Skepticism and Cries of the Abducted
2 Corinthians 2:11
The Aliens (Satan's kingdom of cloned "children") were physically created by the Fallen Angels in their wayward image. Fallen Angels that were once Angels were not created by God with the make-up to procreate to birth children of their own like mankind can. They can only reproduce imaged "children" through a wayward science known as... cloning.
In that God created His Children to manifest His Image and Existence in the universe, the Fallen Angels did likewise create their "children" in an effort to reflect an image of themselves within the universe, to fulfill their desire to be like God. These "children" that the Fallen Angels created are introduced to wayward individuals as... Aliens (also referred to as Extraterrestrials). The Aliens seek the knowledge of God's creativity of the Soul. The Soul is the vehicle to exist eternally, and has only been afforded to mankind created by God in His Image. The Aliens see mankind as the most favorable device and apparatus for gaining information concerning a Soul. The Aliens do abduct (and experiment on) wayward individuals against their will in hopes of finding the secret to God's creativity of the Soul. The Aliens know without a Soul they have no means by which to live eternally. Skeptics do justice to the truth in many cases. But it is also true that many hard core skeptics do allow their skepticism to take over their lives, and thoughts so deeply that they end-up becoming blinded to reality, even to making skepticism their good, and reality their evil. The blindness of many skeptics is like many of the religious leaders of old amongst the Jews that denied the very Messianic Existence of Jesus Christ, even when He was fulfilling Prophecy written thousands of years earlier right before their eyes. The modern day skeptics do, want, and will seek to deny the existence of UFO's, or Aliens, even if it is displayed right before their eyes. No matter what is said or done, the hard-core skeptic will find a way to be skeptical of the occurrence. Hard-core skeptics make skepticism their religion. Many become like certain religious fanatics that choose to ignore the reality of truth in favor of their desired reality. Whether it actually exists, or whether it is right or wrong does not matter to them. Wayward individuals that have not met, or spoken with Aliens personally and physically can become very easily led to blindly or skeptically believe them, their intentions, or what is taking place is something other than what it is. Wayward individuals that have no understanding of scientific knowledge can become very easily led to become blinded enough to believe them, their intentions, or what is taking place is something other than what it is. Wayward individuals that have allowed their deep realization of scientific knowledge to persuade them to believe them, their intentions, or what is taking place is something other than what it is. Wayward individuals that are not stout-hearted Christians can become very easily led to become blinded enough to believe them, their intentions, or what is taking place is something other than what it is. Wayward individuals that question the reality of God can become very easily led to believe them, their intentions, or what is taking place is something other than what it is. Wayward individuals that have no understanding of reason, or purpose unto God can become very easily led to believe them, their intentions, or what is taking place is something other than what it is. Wayward individuals that do not mind being a slave, or even an animal, and not a specially created being of, and by God can become very easily led to believe them, their intentions, or what is taking place is something other than what it is. Wayward individuals that have not met Aliens, or spoken with them personally and physically are skeptic the most. Wayward individuals that have not deep scientific knowledge or logics do stupidly accept them. Wayward individuals that are not Christians can become more easily led to believe them to be something other than what they are. Wayward individuals that question the reality of God can become more easily led to believe them to be good. Wayward individuals that have no understanding of reason or purpose unto God often are easily misled to seek reason and purpose in them. Wayward individuals that do not mind playing the part of a slave, or even an animal, and not a specially created being of God do easily look to them as being like gods that could help them and their general race. One can only be skeptical of the Aliens, or their abduction of individuals when their survival needs are being met. Those wayward individuals that have actually seen an Alien, or have actually been abducted by Aliens are not skeptical, because they have their survival needs tampered with. Many wayward individuals are often found to extend their wayward blindness in putting forth views that are most skeptical of other individuals that do believe in Aliens, or that have actually been abducted by Aliens. This skepticism mainly comes from wayward individuals that have never seen an Alien, neither have they ever been abducted by Aliens. They can afford to speculate with much skepticism on the abduction of individuals by Aliens, because their survival needs have not been tampered with. This is like one individual telling another individual what the taste of ice cream is like when they have never eaten ice cream. Many skeptical wayward individuals do not see any reason for believing in the existence of Aliens, the abductions undertaken, nor of any evils that do take place during many abductions. Even to consider the claims made by thousands of their communal members that they have been abducted by Aliens to be totally absurd. Mainly because:
• They have not been abducted by Aliens.
• Have not had Aliens experiment on them. • Do not know anyone personally that has actually been abducted by Aliens. • Do not know anyone personally that has been experimented on by Aliens. It does become viewed as unbelievable, or even absurd for skeptics. The Aliens fully realize this, and do intentionally cause, or induce such endeavors for pure play to promote disinformation within these considered absurdities. Many skeptical wayward individuals believe that those members within their communities that do make abduction claims do hold internal contradictions concerning their abduction accounts. If the individual is actually an Abductee, then the trauma combined with the experience is such that they can neither comprehend, nor fully co-relate that experience within the order and structure of their everyday life. Contradictions then sometimes do take place. Many skeptical wayward individuals believe that those members within their communities do make abduction claims where the logics and narrative construction of those abduction accounts seem questionable. Some for one reason, or another do indeed lie concerning their abduction experience, but most Abductees are telling the Truth. Sadly, many skeptical wayward individuals believe that most members within their communities that do make abduction claims by Aliens are out and out liars. Mainly because:
• They do not have to overcome the emotional reality of their abduction.
