Many wayward individuals become so misguided by the sin that does engulf their planet that they begin establishing optimistic views concerning the Aliens that do eventually become misdirected by both the religious and non-religious individuals alike.
Non-religious wayward individuals know so little about God. They do become very prone to be the first to view the Aliens with an optimism that does:
• Accept the Aliens and what they do at face value.
They do also become led to knowingly, or unknowing reject the same things that the Aliens reject, and follow the same pathways as the Aliens do follow to justify their optimistic views held for, or within the Aliens.• Accept the Aliens in what they are doing. • Accept the Aliens in what they have been doing. • Form their excuses for what the Aliens seek to do. All of which does cause for wayward individuals to set their selves upon pathways of/in desiring views and endeavors that hold the same reality, future, and end as the Aliens do have. There are wayward individuals that are religious, and also seek to view the Aliens with much optimism. Such wayward individuals do allow their selves to:
• Accept the Aliens, and what they been doing at face value, and outright reject the Truth and actuality of God being Jesus Christ.
These wayward individuals do allow their selves to become blind to the Aliens: • Accept the Aliens, and form excuses for what they do, or have been doing, and allow their excuses to blind them to the Truth and actuality of God being Jesus Christ.
• And the Truth, actuality, and fact that Jesus Christ Is God.
The Aliens do not directly admit to this knowledge, its Truth, or its actuality.• And the Truth, actuality, and reality that God would create a single Physical Body (Jesus Christ) for Himself to exist in Physically for a time upon the planet. • And the Truth, actuality, and sincerity that God did create a single Physical Body (Jesus Christ) for Himself to exist in Physically for a time upon the planet in a single effort to Personally Save those individuals that want to be saved from sin and the destruction it does bring upon mankind. • And the Truth, actuality, and sincerity that God does Love His Image Children enough to create a single Physical Body (Jesus Christ) for Himself to exist Physically for a time upon the planet within a single effort to Personally Save them from sin and the destruction it does bring upon them. • And the Truth and actuality of God through the Bible. • And the Truth that God directly and indirectly tells and displays within the Bible of the actuality of the single Physical Body that He creates to exist for a time upon the planet is in fact Him Personally being Jesus Christ. These same religious individuals do also become led to knowingly, or unknowing reject the same things that the Aliens reject, and follow the same pathways as the Aliens do follow, to justify their optimistic views held for, or within the Aliens. Sadly, such wayward individuals also allow themselves to become blind to the Truth, and actuality that no wayward individual can serve God and Satan at the same time. All of which does cause for wayward individuals to set themselves upon pathways of/in desiring views and endeavors that holds the same reality, future, and end as the Aliens do have. The general religions upon earth were blinded unto God and His Righteous Godliness before God's establishment of Himself being Jesus Christ upon the planet. Many individuals within the general population of man, and their communities had their eyes opened to God and His Godliness after God's establishment of Himself being Jesus Christ upon earth. The general religions and their communities had for the most part chose to reject God's Physical Being, Jesus Christ, and remained blinded by their vomit in/of blindness unto God and His Righteous Godliness. In this continued blindness in sin, earth did remain a planetary society that is wayward in sin. The eventuality of Alien contact publicly being made upon this wayward planetary society is something that must be now faced and dealt with. The Aliens will seek to introduce various cunning, very strong delusions and deceptions to sway mankind's hearts and eyes before the Aliens make full and formal open public contact. The Aliens introduce strong enough delusions and deceptions to sway the hearts and eyes of many individuals, even within the religious communities upon the planet. New Age deeply binds human beings to Self. Directly and indirectly leading wayward individuals to rely on Self and away from God. New Age teaches individuals to be gods. The Aliens use their abductions (& other forms of contact) of people in efforts of making claims that earth's civilizations are on the verge of a New Age transformation. The Aliens realize that if it can become successfully done:
• Then they can better befool wayward individuals into believing that they are only out to aid and help mankind.
The Aliens realize: • Then they can better befool wayward individuals into believing in their selves more than God and His Righteous Godliness. • Then they can better befool wayward individuals into establishing more false hope for themselves. • Then they establish more acceptability of their deeds and efforts, and agenda within an individual's heart, soul, and mind.
• That by successfully causing Abductees to believe that earth's civilizations are on the verge of a New Age transformation, so is it a first step to influencing and blinding other individuals into believing that earth's civilizations are on the verge of a New Age transformation.
• That the influencing and blinding other individuals into believing that earth's civilizations are on the verge of a New Age transformation, the next step is to cause: • A wayward planet's communities to become more blind to the truth and reality of/in God. • A wayward planet's communities to become more blind to the truth and reality of/in God's Godliness. • A wayward planet's communities to become more blind to the truth and reality of/in themselves. • A wayward planet's communities to becoming more open to non-godly things and mannerisms. • A wayward planet's communities to becoming more open to the establishing of the Alien agenda more fully upon the planet. The Aliens use such lies as a New Age transformation to help formulate within the heart, soul, or mind of their Abductees and other individual that they come in contact with a false sense of security concerning:
• The individual problems relating to, or surrounding mankind's immediate and future planetary existence as intellectual creatures within the universe.
In successfully doing so...• The individual and general communal problems relating to, or surrounding mankind's planetary existence as intellectual creatures within the universe. • The general social and moral problems relating to, or surrounding mankind's planetary existence as intellectual creatures within the universe. • The general religious or even political problems relating to, or surrounding mankind's planetary existence as intellectual creatures within the universe. • Mankind's communal existence as intellectual creatures within the universe.
• The Abductees and other individuals that they come in contact with, do also become more easily befooled into blindly relying upon a false sense of hope within and for their planetary future within the universe.
In successfully doing so...
• The Abductees and other individuals that they come in contact with, do also become more easily befooled into blindly relying upon mankind's chosen direction of Self and for them as planetary individuals within the universe.
In successfully doing so...
• The Abductees and other individuals that they come in contact with, do also become more easily befooled into blindly relying upon Self and the immediate things concerning Self Fulfillment to direct their immediate and future existence through as planetary individuals within the universe.
In successfully doing so...
• The Abductees and other individuals that they come in contact with, do also become befooled by Self and the immediate things concerning Self fulfillment that they become less able to sight the actuality of God, His Godliness, and His planned workings being Jesus Christ upon the planet.
In successfully doing so...
• The Aliens are more able to blind Abductees and other individuals to already established foundations that can give the ungodly deeds that the Aliens already do more acceptance, or acceptability in general.
• The Aliens are more able to give a satisfactory acquiesce, or legitimacy of their endeavors within the hearts, souls, and minds of Abductees or other individuals that they come in contact with. • The Aliens are more able to blind Abductees and other individuals to the actuality of sin. • The Aliens are more able to blind Abductees and other individuals to the actuality of God's given Salvation (being Jesus Christ). New Age lies and disinformation does cause for wayward individuals to slowly transfer the securities that they once held in God to their selves. In successfully doing so, the wayward individuals become more easily befooled into more deeply and more blindly believing that the Aliens:
• Are not out seeking to blind wayward individuals unto God, especially His Physically being Jesus Christ.
They are deceiving and befooling wayward individuals into believing the Aliens are only out to aid and help in general. • Are not out seeking to spread the growth of sin amongst wayward individuals. • Are not out to spread lies and disinformation in general. • Are not out to spread lies and disinformation concerning them to wayward individuals in general. • Are not out seeking the demise, or destruction of wayward individuals. Whether seen, or understood by those wayward individuals that pander, cater to, or accord New Age views (or doctrine), their endeavors do seek to destroy Christianity. The Aliens introduce New Age through religious behaviors related to the occult: meditation, channeling, spiritualism, psychic-phenomenon, reincarnation, chanting, astrology, Kabala, Wicca, etc.
• Blinding and distorting the actuality of God and His Godliness.
• Deeply aiding to misdirect the actuality and view of the Aliens. • They are tools used to blind the understanding, or believability to the fact the Aliens are cloned children of the Fallen Angels. • They are tools used to blind the understanding, or believability to what the Aliens are actually doing. • They are tools used to distract, excuse, or explain away the knowledge and understanding of God and His Godliness Physically being Jesus Christ. New Age undertakings such as meditation, channeling, spiritualism, psychic-phenomenon, reincarnation, chanting, astrology, Kabala, and Wicca have become focused in such a way by the Aliens that wayward individuals become able to use them to excuse, or even explain away their planetary shortcomings and inabilities in Truly sighting God and His Godliness, especially God and His Godliness Physically being Jesus Christ. The Aliens want to see these undertakings continue and grow, so the Aliens can also grow in their deception of, and in power over the wayward inhabitants on earth. The Aliens can better use New Age ideas and views:
• To blind wayward individuals from truly sighting who they actually are.
The type of individuals the Aliens most often look for to encourage New Age ideas and views is:• To hide the Truth concerning the Aliens, and better keep wayward individuals from truly sighting who they actually are. • To blind wayward individuals from truly sighting the actual relationship that they have with God. • To hide the Truth of the Aliens actual relationship with God from mankind's eyes. • To blind wayward individuals from truly sighting their actual waywardness. • To hide the Truth of the Aliens actual waywardness from mankind's eyes. • To blind wayward individuals from truly sighting what the Aliens actually think of mankind created by God. • To hide the Truth of what the Aliens actually think of mankind created by God. • To blind wayward individuals from truly sighting what the Aliens are actually doing. • To hide the Truth of what the Aliens are actually doing. • To blind wayward individuals unto the actuality of the Aliens desire for mankind's demise. • To hide the Truth that the Aliens actually desire mankind's demise.
• Wayward individuals that have already rejected God and/or His Godliness.
• Wayward individuals that have already in some way been indoctrinated by falsehoods concerning God and/or His Godliness. • Wayward individuals that have already in some way been blinded by falsehoods concerning God and/or His Godliness. • Wayward individuals that have already in some way been let down by falsehoods concerning mankind. • Wayward individuals that have already in some way been abused by family, friends, or neighbors in some way. • Wayward individuals that have already in some way been abused by community, government, or society. • Wayward individuals that have already in some way been abused by blindness of man concerning God and/or His Godliness. New Age indoctrination and brainwashing by the Aliens proves most successful upon these wayward individuals. These wayward individuals are already seeking some sort of a better world to live in (other than of a Godly mannerism), besides the one that surrounds them, or that they have made for themselves. They are often found to be good specimens to become further indoctrinated, or brainwashed. The Aliens are able to cause such wayward individuals to begin seeking world view conversions surrounding New Age ideas, or results. Sin does make the indoctrination and brainwashing by the Aliens successful enough for wayward individuals to begin seeking world view conversions surrounding New Age ideas, or results. For the greater amount of sin found upon a wayward planetary society, so is there found:
• A greater number of wayward individuals that have become personally affected by the effectual destructiveness of sin.
• A greater number of wayward individuals that have become physically, or spiritually affected by the physical and spiritual ravages of sin. • A greater number of wayward individuals that have become mentally disturbed in and by sin. The more sin that does exist upon the planet, so do the Aliens have greater number of candidates for indoctrination and brainwashing.
2 Corinthians 2:11 (Page 2) Aliens and Religion ![]() ![]() ![]() |