Aliens to cause the planet's general population and governing powers:
• To become weaken psychologically.
• To lower their guard mentally, socially, and physically. • To view Aliens as having weaknesses that they do not truly have. • To view Aliens as having powers that they truly do not have. • To play upon and instill feelings and desires that lead to false hopes. • To implant views of mankind's existence, and existence upon this planet in general with disoriented and distorted outlooks. • To subtly employ deceptive views, ideas, or visions that can possibly help in the destruction of the true view, hope, promise, or faith in God (especially any that might relate to Jesus Christ). The Aliens abduct wayward human beings:
• To spread disinformation concerning the Aliens, and their true undertakings.
• To befool wayward humans in general concerning the Aliens, and their true undertakings. • To possible learn better ways to befool wayward humans personally concerning the Aliens, and their true undertakings. • To spread a general awe of the Aliens, and their true undertakings. • To use wayward humans like, or as toys to play with. The Aliens true intentions can be found within the abducted wayward human beings that suffer severe trauma (physically and spiritually) from the grotesque and gruesome experimentation done on them against their will. It is a deeply traumatic personal experience for most wayward human beings that do become abducted.
• They are helplessly kidnapped against their will.
• Their Abductors do physically look very much different than themselves. • The Abducted is often times subject to maybe painful physical, or even mental investigation with no idea why, or how such a thing has occurred. • The Abducted does not know why such is occurring to them at all. • The Abducted is not able to explain to others how, why, or what. • The Abducted is often times left with the question of... did it really occur at all. • The Abducted becomes filled with a deep feeling of unbelief that affects other area of their personal and social livelihood. • The Abducted becomes deeply filled with a personal anguish that does, or can leave scars upon their entire well-being. The Aliens know if they abduct enough wayward human beings, and they become traumatized enough to seek professional help, then enough information (mainly false) will be initiated and established by those professionals to eventually give the Aliens more recognition, credibility, or even acceptability from their Abductees and the planetary society. Many abducted cannot remember their abductions because of the safe-guard mechanism within the brain that does protect human beings from severe trauma. The human mind has its own fail-safe mechanism that enables chemical processes which push back into the sub-conscious, or even sometimes discard completely threatening experiences. The Aliens induce and cause chemical changes to take place within the abducted individual's mind to help cause them to lose memory of the abduction. The Aliens do also use this mechanism to implant misinformation and disinformation. The Aliens are able to introduce hallucinations into the minds of Abductees, or even mass groups of people. The Aliens seek to cause many of the humans they abduct to feel their kidnap experience does seem to parallel, or be viewed as some likened near-death-experience. The depth to which the mind, and state of mind that Abductees must reach in the near-death-experience does help cause the Abductees to let their guard down in their mind. At least enough to more easier introduce and establish select disinformation within the abductions and/or experimentations. In successfully doing so, the Abductees and other humans become more easily befooled into blindly relying upon falsely introduced Spiritual disinformation for a false sense of hope within the future of/for mankind in general. Not all abductions by the Aliens are physical... some are spiritual, or mental abductions. The advantage of spiritual, or mental abductions is the Aliens do not have to physically put themselves in a possible dangerous situation. The disadvantage is that such endeavors take more planning, closer scrutinizing, and time. Also their spaceships are put at more of a risk of observation, or malfunction due to proximity and gravity. The Aliens do use the state of mind, and mental window of the mind that a human uses to dream with, to carry on their folly within the spiritual, or mental abductions. Three (3) reasons why the Aliens do physical abduct: -1- Many humans have a certain resistance to the implanting of certain thoughts that does not allow for the complete success of a spiritual, or mental abduction to take place. -2- There are certain things (like certain experimentations, etc.) that cannot be initiated successfully, or successfully completed. -3- The Aliens cannot personally enjoy themselves as much at what they are doing. Not all abductions are undertaken by the Aliens. Secret organizations within and outside the government also abduct individuals. The Aliens teach and even in some cases supply the tools to private individuals, groups, agencies, and others in helping make many abduction cases look like an actual Alien abduction has taken place. The Aliens are directly aided by three (3) secret groups of individuals from wayward earth: -1- Secret government agencies from this planetary society. -2- Private agencies/organization's from this planetary society. -3- Members of the elite/wealthy classes from this planetary society. The secret organizations within the government and privately funded organizations are able to hide their undertakings through the mimicking of the Alien abduction scenario, and putting the responsibility and blame upon the Aliens by causing abducted individuals to be either:
• Traumatized enough by their abduction to also become less suspecting of direct involvement by government or privately funded organizations.
• Brainwashed enough by their abduction to also become less suspecting of direct involvement by government or privately funded organizations. • Blinded enough by their abduction to also become less suspecting of direct involvement by government or privately funded organizations. • Lied enough to within their abduction to also become less suspecting of direct involvement by government or privately funded organizations. • Establish enough falsehoods within their abduction to also become less suspecting of direct involvement by government or privately funded organizations. • Mixed-up enough within their abduction to also become less suspecting of direct involvement by government or privately funded organizations. The more the secret groups can keep the view and blame for their part in the abductions centered totally on the Aliens:
• The more they can keep themselves secret.
• The more they can keep their agendas secret. • The more they can keep their actions secret. • The more they can keep their involvements secret. The whole abduction scenario has become almost like some elite business because of the few exclusive numbers of involved members. They have been able to keep their undertakings secret simply because they are few in number. The few exclusive numbers of involved members:
• Do to some degree share certain of the same information's and how-to upon the overall abduction activity and process.
The Aliens are very smart and most experienced in offering just the right gifts of bribery to those governments that afford them an initial open dialogue. • Do have at their disposal specialized groups that they share in the abduction process. • Do have at their disposal access to secretive and specialized information's not afforded the general population/masses. The Aliens do initiate events and endeavors to select governing powers of influence upon wayward societies. They do introduce various aspect of their scientific and technological abilities used within their undertaken abduction and experimentation upon wayward human beings. The Aliens do use these introductions knowing that the scientific and technological abilities used within their undertaken abduction and experimentation upon wayward human beings will also serve to entice and tempt those governing powers of influence that they become introduced to. The Aliens do use these introductions knowing that those scientific and technological abilities do also entice and tempt those governing powers of influence enough:
• To have them desire to also attain and have themselves.
• To have them seek to undertake abductions and experimentation upon their own communal members in efforts to gain their understanding or insight into those scientific or technological abilities. These secretive organizations are made up of both government and even privately funded organizations that do blindly assist in the abductions of individuals and the Alien agenda:
• Through allowing of the abductions of members of their communities to occur.
This becomes nothing more than operatives for the Aliens.• Through taking part in the actual abductions of their communal members with the Aliens. • Through undertaking to mimic their kidnapping of their communal members through simulated Alien abductions. • Through establishing programs that seek to hide, cover-up, or establish disinformation concerning not only the Alien abductions, but their simulated mimicries both within and surrounding the abductions of members of their communities. These secret organizations do often assist the Aliens:
• Through information exchanges.
Much of their willingness to assist the Aliens is often perpetrated under their blindness, or through becoming misled in one fashion or another by the Aliens: • Intelligence gathering and molding. • In the abduction and experimentation of, or on their wayward communal members.
• Within the usage of their wayward greed.
• Within the usage of fear. The secret organizations helping the Aliens seek to put forth two (2) main contradictory views: -1- To cause for certain of their wayward communal members to believe that Aliens do exist.
• Some of these Aliens are mean, vicious, rapacious evil organisms that should be feared.
-2- To cause for certain other of their wayward communal members to believe that Aliens do not exist. • Some Aliens are interacting with their wayward planet for their education, healing, passing on of warnings, physical upgrading, psychic upgrading, spiritual insight, development, or within a minority of instances performing reproductive procedures for some upgrading of human offspring, or even some creation of et-human hybrids. In many cases it is hard to tell, or even know who is actually doing what with the Aliens, governments, and private organizations involvement in the abduction of the communal members. The Truth can be sighted if one's mind is kept directly towards God. Wayward human beings do blindly and unknowingly aid the Aliens to secure their agenda upon the planet. An agenda that does have one ultimate end of their communities from ever being able to become Sons of God. Those secretive groups, governments, and private organizations involving themselves in the abductions of their communal members often seek to justify their actions or activities through allowing themselves to believe that what they are doing:
• Is neither right, or wrong.
That the knowledge that they are attaining: • Can possibly be for the benefit of their communities. • Can possibly be for the benefit of their entire planet. • Can possibly be for their benefit.
• Is neither right or wrong.
That the information that they are exchanging: • Is for the benefit of their communities. • Is for the benefit of their entire planet. • Is for their benefit.
• Is neither right or wrong.
• Will eventually benefit their communities. • Will eventually benefit their entire planet. • Will eventually benefit them. There are different groups of individuals within wayward communities that do seek to keep the view and blame of, or for what the Aliens are doing (especially concerning the abduction scenario) centered more upon the Aliens because:
• Curiosity is too overwhelming for them to stop.
• Greed is their greater consideration, or worry to them. • Or they no longer have a choice, because they have gotten themselves in so deeply with their Alien efforts. Those government agencies, private agencies/organizations, or very wealthy private wayward individuals that are responsible for committing the majority of abductions and blaming it on the Aliens will be eliminated, and given the blame and pay for their actions. Those groups & organizations that have been aiding & assisting the Aliens in the abduction of their communal members do have their existence and livelihoods completely ended when the Aliens reach a point where they are allowed to achieve their agenda most fully. They will be of no more use to the Aliens. Those wayward human beings that have the most to fear from the Aliens are the one's that do have the most planetary power & wealth to lose. Those wayward human beings that have the least to fear from the Aliens are the one's that do have the least planetary power & wealth to lose.
2 Corinthians 2:11 of Human Beings (Page 1) Alien Abductions ![]() ![]() ![]() |