• They do not have to overcome the emotional reality of being experimented on by Aliens. • They do not know anyone that has had to overcome the emotional reality of an Alien abduction. • They do not know anyone that has had to overcome the emotional reality of being experimented upon by Aliens. They do not comprehend, nor fully co-relate the emotional reality of an Alien abduction. Nor can they sight that such emotional response is a natural, or self induced conditioning undertaken by the Abductees in having to face the unbelievable & helplessness of the abduction experience, especially within the order and structure of everyday life. The Aliens fully realize this, and do intentionally cause for such emotional reality to become induced within many Abductees for pure play, or just to promote disinformation. Many skeptical wayward individuals that have never had such experiences, or encounters would prefer to believe the abducted are experiencing some kind of personal psychological hysteria built more upon imagination than reality, because they for one reason, or another are fearful of such a reality. Such wayward individuals:
• Have never been kidnapped, or abducted against their will by a being not of this world.
• Have never been subjected to physically experimentations against their will by a being not of this world. • Have never been subject to having their body physically violated against their will by a being not of this world. • Have never been subject to having physical harm caused to their body against their will by a being not of this world. • Have never been subject to having another being not of this world physically violate and abuse their body against their will. • Have never been subject to having another being not of this world mentally violate and abuse their mind against their will. • Have never been subject to having another being not of this world cause a lifetime of mental, or physical anguish against their will. • Have never been subject to having to be left with a lifetime of physical, or mental scars applied against their will by a being not of this world. Wayward individuals should be more skeptical of Aliens than those that have been abducted, or misused by the Aliens. If they don't, they will become more blinded, and eventually enslaved by children of the Fallen Angels (Aliens). Sadly, individuals from wayward planetary societies do often see many of their planetary members become kidnapped, go through physical and mental misuse, enslaved, or even become killed before they fully, or truly believe it's truth. Wayward individuals do not want to be forced to face the reality, or the Truth of Alien abductions occurring to their communal members because of their tolerance of & towards sin. At the same time, facing the reality, or the Truth of Alien abductions occurring to their communal members would greatly, or possibly change their immediate perceptions of their existence, life, or livelihood within, or towards themselves. The cries of those individuals that are abducted and forced to have terrifying experiences centering around pain and degradation, do become greatly ignored. The general government does ignore the cries of the abducted, because it is sanctioned, or implemented by their leadership. It's either:
• Due to their uncaring of, or for the abduction phenomenon.
The cries of the abducted will continue to be ignored by the general government until it is too late to do anything about them.• Due to their disregard of, or for the abduction phenomenon. • Due to their ignorance of, or for the abduction phenomenon. • Due to their indifferent of, or for the abduction phenomenon. • Due to their apathy toward the individuals involved in the abduction phenomenon. • Due to their disbelief in the abduction phenomenon. • Due to their participation in the abduction phenomenon. The general public does ignore the cries of the abducted, because they do not want to be forced to face the reality or the Truth. Such would greatly and possibly change their immediate perceptions, existence, life, or livelihood within or towards themselves. Individuals upon wayward planetary societies are already blinded to God. They often ignore the sins that take place within their everyday world, or lives. They may feel sorry, but they often grow to points (because of sin) where they would rather not seek to concern themselves with any grave sin that does not involve them. The cries of the abducted will continue to be ignored by the general public until it is too late to do anything about them. The general public will look upon them as liars, or insane because:
• They have not been abducted, and they do not personally realize the pain Abductees often are force to go through.
• They are blinded by social, or even moral misgivings, so are they blinded to the true realization and reality of the occurrence. • They are blinded by their self worth, so are they blinded to the actual possibility. • They have become blinded by the things of this world, so are they blinded to the things not of this world. The general public does not want to be forced to face:
• The reality, or the Truth surrounding the Aliens.
The general religious institutions of earth do ignore the cries of the abducted, because they do not want to be forced to face the reality, or the Truth. • The reality, or the Truth of who the Aliens actually are. • The reality, or the Truth of what the Aliens are doing. • The reality, or the Truth of what all the information concerning the Aliens does, or will mean for them immediately, or for their future communities. Such would greatly and possibly change their immediate perceptions, existence, life, or livelihood towards Good and evil, or even of/in their view of a God. The cries of the abducted will continue to be ignored by the general religious institutions until it is too late to do anything about them. The Christian Church does ignore the cries of the abducted, because they do not want to be forced to face the reality, or the Truth. Such would not only greatly and possibly change the Church's immediate perceptions, existence, life, or livelihood towards the Deity of Jesus Christ, but also the Church. The cries of the abducted will continue to be ignored by the Christian Church until it is too late to do anything about them. The Aliens enjoy the feeling that those cries give them, and they coldly seek to study those cries of the abducted. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |